Broken bluetooth (fix?)

Just today, I purchased a Sandberg Mini Bluetooth Keyboard, HID and everything. Now, my Playbook has no troubles finding the thing. It, however, drops the keyboard at random intervals, from a few seconds to, when serendipity smiles upon me, an entire minute.
The keyboard is fine; even with my most scrutinous googling, I could not find a single complaint about its connectivity.
Then I went looking for info on potential problems with the Playbook's Bluetooth. Oh boy. Seems like everyone and their mothers have had problems with Bluetooth keyboards on the Playbook. So, the problem rests with the tablet.
I don't want to have to buy the pricy official keyboard. I bought the Playbook because I figured I could do with fewer apps, in exchange for rugged, business like *reliability*. So, my question is this: is there a fix? I'm not talking about some future update, I found a thread back from 2011 were one was promised. My Playbook is fully updated; I checked not half an hour ago. In case there isn't a *concrete* solution, does anyone know a good 7" Android tablet? I've been eyeing an Asus. It looks so... functional.

You don't say what you have done to try to isolate the problem.
I don't know your particular keyboard and don't know if that brand has compatibility problems with a PlayBook, but I can make some basic suggestions with respect to troubleshooting..
Do you have problems on your PlayBook with any other paired Bluetooth device?  Is your keyboard fully charged?  Are there any removable batteries that could be weak or corroded contacts giving intermittent or weak performance?  Does your device show up on the list of saved Bluetooth connections/paired devices?  Have you tried to see what the Bluetooth indicator on the top of the PlayBook shows while you type?  Are there any other Bluetooth devices nearby sending an interrupting signal that in effect boots your keyboard off?  Have you tried to pair the keyboard with another Bluetooth device such as a different brand of tablet or a laptop?  If so is it fully reliable?
PlayBook 64GB and 32 GB

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    it sounds logical but reading through the forums it is clear that fixing is important.
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    Well said John.
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    Yes. No matter if it's an iPhone, an iPad, or a Mac, they will request the password or passcode so they can make sure that the repair is completely done. This is typical of any computer repair shop and not unique to Apple. If you are ever really concerned about what they will find, run a backup on your computer, reset the device to factory settings, take it in for the repair, then restore your backup once the repair is complete.

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    2) Sell it on eBay as "parts". Maybe somebody's kid pried off a key on their keyboard, and they're willing to pay me $10 for replacement keys instead of buying a whole new keyboard.
    3) Replace the corroded membrane with a new one. This would give me a working keyboard, but I don't know where to get a membrane (unless I buy another keyboard, of course).
    Any suggestions?

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    Has anyone had anything like this? These doc's are all new and were just created with a lot of work put into them over the last week. Don't want to have to recreate. Thanks in advance for any help on this.

    Do you have multiple layers?
    And if so, is "Paste Remembers Layers" checked?

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    This issue can be caused by corrupted cookies or cookies that are blocked.
    *check the permissions on the about:permissions page and in "Tools > Page Info > Permissions"
    Clear the cache and remove cookies only from websites that cause problems.
    "Clear the Cache":
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Advanced > Network > Cached Web Content: "Clear Now"
    "Remove Cookies" from sites causing problems:
    *Firefox/Tools > Options > Privacy > "Use custom settings for history" > Cookies: "Show Cookies"

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    I noticed slowdowns with Firefox and Thunderbird as well, hopefully disabling the proxy will fix that issue as well.
    Here's my proxy.pac file:
    function FindProxyForURL( url, host ) {
    if( shExpMatch( host, "*.local" ) ) {
    return "DIRECT";
    } else if( url.substring( 0, 6 ) == "https:" ) {
    return "DIRECT";
    } else if( isInNet( myIpAddress(), "", "" ) ) {
    return "PROXY10.0.0.12:3128";
    } else if( isInNet( myIpAddress(), "", "" ) ) {
    // It's there somewhere..."
    return "DIRECT";
    return "DIRECT";

    grags wrote:
    Thanks for the thoughts.
    I'll look through both your suggestions.  It's not really what I'd call a split library, as the /media/music/... folder structure contains both the music files themselves and the iTunes Library folder.
    If the folder with the library files (normally iTunes) contains the designated media folder (normally iTunes Media) which in turn contains all media, including any iOS apps and clickwheel games, in any structure you like, then the library is portable. If it doesn't meet the criteria then it is split. Portability comes from the relative relationship between library location and media folder location. iTunes will adjust for a similar change in the root path to both that happens simultaneously, but otherwise expects media to remain on exactly the same path each time it runs.
    In context it would seem as if /media is your current media folder in which case moving the library files (see the tip) up to the root of the drive would make the library portable, if not consistent with the common names for the folders. Having accessed the library database at /iTunes Library.itl you should find that you can now close iTunes, change /media to /iTunes Media and reopen without breaking the library. You should then be able to close iTunes, create a new empty folder /iTunes, move the library files and media folder inside /iTunes and access the library at /iTunes/iTunes Library.itl. This would now be a completely portable library with standard names for the principal folders.
    iTunes for Windows doesn't provide access to the last known path of missing files so it isn't possible to use a simple string replacement technique to fix things up. If you were to use my script you'd probably need to run it against the media folders; Artists, Pop, Rock, etc. in turn, looking for the content located within each.

Maybe you are looking for