Broken Permissions

Upon installing Snow Leopard my administrator privileges have been removed. I erased my harddrive and did a full install. I have everything backed up. However, I can no longer install or uninstall programs, make any changes on my computer, or anything of the sort. Permissions were ok for about two hours after install then randomly stopped working while I was re-installing my programs. I am the only user on this computer and under my user account it still says I am an administrator but I cannot click on the lock to make changes.
How can I reset my permissions without doing another complete system restore?

I have exactly the same problem!

Similar Messages

  • More broken permissions with 10.5.7.

    Is anyone else concerned about the growing list of broken permissions? Apple tells us to ignore them. I was hoping 10.5.7 would have fixed this, but now there are more that can't be repaired. What is going on?

    I don't know if the problem is in the installer or the Library/Receipts/*.bom files but on my system the "unrepairable" permissions seem to take the following form:
    ... Permissions differ on ".../Contents/CodeResources", should be -rw-rw-r-- , they are lrw-rw-r--
    In this case 'CodeResources' is really a symbolic link to "_CodeResources/CodeResources" and it's the "l" qualifier that's causing the problem. I was willing to devote the time necessary to permanently eliminate these distractions while providing an easy way to track my changes.
    My fix involved the following steps _while in the offending 'Contents/' directory_:
    step #1 - change the symlink name so it's never again checked by Disk Utility
    sudo /bin/mv -iv CodeResources zCodeResorces
    step #2 - copy the real CodeResources into the 'Contents/' directory, note the trailing '.' (dot)
    sudo /bin/cp -vp _CodeResources/CodeResources .
    (it should already have the proper permissions of '-rw-rw-r--')
    I also updated the locate.database
    sudo periodic weekly
    so that I could immediately track my changes with the following:
    locate zCodeResource
    I still consider this one-time investment very worthwhile when weighed against the otherwise disconcerting recurring 'Verify/Repair Disk Permissions' results.

  • Broken Permissions in File Sharing

    Hello -- When I attempt to share files from my Mac Mini (running 10.6.8), the permissions set in the File Sharing settings are not enforced (permissions).
    For testing purposes, I simply created two users and gave user 1 permission to a folder share. But when user 2 authenticates, that user has full read/write permissions to the folder.
    I did a quick screen capture demonstrating this (only 1minute long video). Make sure it is full screen and in a HD setting so you can see the user names and other details.
    I very much want to comission my old Mac Mini to be a local file server, but if all share permissions are going to be broken, well that's pretty sad. I would use strictly AFP, but I have two clients on the network here that need SMB shares.

    Anyone with a thought/idea?
    I can't believe the sharing permissions are so broken.

  • Broken permissions in Terminal

    Hi everybody,
    lately, I had to work a lot in the terminal. One problem I encounter all the time is that many applications (such as apt-get) don't work because they don't have the permission to operate on certain files. chmod doesn't work either because it tells me I'm not allowed to change the permissions for those specific files. And sudo tells me I supplied the wrong password. What is wrong here? Is the root password different from my admin password on MacOS X?
    I tried to repair the permissions with the Disk Utility, but it didn't work either.

    Yes, the root password is different from your admin password. When you want to start an root process, you can use: sudo process adminpassword. Or make a root shell with: sudo su adminpassword. Sudo allows you, to execute root processes with your uid.
    But when you use su (substitute user). You must have the user root with the rootpassword.

  • HD Not Accessible to Repair Permissions

    Hello. I hope you can help me isolate the error that is keeping my Intel iMac G5 from booting properly. I’m running 10.4.
    It froze after I’d been backing up onto DVD/dumping old data (about 20GB worth). Whenever I tried restarting the screen would freeze on the grey apple logo, sometimes with the swirly icon.
    When I ran Disk Utility off the install disk at first it indicated “error detected” on mass storage, but later said it was fine. But I could not run Repair successfully (I kept getting "repair failed" messages), and the Repair Disk Permissions button was not accessible (greyed out).
    I could not startup in safe mode. And if I tried to restart in DU the only option was a Network (which I'm not hooked up to).
    Once I got a Kernal panic screen but most of the time it was just a grey apple with the fan hitting 900 rpm.
    Finally I ran DiskWarrior and in 15 minutes it had cleaned out and rebuilt my HD. I thought I was home clear.
    However, even though Disk Utility now says my HD is fine, it still does not allow me to Repair Disk Permissions - the option is greyed out. And if I boot up pressing Option to select a Startup Disk, the rebuilt drive is not one of them.
    It appears my /Library/Receipts folder is empty.
    What’s more, if I try to run an admin command in Terminal, like
    sudo diskutil repairPermissions /
    I get the message:
    -bash: sudo: command not found
    In fact, any way I try typing sudo I get a “command not found” message, even if I try to run other command like chmod.
    When I type:
    I get
    Users: command not found.
    So I typed:
    Echo $PATH
    And get
    I’m not sure at this point whether the fact that the DiskWarrior-rebuilt drive doesn’t show up among Startup options (when I boot with option key) is because of missing/broken permissions; an empty /Library/Receipts folder; missing users; or a missing path.
    Any and all help is appreciated. Thank you.

    Oy. I purchased an external drive and began installing Mac OSX onto it, so that I could then migrate all files from the unbootable hard drive before running an Archive & Install. That part seemed to go smoothly. But a few problems have emerged:
    1. Though I was prompted to keep Disk 2 of the install ready, it never asked me for it, even though I ran the installation 2 or 3 times. Consequently while I can select the external drive when booting up command-S, I can only see Install window, Disk Utility or Terminal windows - never a desktop, preferences drop down, help menu, finder, all the things I'd typically see when launching my machine. Is this normal? Is there a way to force it to install only disk 2 if it has things it needs for full bootable GUI / access?
    2. Booting up with the install disk, in disk utility I can see both drives but still cannot repair permissions on my affected HD. I tried via Terminal (repairPermissions, chmod or chown) commands; I keep getting error messages (command not found).
    3. Switching cd / to my new drive in Terminal, I was able, I think, to change permissions (755) but when I open Disk Utility the drive is still not writable and "Repair Disk Permissions" is still grayed out.
    4. I could not open Migration Assistant on the new drive via Disk Utility, so I copied it from the HD into its own folder on the new one, but am really confused about the whole Disk Image thing. If I create a new disk image and try to open it, convert or checksum it, it still is grayed out, I can never just open it. I tried running commands in Terminal to run that application on the external drive, pointing to the new folder, to the .app, to the contents, .dmg, and no commands seem to work, I keep getting the command not found message.
    If I just run the A&I, I fear I'll lose my data which is why I wanted to migrate everything over before I did so. But if the user / owner permissions are screwed up and the only way to fix them is A&I, I don't know what else to do.
    Is there ANY way to boot from the install, run Migration Assistant from the external drive (either through Disk Utility or Terminal) and copy all files from HD? If not, I guess I'll have to cross fingers and A&I.
    Gee, I used to love my Mac ...

  • File System Permissions Don't Allow "Staff" Group

    This is just one of the many frustrations I've been having with my new Macbook Retina. I've had a macbook for 2.5 years at home, and it seems in the context of a corporate environment, Mac's are incredibly frustrating. Not to go on a rant (which I inevitably will anyway), I'll just focus on the latest problem I have.
    I need to get files off of my Macbook from other machines on the network and home; some of these machines are Windows whilst some are Mac's. The problem I have is that often the permissions in my home directory are screwed. I've never touched permissions, but for some reason, some of my folders like my "Download" folder have had the "staff" group removed from them, so no domain admins are able to access my files in these directories. This would typically be a minor issue as I'd just change the permissions back to how they should be, but frustratingly, the "Staff" group apparently does not exist according to the People and Group picker.
    This is obviously one of those many problems that arise from the fact that Apple's thin user-friendly veneer over unix isn't very solid. The amount of inconsistancies between concepts presented by the user-friendly UI and what's actually happening under the hood can make this operating system a nightmare to use.
    Now, I intended to submit this via Apple's bug reporter website, but it won't load as usual. To be honest, I wonder if anyone at Apple even know that they have a bug reports website as they don't seem to attend to any bug reports or make sure it's working.
    It's a terrible feeling being at the mercy of a company like Apple that don't seem to care a great deal about their customers. In this regard, they're no different to their archrival Microsoft.
    Anyway, in my research it seems Apple's half-way through phasing out the staff group. I say half-way, because it's still the default group used by user-owned files and directories, and there doesn't seem to be any replacement. Does anyone know what group I should be using instead of the "staff" group, or otherwise how to add the staff group to these directories with broken permissions?

    I have never had to mess around with permissions in the Get Info window, but there are other ways.
    Do you have access to the other computers onto which you need to move files? Can you mount those folders on your MBP? If so, you could copy those files over from your Mac.
    Can the other users see your Public folder (in your User directory)? You could make files available there for copying by others.
    You can go to System Prefs/Sharing and add Shared Folders. (By the way, I'm assuming File Sharing is on, and in Options "Share files and folders using SMB" is checked.)
    Hope this helps.

  • Adding permissions at top level folder

    Let's say your top-level folder is d:\filestore\   You add Domain Admins to it with Full Control.
    If the sub-folders have maintained inheritance of the perms from that folder then you're good. 
    However, if any of the subfolders have broken permissions, either by removing all permission and adding new ones or by copying the permissions and adding additional ones, then you're kinda screwed. Enforcing inheritance of the perms from your top level folder on that mess will almost certainly obliterate the existing permissions.
    If you're semi-lucky you might be get away with finding a number of folders that you can apply the perms to that will then propagate to the rest.
    If you're really unlucky, and it sounds like you are, then you may have to apply the permissions to many individual folders. 

    I have just migrated to a new 2012 R2 server and have my AD and file server on separate VM's.  The previous server had the local Administrators group listed, but now I need to add the Domain Admins group to the top level of the folder tree and have that pass down throughout all other folders.  But I don't want it to overwrite the existing permissions.  Is there any way to do this?
    The folder structure is insane and I want to redo it a better way, but that will take time and the OK from management.  There are so many "individual" users added to many folders that it is currently impossible to keep track of.  
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

  • Repair Permissions and they don't repair

    Everytime I repair permissions using the disk utility it says that the permissions are repaired, but then I click to verify permissions and it is all as it was before... What can I do?

    yes, the problem is that the file permissions are very odd. It all started when I migrated the files from one mac to another, the permissions shown are like this:
    That first everyone is a broken permissions and the disk utility never fix it. I have to authenticate to delete this files and it is boring me a lot.
    If i change that first everyone to whatever privilege it is, the file is "fixed" but it would involve changing like five thousand times, and it will not be pleasant.
    I read this article: but i havent understood much.
    can somebody help me?

  • Aperture requests serial number after every reboot due to improper permissions on ProAppsSystemID

    Background: if Aperture doesn't have write access to /Library/Application Support/ProApps/ProAppsSystemID then it continually prompts for registration information, and stores it in /tmp/ProAppsSystemID. On restart this tmp file is removed, and thus re-requested every time.
    The resolution for this issue is to:
    open Aperture and re-enter your registration / serial number (for the last time)
    close Aperture
    Execute these commands in your terminal:
    mv /tmp/ProAppsSystemID ~/Library/Application\ Support/Aperture
    sudo rm /Library/Application\ Support/ProApps/ProAppsSystemID
    sudo ln -s ~/Library/Application\ Support/Aperture/ProAppsSystemID \
      /Library/Application\ Support/ProApps/ProAppsSystemID
    restart Aperture
    What we are doing here is replacing the actual license file with a link to the same file where we can write to it.
    Question: why is this required? Files like this should be stored in ~/Library/... or created only during registration, with admin prompt, and then read only from then on.

    Thanks Leonie,
    Your replies on this issue elsewhere lead me to the solution.
    The issue is that the *installer* doesn't require write access, but actually Aperture itself, every time it runs. That's crazy given I'm not changing the licence every time. The upgrade to Aperture came via the App Store, so I'm at a loss why it requires these broken unix permissions to run *every* time.
    User differs on “Library/Application Support/ProApps”; should be 0; user is 502.
    If you use disk utility to repair permissions, it will fix these broken permissions, and again Aperture will prompt you for licence information every time. So Apple needs to fix this, and store the licences where everybody else does in /Library/Preferences and fix their application to use read-only permissions on startup.
    This might vary on how the application was installed, maybe the full App Store release doesn't do this any longer.
    I don't have a Library/ProApps folder, and I don't run my mac users with Admin permissions by default, it's a classic security risk. I guess this is why you're not seeing this issue.

  • Permissions and constant spinning ball after Upgrade

    Hey Guys,
    I upgraded to Snow Leopard last thursday and ever since I get the spinning ball when I try to execute more complex file operations.
    - Unpacking a large (1,8GB+) with stuffit -> spinning ball and freezes for more than 5 minutes
    - Deleting a lot of files (2,4 million) -> complete freeze, woke up after 45 minutes
    I checked with the permissions and it fixed 50+ broken permissions plus it is unable to fix two warnings: "the suid-file .. was changed and will not be fixed"
    The diskcheck utility discovered no problem with the drive.
    Further symptoms include:
    Firefox makes the system freeze for minutes on end.
    Mail crashes without warning.. system freeze ensues.
    All these problems only came up after the upgrade to snow leopard.
    I am thinking of doing a time machine rollback to leopard.
    Any Ideas?

    Hi All,
    I am having this problem too! Whenever I try to launch any application, the rainbow ball will show up and keep spinning until 'no respond' from the application. Then I have to use Force Quit to quit the application.
    I have tried to reinstall Snow Leopard but it does not help. Same problem persist.
    Now, I have no other choice but to reinstall Leopard and see how it goes.
    Really a waste of time! Even updated to 10.6.1 also did not rectify the problem.
    Hope APPLE will do something about this ASAP.

  • Office 2013 latest update broke new profile creation on all network computers

    Reporting a bug here!
    Setup details:
    We're using samba 3 as our backend and all workstation are Windows 7 Pro x64.
    Office 2013 Home and Business Retail (en-us) Click 2 Run version
    Deployed to the whole network of one of our client using the Office Deployement Tool.
    We update their base update (no updates) to the latest update 15.0.4569.1508
    Everything was working alright after initial Office 2013 installation with no updates. After updating the all the PCs to the latest version as of 31/03/2014, the user profile creation broke for newly created user.
    Symptoms and causes:
    Trying to log on as a new user on the machine would give the following error on Logon before automatically loging off because it cannot copy the following file to the new user profile:
    D:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\Bici\_00.sqm
    D:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\Bici\_01.sqm
    D:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\Bici\_02.sqm
    The Bici folder has Read and Execute permissions for everyone but the _XX.sqm files inside only have permissions (Full Control) for SYSTEM and Administrators and LOCAL SERVICE with the all permissions EXCEPT:
    I gave "everyone" Read and Execute permission on those files and the new user could log in and his profile got created alright.
    The files with broken permissions time stamp shows they've been modified during the Office 2013 update and Bici seems to be a OneDrive related service. This bug should get fixed ASAP.
    Event log error:
    Windows cannot copy file \\?\D:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\Bici\_01.sqm to location \\?\D:\Users\TEMP\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\Bici\_01.sqm. This error may be caused by network problems or insufficient security rights.
     DETAIL - Access is denied.
    - <Event xmlns="">
    - <System>
      <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-User Profiles General" Guid="{DB00DFB6-29F9-4A9C-9B3B-1F4F9E7D9770}" />
      <TimeCreated SystemTime="2014-04-04T07:15:51.922563800Z" />
      <Correlation />
      <Execution ProcessID="940" ThreadID="1764" />
      <Security UserID="S-1-5-21-1582357797-4105456612-768596941-1206" />
    - <EventData Name="EVENT_COPYERROR">
      <Data Name="Source">\\?\D:\Users\Default\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\Bici\_01.sqm</Data>
      <Data Name="Target">\\?\D:\Users\TEMP\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows Live\Bici\_01.sqm</Data>
      <Data Name="Error">Access is denied.</Data>

    Hi dude,
    I appreciate that your sharing your experience and solution here. And, I would report it through our internal channel. Thanks again. 
    Tony Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • My 2011 Imac 27" has been crashing and running very erratically and slowly. The only change has been the update to 10.8.1, I will paste the consol kernal panic report.  Is there a software conflict?

    Hi, first time posting on the forum. I own a 2011 IMAC i5 with 12gb of ram 27 inch. Over the last five days the computer has been crashing and running very erratically. When the computer has crashed the entire computer has become unresponsive and frozen, requiring a reboot or two. At other times the computer has slowed way down and the dreaded spinning beachball has appeared and the computer takes its sweet time trying to process something. Iphoto has also crashed independently when the beahball will not disappear. THE entire system is running way below its usual stellar quad performance. I have run a ram test and everything has come back clean, I have fixed any broken permissions, and deleted any newly added software (starcraft2). There is over 250Gb of hard drive free and the activity monitor shows no unusual processes. The computer automatically updated it self recently to 10.8.1 has this caused a conflict with some software? Or is there a deeper problem?
    Below are the console reports. There are also reports for unversalaccessd  ,  mdworker, Isregister, loginwindow, iphoto, DMproxy which can be supplied.
    Thanks for any help.
    Interval Since Last Panic Report:  337136 sec
    Panics Since Last Report:          1
    Anonymous UUID:                
    Sun Aug 12 20:59:17 2012
    panic(cpu 3 caller 0xffffff80118b7b95): Kernel trap at 0xffffff801183fbea, type 14=page fault, registers:
    CR0: 0x0000000080010033, CR2: 0x0000000000000010, CR3: 0x00000000bddec000, CR4: 0x0000000000000660
    RAX: 0xffffff8011e8eb04, RBX: 0x0000000000000000, RCX: 0xffffff8011e8eb00, RDX: 0x0000000000000000
    RSP: 0xffffff817272bd90, RBP: 0xffffff817272bdc0, RSI: 0x00000000533ce620, RDI: 0xffffff802e075618
    R8:  0x000000000002a1d7, R9:  0x0000000000000000, R10: 0xffffff8163066000, R11: 0x0000000000000201
    R12: 0xffffff802e075618, R13: 0xffffff802e075620, R14: 0xffffff8048c3af58, R15: 0x0000000000000001
    RFL: 0x0000000000010082, RIP: 0xffffff801183fbea, CS:  0x0000000000000008, SS:  0x0000000000000010
    Fault CR2: 0x0000000000000010, Error code: 0x0000000000000000, Fault CPU: 0x3
    Backtrace (CPU 3), Frame : Return Address
    0xffffff817272ba30 : 0xffffff801181d5f6
    0xffffff817272baa0 : 0xffffff80118b7b95
    0xffffff817272bc70 : 0xffffff80118ce4ad
    0xffffff817272bc90 : 0xffffff801183fbea
    0xffffff817272bdc0 : 0xffffff801181a32a
    0xffffff817272be50 : 0xffffff801184f990
    0xffffff817272be80 : 0xffffff8011820abd
    0xffffff817272beb0 : 0xffffff8011810448
    0xffffff817272bf00 : 0xffffff80118195fb
    0xffffff817272bf70 : 0xffffff80118a5ad6
    0xffffff817272bfb0 : 0xffffff80118ced13
    BSD process name corresponding to current thread: ScreenSaverEngin
    Mac OS version:
    Kernel version:
    Darwin Kernel Version 12.0.0: Sun Jun 24 23:00:16 PDT 2012; root:xnu-2050.7.9~1/RELEASE_X86_64
    Kernel UUID: 8D5F8EF3-9D12-384B-8070-EF2A49C45D24
    Kernel slide:     0x0000000011600000
    Kernel text base: 0xffffff8011800000
    System model name: iMac11,3 (Mac-F2238BAE)
    System uptime in nanoseconds: 213783527015426
    last loaded kext at 26227504573982:    4.1.21 (addr 0xffffff7f93a52000, size 16384)
    last unloaded kext at 26341760265155:    4.1.21 (addr 0xffffff7f93a52000, size 12288)
    loaded kexts:
    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetAdp    4.1.6
    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxNetFlt    4.1.6
    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxUSB    4.1.6
    org.virtualbox.kext.VBoxDrv    4.1.6
    com.Cycling74.driver.Soundflower    1.5.1    10.0    7.0.0    1.8    1.9.5d0    75.15    3.0    4.0.9f8    100.12.69    122    2.3.0f2    4.0.9f8    1.60    1.0.0d1    7.0.0    3.2.6    3.5.10    2.3.0f2    170.2.3    8.0.0    1.0.0    1.6.0    1.0.33    1.0.0    320.15    3.1.0    1.0.0d1    1.0.0d1    34    3.5.1    404    2.2.0    4.9.5    5.1.6    600.70.23    3.2.5b3    2.4.0    5.1.5    1.6.1    1.5    1.6    1.7    1.9    1.6    1.6    196.0.0    4.0.39    2    196.0.0    1.0    165.5    165.5    4.0.9f8    235.27    1.0    10.0.6    2.3.0f2    4.0.9f8    1.8.9fc9    1.6    86.0.2    4.0.9f8    2.2.5    3.2.6    1.0.4    1.0.10d0    3.1.3d11    1.0.0    2.3.0f2    2.3.0f2    5.2.0d16    1.0.10d0    19.0.26    2.3.4    8.0.0    8.0.0    2.3.4    5.0.0    3.5.1    3.5.0    5.1.5    5.0.0    3.5.1    1.7    1.7.1    1.7.1    2.5.0    3.5.1    4.5.5    5.0.0    500.15    1.0.2b1    3.0    2.2.0    5.1.6    1.6.1    1.8.0    1.1    220    1.0.0d1    7    344    1.8    28.18    1.6    2.7    1.4    1.0
    System Profile:
    Model: iMac11,3, BootROM IM112.0057.B01, 4 processors, Intel Core i5, 2.8 GHz, 12 GB, SMC 1.59f2
    Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5750, ATI Radeon HD 5750, PCIe, 1024 MB
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54313235533654465238432D48392020
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 2 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x80AD, 0x484D54313235533654465238432D48392020
    Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM1, 4 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x859B, 0x435435313236344243313333392E4D313646
    Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM1, 4 GB, DDR3, 1333 MHz, 0x859B, 0x435435313236344243313333392E4D313646
    AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x168C, 0x8F), Atheros 9280:
    Bluetooth: Version 4.0.9f8 10405, 2 service, 18 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
    Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en1
    Serial ATA Device: ST31000528AS, 1 TB
    Serial ATA Device: PIONEER DVD-RW  DVRTS09
    USB Device: hub_device, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2514, 0xfa100000 / 2
    USB Device: External HDD, 0x1058  (Western Digital Technologies, Inc.), 0x0900, 0xfa140000 / 5
    USB Device: Internal Memory Card Reader, apple_vendor_id, 0x8403, 0xfa120000 / 4
    USB Device: BRCM2046 Hub, 0x0a5c  (Broadcom Corp.), 0x4500, 0xfa110000 / 3
    USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller, apple_vendor_id, 0x8215, 0xfa111000 / 6
    USB Device: hub_device, 0x0424  (SMSC), 0x2514, 0xfd100000 / 2
    USB Device: IEEE-1284 Controller, 0x067b  (Prolific Technology, Inc.), 0x2305, 0xfd140000 / 5
    USB Device: Built-in iSight, apple_vendor_id, 0x8502, 0xfd110000 / 4
    USB Device: IR Receiver, apple_vendor_id, 0x8242, 0xfd120000 / 3

    Update Soundflower to the most recent version. You have an unsupported edition. g&can=2&q=

  • Time Machine repeatedly does full backups, including FileVault while logged in

    So let me preface this - for months I'd hoped for a way that Time Machine could backup my FileVault encrypted account without logging out.  Last night Snow Leopard spontaneously started doing this.  I know many may think that I'm looking a gift horse in the mouth, but read further and hopefully someone can help me make sense of this.
    Last night I attached my external 1TB USB hard drove to my 15" MBP (spring 2010 model) running OS X 10.6.7.  It started doing a Time Machine backup automatically, as usual.  Since I was logged into my account that uses FileVault (a massive home folder - 220GB) I expected a fast backup of things only outside my home folder.  As i looked at the details, however, i quickly realized that it was backing up all 270GB of data on my hard drive - including my FileVault account while still logged in! 
    At first i thought i just got lucky - i'd been craving this feature for years and it just happened to me without even doing anything.  Curious guy that i am, i logged out of my acct with my USB drive still attached to see what would happen.  After FileVault cleared out space in my home folder, it did _another_ backup, that took about 10 minutes to complete.  This seemed strange so i logged back in and started another backup manually.  To my utter shock, it started doing the whole 270GB over again! 
    I even cleared out my TM drive, erased, reformatted, checked permissions, etc etc and did the same on my system drive, hoping that it was just a matter of broken permissions.  No change.
    So there's two things going on here and i'm pretty concerned about both:
    1) Why is TM backing up my entire encrypted home folder while i'm still logged in??? Apple has clearly designed TM and FV to NOT work this way for data integrity reasons and the fact that it's happening has me freaked out a bit over the reliability of my backups.
    2) Why is TM doing full backups after each time i login to my account?  If i stay logged in, it appears to only do incremental (normal) backups but if i logout, then re-login and allow the hour to pass and let a backup start on its own, it starts the whole 270GB again.
    I'm getting to the point of wiping the system and starting from scratch but since i presently live in a country with no Apple store and extremely poor internet access, that prospect horrifies me
    any ideas?
    many thanks,

    Thanks for the input Pondini -
    I tried deleting the file as mentioned in #A4 and it still had the problem.  Last weekend i finally got a brand new hard drive and reinstalled OSX 10.6.3 from scratch, then promptly applied the 10.6.7 combo update.  I purposely chose to NOT import my old user from backup and instead set up everything again manually (royal pain, but the only way i could be sure that i wouldn't bring the problem with me).  Today i whipped out my TimeMachine drive and set it up for backups.  I crossed my fingers and it AGAIN started backing up all 250+GB of my system from within my FileVault protected account. 
    My wife's MBP is still running 10.6.4 and i'm beginning to wonder if his is an issue with 10.6.7 since i'm relatively certain i didn't experience this before that upgrade. 
    I've checked my wife's exclusions under Options and her home folder is NOT in that list, yet her TM is not attempting to backup everything until she logs out of her FV acct.
    In response to Linc Davis, _yes_ it was backing up my info into a sparsebundle file, not just the raw unencrypted data, which is extremely strange.
    If i DO add my home folder to the exclude list, will it still be backed up when i log out?
    At this point, i'm thinking my next steps are:
    1) try a different TM backup drive, even though i've wiped and checked my current drive numerous times
    2) downgrade to an older version of Snow Leopard to see if 10.6.7 is the culprit
    Any other ideas?

  • Folders on NAS read-only. Can't change

    I have a buffalo linkstation pro duo NAS. It is formatted in XFS.
    It seems that randomly some folders have been changed to read-only, when they were previously read-write. I have one folder that is stuck in a read-only state. The folder contains some files from my XP machine. I wrote these files from the mac to the nas.
    I am trying to delete the folder and cannot. I shutdown the mac, and accessed the NAS though my Windows laptop, and it wont let me take ownership. Any ideas on how to fix?

    I had the same issue and figured out a solution.
    1. Create a folder in your user profile on the mac to mount a network share to. (Example: /chris/mount)
    2. Mount the network share to that folder you just created using this command in Terminal: mount -t smbfs//guest@<BUFFALONAS>/<SHAREDFOLDER> mount (replace <BUFFALONAS> with the IP address or hostname of your buffalo and replace <SHAREDFOLDER> with the smb share on the buffalo)
    3. In Terminal, change into the now locally mounted network share. (Example: cd /chris/mount)
    4. Run the following command in Terminal: chmod -R 777 ./
    **Note: You will get an access denied error on any file that was created by a PC but all the files with "broken" permissions created by a Mac will be fixed.**
    Hope this helps someone out there. I searched for a solution for months before figuring this out.

  • Cloning Snow Leopard machine and then re-installing Lion

    I just purchased a new Mac mini 2.3 ghz, i5, 2GB.  Tried using Migration Assistant and I had a number of broken permissions and the new Mac mini ran a lot slower than my old 2.16 ghz Imac.  The older machine is set up just like I want and runs fast enough for me at this point.  I was thinking of cloning the old machine, overwriting the disk on the new Mac mini and then figuring out how to reinstall Lion to upgrade the operating system back to Lion.  How would I go about getting Lion back on the new Mac mini at that point? Do I have to make a startup copy of it or would I be able to download it from Apple?

    I haven't been able to just download another copy of Lion for my MBP that came with it preinstalled, not considered a purchase for more downloads.
    This question has come up several times and it would be really helpful if you could figure out a way to download a "spare" without having to invoke the internet recovery thingy. I haven't been able to provide a definitive answer, so if you could investigate - possibly check with Apple - and then post the solution, it'd be great! (As an example: out of curiosity and because I have a Genius Bar appointment today and needed to reinstall 10.7.2 for that), I decided to test the USB thumb drive I made this weekend; I also wanted to see if it would work without being connected to the internet. Well, it doesn't - although I turned off WiFi, it turned it back on and downloaded "additional components" for about 15 minutes. Then it installed. When finished, I was only at 10.7, so the additional components were not updates and I had to go through Software Update.
    In any case, there simply has to be a way to reinstall without having internet access - what if you're traveling and/or have a dialup connection only (I heard of one download taking 18 hours). Not being able to reinstall "locally" is my biggest beef with this whole new way of doing things.

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