Browser compatibiilties

I have another question after finally getting 9.0.4 installed on a g3 blue and white mac, the browser that is being used is ie 4.5, this browser is to old to be used and my question is: shouldn't there be a newer browser somewhere on the os9.0.4cd(full install)? and where would it be located? Or is there a different browser I could use and how would I go about getting it? I plan on installing the 9.1 update for classic and installing jaguar.
any suggestions would help.

Hi, Michael K. -
There is a consistency in language codes for software versions. Re the list of IE 5.1.7 browsers -
DE = German
EN = English
ES = Spanish
FR = French
IT = Italian
JP = Japanese
SV = Swedish
You should select the one that matches the native-language version of your OS.
There are a couple of browsers on the OS 0.0.4 Install CD. Look in the folder named Software Installers. You should find a folder in there named Microsoft Explorer, which contains Internet Explorer v. 4.5; and another folder named Netscape Communicator, which contains Netscape v. 4.7.
Both of those versions are quite old, and the older a browser is the greater the probablility of running into a webpage that it can't handle. As time goes by the technology used for webpages has changed (for the better or for the worse is subjective), and older browsers just aren't equipped to handle new coding and features that weren't available when they were released.
A lot of that depends on the publisher (author, coder) of the site - a webpage can be constructed so that it is compliant with many browsers, or only with one or two. It takes more work to build pages that are accessible to more browsers, and not all folk are willing to do that.
Suggest you give the latest IE a try, or another more current browser.
Re Netscape, based on experiences posted in these Discussions it's a good idea to stay away from any Netscape version 6.

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    You can click the 3-bar Firefox menu button and open the Customize window.<br />
    At the bottom of this window there is a button to enable showing the title bar.
    See also:
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    - 1 - AppleWorks will NOT be updated. It will be replaced by iWork.
    - 2 - If you wish, you may attach your file to a mail and send it to:
    koenig then a dot then yvan then an @ then tele2 then a dot then fr
    If you do, I will be able to look if the file is working well on another machine.
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  • Image Browser downloads to wrong folder

    I couldn't find a better category for this question than iPhoto. Sorry if there is one.
    I just got a Canon powershot A630 camera. it's great. I was using iPhoto to download images and that was fine. But I thought the Image Browser software that came with the camera would offer more functionality. And i guess it does but I'm having a lot of difficulties with it.
    I called Canon and spoke with tech support but they just tell me it works for them so it must be my problem. They are using mac 10.4 and I have 10.3.9 so that might be part of it. The Image Browser version is 5.7.
    Here's what happens:
    I have specified under "Preferences" in the "Camera Window" (that comes up when I connect the camera to the computer) for the images to be downloaded to a folder I created called "Powershot A630" which resides in the Pictures folder. The default location for download is that same Pictures folder. And that's where the images go, NOT to the folder I specified.
    I've tried also setting that in the EOS window (which can only be started when the camera is NOT connected to the computer). Still doesn't help.
    The Canon guy ran me through a scenario where I "select" pictures for downloading. In this scenario I get a chance to specify the destination, and in fact, it shows the destination I chose in preferences. And it does download to the correct place. But then, where the Image Browser main window lists "favorite" folders, my destination folder is now listed twice. Not desireable I think.
    At this point, I think I'll just go back to iPhoto, but if anyone has a solution, or other reasons why I should use Image Browser I'd love to hear.
    One more thing. The second Canon guy I talked with took me into "Image capture" utility and had me set the destination folder there. Don't see where that has any bearing on the activity at hand, though.
    Thanks a lot,
    powermac g5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  
    powermac g5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    See my responses (marked "B-") interleaved with your great note...
    I love my Canon Powershot A620. The 630 looks
    awesome. My Image Browser is version 5.5, and I don't
    know what changed with the next versions.
    B- Yeah, the a630 is really nice. I previously had an A40 and this is a major step up.
    Anyway, the second Canon guy sounds a bit more
    knowlegdeable about Macs. The preferences in Image
    Capture are where you set which application (or none)
    opens automatically when the Mac detects a camera or
    card. So if setting it in Image Capture doesn't work,
    then I'm not sure what will. I'm afraid I can't
    answer your core question here about how to download
    to your preferred folder.
    B- Thanks for explaining that. It's very clear. I did not understand that from my conversation with the Canon rep.
    As for your choice of which app to use, consider
    this: Image Browser is just that - an application for
    browsing your hard drive and displaying the image
    files in various ways. iPhoto is NOT an image
    browser. It is a photo organizer with lightweight
    editing capabilities and limited version control.
    B- That's good to know, too. I was assuming that Imagebrowser was a substitute for iPhoto and I was hoping for increased funcionality. And it does have lots of stuff in it, which was more confusing than anything else.
    iPhoto is a database application, so when you use it
    you should NOT manipulate items in its library folder
    structure from within the Finder.
    B- yeah, I had discovered that
    With an image
    browser you always manipulate the files yourself from
    Finder. You alone are responsible for the
    organization of your images. With a database you
    manipulate your files from inside the application,
    and let it take care of the file management
    automatically. The two apps are incompatible. If you
    import your photos to iPhoto you should not access
    them using Image Browser, because you could damage
    the library. I know you weren't suggesting combining
    the two, I am just trying to highlight the
    differences between them.
    So ask yourself if you like iPhoto's capabilities. If
    you were happy with it before, then there's really no
    need to switch to Image Browser. It's like apples and
    ... cows (oranges are too similar) and the choice is
    up to you.
    B- the one thing I like so far about imagebrowser is the easy way to view the image full screen. Have not figured out how to do that in iPhoto.
    BUT, there is a task inside my Image Browser that I
    absolutely LOVE because it does something I can't do
    with iMovie. Its called "MovieEdit Task" in
    Applications>Image Browser>DVCUtility. It's a great
    little thing that lets you take separate video clips
    and combine them into one movie. It's much simpler
    than iMovie, and optimized to work with your Canon's
    video clips. (Whereas iMovie prefers miniDV tape.) It
    will allow you to rotate a video clip 90 degrees, so
    if you turned the camera on its side to record a
    movie clip you can rotate it to portrait view. I have
    done this and used the clip in iMovie, and it was
    perfect. Without it I would have needed an iMovie
    plug-in or had to buy QuickTime Pro.
    B- I'll have to look into that. I also have a digital camcorder and have used iMovie. And I'll definitely look into the rotation. My novice friend used my camcorder and shot a bunch of shots of our band with the camcorder rotated 90 degrees.
    So, I sometimes use Image Browser due to the way it
    handles video clips. Here, it is superior to iPhoto.
    But for every day use and for the storage,
    organization, and manipulation of my photos, I use
    iPhoto (in conjunction with PhotoShop Elements for
    real editing).
    Just my 4¢.
    B- Thanks for the great letter!
    powermac g5   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • Loops not in browser

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    PowerPC G5 dual 1.8; PowerBook G4 1.33   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    Hi Lawrence,
    That sounds strange to me. I audition files all the time just fine. I wonder what's different. I'm running Tiger. What audio interface are you using?
    Whenever I run into strange behavior, I usually switch to built-in audio and try the same thing as a sanity to see if it is something funky with my audio interface setup (at least this might help isolate the issue). Having said that, I've found STP 1.0.2 and now STP 1.0.3 to be really solid (at the risk of jinxing myself).
    Also, are you getting the send crash report to Apple thingy or does STP just quit? Sometimes there are clues about why an app crashed by looking at the crash log or by opening the console (/Applications/Utilties/ you checked there for more info?

  • Some loops don't loop in browser

    In the Loop Browser when previewing, the loops play over and over until I stop them, including ones downloaded from MacLoops. Except one group from MacLoops (Chillout) only plays once through then stops. How can I get them to play continuously like all the others?

    This one set of loops acts differently. Besides not "looping" when playing in the browser they also do not follow the tempo&pitch of the Project. (In fact the option is grayed out when the loop is in the Timeline). It's the macloops chillout set.
    I don't think I did anything different than with the other loops of theirs I D/L'd. (I think I'll try deleting them and D/L'ing again).

  • Problem previewing loops in the loop browser in Logic 8

    Loops are only audible when the sequencer is not playing.
    When the sequencer is playing, the selected loop shows it's playing in the loop browser window, but I cannot hear it.
    All my outputs in logic (including the loop browse strip) are routed to SPDIF OUT as I have a DynAudio digital speaker system.
    Thanks in advance,

    I have found if you wait long enough, you will hear the file begin to play. Sometimes the delay can several seconds. Not acceptable IMO.

  • IMac running 10.7.3 stuck on rainbow wheel right after desktop launches and google chrome trying to restore a previous browsing session

    Hello All - thanks in advance for your help with this.
    The problem I'm encountering is on an iMac 24" from 2008, Intel Core 2Duo 1.3 GHz processor.  I'm running 10.7.3 but have yet to install the client combo update.
    My computer would not wake from sleep this morning after having been left on all night.  The last two apps I had been running last night before this morning's freeze up were Google Chrome and iTunes.  I restarted the computer and noticed at the login screen that one of the login accounts that is normally set up for use had disappeared.  Once I logged in to my account, which had not disappeared, and arrived at the desktop, Chrome automatically tried to relaunch and restore the previous session with a note indicating that the browser had not been quit properly.
    iTunes was running as well but had no functionality - non responsive to mouse click commands, etc.  About thirty seconds later the rainbow wheel appeared and began spinning.
    Tried force quitting both applications applications respectively but the finder was non-responsive as well.  The dock would pop up when moused over but I was not permitted to select any of the icons.  Restarted the computer and essentially the same thing occurred but I was able to quit out of iTunes this time before the rainbow wheel started.
    Tried restarting with all peripheral hardware disconnected.  No change.  Tried booting up in safe mode - didn't work.  Rebooted in disk utility mode - ran disk verification and was told all was well.  Ran permissions verifications and was told there were problems.  Repaired the permissions issues successfully.  Rebooted again but same issue with desktop/apps freezing up.  Rebooted into Disk Utility mode and tried a reinstall of lion - reinstall successul but upon normal reboot desktop still frozen once I launched Chrome and attempted to get to apple site to download the 10.7.3 patch.
    Tried rebooting in disk utility mode to restore from a time machine back up - the external hard drive where my back ups are stored did not appear as a restore source even though I had reconnected the USB cable. 
    I then rebooted again into disk utility mode and tried to use safari to navigate to the apple site and download the 10.7.3 client combo update.  No dice - received error messages saying the download could not be completed because there was insufficient memory available.
    Called Apple - rep said I should take the computer in to the store - refused as of the time of the call because I had already wasted half the day on this and didn't want to flush the remainder down the toilet hanging around at the Apple store.  So much for that - the day is now totally wasted any way.
    Another couple of bits of information which may or may not be helpful:
    When I'm in disk utility mode the disk image icon at the top of the list of disk images/mounts on the left hand side of the utility window is in red text: 320.07 GB WDC WD320...and the main dialogue box says: "This drive has a hardware problem that can't be repaired.  Back up Data and see Apple dealer for help." One might conclude that my computer is therefore dead...not exactly.  This happened once before after trying to set up a bootcamp partition using XP instead of windows 7.  XP is not supported by Lion but I was trying a work around.  Soon thereafter I upgraded my OS to 10.7.2 (or.3 can't remember) using software updater instead of a full native download from the Apple Support site and the computer went bananas.  After the upgrade I was getting the CUI ???? errors which have since become infamous.  While working with Apple phone support on the CUI issue and using disk utility on that issue, that same red text disc image came up and the note about my hardware having failed as described above.  Apple told me I was cooked and my machine was finished.  They were wrong.  I can't remember what I did but I worked on the problem a bit more and was eventually able to upgrade my OS from the native download and get my machine back in order and runnign fine.
    I recently attempted the bootcamp partition (stupidly) work around for XP again without success - last week before all of the latest drama set in.  YES I have learned my lession and will not attempt this again.
    So that's what's going on - sorry for the Moby Dick lenght description but I figured the more details available the more likely some one is to know how to fix the problem.
    Any thoughts, suggestions, HELP please!!!

    Hello All - thanks in advance for your help with this.
    The problem I'm encountering is on an iMac 24" from 2008, Intel Core 2Duo 1.3 GHz processor.  I'm running 10.7.3 but have yet to install the client combo update.
    My computer would not wake from sleep this morning after having been left on all night.  The last two apps I had been running last night before this morning's freeze up were Google Chrome and iTunes.  I restarted the computer and noticed at the login screen that one of the login accounts that is normally set up for use had disappeared.  Once I logged in to my account, which had not disappeared, and arrived at the desktop, Chrome automatically tried to relaunch and restore the previous session with a note indicating that the browser had not been quit properly.
    iTunes was running as well but had no functionality - non responsive to mouse click commands, etc.  About thirty seconds later the rainbow wheel appeared and began spinning.
    Tried force quitting both applications applications respectively but the finder was non-responsive as well.  The dock would pop up when moused over but I was not permitted to select any of the icons.  Restarted the computer and essentially the same thing occurred but I was able to quit out of iTunes this time before the rainbow wheel started.
    Tried restarting with all peripheral hardware disconnected.  No change.  Tried booting up in safe mode - didn't work.  Rebooted in disk utility mode - ran disk verification and was told all was well.  Ran permissions verifications and was told there were problems.  Repaired the permissions issues successfully.  Rebooted again but same issue with desktop/apps freezing up.  Rebooted into Disk Utility mode and tried a reinstall of lion - reinstall successul but upon normal reboot desktop still frozen once I launched Chrome and attempted to get to apple site to download the 10.7.3 patch.
    Tried rebooting in disk utility mode to restore from a time machine back up - the external hard drive where my back ups are stored did not appear as a restore source even though I had reconnected the USB cable. 
    I then rebooted again into disk utility mode and tried to use safari to navigate to the apple site and download the 10.7.3 client combo update.  No dice - received error messages saying the download could not be completed because there was insufficient memory available.
    Called Apple - rep said I should take the computer in to the store - refused as of the time of the call because I had already wasted half the day on this and didn't want to flush the remainder down the toilet hanging around at the Apple store.  So much for that - the day is now totally wasted any way.
    Another couple of bits of information which may or may not be helpful:
    When I'm in disk utility mode the disk image icon at the top of the list of disk images/mounts on the left hand side of the utility window is in red text: 320.07 GB WDC WD320...and the main dialogue box says: "This drive has a hardware problem that can't be repaired.  Back up Data and see Apple dealer for help." One might conclude that my computer is therefore dead...not exactly.  This happened once before after trying to set up a bootcamp partition using XP instead of windows 7.  XP is not supported by Lion but I was trying a work around.  Soon thereafter I upgraded my OS to 10.7.2 (or.3 can't remember) using software updater instead of a full native download from the Apple Support site and the computer went bananas.  After the upgrade I was getting the CUI ???? errors which have since become infamous.  While working with Apple phone support on the CUI issue and using disk utility on that issue, that same red text disc image came up and the note about my hardware having failed as described above.  Apple told me I was cooked and my machine was finished.  They were wrong.  I can't remember what I did but I worked on the problem a bit more and was eventually able to upgrade my OS from the native download and get my machine back in order and runnign fine.
    I recently attempted the bootcamp partition (stupidly) work around for XP again without success - last week before all of the latest drama set in.  YES I have learned my lession and will not attempt this again.
    So that's what's going on - sorry for the Moby Dick lenght description but I figured the more details available the more likely some one is to know how to fix the problem.
    Any thoughts, suggestions, HELP please!!!

  • When i login to my banks online access point a new browser is opened and it takes up the full 27" display. ca i restrict the size of web browser screen used by tme online banking service?  imac 27" OSX snow leopard 10.6.8

    Intel iMac OSX Snow Leopard 10.6.8
    I logon to bank via its internet portal and next screen takes up all 27" display.
    Can this be controlled in any way or do I just put up with it, it is really annoying.

    Thank you for your response. Whew...i omitted to say I use Firefox... tried to logon using Safari... same
    result Installed Chrome ...same thing Installed Opera... this browser actually has in its Preferences menu
    the capacity to set JavaScript Options under the Conent submenu... DISALLOWED  all of resizing of windows, 
    moving of windows and ability of script to hide menu bar ... this fixes the screen to available browser size...
    so my issue has at least this resolution. Thank you Flet Cheryl 

  • I am having a problem opening my browser, the broswer is hanging up after slowly opening

    Hello, I have been having trouble with my firefox browser for quite some time now, it just stopped working on me about 5 or 6 months ago. I have switched over to Internet Explorer which has still been working fine. I like using Firefox much more than Explorer these days, but I am unfortunately not good much with fixing computer problems and have pretty much extinguished all my available options for repairing it myself.
    The problem with Firefox is now when I click on the shortcut link on my desktop, it takes a good 5 to 10 minutes to open up the browser now. Once it does finally open, you cannot type or click on anything it is hung up and will not allow you to go to another site(the home page will still load, with current news and other information)
    I cannot remember anything that would have caused it to crash or get hung up like this, but like I said I am not a computer expert by any means. I do know that I am ready to get Mozilla back to running smoothly as before, I had just gotten really used to it(I had been using internet explorer).
    I also uninstalled Firefox completely and reinstalled it, I figured if nothing else I tried worked that usually is the best still did/does the same thing, hangs up everytime you try to run/open it.
    I checked your online solution for what to do on a hanging first page, I saw something about pentium 4's running Windows Vista or computer runs Windows 7 (was actually purchased running the terribly bug ridden and error-prone Vista, and lucky I was able to obtain a free upgrade to 7). So I was thinking maybe that had something to do with it, I had some problem in the past, with what I cannot remember, but it traced back to something from when Vista was on my computer(even though it was no longer my operating system I'll be darn if it wasn't still causing me headaches! How fitting.)
    My computer in question is a Dell Studio XPS 1640 which I bought new almost two years ago exactly)

    Did you check what I would consider the first place to look:
    If the site is still down (at least 12 hours) when you read this try [ Google's cache]
    Link or url would make it easier to see which page you tried rather than "your online solution for ...".
    * ([ cached version])
    * ([ cached version])
    * [;browser=fx4 Firefox hangs | Troubleshooting | Firefox Help]

  • Responsive Mobile Menus: Open and close on browser, but not in mobile?

    I have two responsive jquery menus I am working with. In the desktop browser they both look and operate fine (full screen and mobile size), but when that same responsive page with menu is viewed on an actual phone (Android and iphone), the menus both: SHOW FULLY OPENED WITH ALL PARENT AND CHILDREN?
    I believe I installed everyting properly (especially since it resizes and works perfect in a normal desk browser) -Dropsdown and Contracts back.
    Does anyone have any experience with this issue (Responsive menus works fine in a desktop browser, but shows completely opened, and will not drop or contract when viewed on an actual mobile phone, like Android or iphone?), and if so any guidance?
    Thanks very much

    Wow, you save me alot of time and headaches. You really know alot and are very helpful and taught me alot. Thank you for helping me, this is my first site I am still trying to build/get up, after years of on-off trying / learning/ abandoning (for other pursuits). This site is really important for me, and would mean alot for me to finally follow through on building.
    Do you know if this forums allows (or do you ever) add friends/contacts so you can message each other? I am somewhat a 'newbie', so I understand if problem, I would not bug/bother you, just curious and fully understand if not. (or do you ever contact via email, website, or other)?
    Also re: Vanilla Testing: I always test all my stuff on a blank HTML page with only the Boilerplate and JS that Dreamweaver provides. I don't know if I have the capability to fully do in something like notepad? Will this method (Boiler, JS, and blank HTML) suffice--No other Scripts--Not even my stylesheet?
    What do you think about this menu. Features seem good, has the most sales, good developer and support?

  • Since upgrading to FF4, my web applications and browser start-up time have been slower, instead of faster as the upgrade promises. Any suggestions?

    I feel like my web apps have been slowing down ever since the plug-in container was introduced. With the previous version of FF, I would have to close the browser and re-open it periodically to ensure that apps ran smoothly. Now, even that doesn't work. I've tried these applications in IE and they work with no problem, so I feel that the issue is in FF and not my system. Any tips would be much appreciated.
    I've run all the troubleshooting steps listed on the help pages (ensuring that I have the latest versions, etc.), and the problems are still there. Thanks in advance.

    You can disable the Plugin Container.
    To do this,
    * Type about:config in the address bar.
    * Click on I'll be careful
    * Type dom.ipc.plugins.enabled in the filter column
    * Double click on the value to change it to "false"
    * Restart Firefox
    Plugin Container is disabled and now your apps may work properly.

  • Closing the report browser?

    Hi All,
    I am using developer suit 10g, I am generating a pdf file on the application server but after the file generated the browser open and give me a message "Oracle Reports Job Status Successfully run ".
    I need to hide the browser because I am generating using loop so it opens the browser alot of times.

    How do you invoke the report? Using forms?

Maybe you are looking for