Brush to Pencil

I've sketched a lot of drawings using the paint brush tool and need my drawing to be done with the pencil tool. Can I change the stroke somehow without having to redraw all the sketches?
Need your help, please!

You are welcome, h.
As far as I know there is no (way to tell any) difference between a path drawn with the Pencil Tool and the reduced appearance of the Artbrush Tool. You can look in the Appearance palette and in the Document Info palette, and compare with the unreduced Artbrush Tool.
I hope you will report your findings.

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    The easiest thing to start with is to reset the Eraser Tool.
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    I tried this and it worked once. Now it is doing the same thing and the option is still unchecked.
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    Brendan Stewart wrote:
    i mean creating a layer mask and painting it back in with the paintbrush.
    Yes that is normal.  I have no problem with CS6, No lag or hesitation.
    A tip for you if your creating the mask using a copy of a color channel. Set the brush blending mode to "Overlay" This will protect the mask Black and White areas. You will only be able yo paint in gray areas of the mask.   When areas turn 0,0,0 Black or 255,255,255 White they become protected too. Use a Wacom tablet soft brush low opacity and many strokes

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    Yes I did solve the problem!
    Thanks to everyone that suggested things, but none of them worked. In the end it was Wacom, yes... WACOM that solved the problem. Even though it was an Adobe Photoshop issue as far as I could tell. So thank you Wacom, you helped me when I needed it most.
    So now to the vital solution:
    "Thank you for your recent enquiry regarding pen tool in Adobe Photoshop CS3.
    Please try the step below for reset CS3
    For MAC, please hold pressing command + alt+ shift, then open Photoshop.
    Get the CS3 update. Start CS3 while holding.
    If the problem remains, uninstall and reinstall Adobe Photoshop CS3 again."
    Worked the first time for me. So spread the word! This issue shall trouble people no more, a solution has been found!

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    Bill, I meant Normal (old way, shows the greyest areas, almost to 50% opacityof the brush)
    And Full Size (newer way, shows total area affected by the brush, even areas less covered)
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    Since you posted in the photoshop forum, you should post over in the Flash forum, where folks are more familiar with Flash.
    Flash Professional

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    This is in version 5 for PC, it is probably similar in 6.
    In the options bar along the top there are icons for the brush tool that will switch it between brush, history brush, color replacement, and pencil.
    In the tool bar along the side, in the lower right corner of the brush (or pencil) tool icon is a little black arrow. I can right click on the arrow and get a menu to switch between the four options.
    At the right of each of the options on the menu is a letter. B for the brushes and N for the pencil. Pressing the B key while one of the brush tools is active will switch it between the tools. The N key will switch it to the pencil.
    And since your are new to the program let me warn you about the caps lock key. If the caps lock key is on you don't get the usual cursor for your tool. You get the precise crosshair cursor. It has taken some of us years to realize why our cursors changed apparently at random. (You can set your preferred cursor type in edit>preferences)

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    Have you recently upgraded to OSX Yosemite? If so you may need to use a mouse.
    See this help document for further information:
    Photoshop Elements doesn't respond when you use editing tools in Mac OS X 10.10

  • Why is the brush tool in Illustrator CC inferior to the brush tool in CS6? It has less control of fidelity and smoothness. It is terrible - and I'm an illustrator. Can I use the CS6 brush engin in CC?

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    Now you get this dumbed down control panel when you double click on the brush tool icon- just one slider, with only 4 steps from 'accurate' (not very) to 'smooth' (almost indistiguishable from 'accurate')... it is like I have contracted a nerve disease - I draw a line, and it forms into something quite different to the path my pen took. WHY? Can I get rid of this rubbish engine? Trying the blob brush - what is the point of this brush? It is just like the old brush, except for a cursor that shows the largest size for pressure sensitivity... and it has the same crude 4 step smooth/accurate adjuster, that doesn't change the line much at all. I have the latest driver in my Cintiq, so I don't think that is the issue, and CS6 works better than CC.
    I am very disappointed, Adobe. Do I have to go back to CS6 for all my Illustration work? Please improve the CC brush tool controls.
    I am still reeling from Adobe's quiet removal of a whole tool: Inverse Kinematics/Bone tool from Flash CC JUST when I was finally using it to animate, but that's another story.
    Honestly, having use them for a while, Photoshop,
    Illlustrator, InDesign and Flash CC are, as far as I can tell, no step up at all from CS6, except that you have to pay for them forever.

    More on this, now becoming known as the CC pencil tool fiasco, on these fora:
    Re: PLEASE PLEASE adobe. The new pencil tool has become unusuble to me
    Re: Changing line fidelity with CS6 Brush Tool
    Re: All pressure sensitive brush presets gone!
    If you are affected by the lower accuracy controls for CC's brush or pencil tools, use this Bug report/Feature request form to let the folks at Adobe know- they are actually hopefully going to fix this.......
    thanks to Daniel for setting this up:
    hey all, if you are going to file a bug report (as per Neeraj's suggestion), i've made up a draft to make the process easier.  feel free to adjust it as much as you want, obviously; trying to equip us busy folk.
    Obviously customer service & product development are two different departments, so if you're bummin out on the new functionality, submit a bug report!
    link to submit bug report:
    Concise problem statement:
    I was told to by Neeraj N(staff) to report this issue based on this link : (
    The Pencil / Brush tools have lost essential functionality with the addition of the new accurate / smooth adjustment preset. Users are no longer able to specify high-accuracy pen mapping, as the finest accuracy setting is now set to 2.5px (legacy versions allowed accuracy to .5px).
    I would think adding additional slider nodes to allow more accurate mapping (while still using the accurate / smooth preset) allow for a minimal change in programming with a maximum return for power users.
    Steps to reproduce bug:
    1. open illustrator
    2. use either pencil or brush tool.
    3. draw erratic and high detail shapes
    Results: shapes are smoothed to 2.5px smoothness, even when the accurate / smooth adjustment preset is set to full accuracy.
    Expected results: shapes have minimal / no smoothing to maintain the integrity of the artwork.
    Thank you for your consideration.

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