BUG 219 FIX!

There really is NO 219 BUG!!! I thought there was. First, I was blaming my CBBID CPU, then the 219 BUG after getting a Venice.
But after receiving my Corsair TCCD memory, I am now able to run to 290 x 9 or 2610 mhz with my 3000+ Venice or 286 x 9 2574 mhz old 3000+ CBBID Cpu.
I was using a Kingston Value Ram before.
So, again there is NO 219 BUG!!! Stop blaming it and get a GOOD set of memory.

Quote from: Ratt on 07-July-05, 10:45:22
I think the 219 issue is now very confusing. Many of us thought we have the bug when they have other issues. We really have to clarify what is the 219 bug and more importantly, what is not.
When you can't get pass 219 at all from the BIOS, but you can go all the way with Clockgen.
When you overclock your CPU fine, but can't clock your PC 5000 RAM pass 219 at all.
You can overclock your CPU and RAM fine, but have to drop to 2T command rate.
What is and what is not? Feel free to add more "what is or what is not the 219 bug".
Remember, if the clockgen can't do, then it's not the BIOS bug.
This is why the "219 cold boot hypertransport bug" is so hard to spot.  It really has to do with cpu initialization, overclocking and the hypertransport bus speed.  We know its a bios problem because those using bios version 1.3 and venice core chips dont have it but as soon as they flash bios version 1.4, the bug appears.
Here is my email back to MSI:
Hi Xxxx, I just want to report back after I and many others on the MSI Forum board have tested this beta bios.  Well, for all of us that have 90nm winchester cores, the 219 cold boot hypertransport bug is still there.  For venice core users, I cannot get a good answer if its there or not.  Aicjofs did get the same beta bios from a MSI engineer and he emailed me and said that the bug is still there with his sli setup (he has both winchester and venice 90nm chips).
Basically, here are my stats and this is what I did.
psu - tagan u22 with 12v@30a - power supply is fine
memory - crucial ballistix tracer pc4000 - stable at least up to 255fsb so I could test all your test scenarios (new memory purchase so I dont know the limits yet)
cpu - winchester 3000+ cbbid0509
video card - msi 6600gt
mobo - msi neo4 platinum sli
Memclock: 200 (or in tech lingo 1:1)
Timings: 2.5,3,3,7 1T, stable at 255fsb (prime95 & memtest 8 hours plus)
FSB:                      219     220     250     255
HT Multiplier:           x4       x4       x4       x4
Cold boot post:       yes      no       no       no
Warm reset post:    yes     yes      yes      yes
Whats really interesting is that after a few warm resets (sometimes 10 or more), I can get the SLI motherboard to post to windows but never on a cold boot with the hypertransport multiplier set at either x4 or even x3 at 250fsb.  I have to lower the ht multy to x2 at 250fsb to get a cold boot post.
So Xxxx, this is the problem because I can get to 250fsb through either warm resets or using clockgen.  If I use clockgen, I cold boot post to 219fsb with the ht multy set at x4, then increase the fsb to 250fsb and its stable.
All we users are saying is why cant this cold boot post if we can get it to post either by warm resets or clockgen?
As a side note, using the enclosed D-bracket, the cold boot post always stops at "cpu initialization" so it is my belief that it has to do with the bios programming and cpu initialization...but I am not a technical engineer.
If you have any new beta bioses, I would like to test them.  If you would like to see the results that users have had, here is the thread on the MSI forum boards.  Thank you again for your support on this issue.

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    <blockquote>you cannot right click save as on an image, after the image has been dl already to save it FF re-downloads the image again. Noone can produce a config setting that corrects that. so if your paying for data FF is causing you to pay double. </blockquote>
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    This is most likely the way Firefox is set up on your end. What add-ons are you running since I don't see any listed. I need some more non-personal information from you. Please do the following:
    *Click the Firefox button at the top left, then click the ''Help'' menu and select ''Troubleshooting Information'' from the submenu. If you don't have a Firefox button, click the Help menu at the top and select ''Troubleshooting Information'' from the menu.
    Now, a new tab containing your troubleshooting information should open.
    *At the top of the page, you should see a button that says "Copy text to clipboard". Click it.
    *Now, go back to your forum post and click inside the reply box. Press Ctrl+V to paste all the information you copied into the forum post.
    If you need further information about the Troubleshooting information page, please read the article [[Use the Troubleshooting Information page to help fix Firefox issues]].
    <blockquote>the repeated crashes are well known without a fix, </blockquote>
    Again this is specific in your case. Follow the steps below to provide us crash IDs to help us learn more about your crash.
    #Enter ''about:crashes'' in the Firefox address bar and press Enter. A Submitted Crash Reports list will appear, similar to the one shown below.
    #Copy the '''5''' most recent Report IDs that start with '''bp-''' and paste them into your response here.
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    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-02-27 12:50:47 -0800 (Fri, 27 Feb 2009)
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    Apple does not announce what bugs they fix. They almost never do for any of their computers either.
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    *My Bug Phenotype:*
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    Does everybody understand what I tried to explain?
    Does anyone else have the same experience?
    Is this just me?
    Is it always 4 hours?
    Any way to fix this?
    Is this an iCal Bug, to be fixed?
    Thanks for your help in advance!
    PS: Is there a way to directly (Online) way to tell (email, post, etc) this problem to Apple?
    PPS: I have used many different disk maintenance tool of most kinds, both free and commercial, but nothing has helped.

    1. Try refreshing the iCal plist file. Navigate to your Macintosh HD/Users/yourusername/Library/Preferences Folder, and find the com.apple.iCal.plist file. Drag that file to your desktop, log out/in or restart.
    2. What time do you have set in your iCal Time Zone Window?
    3. Have you tried to change your settings in System Preferences...>International>Formats>(Region:) (Dates) (Times)? Customize... Quit iCal before changing these settings, and repeat #1 above before opening iCal.
    4. Do you have a default time checked in iCal>Preferences...>General>Add a default alarm to all new events and invitations?
    5. Do you have "Turn on time zone support" checked in iCal>Preferences>Advanced?
    6. Do you have the proper "Time Zone" selected in System Preferences...>Date & Time?
    7. Are you syncing any of your computers?
    PS: Is there a way to directly (Online) way to tell (email, post, etc) this problem to Apple?
    Only through AppleCare, but your equipment is probably no longer covered. As far as I know you could still use AppleCare but it would cost an arm and a leg for phone support since you no longer have a contract. Do you have an Apple Store or Authorized Apple Provider nearby?
    PPPS?: This is my second post on this iCal issue this year, last time on May 30, 2008, but no one seems to care...
    Since Apple Discussions participation relies entirely upon other users for possible solutions, it is my guess that no one had the same problem or could offer a reasonable solution. Sorry to hear that you did not get a response to your previous post, but I care.

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    USing Keynote 3.0.1 on 10.4.5
    When I create a new Theme by creating new master slides with builds built into them I encounter a problem.
    On one of my Master Slides (Title & Bullets) I have a title box, an object (Line) and a bullet text box.
    I have set the Title to build automatically after transition, then I have set the Object (Line) to build automatically after the first build (Title).
    I have then set the bullet box to build the first bnullet automatically after the Object and each bullet on click after that.
    This has all been set at the Master Slide level.
    When I apply that master slide to a slide within my presentation, the build order changes. The Object builds first instead of the Title. To get the correct order I have to re-apply the master to the particular slide.
    This causes much confusion when I distribute the theme to my colleagues who are not as computer litererate as myself.
    Is this a known bug? Is there a fix for it?
    Thanks in advance

    it won't keep the new format when pasting the text box on other slides.
    Why are are you pasting the page number on to other slides when the master slide will place the slide number on all slides correctly formatted? There is no reason to do that.

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    As I use OSX Yosemite, I don't know why but it doesn't work properly.
    Any bug or way to fix this problem?
    Thanks in advance.

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    2. Selecting objects that are overlapping on the stage is terrrible
    3. Altering the duration that an item should appear in the timeline often creates an extremely annoying bug where other timeline items will jump to an arbitrary spot. This creates a ton of re-work.
    Adobe - Cap 8 is not ready for use in OSX Yosemite- please fix it!

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    I checked this bug again under iOS 4.3 and could not replicate it. I've found anecdotal evidence out there that as of iOS 4.2.1 this may have been fixed, but I can't find confirmation. Any help in this regard is much appreciated. I need to present my project managers with discrete evidence that this bug has been fixed before they'll allow me to go ahead with "live" type -- and as we all know, the plural of anecdote is not data. Thanks.

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    Since this appears to be a core OS issue, watch for updates in that area. Most likely, watch for 10.5.3 being released. Nobody outside of Apple knows which this will be, though I speculate that it will be in the next few weeks. Rumour sites have been talking about changes which developers are seeing in their pre-release copies for a couple of months now. When it's released, the Mac-oriented part of the interweb will talk about little else for days. Watch for discussions which begin by listing what's addressed in the new release. In particular, keep an eye on the various Aperture forums/sites, as they should quickly identify changes which affect or relate to Aperture.
    Also, Apple should also have at least one tech page which lists all the changes (at least, all the changes they're prepared to list).
    Final thought - when any updates are released, keep an eye on the web page you've cited. It could well be updated to reflect any changes, but give them a few days....

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