Burnign issue cdrecord has stopped working...

I have no idea why but cdrecord has stopped working loaded sg module [after search!] but still nothing ....
cdrecord dev=/dev/hde blank=fast
wodim: Operation not permitted. Warning: Cannot raise RLIMIT_MEMLOCK limits.Device type : not present Object based storage
Version : 0
Response Format: 10
Capabilities :
Device seems to be: unknown.
wodim: Sorry, no supported CD/DVD-Recorder found on this target.
k3b of course now does not work ...
Has something major changed with cdrecord ? not burnt anything [apart from my dinner!] in the last week so...

+But before all of that, I wanted to note that I created a new user account and was able to access iTunes that way.+
Up until now you've been working through techniques for troubleshooting System-wide problems. But that fact you relate about the user accounts indicates that you've got a user-account-specific problem, and the troubleshooting techniques are different for those.
In your normal user account, try the techniques listed under "User-specific Troubleshooting" in the following document:
iTunes for Windows Vista: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues

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    +But before all of that, I wanted to note that I created a new user account and was able to access iTunes that way.+
    Up until now you've been working through techniques for troubleshooting System-wide problems. But that fact you relate about the user accounts indicates that you've got a user-account-specific problem, and the troubleshooting techniques are different for those.
    In your normal user account, try the techniques listed under "User-specific Troubleshooting" in the following document:
    iTunes for Windows Vista: Troubleshooting unexpected quits, freezes, or launch issues

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    Try gn_id's suggestion from the following post:
    Re: iTunes 11 crashes when opening the store - no error message

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    For those of you who may have this situation.
    Here is where I found the solution (sixth thread down):
    Bridge CS6 won't open running on Win7

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    What computer operating system?
    Uninstall, free ccleaner run through, and reinstall with antivirus and firewall(s) disabled is not a bad idea. But, let us look at some other
    factors before that.
    1. When you try to open the program, how far do you get....Welcome Screen - clicking on Organizer or Video Editor or other?
    Have you tried to open the program directly from the Adobe Premiere Elements.exe file after you have applied Run As Administrator to that file?
    2. Does the problem exist with and without the antivirus and firewall(s) disabled? Are you working in a school or company network?
    3. Are you working with a pen and tablet device instead of mouse?
    4. Is your video card/graphics card driver version up to date according to the website of the manufacturer of the card?
    4. Do you have the latest version of QuickTime installed and are you running the programs as administrator?
    Let us start here and then decide what next based on the details in your reply.
    Besides uninstall/ccleaner/reinstall, we may next try deleting the Adobe Premiere Elements Prefs file or the whole 13 Folder in which it
    exists or installing the program in a newly created user account with administrative privileges and trying to run the program from there.
    But, let us rule in or out the first 4.
    Any questions or need clarification on any of the above, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Thank you.

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    Problem Event Name:    InPageError  
    Error Status Code:    c000009c  
    Faulting Media Type:    00000003  
    OS Version:    6.1.7601.  
    Locale ID:    1033  
    Additional Information 1:    0a9e  
    Additional Information 2:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789  
    Additional Information 3:    0a9e  
    Additional Information 4:    0a9e372d3b4ad19135b953a78882e789
    Any advice?

    I think I may have fixed my problem...  I am no longer seeing the Distiller stopped working pop up and I am now able to print to PDF
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit
    My Fonts and program are all installed on the same drive  thus preventing me from gaining access to Distiller to change the settings. Windows would not let me make any changes to the Default Font folder.
    This is what I did...
    Not knowing which font(s) where causing the problem, I moved all but protected fonts (automatically labelled) from the Window's Font folder and placed them in a temporary folder.
    I restarted Distiller DC and great news...the program did not crash and I was able to change the settings to temporarily not include the Windows Fonts .No more pop ups and I can now print to PDF!
    What I am going to do..
    Through the process of elimination, I will gradually restore the fonts I removed from from the Window's folder to find the culprits(s)
    Once I am satisfied that the problem Font(s) are found and no longer  included in the Window's Font folder, I will change the settings in Distiller back (permanently) to include the Window's Font folder.
    In closing, and because so many others are having the same issues, I really do think it would be prudent for Adobe to make the necessary adjustments to their program(s) to prevent this kind of issue.

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    Uninstall and then reinstall the iCloud control panel on your computer.

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    BtITunes PlugIn Dll has stopped working
    how to solve that issue pls

    The following document might be worth a try:
    iTunes: Troubleshooting issues with third-party iTunes plug-ins

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    Unfortunately, there are many reasons why the PSE Editor might crash, and often it is hard to diagnose quickly the reason for the crash.   Here are some steps you can take to try to fix the problem:
    http://www.johnrellis.com/psedbtool/photoshop-elements-faq.htm#_Troubleshooting_Editor_cra shes
    It's very likely that your issues are unrelated to the fact that you're running on 64-bit Vista as opposed to 32-bit Vista.

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    so please do something about it and give me the solution
    thank you,
    Saajan jain

    To give you something, I need something too, like
    How old is the Ipod? (if it is still under warranty, then send it to Apple service shop)
    Are you running Windows iTunes or Mac iTunes?
    What do you see on the iPod screen?
    My guess is, your iPod classic is more than 2 years old and out of warranty, and the hardisk has gone kaput! and need to be replaced.
    Have a nice day!

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    Andy ...
    If you are going to use a debit card it you must enter a security code.

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    If you are playing in hockey arenas a lot or if you are bringing it into bathroom same time as shower it may not seem like much but overtime the steam can acquire and build up in the phones usb dock flex cable swell as the home button flex cable. Bring again into apple store and should be covered under warranty again. could also be a delay in a 8gb 5c software may just be very lag.

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