Cable for DCR-HC96 Help

OK. I ordered this exact cable.(IEEE 1394 Firewire 800, 9pin /4 pin) The 4 pin connects to the camera docking station and the 9 pin connects to the firewire 800 port on my Mac Pro.
The problem is the 4pin does not match the connection on my docking station. Help!
here is the link to the cable I purchased
There must be a different type of 4pin connection
MacPro   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

The problem is the 4pin does not match the connection
on my docking station. Help!
What docking station? Did it come with your camera?
The cord you have does have a 4 pin on one end. Are you sure you are putting in the FW port and not the USB port.
Actually that 4pin should fit your camera. The cord you purchased is a 4pin FW400 to FW800. The FW800 port on your MacPro should down convert to FW800 Speed.
should down convert to

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    Failure to fix my cable for over a year and a half! HELP!
    I regretfully have to inform you that I might have to discontinue using Comcast, for the following reasons if I cannot et you to resolve these issues. It should be noted that this is something that I do not want to have to do. However, basically I have no choice.
    1. Repeated and Constant Internet Issues and Poor TV Quality for over a year.
    2. A substandard quality of service, just even compared to my next door neighbors who has Comcast. The service has issues daily. Not a week has gone bye without an issue either small or large.
    3. Constant and repeated interrupt of service and an overall low quality of product. Time Outs, High Ping rates into the 100s and 200s, Cable Light Off, Poor Quality of TV picture, fuzzy, Digital Blocking even on non-digital channels with or without box, Occasional CB Radio chatter over interment connection <-(the odd one).
    4. The constant run around from the employee’s at Comcast and Service Department who either are unable to fix my problem, or unwilling to fix my problem, or have no one qualified to fix the problem. The amount of service calls and tech support personal I have had come to my house and had to call is so numerous I cannot even recall the amount.
    5. Paying full price for a substandard quality and product while others around me do not have too. Including my next door neighbor which does not seem to have an issue.
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    I am, and always have been an avid Cable user and in particular for the Internet as the Broadband just makes it so much more enjoyable. I used Time Warner Cable for over 7-years prior to “having to” use Comcast with great service and good connection and a highly enjoyable time over the internet playing games and surfing the web. I have to use the words :“having too”, as you are the only Broad Band Internet connection in my area currently (I moved to the Burbs, not the Boonies) so I still don’t understand why my choices are limited. Must be nice to have a Monopoly though. : ), and I am starting to think this maybe part of my problems and why nothing is being done.
    In any case, my internet use is for entertainment only. Surfing the Web, playing video games, Online Classes, and whatnot. Nothing life treating, or a must have service and basically, fun for the family, not for frustration. I like to use Cable as I never have to worry about the line cutting out or losing connection. This used to be the case, but with Comcast I do have to worry about this, and it happens often. Simply put: it is NOT always ON as advertised, at least for me.
    The Issues-
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    Each and every service call goes the same way. Tech comes out, stands around, recognizes the problem and leaves. No fixes mind you, and the reasons are below.
    Recent History-
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    I talk to the service department and they also see the issue (sporadic interrupt of service and poor quality). With so many problems and the list ever growing most likely on my report the service guy said he would send a Line Tech out to check my problem on Monday (the ninth).
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    Unfortunately, the apparent Line Tech does and did the same as every other tech sent to the house. Set around for 20 or so minutes futzing around with the computer. Notes the issue of single loss and poor TV quality makes some notes and says sign here. *take note of paragraph below about Line Tech.
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    Saturday at 6:20PM I call up the service department, punch in my phone number and low and behold I’m sent immediately to the Clams Department instead of the Service Department LOL.
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    The Run Around-
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    At the time my internet is somewhat working with only a few time outs and just above normal pings so I cant really blame him for not seeing an issue. I’m mainly calling just to find out why I didn’t receive a phone call, or get another appointment to have this checked into.
    My service was cutting out right before I called, which is why I called. The service tech just happened to check my service while it was working for 20 or so minutes. : P
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    I’m trying to hold my volume down and not get too upset. Its not the techs fault and probably does not know I have gone through this procedure before. I want to try to explain this but he is busy trying to work his magic. I remain calm, but I even made the statement that I would probably be calling him back in 15-minutes. I try to end the conversation and phone call as politely as I can. Its not his fault, his just trying to do a job.
    Case Number: 053300005
    Well not even five minutes later you will never guess what………… Pings start dropping and the internet is cutting out on me.
    The Problem-
    The problem has been defined as a Line Issue, and an On and Off interrupt of service. At this point even the TV is being affected. From the first time I called (like over a year ago) the issue is defined to me as an On OFF issue.
    The Problem trying to get this fix-
    You apparently have no Line Techs.
    The Pole near my house is apparently a Forbidden Area that no one must go near. LOL
    You cannot get these people to go near it apparently. They only classify the problem and go away never to be seen nor heard from again.
    Now honestly I can understand with employee issues seeing this happening from time to time, but not for over a year and with service calls up in the tens and twenties…..
    Worst of All-
    I think the worst part of all of this is I have become so used to the poor and substandard quality of service. So used to it that I only call or complain when its totally out or is visually not working correctly and can be tested. I don’t call and complain because its not working as Advertised, because in fact it really never did or does.
    I also, don’t call a lot of the times because of dealing with the service department. If its working at that moment they cannot define the problems. Not really anyone’s fault as it looks like its working even if the pings are in the 200 range or currently no time outs are accruing. I mean at least its working, and they say Speed is not Guaranteed anyway.
    The Forgotten and Unanswered Questions-
    I don’t know about the rest of you but sometimes while talking to people I forget to ask questions or the question does not come to mind until the conversation is over with. In any case, the Phone Service Tech said that what he did should have been done along time ago.
    However, if my cable was somehow magically fixed by what he did I still have these questions;
    1.What happened to my Service Call and why did no one call my by 6:00PM today?
    -I waited around for the call actually, and I really would like to get this issue resolved.
    2. Why is my TV picture still bad?
    3. Although my internet seemed to be working today and only cut out once for a brief period of time why did the supposed fix of the Phone Tech double and even triple my pings, and still occasionally cuts out?
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    *Should I pay full price for a service that is substandard to everyone else’s?
    *Should I pay full price for the same connecting I used to get a discount for, because of the poor quality?
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    *Should I have to complain so much and go through the process which is like pulling teeth to get you guys to do something about it?
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    To Whomever at Comcast:
    Is it so wrong of me to want, after a year of having repeated service calls with no resolution to the issue to ask, and request, that the cable service provided to me is the same as everyone else’s?
    If you handed noticed-
    Well if you haven’t noticed by now I am really tying to get this situation fixed and resolved. Mostly because, it is to the point where I am going to have to stop using Comcast and get DSL, or AOL or something because its more reliable. Which I really don’t want to do in the first place cable is supposed to be reliable and always on and faster.
    A little over a year not and I am running out of options though.
    Seriously Cant anyone help?
    Message was edited by: Anon1245678

    An eventful day-
    Just a few minutes ago, got a phone call from the Comcast Cable GUY (2:20pm). He then Says he’s been working on trying to find the problem from 1 O’clock. Apparently, and maybe the case, (it was a brief conversation and he will get back to me later) but maybe some part has gone bad somewhere and he said he was waiting on a phone call from someone else.
    In any case, he said that they are trying to clear up the problem and that its been running better sense the Jan/14.….? Not here it hasn’t. LOL We also had a brief discussion about how due to my repeated use of the internet that maybe I notices this more than other people do. My next door neighbor does not seem to have any issues last time I talk to them. But the guy said someone who lives on Broadway (few streets over) has been having issues too so maybe its this part.
    I said; So I should see some improvement today… silence…and a brief pause….. After I find out what the problem is Ill come over and discuss it with you so you know exactly what is going on.
    I do have a feeling I am going to be told this is going to take weeks to fix or at least awhile. Apparently a Part is needed maybe. Ill have to wait until the guy shows and gives me a full explanation though.
    I called my wife and told her of the event and she is pretty emphatic about returning the TV cable box as the TV picture is better without it and she only really looks at the local or 3-like 70 anyway. She was like “Bad Part?” well its been bad for over a year then! We should get a refund for the whole year then… Sorry Comcast she is on a Refund Kick… I just want it to work.
    The Tech Supervisor Mark, showed up at my door and tried to explain the issues. I felt kind of bad cause I probably know he got Chewed on along with some other people probably. At least they sent someone older and who looked like he had more experience and knew what he was talking about and could actually find the issue.
    I tried to be as apologetic as I could, and tried to explain that its just because this has been such a persistent issue over the past year and a half, and I have had way too many service calls for this not to be fix by now. I even went so far as to explain; it’s a new year and we are trying to get this problem finally fixed. I was also quick to mention how nice it was outside and that at least it was a good day to run around outside. I would have felt really bad if it was raining or snowing out, but it was a nice day probably upper 60s and sunny.
    We briefly discussed the issues and he said he and some others (I guess) had been working t the Head End fixing some issues… Which actually might have fixed my TV picture, seems better right now currently though. Currently NO digital Blocking on any channels currently, but as I said, it’s a sporadic issue popping up one day and going away the next or the problem lasting weeks and months then nothing for a few days and weeks.
    Mark, tried to explain that maybe the problem that I might been having (apparently along with a few others) was that a Temporary Line was connected on the MAIN. Basically 1” Main Line Cable run it to cable like that’s in your house (cant remember but off hand I think its 5, 10 or 15 gauge cable) and back to 1” Main Line Cable. It was all a little technical, I just nodded and said yes, and at least you might have found the issue right?
    He didn’t know how long that had been like that, and I said; probably for over three years as the previous owner had issues too, or at least sense I had bought this house about a year and a half.
    I went so far as to showed him some print screens of some of the issues I have been having, and I know he noticed all the yellow recites in my computer room. : P Unfortunately, I deleted all my old Print Screen saves when the guy last Monday (ninth) showed up and said he would fix the line, or at least track it down. I only had one from the previous night to show him or something.
    In any case, while discussing this Mark, said the guy that came out the other Monday never filled out a work order or something like that. I basically tried to explain that is the kind of thing I have been dealing with for little over a year. Tech after Tech after Tech; as I looked at all the yellow recites on top of my computer desk.
    Mark also, basically said, I should have pretty fast cable considering I only have two nodes and then basically it runs back to Comcast, or something like that. However, that Temporary Line is probably causing the issues. No definite date on a fix, but maybe 24-hours or a few days, but the matter had been expedited or something like that. *Cross fingers*
    That’s the real issue with this cable, its sporadic, and comes and goes. I’m pretty sure they are going to try to replace that line, but you know what….. I have heard that before actually. I have actually heard that for over a year now. Even the expedited part. : P
    Mark tried to thank me for pointing out this issue, and made some comment about how its actually helping them….but………. I can kind of tell he had been getting yelled at or something by someone. It was not obvious, but I could tell.
    I felt kind of bad about that, but… That happens when you work for someone, and the people who work for you (below you) don’t do what they are supposed too.
    I kind of tried to briefly explain to Mark about the issue again and that usually by the time a Supervisor gets out the issue has cleared up for a time….. Odd how that works by the way. But basically I got the old…well it looks like its working ok now and you should have seen some improvements over the last few days… thingy..
    We started talking about that Temporary Line being connected again and I walked Mark to the door and we said our goodbyes and I apologized again for being such a pain in the about this whole matter.
    I called the wife and told here about everything. The first thing she asked is; is it fixed? She is still not happy especially when I tired to explain what the issue was and probably was and that at least maybe they found it.
    I have no idea of what kind of onward action maybe on my part in the end if things don’t get better. Its like trying to argue with the old Bell Telephone Company when that was the only phone company in the US and no other phone companies existed.
    I hope to one day, be a satisfied Comcast Customer, but to date I have yet to feel that way, at least with the Internet in any case and that’s only because I really don’t watch TV.
    I am also, hoping when, and if, some LINE is replaced somewhere that I see some drastic improvement along with apparently a lot of other people in my community and a lot less issues also. I still don’t believe that I should be just setting for; Ok well at least its ON now, or the light has finally stopped flashing.
    All a SNAFU?
    That’s highly questionable at this point, and I have to be honest with you. This is going on a year and a half of dealing with this. This SNAFU, could be the case, but it seems more like policy, or a standing Comcast Company Directive actually if you want my honest opinion. I don’t know what the Maintenance Budget is for my area, but you might want to consider doubling it, or tripling it.
    I really don’t care actually when this is fixed, as long as the issue is fixed. I cannot make a final judgment until it is finally fixed and go on and try to take further action onward from that point.
    Thus far I have only been given an explanation. I don’t know if anyone at Comcast realize exactly how many times I have had an explanation given too me though (either on the phone with a service tech or from an actual person “tech” at my house). The list is extensive of the actual explanations I have had over the past year and a half, but my favorite one is; squirrels.
    We are still waiting on phone calls from people who said they would call us back today and check what’s going on. Both of us, (me and the wife) are slowly losing momentum again as this whole issue gets dragged out for weeks and weeks at a time.
    She is tired and I’m tired too, and Comcast is warring us down again it looks like. My wife was like; “do I have to call them, I really didn’t have a good day anyway and I’m tired. They were supposed to call us anyway, lets wait.”
    I tried to make a phone call (half heartedly, I myself as I’m tired too) as Carla (at my local Comcast office) wanted to know how the service call went, but after repeated attempts and being shuffled off to Billing, and then being put on hold : P ……and its actually getting close to dinner time. Maybe after dinner if I don’t just fall asleep first.
    So, in the end its still hang on for a few more days, and or, wait to have the problem fixed. Your guess is as good as mine, people. More Smoke and Mirrors or an actual Fix. Your guess is as good as mine.
    As for me, I’m going to bed, I’m worn out. Maybe a new line to replace that temporary one, maybe just saying I might get a new line to replace that temporary one.
    The Saga continues. Maybe it will end someday.

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      How to put iPod touch / iPhone into DFU mode « Karthik's scribblings
    Try another USB port and cable
    Try another computer to help determine if you have an iPod or computer problem

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    OMS. If you can still find it. try searching for Opcode OMS (open music system) You need it to run usb midi interfaces in OS9. Good luck, I'd seriously consider getting Logic express.

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    I don't think that is right. You need an audio in jack on the stereo. A headphone jack would be audio out. I haven't seen a car stereo with a headphone jack. I have seen an auxilary jack on some - for use with mp3 players.

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    I have not had that problem.  Are you using a standard 3.5mm stereo aux cable?  I have read a post in another forum that some posters with the same complaint simply were not pushing the plug in hard enough.  I know this sounds silly, but try again and push until you a absolutely positive it is in.  Also, try another cable if you can.  If it works with the headset that came with the phone, then the phone or aux port is probably not the problem.  You could also try another car with the same cable you have now.  Just some different thoughts for you.
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    Any suggestions what maybe wrong/new camcorder that will work with a Mac!
    Message was edited by: davekirwin

    iMovie 7 not iMovie 8

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    Can I connect my Sony Handycam DCR HC96 to the Ipad. DOes exists a cable Firewire-Lightning?

    If the Camera stores the videos and photos in a compatible format and the camera has a USB port, you can probably use this:
    Lightning to USB Camera Adapter
    The Camera must not attempt to charge from the iPad, and has to store the photos and videos in a compatible format for the iPad to see and import them to itself.
    iPad: Using the iPad Camera Connection Kit
    But no, there is no Firewire to Lightning cable.

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    What DNS?
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    We cannot answer your questions.. and the method looks wrong.. why are you doing it manually.. just use dhcp and see if it works.
    There is hardly a modem or router out there that doesn't have dhcp setup for automatic setups.
    If it is manual then there is no way we can give you the values..
    They are determined 100% by the network you plug the computer into.. and the setting of that network.
    Tell us more if you supply modem router.. and ISP info and why it is not working with dhcp we might be able to help further.

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    See clues here in the last post...
    Laughably expensive, but part#s may help searching...
    iMac 24" LCD Panel w/ Inverter Board and Gasket (p/n 1001349)
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    24" iMac LCD Display Panel (p/n 1004596)

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    That is not a IDE cable, it's specialized for the X-fi. You'll need to contact Customer Support for a replacement.

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    Hello Dragon2010,
    to your questions:
    - first: yes it is a real HDMI-port but it is a Mini-HDMI-port.
    - second: So you need a "Mini-HDMI to HDMI Cable". Its not included.
    - third: you can buy options in electronic stores like "Media Markt" and so on but the best way is around the www.
    hope this helps you
    best regards

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