Can i plug my external hardrive to my ps3 for itunes....?

can i plug it into my ps3 with my itunes media folder and play my movies off that?? will it do anything to it? like erase it? thats why im asking just to make sure something won't happen to my drive

I know 0 about PS3, but if it offers similar support as Xbox360, you should be able to plug it in and play non-protected music and video.
Give the PS3 site a search for External Drive/Music Playback.
Another solution is to do that kind of thing across the network. If you are interrested in that, look at this.

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    Moving iTunes >
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    See Dave Sawyer's post here - it's the easiest way
    Also, make sure Windows assigns a drive letter that won't change


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    Hi, Matt.
    Apple's policy is clear: iTS purchases can be downloaded only once. It is your responsibility to make back-ups.
    That being said, at their discretion they have made one-time exceptions to this policy. You can ask for an exception by submitting the form at the bottom of this page:
    Good Luck! But whatever the response from Apple, remember:
    Your music is valuable - please back it up!

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    You have me confused as to where the apps really are. You mention iPod and mention that the iPod isn't your primary computer. Obviously, it can't be - its an iPod. I'm not trying to be a jerk - I just dont understand what that means.
    The you say that the old computer is the primary computer for iTunes. That makes more sense. Anyway, you could have transferred the iTunes library from the old computer to the new Mac, but I assume that you did not realize that.
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    Call your bank or credit card company.

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    From the Finder: Finder>Preferences>General. Check the box -External disks.

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    There is a forum for MacBook Pro - not this. And for Boot Camp.
    You can:
    add Paragon HFS driver to Windows which works
    add Paragon NTFS for Mac OS X
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    i think you will need to use a computer somewhere in the process
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    Who knows why the FN keys dont work on the Satellite P100-240 PSPA3E.
    Maybe the drivers and the utility were muddled up!
    If you use the original Toshiba image on this notebook then everything should works ok!
    You could try to refresh for example the Hotkey Utility which can be downloaded from the Toshiba driver page.
    Furthermore the NVidia Geforce manager (you can find it in the control panel) provides different settings. Check this!

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    This is the recommended way to move iTunes Music.
    iTunes: Moving your iTunes Music folder
    Also read this:
    What are the iTunes library files?
    The main thing is just consolidate your iTunes Music folder to the other HD. Leave the iTunes Library file & iTunes Music Library.xml file in the iTunes folder in its original location.

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    That's easy to fix.
    At pretty much any computer store, you can find
    external hard drives with a variety of disk space,
    ranging up to 750 GB or even more. For example:
    Sometimes it's also possible to get just the drive
    without the outer covering, which you would have to
    buy and assemble separately.
    Anyways, with that all set, connect it to your
    computer's USB port and you can now use it. If your
    computer is out of space, then you'd probably want to
    move the movie onto the external drive instead of
    just saving a copy there, since that won't save you
    space on your normal computer drive. Now, once the
    file is in the external drive, double click it to add
    it to your iTunes' library, and you're all set.
    One thing to watch for is try to keep the external
    hard drive's name consistent. If you first opened it
    as drive J, but when you turned it on the next time
    you already have drive J as another jump drive, then
    the external drive will have no choice but to adopt
    another name, like Drive K. This causes a problem
    because iTunes only recognizes one pathway for the
    files, and you'll get a message saying "cannot find
    file would you like to locate it". If you don't have
    a lot of movies, that's fine, because it wouldn't
    take that long to locate it manually. But if you have
    a lot, it would be frustrating. So just try to keep
    the name the same.
    And since you already have an external hard drive, I
    would recommend backing up your music and library
    too. Copy, don't cut, the folders as they are into
    the external hard drive for back up files. And go to
    File and Export Library... in iTunes to back up your
    What you are saying makes sense but I think I need more details - I am pretty new at this....
    How do I move just the TV shows from my laptop to the external drive? Or should I just move my whole ITunes library? When I am done, can I use this drive with my other computer too?

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