Can't Backup Even Though Lots of Space

I'm trying to do the initial setup of TM on my new MacPro but it keeps telling me "This backup is too large for the backup volume..." I have excluded numerous folders in TM preferences. The total included size to backup is 133GB (as calculated by TM in its preferences dialog) and I'm trying to backup to a brand new external USB drive with 465GB free. However, each time the backup tries to run it says "The backup requires 466.0GB but only 465.3GB are available."
What gives?
David Salahi

exactly the same problem that I am facing.
Help help please

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    You are waiting for an apology to something that happened over a year ago? Really? This is why there is a manager in the store. You have a problem with an employee you speak to the manager. Just like you did on the phone. You would have gotten your apology in July 2013.
    Here is the information about your upgrade fee.
    Upgrade Fee
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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    I think you'll find it means you don't have enough storage available on your phone.

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    Didn't know an iPhone is capable of "BS"! Impressive.  Do the basic troubleshooting steps described in the User Guide:  Restart, Reset, Restore.
    Never post your email address or any personal info in a public forum like this. Any answers you get will be found here.

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    Reset OS X Password Without an OS X CD...
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    Or, an Archive & Install, which gives you a new/old OS, but can preserve all your files, pics, music, settings, etc., as long as you have plenty of free disk space...
    Just be sure to select Preserve Users & Settings.
    But first...
    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Tiger Install disc that came with your computer, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
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    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair. Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
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    The keyboard works fine and you're putting in the right password with caps lock not being on?
    It must not be the correct password or it was changed by someone.
    Try restarting the pc and hit F8 and go into Safe Mode and you should have Administrator come up and you should be able to log into it and reset your other accounts' passwords or change them.
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    Hi DCK12345,
         Don't know if you are able to do this, but I would not purchase the software, considering the subscription plan they have available. You can subscribe and always have the latest updates for around 29.99 a month. I do this from Japan, and it works much better than laying out however many hundreds of dollars and having to constantly pay for the upgrades. I think they even have a yearly plan for 20 something dollars a month...even for the educators discount, the subscription likely works out cheaper.

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    Thanks for your help!

    It's probably refering to your iPad and not iCloud.
    Check your balance space on iPad here:
    Message was edited by: Diavonex

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    Does anyone know why iTunes is doing this, and is there some way to make it stop? I can understand the logic of keeping some free space, but I would think something like 100 MB would be more then enough.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thanks, Michael

    iTunes is the worst piece of grabage Apple ever came up with. Whether it's on Mac or PC.
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    == This happened ==
    Just once or twice
    == I logged on last Friday

    Has the PC end done this ?
    On the whole it takes iChat and AIM 5.9 running in XP as AIM 6.x has had the Video codec changed by AIM and no longer works.
    8:32 PM Sunday; November 30, 2008

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    Enter Time Machine, via the application, to see if it has backed up. If not try C2/A4 in the first linked article.
    Time Machine Troubleshooting
    Time Machine Troubleshooting Problems

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