Can't connect to T-Zones

I've had my Blackberry 8100 with TMobile for almost a year.  Never any problems, love the phone, but recently cannot access "tzones" to download ringtones, etc.    Message reads:  Unable to connect to the WAP Gateway at the following address:
Port:  9201
Do you know how to correct this?

Can you access other WAP sites? if not - call ur carrier to ensure codes are correct..
Or.. If you're connected to a BES, it may be an It Policy restricting it..
Or... just pull the battery out.. Make sure it is unplugged from anything and SWITCHED ON when you do this..
If your issue is resolved, put a checkmark in the green box that contains the resolution.
If it was just/or also really helpful - Give it a Kudos.. Go on Mate.. Help the rest of the clueless blackberry user world find their answer too..
~Gday from Down Under~

Similar Messages

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    My Sync Zone can't connect to my Gmail Account. Domain name is [email protected]. All is proper set up but it fail atthe connection.
    Is anybody having the same issue?
    Does it exist any alternative to synchronize contact and calendar with my Xperia Ion?
    Thank you for your help

    This could be caused by a firewall blocking PC Companion from connecting to the internet. If you have a firewall installed, make sure it's set to allow PC Companion.
    If your internet connection goes through a proxy you may also have to enter your proxy in PC Companion. Click PC Companion settings at the top right and then go to proxy settings.
    If you use MS Outlook with MS Exchange you could also synchronize directly with MS Exchange from the phone. Go to Settings -> Accounts and sync in the phone and add a new account with your settings (you get these from your IT-department).
    You could also try the 3:rd party application MyPhoneExplorer from
    What are your thoughts about this forum? Let us know by doing this short survey.
     - Official Sony Xperia Support Staff
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    If you want to get in touch with the local support team for your country please visit our contact page.

  • Adobe cloud application manager - can not connect to internet

    To ADOBE - The Adode cloud Order no is DSSY006786009DT and is current
    The Adobe cloud application manager - can not connect to internet even though there is internet connection and says it might be time zone error but that is correct  - Sydney Australia
         1. Is anybody else having this problem
         2. How do we fix
    I already changed the time zone east coast US - did not change anything
    Could it be a corrupt program - thus requiring to reinstall program Application manager
    I am using Windows 7.
    It has been like it for ten days - It asks to log in everytime I turn computer on
    All programs in Creative Cloud work
    Any suggestions and solution
    Online help and phone help had no solutions other than what I suggested - that is reload application manager
    Thanks for help
    Ian Cleland

    The Creative Cloud File Synching was just offline, should be online now again.
    See top off:
    Maybe that was your problem.

  • Lion Server: iOS 5 clients can't connect to Address Card Server

    I have set up shared accounts on the server for Calendar and Address Book (family) sharing. Although I can add and use the Address Book shared account on OS X Lion clients, I can't get this to work on iOS 5 clients (iPhone nor iPad). I keep on getting "CardDAV account verification failed".
    Calendar sharing works just fine on both OS X and iOS5 clients
    Let me briefly describe my setup and observations:
    Running Lion Server 10.7.2 on Mac Mini (server)
    Using SSL connections with keys generated during set-up of the server
    Portforwarding in router (ao) for 8008 and 8843 (iCal and Address Book)
    Created  shared accounts on server for Calendar ("sharedcalendar") and Address Book ("sharedcontacts")
    In the DNS server I created services in my primary zone for "_caldavs._tcp." and "_carddavs._tcp." both on port 8443
    OS X Client (Calendar)
    Created additional CalDAV account in preferences (user "sharedcalendar")
    Left the server settings untouched (server path, port "auto" and using SSL but not Kerberos)
    Created in "sharedcalendar" different calendars and reminder lists for the family members which each can access from their OS X client
    This account is now set-up through Profile Manager (tried this with Address Book as well but didn't make any difference)
    iOS 5 Client (Calendar)
    Once tested on standalone and got this working I'm now using the Profile Manager to push the definition of the shared account to all clients
    Hostname with port 8443 (default)
    Left Principal URL blank since it was optional
    User "shared calendar" with the appropriate password
    Ticked "Use SSL"
    OS X client (Address Book)
    Created additional CardDAV account in preferences (user "sharedcontacts").
    Left the server settings untouched (port 443 using SSL)
    iOS 5 client (Address Book)
    In the settings add a CardDAV account (server, user "sharedcontacts", password, description).
    First error message "Cannot connect Using SSL. Do you want to try setting up the account without SSL?". When I press continue I get the error "CardDAV account verification failed"
    If I then save the account details still and edit the account I can access the "advanced settings". When I change to SSL I have tried port 0 (default value), 8443 (the one that's listed in the documentation) and 8843 (which is used by default if you try to set up the
    account in Profile Manager). All to no avail, including Profile Manager
    Lion Server app nicely lists both Calendar and Address Book Server as active (plus Profile Manager, File Server, Web server and Wiki server)
    When I access my server home page, Calendar is listed in addition to other services (Mail | Calendar | Change Password | Profile Manager) but not Address Book. Is this normal behaviour? i.e. can't Address Book entries be changed through a web interface?
    Address Book on OS X client uses 443 for SSL but does not require me to define port 8443 for secure iCal or Address Book server communications
    Lion Server Profile Manager specifies port 8843 as port for SSL communication. I only saw 8443 listed in documentation
    The response "can't connect .." or "account verification failed" happens very quick which make me think either the verification doesn't even leave the iPad or there is something wrong in the SSL connection
    Since iCal set-up works nicely using the same ports I am puzzled why it doesn't work for Address Book
    Your solutions or suggestions how to investigate are most welcome,

    Thanks for joining the discussion.
    Although port 8443 is mosten quoted as correct port for CalDAV and CardDAV, port 8843 can be found both on Apple's website and other places:
    see Technical Note 1649 to find port 8443 listed for iCal and port 8843 for Address Book
    Mac OS X Lion Server for Dummies (sic) lists port 8843 on pages 236 and 238 but port 8443 in many other places
    when you want to push iCal and Address Book information with Profile Manager, Profile Manager lists port 8443 for iCal but port 8843 for Address Book as default:
    So I hope you understand I'm somewhat puzzled.
    I did get the Address Book working for my Lion desktops with the all the necessary certificates as far as I know, just not for the iOS devices (iPhone and IpPad). iCal sharing from Lion Server works fine on both Lion and iOS devices.

  • Outlook can't connect with Exchange 2013 after migration from Exchange 2007

    <style type="text/css">P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }</style>
    recently we've done a Exchange 2007 sp3 to 2013 sp1. Users can conect perfectly with OWA and with his iphone clients.
    But the problem is they can't connect from his Outlook clients (2010, 2013), both internaly and externaly. Always fails with the message: The Connection to Exchange it is not avaliable.... Can't resolve the name of Exchange server.
    To try to resolve it we've done:
    - Check Outlook anywhere configuration en EAC: it is configure with and external url and internal server.domain.local. The security is the default Negociation, but we've tried all.
    - Check the internal dns, there are records for and exchangeserverdomain.local pointing to the exchange local ip. Also there is a public zone with the record pointing to the exchange local ip. Also we've made
    records and autodiscover.domain.local pointing to the exchange local ip.
    - In the public dns from our domain there is the record A and MX pointing our public ip. There aren't any record Autodiscover but we think that the manial conection should work.
    Check certificates: we've made a new self-signed certificate including all this internal and external domains and for all services.
    - Check Outlook Anywhere block: we've cheked.
    Currently server state:
    - Old Exchange 07 server can't start, it was in very bad state and we achieved migrate the mailbox to the new server, after that we tried to uninstall, but it crashes with a public folder replication error. We got uninstall all the roles
    unless the mailbox. After a restart it can't start.
    -The new Exchange 2013 looks great, there isn't any trail of the old server, or we haven't seen anything in the EAC or shell.
    I paste below the result of Microsoft Remote conectivity analaizer, with Outlook anywhere test. It is clear that there is a problem with that.
    Sorry because the test is in spanish and I translated it with google, from here I only can access the tool in spanish.
    We continue to try to resolve the problem.
    Thanks to all in advance!
    Testing RPC / HTTP connectivity.
    Error in testing RPC / HTTP.
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 24295 ms.
    Test steps
    Connectivity Analyzer Microsoft is trying to test Autodiscover for [email protected] .
    Error in automatic detection test .
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 24294 ms.
    Test steps
    Attempting each method of contacting the Autodiscover service .
    Failed to properly contact the Autodiscover service using all methods.
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 24294 ms.
    Test steps
    Trying to prove possible Autodiscover URL
    Error in testing this potential Autodiscover URL .
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 1509 ms.
    Test steps
    Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS .
    The host name is resolved correctly .
    additional Details
    IP addresses returned :
    Elapsed time: 507 ms.
    Testing TCP port 443 on the host to ensure listening or is open.
    The port was opened successfully.
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 464 ms.
    Testing the SSL certificate to make sure it is valid.
    The SSL certificate is not exceeded one or more certificate validation checks .
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 537 ms.
    Test steps
    Connectivity Analyzer Microsoft is attempting to obtain the SSL certificate from remote server on port 443 .
    Connectivity Analyzer Microsoft successfully obtained the remote SSL certificate.
    additional Details
    Remote Certificate Subject : CN = , issuer : CN = .
    Elapsed time: 454 ms.
    Validating the certificate name .
    The certificate name was validated successfully .
    additional Details
    Hostname was found at the entrance of the alternative subject name of the certificate.
    Elapsed time: 1 ms.
    Is validating the trusted certificate .
    Validation Error trusted certificate.
    Test steps
    Connectivity Analyzer Microsoft is trying to build certificate chains for certificate CN = ​​ .
    Could not build a certificate chain for the certificate.
    Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve
    additional Details
    The certificate chain did not end in a trusted root . Root = CN =
    Elapsed time: 31 ms.
    Trying to prove possible Autodiscover URL
    Error in testing this potential Autodiscover URL .
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 21723 ms.
    Test steps
    Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS .
    The host name is resolved correctly .
    additional Details
    IP addresses returned :
    Elapsed time: 498 ms.
    Testing TCP port 443 on the host to ensure listening or is open.
    The specified port is blocked , not listening or does not generate the expected response .
    Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve
    additional Details
    Network Error communicating with the remote host.
    Elapsed time: 21224 ms.
    Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service with the HTTP redirect method .
    Error when trying to contact the Autodiscover HTTP redirect method .
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 606 ms.
    Test steps
    Attempting to resolve the host name in DNS .
    The host name is resolved correctly .
    additional Details
    IP addresses returned :
    Elapsed time: 14 ms .
    Testing TCP port 80 on the host to ensure listening or is open.
    The port was opened successfully.
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 202 ms.
    Connectivity Analyzer Microsoft is checking the automatic detection of host for an HTTP redirect to the Autodiscover service.
    Connectivity Analyzer Microsoft could not get a HTTP redirect response for Autodiscover .
    additional Details
    Web exception occurred because an HTTP 404 response was received - Unknown NotFound . Headers received: Connection : close Content- Length: 1209 Content- Type: text / html Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:27:58 GMT Server : Apache/2.2.9 (Debian ) PHP/5.2.6-1 +
    lenny3 with Suhosin -Patch X -Powered -By : PHP/5.2.6-1 + lenny3 HTTP Response Headers : Connection : close Content- Length: 1209 Content- Type: text / html Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 15:27: 58 GMT Server : Apache/2.2.9 (Debian ) PHP/5.2.6-1 + lenny3 with
    Suhosin -Patch X -Powered -By : PHP/5.2.6-1 + lenny3
    Elapsed time: 388 ms.
    Attempting to contact the Autodiscover service using the method of DNS SRV redirect server.
    Connectivity Analyzer Microsoft could not contact the Autodiscover service using the DNS SRV redirect method .
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 186 ms.
    Test steps
    Trying to find the SRV record in DNS .
    Not the Autodiscover SRV record in DNS found .
    Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve
    additional Details
    Elapsed time: 186 ms.
    Checking for a CNAME record for Autodiscover in DNS for your domain " " to Office 365.
    Could not validate the Autodiscover CNAME record in DNS. If your mailbox is not in Office 365 , you can ignore this warning.
    Tell me more about this issue and how to resolve
    additional Details
    No Autodiscover CNAME record for your domain ' ' .
    Elapsed time: 268 ms.

    We have the Self-signed certificate that comes with Exchange, and we've created a new self-signed including all our domains, domain.local, exchange13.domain.local,, autodiscover.domain.local.
    below I print you the result os the comand Get-ClientAccesServer | fl . Now we've configured a SPC objetct folow the instructions of Wizard
    Exchange Server Deployment from Microsoft. We've executed the commands in our new Exchange 13, but can't did it in the old Exchange:
    $AutodiscoverHostName = ""Get-ExchangeServer | Where {($_.AdminDisplayVersion -Like "Version 8*") -And ($_.ServerRole -Like "*ClientAccess*")} | Set-ClientAccessServer -AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri https://$AutodiscoverHostName/Autodiscover/Autodiscover.xmlThis is the result of
    RunspaceId                           : 89c86f8e-d156-4480-b31d-59215976879b
    Name                                 : EXCHANGE13
    Fqdn                                 : EXCHANGE13.domain.local
    ClientAccessArray                    :
    OutlookAnywhereEnabled               : True
    AutoDiscoverServiceCN                : EXCHANGE13
    AutoDiscoverServiceClassName         : ms-Exchange-AutoDiscover-Service
    AutoDiscoverServiceInternalUri       :
    AutoDiscoverServiceGuid              : 77378f46-2c66-4aa9-a6a6-3e7a48b19596
    AutoDiscoverSiteScope                : {Nombre-predeterminado-primer-sitio}
    AlternateServiceAccountConfiguration :
    IsOutOfService                       : False
    WorkloadManagementPolicy             : DefaultWorkloadManagementPolicy_15.0.825.0
    Identity                             : EXCHANGE13
    IsValid                              : True
    ExchangeVersion                      : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
    DistinguishedName                    : CN=EXCHANGE13,CN=Servers,CN=Exchange Administrative Group
    Groups,CN=First Organization,CN=Microsoft
    Guid                                 : e83055fe-217b-4ed6-9cd0-7711097baf99
    ObjectCategory                       : domain.local/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Exchange-Server
    ObjectClass                          : {top, server, msExchExchangeServer}
    WhenChanged                          : 09/03/2014 12:46:07
    WhenCreated                          : 08/03/2014 19:15:54
    WhenChangedUTC                       : 09/03/2014 11:46:07
    WhenCreatedUTC                       : 08/03/2014 18:15:54
    OrganizationId                       :
    OriginatingServer                    : severdc.domain.local
    ObjectState                          : Unchanged
    I hope this stuff can help you.

  • Can't connect to computers on the same network and same office

    Hi everyone, I have this problem from some time now, I have on the same network some computers with ethernet, and some with Wi-Fi.
    All are connected to the C-Net Wireless-G Router.
    My iBook is on the Wi-Fi zone (All have 10.4.11) and I can see the computers on the Ethernet area, but I have an iMac 2.0 next to my iBook and I can't see it.
    How is that possible? Am I making something wrong with the subnet mask or IP address?
    All are configured to use as the router and on the subnet Manually.
    The IP variates from device to device on the 192.168.1.X numbers, starting with 100 on the iMac, and ending with 113 on an old 8600.
    Wy can't I see the iMac?, si so close that I can reach her with my hands, but can't connect to transfer files over the network.
    If anyone could give me a hand here, I will apprettiate the advice.
    Thaks to everyone, Pablo from Argentina.

    rccharles wrote:
    All are connected to the C-Net Wireless-G Router.
    My iBook is on the Wi-Fi zone (All have 10.4.11) and I can see the computers on the Ethernet area,
    but I have an iMac 2.0 next to my iBook and I can't see it.
    How is the iMac 2.0 connected? cable or wireless?
    iMac is on Wi-Fi.
    How is that possible? Am I making something wrong with the subnet mask or IP address?
    You are on a different subnet. In x.x.x.0 the x's are different.
    All the computers are in the same subnet, cable ones and wi fi ones.
    All are configured to use as the router and on the subnet Manually.
    The IP variates from device to device on the 192.168.1.X numbers, starting with 100 on the iMac, and ending with 113 on an old 8600.
    Look at what ip addresses you have on each machine.
    I have different IPs on each machine, do you need the numbers?
    Wy can't I see the iMac?, si so close that I can reach her with my hands, but can't connect to transfer files over the network.
    Macintosh-HD -> Applications -> Utilities -> Network
    Use the ping command to see what is going on. Ping, source & destination machine. is an alias of the machine you are on.
    check out port scan. This will tell you if sharing is on.
    I will try this
    Message was edited by: rccharles

  • Can't connect to the music store - tried most everything - help!

    When I try to connect, itunes says it can't and asks me to check my internet connection. Same thing happens when I click on check for updates. Radio works fine. When I put a music CD in my PC, itunes gets the CD info. FYI, Quicktime won't go to update site or bring up launch video. Says that sever is unavailable.
    My PC is an HP P4 2Ghz, 256M ram, XP home SP2. All windows and HP software and firmware are up to date. All other communications work fine.
    Here is everything I tried:
    Disabled Viruscan, Disabled Zone Alarm, checked that XP firewall was disabled. Connected directly to my cable modem (Cox is the ISP). I don't use a proxy server and checked to make sure none was configured
    Used MSCONFIG to disable everything but itunehelper and qttask (left all Microsoft services running) - still couldn't connect.
    Called Cox and asked if they blocked any ports. They explicitly said that iTunes does not use any ports they restrict.
    I uninstalled and installed itunes and quicktime about 10 times, in all combinations. I even used the stand alone version of quicktime - no change. I made sure all privacy, virus and firewall programs were disabled when I uninstalled in installed - still can't connect.
    I am able to see the html script when I go to I can ping and dns reports the IP address as I can ping that address. I have upgraded to the latest itunes of 6.04 (my ipod came with 6.02). My ipod connects fine to itunes and gets the music I have loaded from CD's.
    I even tried turning on UPnP in XP. This made no change. I can see packet activity when I try to go the the music store, or when I click on check for upgrades - but I can never connect. My PC appears to be authorized, as I have the option to unauthorize - but I can't do this because I can't connect.
    FYI - my daughter's laptop can connect to the music store. She is running the same OS and version of itunes. I set that system up and it is no different from my desktop.
    I've exhausted my PC knowlege. Anything I missed?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    When I try to connect, itunes says it can't and asks
    me to check my internet connection. Same thing
    happens when I click on check for updates. Radio
    works fine. When I put a music CD in my PC, itunes
    gets the CD info. FYI, Quicktime won't go to update
    site or bring up launch video. Says that sever is
    My PC is an HP P4 2Ghz, 256M ram, XP home SP2. All
    windows and HP software and firmware are up to date.
    All other communications work fine.
    Here is everything I tried:
    Disabled Viruscan, Disabled Zone Alarm, checked that
    XP firewall was disabled. Connected directly to my
    cable modem (Cox is the ISP). I don't use a proxy
    server and checked to make sure none was configured
    Used MSCONFIG to disable everything but itunehelper
    and qttask (left all Microsoft services running) -
    still couldn't connect.
    Called Cox and asked if they blocked any ports. They
    explicitly said that iTunes does not use any ports
    they restrict.
    I uninstalled and installed itunes and quicktime
    about 10 times, in all combinations. I even used the
    stand alone version of quicktime - no change. I made
    sure all privacy, virus and firewall programs were
    disabled when I uninstalled in installed - still
    can't connect.
    I am able to see the html script when I go to I can ping
    and dns reports the IP address as I
    can ping that address. I have upgraded to the latest
    itunes of 6.04 (my ipod came with 6.02). My ipod
    connects fine to itunes and gets the music I have
    loaded from CD's.
    I even tried turning on UPnP in XP. This made no
    change. I can see packet activity when I try to go
    the the music store, or when I click on check for
    upgrades - but I can never connect. My PC appears to
    be authorized, as I have the option to unauthorize -
    but I can't do this because I can't connect.
    FYI - my daughter's laptop can connect to the music
    store. She is running the same OS and version of
    itunes. I set that system up and it is no different
    from my desktop.
    I've exhausted my PC knowlege. Anything I missed?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    I have the same problem. If you ever find out why-could you tell me???

  • I can't read or download books all so says can't connect to iTunes

    I Can't read any book or download any new ones its also saying can't connect to iTunes please help

    Hi Mrstiddy,
    Welcome to the Support Communities!  If you are not able to connect to the iTunes Store to download iBooks, restart the device.  If the issue persists, try these additional steps:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store - Apple Support
    Troubleshoot issues on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If you haven't been able to connect to the iTunes Store:
    Make sure your date, time, and time zone are correct in Settings > General > Date & Time. 
    Note: Time Zone may list another city in your time zone.
    Make sure that your iOS software is up to date by tapping Settings > General > Software Update(iOS 5 or later) or connecting your iOS device to iTunes and clicking Check for Update on your device's Summary page.
    Check and verify that you're in range of a Wi-Fi router or base station. If you're on a device with cellular service, make sure that cellular data is turned on from Settings > General > Cellular.
    Note: If connected to cellular data, larger items may not download. You may need to connect to Wi-Fi to download apps, videos, and podcasts.
    Make sure that you have an active Internet connection. You can check the user guide for your device for help with connecting to the Internet.
    Make sure that other devices (portable computers, for example) are able to connect to the Wi-Fi network and access the Internet.
    Try resetting (turning off and then on again) your Wi-Fi router.
    If the issue persists, try troubleshooting your Wi-Fi networks and connections.
    I hope this information helps ....
    - Judy

  • I can't connect with Turkey!

    Hi! I have a problem. I'm from Poland and can't connect with my friend from Turkey using Skype. It's strange coz she is the only one from my friends with whom i can't establish connection. And she is from Turkey. I talked to people from US, South Africa and other remote countries but I can't establish connection with Turkey! And i'm from Poland. Does Turkey block connection from Poland? She has the same problem. She can't connect only with me - she talks to people from all over the world expect me. Can you help me?
    Go to Solution.

    muskagap wrote:
    Oh, sorry, it's Marocco not Turkey
    tell your friend to connect Skype through a proxy server:
    Location - Dhaka | Bangladesh - Standard Time Zone: GMT/UTC + 06:00 hour
    If one of my replies has adequately addressed your issue, please click on the “Accept as Solution” button. If you found a post useful then please "Give Kudos" at the bottom of my post, so that this information can benefit others.

  • WRT54G V8 Can't connect to web based setup page?

    Earlier I reset my router and was able to use to visit the web based setup page while trying to re-establish a home network now that I have a new computer using Windows 7 which can not use the easylink advisor. I was able to get on the page to update my SSID and WEP key. But when my wireless devices were still having problems connecting to the internet I tried to go back to the page and found that I can't get it to connect, though my desktop is able to connect to other internet sites just fine.
    Does anyone know what i can be doing wrong? I am using Verizon DSL. I was able to ping the router and all tests showed that it was connected fine, yet I still cannot get on the setup page and my laptop still can't connect to the network. I have tried resetting the router again, and still nothing. And yes, I have gone through numerous power cycles. I also tried going though the network map on my computer, but the computer says it was unable to create a map for it even though at the time I had it listed as a Home network.
    Message Edited by TaiShan on 01-03-2010 07:06 PM
    Go to Solution.

    Wireless connections to  often fail.  When accessing the router setup pages, always use a computer that is wired to the WRT54G.
    If the above does not solve your problem, then here are my other tips for viewing the router setup pages:
    You do not need an Internet connection. The router's "web pages" are built into the router.
    Use Internet Explorer, it usually works.
    JavaScript must be enabled.
    Use a computer that is wired to the router.
    In the non-working computer, temporarily turn off your software firewall.
    Point your browser to , then login to your router. Your user name should be left blank. Your password is "admin" (with no quotes), unless you changed it.
    If you are using Zone Alarm, right click on the ZA icon in the system tray (lower right corner of screen) and then click "Shutdown ZoneAlarm", and see if this fixes your problem. If this does not work, try the following with Zone Alarm: Open the ZAISS control center, go to Privacy, then temporarily turn off Ad Blocking and Cookie Control, and see if that fixes your problem.
    Some Zone Alarm users have reported that adding to their list of "trusted" addresses fixed the problem. This trick might also work with other firewalls.
    If you are using Noton Internet Security with the Add-on Pack, be sure to turn off the Pop-up Blocker, and the Ad blocker. Some users have reported that they needed to uninstall the entire Norton Add-on Pack.
    If you cannot get anything at then perhaps this is not your router's address. Go to "Start" > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
    A black DOS box will appear. Type in "ipconfig" (with no quotes), then hit the Enter key. Look at the "Default Gateway". Is it ? Point your browser to the "Default Gateway", then login to your router.
    If the above fails, disconnect your modem from the router, and try again. If this corrects your problem, then most likely you have a "modem-router" rather than an ordinary modem. Report back with this problem, and also state the make and exact model number of your modem (not the router).
    If all of the above fails, power down your entire system, unplug it from the wall, wait one minute, then power up and try again.
    If all of the above tips fail, then reset the router to factory defaults: Power down the router and disconnect all wires from it. Wait one minute. Power up the router, allow it to fully boot (1-2 minutes), then press and hold the reset button for 30 seconds, then release the button and allow the router to reset and reboot ( 2-3 minutes). Power down router. Wait one minute. Connect one computer, by wire, to a LAN port on the router. Boot up system.  The router should work, but you will need to setup your router again from scratch.  If you saved a router configuration file, DO NOT use it.
    If you still have trouble, then you need to download and install (or re-install) the latest firmware for your router. After the firmware upgrade, you must reset the router to factory defaults, then setup the router again from scratch. If you saved a router configuration file, DO NOT use it.
    Message Edited by toomanydonuts on 01-03-2010 10:54 PM

  • Can't connect iTunes Store

    I whant to Pruche pile groom clash of clans game but error can't connect to iTunes Store
    Plz help and in all games it's the same

    Hello there, Mouda27.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great recommendations for troubleshooting your issue with the iTunes Store:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    Here are the specifics for working with an iOS device:
    Troubleshoot issues on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If you haven't been able to connect to the iTunes Store:
    Make sure your date, time, and time zone are correct in Settings > General > Date & Time.
    Note: Time Zone may list another city in your time zone.
    Make sure that your iOS software is up to date by tapping Settings > General > Software Update (iOS 5 or later) or connecting your iOS device to iTunes and clicking Check for Update on your device's Summary page.
    Check and verify that you're in range of a Wi-Fi router or base station. If you're on a device with cellular service, make sure that cellular data is turned on from Settings > General > Cellular.
    Note: If connected to cellular data, larger items may not download. You may need to connect to Wi-Fi to download apps, videos, and podcasts.
    Make sure that you have an active Internet connection. You can check the user guide for your device for help with connecting to the Internet.
    Make sure that other devices (portable computers, for example) are able to connect to the Wi-Fi network and access the Internet.
    Try resetting (turning off and then on again) your Wi-Fi router.
    If the issue persists, try troubleshooting your Wi-Fi networks and connections.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • Solaris 10 client - ldap_search: Can't connect to LDAP server

    I have following configuration:
    - openLDAP server in Solaris 10 zone called ldap
    - native LDAP client in different Solaris 10 zone called mail on the same SPARC machine
    I can't get ldapsearch results after ldapclient initialization.
    [root@mail ~]# ldapsearch -b dc=pov,dc=pl objectclass=*
    ldap_search: Can't connect to the LDAP server - Connection refused
    But I am able to get data from LDAP server if address of the server is specified:
    [root@mail ~]# ldapsearch -b dc=pov,dc=pl -h objectclass=*
    version: 1
    dn: ou=users,dc=pov,dc=pl
    objectClass: organizationalUnit
    ou: Users
    Here is ldapclient config:
    [root@mail ~]# ldapclient list
    NS_LDAP_SEARCH_BASEDN= dc=pov,dc=pl
    NS_LDAP_AUTH= none
    What am I missing?

    Hi, I'm no exprert but I will try to help you. Are you still working on this?
    This what my stuff looks like:
    # ldapclient list
    NS_LDAP_BINDDN= uid=proxyagent,ou=People,dc=deathnote,dc=net
    NS_LDAP_BINDPASSWD= {NS1}ecfa88f3a945c411
    NS_LDAP_SEARCH_BASEDN= dc=deathnote,dc=net
    NS_LDAP_AUTH= none
    NS_LDAP_SERVICE_SEARCH_DESC= passwd:ou=People,dc=deathnote,dc=net
    NS_LDAP_SERVICE_SEARCH_DESC= shadow:ou=People,dc=deathnote,dc=net
    NS_LDAP_SERVICE_SEARCH_DESC= group:ou=People,dc=deathnote,dc=net
    NS_LDAP_SERVICE_AUTH_METHOD= pam_ldap:simple
    [root@light migration]# cat user00.ldif
    dn: uid=user00,ou=People,dc=deathnote,dc=net
    uid: user00
    cn: user00
    objectClass: account
    objectClass: posixAccount
    objectClass: shadowAccount
    objectClass: top
    loginShell: /bin/bash
    uidNumber: 805
    gidNumber: 501
    homeDirectory: /home/user00
    gecos: ldap user
    Also update you hosts file and add your server to the domain.
    I hope this helps.
    Edited by: CyberNinja on Oct 22, 2011 12:37 PM

  • After updating Firefox it says complete. But on the home page it says can not connect please refresh which I do and nothing happens. So it says try later and I have tired for tow days now. HELP!!

    Having problems with updating Firefox. It keeps on saying can not connect try again later.

    Hello BassoonPlayer,
    Since you are using one of the the school's Macbooks, it is quite possible that the time and date are not properly set on the computer that you are using.  FaceTime will not work if you do not have the proper time zone set up for the location that you are in.  This past week, there were a two other Macbook users I've helped by simply telling them to set the Date/Time properly.  By the way, you described your problem very well, which makes it easier for us to help you.  Hope this solves your problem -- if not, post back and I can suggest other remedies.

  • Can't connect iTunes Store just in one mac

    I can't connect iTunes Store just in my iMac but is no problem in the iPhone, MacBookAir.
    Anyone can't help me, please?

    Hello there, Mouda27.
    The following Knowledge Base article offers up some great recommendations for troubleshooting your issue with the iTunes Store:
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    Here are the specifics for working with an iOS device:
    Troubleshoot issues on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
    If you haven't been able to connect to the iTunes Store:
    Make sure your date, time, and time zone are correct in Settings > General > Date & Time.
    Note: Time Zone may list another city in your time zone.
    Make sure that your iOS software is up to date by tapping Settings > General > Software Update (iOS 5 or later) or connecting your iOS device to iTunes and clicking Check for Update on your device's Summary page.
    Check and verify that you're in range of a Wi-Fi router or base station. If you're on a device with cellular service, make sure that cellular data is turned on from Settings > General > Cellular.
    Note: If connected to cellular data, larger items may not download. You may need to connect to Wi-Fi to download apps, videos, and podcasts.
    Make sure that you have an active Internet connection. You can check the user guide for your device for help with connecting to the Internet.
    Make sure that other devices (portable computers, for example) are able to connect to the Wi-Fi network and access the Internet.
    Try resetting (turning off and then on again) your Wi-Fi router.
    If the issue persists, try troubleshooting your Wi-Fi networks and connections.
    Thanks for reaching out to Apple Support Communities.

  • Can we connect Multisim and LabVIEW?

    Hi frndz 
    I want some info.  please tell me is there any such facility in LabVIEW2011 that i can use circuit from Multisim as a simple camponant in LabVIEW???
    take 1 example :
        suppose i m doing HOME AUTOMATION  project. in that i have  my own temp. sensor circuit , light detector circuit. i made these circuits in Multisim.
    now  i want to use that circuit as a single block in LabVIEW???
    can we connect Multisim and LabVIEW?

    I believe what you are looking for is Multisim connectivity toolkit.
    This should help :

Maybe you are looking for