Can't do transitions or save titles, etc?

I have made movies with imovie before. The last time was in May.
I am using iMovie3, btw.
Anyway, this time around, I can't save titles, do transitions, etc. I have no idea what happened or what i am doing wrong. The "apply" button his not highlighted for me to cllick it when I need to for either of these options.
I can add effects, change time, etc. but nothing else.

Seems like you figured out the problem. However, I am a new iMovie (4.0.1) user and I have not been able to add a title to a movie I am currently working on. Basically, the apply button is continually greyed-out and I don't know how to get the title onto a clip or photo. Any advice? Thanks.

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    As far as functionality goes, I don't see anything wrong. when it comes to efficiency you need to keep some general pointers in mind. These issues which I'm bringing up will not affect your code currently since your array sizes are small but can start creating memory fragmentaion and slow down the software if your array sizes are much larger and the software runs for a long period of time.
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    I can think of two ways to achieve this.
    1) Create an empty compound clip in the Event Browser, open it in the timeline, add the generators and titles you want, adjust everything to your liking.
    This will be there in the Event library to reuse over and over again.
    I do this often and I even have a specific event, which I called Templates (but, of course, could be called anything meaningful) for the purpose of keeping the stuff that I reuse often.
    2) Control-click on the title or generator, and choose "Open a copy in Motion".
    Then you can adjust everything in Motion and have a new title or generator (they can be both practically the same thing) rigged (pun intended!) just the way you like it, right there in the generator browser in FCP X.
    Message was edited by: Luis Sequeira1

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    ~bangs head on desk~ thanks, that's fixed it, some days I can be really thick...
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    Hi eyecat - welcome to the forum!
    I am sure that you mean you can NOT use the transitions:-)
    You need to tell us what happens when you try to use them.
    You should be dragging the little blue square from beside the transition you have chosen, down to the join between two clips. Is that what you are doing?
    Are you storing your imovie projects on an external drive, or on the computer's internal drive?
    Just a little tip - when typing your questions and replies, do not use the Caps Lock on your keyboard. On the forum, that is considered to be shouting angrilly, which I am sure you are not intending to suggest!

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