Cannot access System Profiler

When I press the apple logo > About this Mac, More Info is greyed out.
I read that this goes to the system profiler, which is located in utilities, but it isn't in my utilities folder (there's only Adobe flash player and a folder labeled Contents).
There is a file called systemprofiler.plist in my preferences though.
Is this something I should be worried about, or should I just let it go?

It is normal to have systemprofiler.plist. If it isn't missing entirely, you may have inadvertently moved it. Get EasyFind and do a search for "System" to see where it might be located. Also enter "SystemProfiler" and make sure you're seeing SystemProfiler (a folder, not the app) in /System/Library. Don't go there, just confirm it exists at that location.
If it is completely missing, it can be reinstalled using Pacifist and the Install DVD.

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    10.9.2 is the latest Mac OS X update. is where to find the latest updates by product.

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    In their defend google answered that the android devices using android 4.1 or later are safe with this, thay have worked on this bug.
    let get back to our case, i believe that you know that apple uses  completely different and most advanced operating system ie ios .
    Apple uses data encryption and data protection  and much more to protect your data.
    so you should be least bother about these stupid bugs if are a apple user ✌️

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    " The dock (?) at the bottom also has a bunch of question marks"
    So usually that means that the applications are missing. It's like in a PC where the "Short Cut" link is broken.
    "When I scroll over the question marks, I can see apps like Safari, iPhoto, etc. but I cannot open anything."
    So just like when shortcuts are broken and for the same reason: applications are moved, renamed etc.
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    Something that came to mind after rereading you post relates to the particulars of a "hard" reset on the Snow.
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     menu/About This Mac/More Info/System Report?
    Selling old Mac
    Selling old Mac (2)
    Selling old Mac (3)
    Selling old Mac (4)          Apple support

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    As I can see you have posted this under Toshiba Product Recovery category although your action has nothing to do with Toshiba recovery installation and, for me, it is Microsoft related issue.
    To be honest I didn't understand what happen exactly but somehow I feel everything is messed up.
    My advice: if possible back-up all your important data and make clean recovery image installation.
    After doing this you will have factory settings and clean preinstalled OS so you will be able to use your notebook without any problems.
    Your other thread:

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    This is a help forum, not a social forum to make obscure irrelevant posts like yours. If you have a helpful piece of information that might help someone, then by all means post it. If you merely post your opinions of which you have no knowledge of, then you have not served the forum in the best way, but merely blurted out senseless information that is of no use to anyone. TO SET THE RECORD STRAIGHT THIS SCANNER AND SNOW LEOPARD DO WORK TOGETHER as I have previously posted. Epson advised to keep checking to see if they update their drivers for Mac OS 10.6.3 so that you can use the scanner from within Photoshop. I only hope that such posts such as yours don't discourage other users that use these discussion forums to help find answers to their questions. I AM lucky that I don't stop investigating issues that I have with my Mac due to incorrect or personal opinions that are posted in these forums.

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    The currencies I removed were not set as the default currency for any entities, and there was no stored data in the application using those currencies. The currencies removed were also not referenced in the rules file or the member list file.
    The problem is that, after deleting the unused currencies, when I try to select either the "[Inputs]" or "[Totals]" system member lists for the Value dimension (within a grid), the system returns a "The parameter is incorrect" error message, and no list appears. The log from system messages is as follows :
    The parameter is incorrect.
    System Message Details
    +Error Reference Number: {AF171E03-945D-4616-802F-21E90DD45CFA};+
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 1;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: DSCommonMetadataTI.cpp;Line: 456;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 0;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: DSCommonMetadataTI.cpp;Line: 648;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 0;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: CHsvDsVti.cpp;Line: 446;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 0;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: CommonMetadataInternal.cpp;Line: 1623;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 0;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:34;Svr: EUROPEMUK360;File: CommonMetadata.cpp;Line: 3273;Ver:;
    Num: 0x80070057;Type: 1;DTime: 23/03/2010 11:20:35;Svr: EUROPEMUK143;File: CCommonDimension.cpp;Line: 961;Ver:;
    All the other system member lists in the Value dimension work fine, and all other member lists in other dimensions are ok. I tried reloading a metadata file with the old currencies back in, but this did not resolve the issue. There are no special characters in any member names or descriptions.
    The app is on HFM v9.
    Any help would be much appreciated

    delete the file homedirectory/library/preferences/ and log out/in. this will reset your dock, spaces and exposé preferences to the defaults. set them up again.

  • All ports Timeout Cannot access system remotly

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    Something has happened that has cause no external access to get to this box. Including screen sharing from behind the router. I have removed the Router AEBS and still not out side access. I changed my NAT setting temporarily to anothe box within my network "mac mini" external access was available via my WAN IP.
    That said it seems to be an issue with permissions in my main tower.
    I have tried preferances> security to turn on and off the firewall (currently off)
    I have run disk utility to try to fix permissions that way.
    I have flushed every cahe I could find.
    I flush all my preferances.
    Still no joy.
    Any help with this situation would be greatly appreaciated.
    Quad core
    Firewall Settings:
      Mode:    Allow all incoming connections
      Firewall Logging:    No
      Stealth Mode:    No

    Anyone have any clue of where I should look for a solution?

  • Isight not listed under firewire in system profile

    hello all,
    All of a sudden my isight is not listed under firewire in the system profile. I've tried restarting with it plugged in and with it not plugged in. The green light of the camera will come on for a few seconds then shuts off when i do plug it into a firewire port. I have tried both ports on the computer and it is the same thing with each. I use yahoo messenger and no camera is listed there anymore. I also have iglasses installed and it always worked great. I guess I need to know how to get the system to list it again!
    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Welcome to Apple Discussions, Tim
    Sorry Tony's good suggestion did not work for you.
    (1) You can try the other checks, including checks for things like bad cables or ports, from How to test your iSight to ensure it is functional. If you can, it will be particularly helpful to try your iSight on another Mac and try another iSight on your Mac.
    (2) Click the highlighted items in System Profiler as follows to check for iSight:
    If your iSight is still not recognized in System Profiler, try the suggestions in Apple's What to do if your computer won't recognize a FireWire device article.
    (3) If you can get your external iSight recognized as a Firewire device in System Profiler but your iSight is still not working, you should next try all relevant suggestions from Apple's How to Troubleshoot iSight.
    Be sure to include the checks for whether the problem is "application-specific" and "user-specific". Click here if you need help creating a new user account to check whether your problem is "user-specific" during Troubleshooting.
    (4) If you cannot get System Profiler to recognize iSight as a Firewire device after trying all relevant suggestions, contact Apple or an Apple-Authorized Service Provider for service.
    EZ Jim
    Mac OS X (10.4.10)    G5 DP 1.8  External iSight

  • When I open a second Profile while another is running the second cannot access the Internet until I close the first. Why?

    I often have occasions to run more than one Profile simultaneously (usually because of different add-ons I've installed on different Profiles). In the past this worked fine. Now, all of a sudden, if I open a second Profile while the first is running the second cannot access the Internet until I close the first. It keeps looking for a website, and failing, until the system "times out". If I close the first Profile, the second is then able to access the Internet.
    Note: this is not a problem with opening a second Window in Firefox. As long as they are from the same Profile they will both work fine. Nor does this stop me from using a second Profile to look at website files I have saved to my computer. The only problem is that the second Profile cannot get on the Internet.

    I just checked, the setting was for "Automatic proxy configuration URL", in the past it was set on "No Proxy". So I'll try changing that (and/or try other proxy options), and see if that solves the problem.
    If it does, then just one (academic) question remains: why did that happen in the first place? I don't care what the answer is, so long as your suggestion solves the problem.

  • Server with same Profile cannot access same networking

    I have a lab running 1 x Nexus 5010, 2 x FIC 6120'XP's, UCS 5108 and 2 x B200 M2 Blades. I have configured everything per flexpod guidelines (except I have only 1 Nexus). I boot from SAN over Fibre and zoning everything is working 100% My firmware is 2.1(1f)
    Assinged to each blade is 2 vNICs connected to FabricA and FabricB (FabricA = port-channel from FICA to Nexus and FabricB = port-channel from FICB to Nexus - Nexus has 2 different port-channels conf for each link to each FIC)
    After I install VMware, I tag vlan 10 (management vlan) for the management traffic of each VMware node. The funny thing is when I ping server 2, iget a response but not from server 1. Both are configured using the same service profile. If I ping server 1 from server 2, I get a response. This leads me to believe that for some reason the traffic is not leaving the FIC from server 1, but it is when using server 2. I have attached screenshots of both servers vifpaths.
    Can someone please help urgently as this is driving me crazy as I do not know what the hell is going on.

    Hope this solution will help.
    Just found my notes on deleting the users profile:
    "Deleted Profile logs back in with temporary profile.
    This problem occurs if the current user's profile was accidentally deleted from the system.
    Note: This section, method, or task contains steps that tell you how to modify the registry. However, serious problems might occur if you modify the registry incorrectly. Therefore, make sure that you follow these steps carefully. For added protection, back up the registry before you modify it. Then, you can restore the registry if a problem occurs. For more information about how to back up and restore the registry
    1. Log on to the system by using an administrative user account other than the user account that is experiencing the problem.
    2. Back up all data in the current user's profile folder if the profile folder still exists, and then delete the profile folder. By default, the profile resides in the following location:
    3. Click Start, type regedit in the Start Search box, and then press ENTER.
    If you are prompted for an administrator password or for confirmation, type your password, or click Continue.
    4.Locate the following registry subkey:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
    5.Under the ProfileList subkey, delete the subkey that is named SID.bak.
    Note SID is a placeholder for the security identifier (SID) of the user account that is experiencing the problem. The SID.bak subkey should contain a ProfileImagePath registry entry that points to the original profile folder of the user account that is experiencing the problem.
    6. Exit Registry Editor.
    7. Log off the system.
    8. Log on to the system again."
    & for more information kindly check the below link too :- .

  • Profile.V2 - Cannot access

    I'm sure this is a simple one:
    I'm using Folder Redirection and Roaming Profiles.
    In Active Directory I have set the users profile path as
    \\servername\users$\students\%username%\profile Although the user's base folder exists it contains no subfolders whatsoever. When the user logs on for the first time folders such as AppData, Documents, Music, Pictures and Videos are created and so
    is a Profile.V2 folder. However I (as the administrator) cannot access the contents of the Profile.V2 folder.
    In Group Policy I have enabled the setting...
    Computer Confiiguration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System/User Profiles\Add Administrators security group to roaming user profiles
    ...but I still cannot access this direcotry without taking ownership.
    Do I need to create the Profile.V2 folder myself? I have Full permissions on the user's base folder and I can access all the other folders (AppData, Documents etc...) without problems.
    Am I missing something here?
    Matt Courtman, Network Manager, Cromwell Community College, UK

    You cannot access other users’ profiles because of permission problems. Therefore you cannot use any of other users’ profiles.
    This statement just states the original issue..and is by no means an answer or even an attempt at an answer.
    We are experiencing the same issue.
    Please forgive me if I'm repeating what has already been stated.
    The condition occurs when the Profile.v2 folder on the file server is first propagated by the Windows 7 machine. eg. as the user logs off the profile.v2 folder is written to by as the profile is written back to the file server, the redirected folders
    policy dictates what is written.. This works fine. The issue is that the folders and files which are generated by this process are owned by the user who is logged on to the Windows 7 OS. This user has ownership and full control of the folders and file. Administrators
    or users defined in the root folder can not access the Folders and Files.
    Taking ownership of the file structure and assigning the correct permissions to the structure, then reassigning the user ownership again resolves the issue. BUT this is a very inconvenient and labour intensive routine to have to undertake for each user post
    their first logon.
    Without performing the above action the users profile is not backed up or replicated at a file level to the DR site.
    What I'm after is a supported Microsoft routine to rectify this issue. Ideally via group policy. To have to do this via a script is an ardouis task and presents the issue of how can we get the HelpDesk to perform this action. They are not domain admins nor
    can they take control of the data structure in question.

Maybe you are looking for