Cannot find online manual named "Customizing FrameMaker"

A note in the Use Status Bar Controls topic of FrameMaker's Help says that I can customize FrameMaker's zoom settings and that more information is available in an online manual named "Customizing FrameMaker" on the Adobe website.
I searched on Customizing FrameMaker, both with and without quotes, on the website's main page. Without quotes, of course, the search returned so many hits that I did not look at more than the first two or three pages. It wasn't there. With quotes, the search did not find such an online manual.
However, the searches did turn up several other documents that also referenced this manual. From the URLs, it seemed that the manual is on the developer forum, where I went next. I searched and scrolled all around in FrameMaker's developer forum without seeing any mention of a manual named Customizing FrameMaker.
I have given up. Adobe has managed to hide this manual so successfully that it is completely beyond my miserable ability to locate it.
Could anyone on this forum please tell me whether the manual exists or whether its reference in the Help is just another mistake in a document already full of them?
I only wish I could swear eloquently enough to express even a part of my disgust and contempt for Adobe and all its works.

Try here:
I found it by doing a search for customizing framemaker in the FM9 > Help > Help Topics with the radio button to Include Community Results set. It was the first on the list.

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  • Cannot find the XObject named Fm0003.

    I am built a three page AOD report. When I run Test Presentment, the first two pages of the pdf display correctly on the screen, as I page down. When I page down to the third page I get the above message --"Cannot find the XObject named Fm0003". I click OK, and then get the following message --"Could not find font in resource library, using Helvetica instead". The font that I'm using throughout the report is a Times New Roman. The first two pages are in Times New Roman and the third page is in a different font. I welcome anyone who can educate me to what is happening in AOD. Thanks.
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  • Cannot find CFML template for custom tag

    Why am I getting this error when my code looks like this?
    Cannot find CFML template for custom tag UPSPrice.
    ColdFusion attempted looking in the tree of installed custom tags but did not find a custom tag with this name. If you are using per-applica
    <Cfif NOT form.shipzip IS "">
    <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#form.upsshiptype#" FROM="#shopshipzip#" TO="#FORM.shipzip#" WEIGHT="#getshipweight.totwei#">
    <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#form.upsshiptype#" FROM="#shopshipzip#" TO="" WEIGHT="#getshipweight.totwei#">

    UPSPrice.cfm file:
    Cold Fusion custom tag obtain UPS shipping costs from
    CALLTAG   - (optional) Electronic or basic call tag issued, valid options
                           are NONE BASIC or ELECTRONIC, defaults to NONE.
    COD       - (optional) Package is being sent C.O.D., valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    FROM      - (required) Source (ship from) postal code.
    HANDLING  - (optional) Requires special handling (eg. - any article that
                           is not fully encased in an outside shipping container,
                           or any package that exceeds 60 inches in length).
    HAZARD    - (optional) Package contains hazardous material, valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    HEIGHT    - (optional) Height (in inches) of oversized package.
    LENGTH    - (optional) Length (in inches) of oversized package.
    OVERSIZED - (optional) Package is oversized, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    RESPONSE  - (optional) Delivery confirmation service, valid options are
                           NONE BASIC SIGNATURE ALTERNATE or ALL, defaults to
    SATDELIV  - (optional) Saturday delivery, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    SATPICKUP - (optional) Saturday pickup, valid options are YES and NO,
                           defaults to NO.
    SERVICE   - (required) UPS Service ID, valid service IDs are:
                           1DM    - Next Day Air Early AM
                           1DML   - Next Day Air Early AM Letter
                           1DA    - Next Day Air
                           1DAL   - Next Day Air Letter
                           1DP    - Next Day Air Saver
                           1DPL   - Next Day Air Saver Letter
                           2DM    - 2nd Day Air A.M.
                           2DA    - 2nd Day Air
                           2DML   - 2nd Day Air A.M. Letter
                           2DAL   - 2nd Day Air Letter
                           3DS    - 3 Day Select
                           GNDCOM - Ground Commercial
                           GNDRES - Ground Residential
    SHIPNOT1  - (optional) First ship notification, valid options are NONE
                           DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, defaults to NONE.
    SHIPNOT2  - (optional) Second ship notification, valid options are NONE
                           DOMESTIC or INTERNATIONAL, defaults to NONE.
    TOCOUNTRY - (optional) Destination country code, defaults to US if not
                           specified. Visit the UPS site for a complete list of
                           valid two letter country codes.
    TO        - (required) Destination (ship to) postal code.
    VALUE     - (optional) Declared value for carrier liability, carrier assumes
                           $100 by default.
    VERBCONF  - (optional) Verbal confirmation of delivery, valid options are YES
                           and NO, defaults to NO.
    WEIGHT    - (required) Weight (in pounds) of package, fractions may be used.
    WIDTH     - (optional) Width (in inches) of oversized package.
    This tag submits a shipping cost request to UPS for processing, and returns
    price and shipping information. CF_UPSPrice sets the following variables that
    you may use within your template after the call to CF_UPSPrice:
    UPS_BaseCharge     - Base shipping charge.
    UPS_Charge         - Total charge.
    UPS_Error          - Error message, if there was one.
    UPS_ErrorCode      - Error code, if there was one.
    UPS_FromCountry    - Source country code.
    UPS_FromPostal     - Source postal code.
    UPS_GuaranteedBy   - Guranteed delivery time.
    UPS_OptionalCharge - Total of optional charges.
    UPS_Service        - UPS service ID.
    UPS_Success        - YES if request was successful, NO if not.
    UPS_ToCountry      - Destination country code.
    UPS_ToPostal       - Destination postal code.
    UPS_ToZone         - Destination zone.
    UPS_Weight         - Billed weight.
    To use just call <CF_UPSPrice> from within your Cold Fusion template,
    passing at least the required attributes TO FROM SERVICE and WEIGHT.
    Obtain price for next day package from NY to CA:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="1DA" FROM="11213" TO="90046" WEIGHT="1.5">
      <CFOUTPUT>Cost is #DollarFormat(UPS_Charge)#</CFOUTPUT>
    Sending a oversized package C.O.D. via second day air:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="2DA" FROM="11213" TO="90046"
       WEIGHT="1.5" HEIGHT="13" WIDTH="12" LENGTH="20" COD="Yes">
    Using form fields:
      <CF_UPSPrice SERVICE="#service#" FROM="#from#" TO="#to#" WEIGHT="#weight#">
    Ben Forta ([email protected]) 10/14/97
    With help from Dave Beckstrom ([email protected])
    <!--- Initialize variables --->
    <CFSET proceed = "Yes">
    <CFSET error_message = "">
    <!--- Get UPS service --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.service")>
      <CFSET product = ATTRIBUTES.service>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "SERVICE must be specified!">
    <!--- Get destination postal code --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("")>
      <CFSET destPostal =>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "TO postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- Get source postal code --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.from")>
      <CFSET origPostal = ATTRIBUTES.from>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "FROM postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- Get weight --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.weight")>
      <CFSET weight = ATTRIBUTES.weight>
      <CFSET proceed = "No">
      <CFSET error_message = "WEIGHT postal code must be specified!">
    <!--- If all okay, process other options --->
    <CFIF proceed>
    <!--- Get destination country --->
    <CFSET destCountry = "US">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.tocountry")>
      <CFSET destCountry = ATTRIBUTES.tocountry>
    <!--- Get oversized --->
    <CFSET oversized = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.oversized")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.oversized>
       <CFSET oversized = "1">
    <!--- Get COD --->
    <CFSET cod = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.cod")>
       <CFSET cod = "1">
    <!--- Get hazard --->
    <CFSET hazard = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.hazard")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.hazard>
       <CFSET hazard = "1">
    <!--- Get handling --->
    <CFSET handling = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.handling")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.handling>
       <CFSET handling = "1">
    <!--- Get calltag --->
    <CFSET calltag = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.calltag")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.calltag IS "BASIC">
       <CFSET calltag = "1">
       <CFSET calltag = "2">
    <!--- Get Saturday delivery --->
    <CFSET saturdaydelivery = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.satdeliv")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.satdeliv>
       <CFSET saturdaydelivery = "1">
    <!--- Get Saturday pickup --->
    <CFSET saturdaypickup = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.satpickup")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.satpickup>
       <CFSET saturdaypickup = "1">
    <!--- Get response --->
    <CFSET response = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.response")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.response IS "BASIC">
       <CFSET response = "1">
       <CFSET response = "2">
       <CFSET response = "3">
       <CFSET response = "4">
    <!--- Get vcd --->
    <CFSET vcd = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.verbconf")>
      <CFIF ATTRIBUTES.verbconf>
       <CFSET vcd = "1">
    <!--- Get first ship notify --->
    <CFSET firstshipnotify = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.shipnot1")>
       <CFSET firstshipnotify = "1">
       <CFSET firstshipnotify = "2">
    <!--- Get second ship notify --->
    <CFSET secondshipnotify = "0">
    <CFIF IsDefined("ATTRIBUTES.shipnot2")>
       <CFSET secondshipnotify = "1">
       <CFSET secondshipnotify = "2">
    </CFIF> <!--- End process params --->
    <!--- If have all params, process request --->
    <CFIF proceed>
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="accept_UPS_license_agreement" VALUE="yes">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="13_product" VALUE="#product#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="15_origPostal" VALUE="#origPostal#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="19_destPostal" VALUE="#destPostal#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="22_destCountry" VALUE="#destCountry#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="23_weight" VALUE="#weight#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="29_oversized" VALUE="#oversized#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="33_hazard" VALUE="#hazard#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="34_handling" VALUE="#handling#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="35_calltag" VALUE="#calltag#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="37_saturdaydelivery" VALUE="#saturdaydelivery#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="38_saturdaypickup" VALUE="#saturdaypickup#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="39_response" VALUE="#response#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="44_firstshipnotify" VALUE="#firstshipnotify#">
      <CFHTTPPARAM TYPE="FORMFIELD" NAME="45_secondshipnotify" VALUE="#firstshipnotify#">
    <!--- Check if succeeded --->
    <CFIF ListFirst(CFHTTP.FileContent, "%") IS "UPSOnLine3">
      <!--- Success, set variables --->
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Success = "Yes">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Service = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 2, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromPostal = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 3, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromCountry = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 4, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToPostal = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 5, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToCountry = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 6, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToZone = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 7, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Weight = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 8, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_BaseCharge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 9, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_OptionalCharge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 10, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Charge = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 11, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_GuaranteedBy = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 12, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Error = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ErrorCode = "">
      <!--- Failed, set variables and error message --->
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Success = "No">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Service = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromPostal = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_FromCountry = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToPostal = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToCountry = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ToZone = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Weight = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_BaseCharge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_OptionalCharge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Charge = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_GuaranteedBy = "">
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_Error = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 2, "%")>
      <CFSET CALLER.UPS_ErrorCode = ListGetAt(CFHTTP.FileContent, 3, "%")>
    <!--- Failed, display error message, and abort --->
    <CFOUTPUT><H1>Error: #error_message#</H1></CFOUTPUT>

  • Cannot find CFML template for custom tag SELECTDATE

    I am not a ColdFusion developer and just moved a site from one server to another. That site is developed by someone else not me and I just moved the site to ColdFusion server. Site is working fine except a few pages where I am getting this error:
    Cannot find CFML template for custom tag SELECTDATE
    I read a little bit about custom tags. These are files that needs to be placed in a certain folder from where ColdFusion reads them.
    So that means I will need to ask the developer who developed this site to provide me with this custom tag file, which when I will place in appropriate folder, this page will start working? And without that file I cannot do anything about it?

    As Dan says, they're just CFM files.  Usually one can identify them as follows:
    * they're in the same directory as a file calling <cf_somefilename[...]>, wherein there is a somefilename.cfm is the name of the file
    * they're in one of the directories set as custom tag directories (in CFAdmin, or Application.cfc)
    * they have references to "thistag" or the attributes scope in them (although the latter can produce false positives on Fusebox sites)
    By the sounds of it, your issue is - like I said before - you haven't got your custom tag dirs set up in CFAdmin (or in Application.cfc, which I didn't mention before).  Investigate that.

  • TOC - Receiving a "Cannot find the file named" error when pressing Ctrl+alt

    When I generate a TOC, it comes out beautifully. However, when I press control + alt to check my links, I receive a "cannot find the file named" error message. This happens for the majority of the links. All of the files are present along with the graphics. Everything is in the same folder. They are saved on our network. However, I have packaged and copied the files to my desktop to see if that makes a difference. I am still receiving the same error message.
    Has anyone seen this before? Any solutions in Adobe world? All help is appreciated.

    >>> ... avoid using & in your document titles.
    >> By that do you mean in your file names?
    > Yes. That's correct.
    That's not at all surprising. & is commonly found on lists of random "characters to avoid in directory and file names".
    A comprehensive list of such characters might be impossible to assemble. Even though FM only runs on Windows these days, it could be in a VM on another OS (with its own restrictions, e.g. Mac), using a CMS (with its own restrictions) and working with virtual directories actually located on completely different operating systems (with their own restrictions, e.g. Unix, Linux/Samba, random cloud).
    And then there are naming issues in the FM app itself (and other Adobe apps that might need to process the files, like Distiller), which apparently is the case for the comma problem (it may only pop up during render to PDF).

  • Cannot find format type named Date/Time

    Running latest Dreamweaver on Vista - I get a nasty pop-up
    window if I try to edit one of the predefined date formats -
    "Cannot find format type named Date/Time."
    I've tried deleting configuration setting to no avail. Anyone
    else experienced this problem or have any suggestions ?

    It looks like that you had not installed the ADS(Adobe Document server) for the PDF type reports. Please check with your basis team if you want to configure ADS.
    If you need the output as a sapscript then please do the sollowing steps:
    (1) Execute transaction SM30
    (2) Enter 'Table/View' as V_T5F99OCFT
    (3) Select 'Maintain' option.
    (4) Select 'New Entries' option from the Application Too
    (5) Enter following entries:
         Logical Form Name    = HR_IN_EPF12A_99M
         Form Variant         = (Leave this field blank)
         End Date             = 31.12.9999
         Start Date           = 01.01.1990
         Form Type            = SAP Script (SSC)
         Def. Type            = (This field should be checke
         PDF Form Name        = HR_IN_EPF12A_99M
         SAP Script Form Name = HR_IN_EPF12A_99M
         Smart Form Name      = (Leave this field blank)
    (6) Save the entries
    The above example I have given you is only for the form 12A.
    You have to make entries for all the reports sapscript in this table.
    Please goto SE71 -> F4 -> Payroll -> Payroll India here you will find
    all the sapscripts you require.

  • Lost a folder, cannot find under favorites, named for individual and somehow lost. Any thoughts on retrieving?

    Folder named Marti, not showing and cannot find prompt to bring it back

    A possible cause is a problem with the file places.sqlite that stores the bookmarks and the history.
    See also:

  • Cannot access my account, cannot receive email verification code, cannot find online assistance

    I need to login to my account. For whatever reason, I'm being asked to verify my identity, but only given the option of receiving a verification code via email. How about the option of a text or security questions?
    I believe my provider blocks Best Buy email, because they're not being filtered out as spam. Somehow I get marketing ads via email, but I never receive order confirmations or order updates. I'd like to get in to my account and perhaps change my email, but guess what, I can't get in! You also have no semblance of online support. Please help!

    Hi Superfriend,
    I can imagine how frustrating it may be to want to access your account, find attempting to do so futile! It would certainly hinder you from getting the most out of your online shopping experience.
    I am sorry to hear you have been stuck at the identity verification page as you seem unable to receive the verification code email. This is a step we added for additional security purposes, and I apologize if you have found it at all inconvenient. Unfortunately, I was unable to locate your account utilizing the email address you registered with the forum.
    That being said, I am sending you a private message to gather the details necessary to look into this further. You may check your private messages by signing into the forum and clicking the
    Tasha|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Re: Cannot access my account, cannot receive email verification code, cannot find online assistance

    Having same issue as previous member that requested access to their account.  My account was set up with an email
    no longer in service.  The code is being sent to an email address I cannot access.  Is there any way to change the email to {removed per forum guidelines}? Thank you.

    Hi gpapaz,
    I’m sorry for the very late reply. We’ve been playing catch up on the forum ever since Thanksgiving, so I truly appreciate your patience while we worked our way to your post.
    I certainly don’t want you to be stuck with an account you can’t get into. However, I’m unable to locate your online account to see if I might be able to help modify it on your behalf to the email address you’d prefer. Please send me a private message with as much of the following information as possible.
    Full name:
    Email address currently associated with your account:
    Phone number:
    Zip Code:
    You may send me this private message by logging into the forum and clicking on the envelope icon in the upper right-hand corner of the page.
    I hope to hear from you soon,
    Alex|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Backup assistant:  Cannot find online contact list for 2ndary phone

    My wife and I have LG8360's - flip phones - and I have the secondary line. I used backup assistant to back up our contact lists.  I can find her's but not mine.  Is there a trick at log in that I need to do?  We are ditching these and going to smartphones so I would like to get this figured out.  

    If you haven't already done so, you need to create a separate log in for the secondary number. Completely log out of the account for the primary number.
    Then click on REGISTER, and put in the secondary number; create a username and password for that number - and you should be good to go. If it tells you the # is already registered, then you are not completely logged out of the primary account.
    Each number needs to have it's own log in to MyVerizon for Backup Assistant, and the Media Store for ringtones, etc.

  • Java code Cannot find symbol problem

    I'm triing to compile three classes they are in the same directory yet it still says Cannot find symbol I can't find any thing in the spelling...
    file #1
    package banking;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Bank {
         private ArrayList<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>();
         private int numOfCust;
         public void addCustomer(String fName, String lName){
              numOfCust += 1;
              accounts.add(Customer(fName, lName));
         public int getNumOfCustomers(){
              return numOfCust;
         public Account getCustomer(int custNum){
              return accounts.get(custNum);
    }Next Class used in above:
    package banking;
    public class Account {
         private double balance;
         public Account(double init_balance){
              balance = init_balance;
         public double getBalance(){
              return balance;
         public boolean deposit(double amount){
              if (amount < 0)
                   return false;
                   balance += amount;
                   return true;
         public boolean withdraw(double amount){
              if (balance < amount)
                   return false;
                   balance -= amount;
                   return true;
    }The last class:
    package banking;
    public class Customer {
         private String firstName;
         private String lastName;
         private Account account;
         public Customer(String fName, String lName){
              firstName = fName;
              lastName = lName;
         public String getFirstName(){
              return firstName;
         public String getLastName(){
              return lastName;
         public Account getAccount(){
              return account;
         public Account setAccount(Account acct){
              account = acct;
              return account;

    here are the errors it gives..
    it is an assignment in a java class..
    OO-Programming methods..
    C:\JavaProgs\banking>javac cannot find symbol
    symbol : class Account
    location: class banking.Bank
    private ArrayList<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>();
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class Account
    location: class banking.Bank
    public Account getCustomer(int custNum){
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : class Account
    location: class banking.Bank
    private ArrayList<Account> accounts = new ArrayList<Account>();
    ^ cannot find symbol
    symbol : method Customer(java.lang.String,java.lang.String)
    location: class banking.Bank
    accounts.add(Customer(fName, lName));
    4 errors

  • Custom batch rename files with Aperture 3 in the following format: IMG_0023.cr2 to Smith_YYMMDD_0023.cr2?  I cannot find a way to structure the date in Aperture as such, as well as extract only the camera file

    Please advise how to custom batch rename files with Aperture 3 in the following format: IMG_0023.cr2 to Smith_120816_0023.cr2?  I cannot find a way to structure the date in Aperture as such (YYMMDD), as well as extract only the camera file (0023, for example).  Adobe Bridge CS5 can do this, but NONE of the Adobe software is retina optimized, and is terrible to look at.

    In Aperture you are limited to renaming files by the entries in the File Naming preset window.
    At what point are you looking to rename, import or export? It might be possible to do what you are looking to do external to Aperture either via a script or other software.

  • Cannot find file, can I just create it manually?

    I would like to establish a connection between my EDQ and EDQP instances, both 11g versions. I understand OEDQ server must be configured first so the EDQP processor will appear in the EDQ Tool Palette section. EDQ Online Help says that the '' file must be created in the [install path]/config/edqp directory. However I cannot find [install path]/config/edqp directory. Instead in My Oracle Support it says that 'In EDQ 11g, the file belongs in the "..oedq_local_home/edqp" folder. When I checked "..oedq_local_home", there is no 'edqp' there. Can I just create the 'edqp' folder inside the "..oedq_local_home" directory?  Then can I also just manually create the '' file afterwards? When I am done creating them all manually, do I need to bounce my EDQ server to reflect these changes? Thanks in advance for any reply!

    Yes, just create the folder and file in the local home.

  • Was given model 3gs without user guide. Cannot find that guide online. How do I acquire?

    Was given model 3gs without user guide. Cannot find guide online. How can I acquire one?

    you can use this manual, this is the iphone ios 4.2 and 4.3 manual it so if you update your iphone to the latest version then this manual will help you

  • How can I sync my photo contents in iPhoto on my iMac to my new iPAD's iPhoto?  I follwed all the instructions on manuals for both iPAD and iTunes re syncing, but I cannot find "phone button" under Device name on iTunes page. Please help!  Thanks!

    I follwed all the instructions on manuals for both iPAD and iTunes re syncing, but after physically connecting iPAD with iMac with USB or via WiFi I still cannot find "phone button" under Device name on iTunes page. Please help!  Thanks!
    I have been creating a photo book using a lots of photographs on iPhoto, and then I took another photos by using new iPAD which I want to integrate with the original album/book on iMac. I was able to import them from iPAD's iPhoto to iMac's iPhoto.  However I cannot import or transfer or sync anything from iMac's iPhoto to that of my iPAD. 
    So my iPhoto page on iPAD contains only 3 or 4 newly created albums, and no other info.  That means no syncing....
    I am supposed to be able to work on this project on either of these iPAD and iMac, correct?
    I am puzzled.  I appreciate for your advice and help.
    Thank you!

    It doesn't appear under the iPad device on the left-hand sidebar of iTunes, you need to select the iPad device on the sidebar and then select the Photos tab on the right-hand side of iTunes e.g.
    And then on the right-hand side :

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