Change all stored passwords

In sqldeveloper 2.1 there any easy way to either
1) change all stored passwords
2) make all stored password default to a single password?

I think you misunderstood my question. Let me explain. I have approx 100 databases that I connect to using sqldeveloper. From time to time I am forced to change all of my database passwords due to security policies where I work. I have a shell script that does that for me on the databases. Now I need to update all of the passwords stored by sqldeveloper. Currently I have to do them one at a time and it's royal pain in the neck. I want to know if something can be done to change them all in one swoop, or just delete them all and have it use a single default (I use the same password for all databases).
Hope this explains it better.

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    I'd say your best bet is to try to regain access to your old account. Call 1-800-MY-APPLE, and ask to talk to the account security team. Hopefully they can verify you are the account owner, and then reset the password for you.

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    It does not seem a big deal to add the missing lines to your output file.
    For instance, the following awk command should do the trick
    cat search.out
    dn: gci=-1,ou=people,o=xxxxxxxx
    userpassword: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    cat search.out | awk '/userpassword/ {print "changetype: modify} ; print "replace: userpassword"; }  {print $0}
    dn: gci=-1,ou=people,o=xxxxxxxx
    changetype: modify
    replace: userpassword
    userpassword: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Then you can use ldapmodify to apply your changes

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    duplicate thread????
    which user password you want to change..... and refer to your old thread... dont keep creating new threads for the same problem....

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    Contact the Apple account security team for your country and request assistance: Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security.  If you can prove your identity to them, they can reset the password and help you regain control of the account.

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    navidC22 wrote:
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    Anything is possible, but that's highly unlikely. There's no known malware capable of infecting the version of Mac OS X that your profile indicates you are running.
    Undoubtedly, your online accounts were hacked, and this gave the hacker access to other accounts. Change all the passwords immediately. Be sure to use strong passwords (longer is more important than complex!), use different passwords on every site and use some kind of password manager to keep track of them (such as the built-in iCloud Keychain or the third-party 1Password app).
    For your Apple ID, see:
    What to do if your Apple ID has been hacked
    (Fair disclosure: I may receive compensation from links to my sites, and

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    Try these steps iOS 7: If you're asked for the password to your previous Apple ID when signing out of iCloud

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    Sign out of iCloud, the sign in with the new ID/ Password.

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