Charges for exceeding Broadband limit

I've just received my latest quarterly bill and find I'm being charged £5 for going over the 40 Gig limit on my Infinity 1 account for November last year.
The email that was sent out at the time said that my usage for that month was 44 Gig.
If BT charge for usage over the limit in 5 Gig increments at a cost of £5.30 surely I needed to hit 45 Gig before incurring additional charges.

gg30340 wrote:
Flo, I think you will find that that will not apply for all the reasons already given. A post on a forum by an employee will not be regarded as a policy or terms and condition that the company can be held to. Imagine if an employee posted that from now on all bills will receive a 75% discount. Will the company be held to that? It was a post that was correct t time of posting but has since been superseded. I'm sure you could find many such posts if you searched.
gg303040, that is illogical. By that argument, every sticky on the BTcare forums posted by a BT Staff member is not official policy and should carry a disclaimer to the effect that the views expressed by Mods are not to be taken as official BT policy.
For instance, this sticky at
Hi Folks,
We stopped supplying BT Broadband Talk to new customers in January 2011 and we have posted recently that BT planned to withdraw the service in 2013.  Just to update you, this date has been deferred. The BB Talk service will be withdrawn, but not till after 2013.  Please be assured we will let you know before the service is removed.
BTCare Community Manager
Are we not expected to believe that and trust in it?
If so, how do we know which stickies and comments made by the Mods are valid and which are not?

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    Can some one tell me where it says specifically that if I exceed my download limit I will be charged £5 if I exceed it from 1 Byte to 5 GB?
    I exceeded by 2 GB and was charged £5.  So I have paid for 3GB that I did not have.  I am happy to pay for what I get but it annoys to have to pay for something I am not getting.
    I have failed to find the bit in all the blurb on and off line where it makes this clear.  I am seeking clarification before I take it up wth OFCOM.
    Thanks in advance

    japide wrote:
    Thank you BT for the reference to the policy - I had already looked there.
    It says
    "If you exceed your usage allowance, you'll be charged for additional usage in units of five gigabytes (GB), at £5 per 5GB. Charges will apply from the second month you exceed your allowance and will be shown on your BT bill."
    WHAT IT DOES NOT SAY IS THAT WE WILL BE CHARGED £5 FOR ANT AMOUNT OF EXCESS EVEN IT IS JUST 1 BYTE!  The implication is that I would have to get to 5 GB excess before being charged.  If it was, say, £1 per GB I would not be persuing this but to pay £5 for up to 4.999999 GB NOT downloaded seems a bit one sided - unfair and actually sharp and deceitful practice. 
    I wish I could get out of BT but I have been quoted £262 to do this.  Of course BT is NOT a monopoly............
    Hi japide,
    Actually it does, it states Units of 5GB:
    "If you exceed your usage allowance, you'll be charged for additional usage in units of five gigabytes (GB), at £5 per 5GB. Charges will apply from the second month you exceed your allowance and will be shown on your BT bill."
    On your last point:
    "Of course BT is NOT a monopoly............"
    You are quite correct BT is not a monopoly, so you are allowed to get your broadband from any ISP.
    And I would like to point out like Patty-L said that, john46 and all other posters (except for the mods) are customers just like you

  • Charge for stopping broadband

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    The cease charge whether or not you agree with it is in the terms and conditions that you agreed to when you signed up with BT. It is applied by all ISPs.

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    Can anyone help me as I'm at a total loss what to do next

    I have asked a moderator to provide assistance, they will post an invite on this thread.
    They are the only BT employees on this forum, and are a UK based team of people, who take personal ownership of your problem.
    Once you get a reply, make sure that you are logged into the forum, then click on their name, you will see a screen like this. Click on the link as shown below.
    Please do not send them a personal message, as they cannot deal with service issues that way.
    For your own security, do not post any personal details, on this forum. That includes any tracking number you are give.
    They will respond either by phone or e-mail, when its your turn in the queue.
    Please use the tracked e-mail, to reply, not via the forum. Thanks
    This is the form you should see when you click on the link. If you do not see this form, then you have selected the wrong link.
    When you submit the form, you will receive an enquiry number, so please keep a note of it
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Charge for BT Broadband not on Bill?

    I live with my folks at the moment.  The BT bill is in my dad's name, but I have always paid for the broadband connection.  I was with UKOnline until BSkyB shafted them.
    A week or so before the 30th November 2010 I went to BT's website and signed up on line for BT Unlimited broadband in my name, (but using our house's BT account number).  I echatted with a BT support person that said this was okay as long as I had the bill payers permission.
    On the 30th November the switch happened and we have been on BT broadband to date.
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    That does seem to be the case, but its still weird!
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    Hi Mona,
    You may try this. It may help you..
    select true from ocrd where 
    ((balance < 0) or (balance + $[$29.0.NUMBER]) < 0) and cardcode = $[ordr.cardcode]
    use squere brackets near $ sign open and close both brackets insted of round brackets.
    Chintesh Soni
    Edited by: Chintesh Soni on Sep 7, 2009 2:53 PM
    Edited by: Chintesh Soni on Sep 7, 2009 2:54 PM
    Edited by: Chintesh Soni on Sep 7, 2009 2:55 PM
    Edited by: Chintesh Soni on Sep 7, 2009 2:57 PM

  • Charges for Broadband - during fault

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    The first 6 days of January under fault used most of our 40GB cap so normal browsing since means we will exceed 40GB by months end.  A note on the broadband usage says we will be billed 26.50 for excessive usage even though  the bill has been received.
    Please could you take a look at my account and assure me that I will not be charged for exceeding 40GB in December 13 and January 14.  Only once in the last year have we ever exceeded 40GB.
    I hope you can assist
    Go to Solution.

    Welcome to this forum.
    This is a customer to customer forum only, where forum members, who are only BT customers, can help each other with BT Retail products and services.
    Anything you post here does not go to BT. Although the forum is moderated by BT, not all posts are read.
    I have asked a moderator to provide assistance, they will post an invite on this thread.
    They are the only BT employees on this forum, and are a UK based team of people, who take personal ownership of your problem.
    Once you get a reply, if you click on their name, you will see a screen like this. Click on the link as shown below.
    Please do not send them a personal message, as they may not be on duty for a long time, and your message will not be tracked properly.
    For your own security, do not post any personal details, on this forum. That includes any tracking number you are give.
    They will respond either by phone or e-mail within 5-6 working days.
    Please use the tracked e-mail, to reply, not via the forum. Thanks
    This is the form you should see when you click on the link. If you do not see this form, then you have selected the wrong link.
    When you submit the form, you will receive an enquiry number, so please keep a note of it
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • HELP. My brother is being charged for broadband. h...

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    Hi Dolphin,
    what i would recommend is for you to help your brother by contacting BT directly and find out who and when the order was processed for BT Broadband.
    Secondly, has your brother received a BT Home Hub?  If not then i would ask BT why?
    You state that a BT engineer sat out in a van for some time, what was this for?  was this for a booked instalation for BT Broadband?  if so, raise a complaint with BT, hopefully this link,2705,2719 will allow you to e-mail BT or you can always dial 150 from a bt line to complain.
    Here is more info if you wish to complain with BT, follow the procedures to BT's book, if they fail, you can complain to Otelo
    Hope this helps
    CG Over An Out

  • Double Charge for Broadband

    I Have Been charged for my Broadband option 3 twice last month and the month before. I have called twice since then, both time they said it will be sorted by next month, what has not happened. Please could someone double check it for me as I cannot really afford to pay 60 pounds every month as my first baby has arrived and got lot of expense.
    Please Help!!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Confusedmate,
    I'll be happy to have a look over your account and double check this for you.
    Drop me in an email to the address in my profile with your BT account and telephone number along with a link back to this thread and I'll take things from there.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)”
    td-p/30">Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Being Charged for Package I haven't got.

    The day after my broadband package ended I change to another provider (cheaper) yet on my bill of last week I've not only been charged for my broadband but also advanced charges.
    No-one, I repeat no-one at BT is understanding this (after repeated emails and letter)  and today I have had an email stating that as my package contract has ended they can do me a new package deal ........  I'm no longer with BT for broadband.
    What is so hard at contract ended, no contract - you are still charging me!!

    I am sorry to see you are having problems
    I suggest you contact live chat at this link they should be able to help you
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • I was charged £104.62 for exceeding my data limit by 16MB

    Hi all, I have two questions: 1.  How is it possible that I have manage to exceed data usage, when I was notified by text massage that I am about to exceed it and hence data service will be off?  Then, it was indeed off, and as it was suggested in the same text message, I bought extra 1GB of data.  Am I not protected by service provider to NOT EXCEED my limit? 2.  What is the charge rate of going over the limit - £6.5 per MB ? 

    Tap Settings > Cellular
    Switch oiff Enable 3G
    Switch Off Cellular Data

  • Charged for broadband over usage but still below l...

    Hi guys,i hope someone here can help because i'm getting nowhere with bt helplines. At the end of january this year i changed from bt total broadband 1 to infinity. My old broadband limit was 10gb but i usually went over by 2 or 3 gb which i was obviously charged for, no problem there. With my new infinity package my allowance was increased to 20gb per month which was plenty enough for me.however,mybt usage monitor is still showing me to be on the old 10gb package.
    Despite several live chat sessions and phone calls(the last one 2 weeks ago informing me i had 40gb usage) i'm still being charged for going over my 10gb allowance.i've even sent them,as requested , a screen shot of my usage monitor!! Why on earth would i have to do that? My latest bill arrived this morning with charges added for over usage.
    Can someone please advise me of how to sort this problem out. To make things worse i'm now going to the dentist!
    Thanks in advance,
    Cheesed-off (paul)

    Hi Cheesed-off,
    Welcome to the community forum. I would like to take a look at your account. Please send me in your details using the "Contact The Mods" link found in my profile.
    BTCare Community Mod
    If we have asked you to email us with your details, please make sure you are logged in to the forum, otherwise you will not be able to see our ‘Contact Us’ link within our profiles.
    We are sorry but we are unable to deal with service/account queries via the private message(PM) function so please don't PM your account info, we need to deal with this via our email account :-)

  • Broadband over-usage - being charged for first mon...

    Hi there,
    Last month I went over my broadband usage on option 2, but was informed at the time that I wouldn't be charged for this as you only get charged if you go over again. I've now upgraded to option 3 so this won't happen again. However, I received an email this morning saying that I will have to pay £40 for going over during that first month period.
    The chap I spoke to on the phone said not to worry as I've already been told I won't be charged but I would really like confirmation that this is the case as I cannot afford to pay this money. As far as I'm concerned, that was first month usage and I shouldn't be charged.
    Many thanks, Adam.
    Go to Solution.

    BarnabyMoo wrote:
    Hi there,
    Last month I went over my broadband usage on option 2, but was informed at the time that I wouldn't be charged for this as you only get charged if you go over again. I've now upgraded to option 3 so this won't happen again. However, I received an email this morning saying that I will have to pay £40 for going over during that first month period.
    The chap I spoke to on the phone said not to worry as I've already been told I won't be charged but I would really like confirmation that this is the case as I cannot afford to pay this money. As far as I'm concerned, that was first month usage and I shouldn't be charged.
    Many thanks, Adam.
    Hi Adam. You are correct, you should not be charged the first month:
    "If you exceed your usage allowance, you'll be charged for additional usage in units of five gigabytes (GB), at £5 per 5GB. Charges will apply from the second month you exceed your allowance and will be shown on your BT bill."
    You can read all about it here:

  • Over charged for broadband

    During December we had problems with our you view box so BT ordered us a new one. Unfortunately the same person accidentally suspended out TV package but still charged us for it. Therefore every time we watched on demand it used up our broadband allowance causing us it go over our limit and therefore charged £5.60. Even though I made them aware of the error in December they are refusing to refund the money. Does anyone have any ideas?

    If you would like to try Live Chat they should be able to help you.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Have I been charged extra for exceeding my usage l...

    Our limit is 10Gb a month; we usually use 7.5.
    We did once over-run a tiny bit, but were not charged.
    This month (an unusually and particularly "bad" month for Skype and iPlayer) we received a warning on 18th - and then our daughter Skyped for an hour (she's just had twins!)
    Now the usage monitor says we have only used 0.02.  Does that mean we have been charged for another 10Gb?  If so, then we need to fetch as much as we can now, rather than waiting until next month (e.g. I have a 78Mb file to fetch, and some iPlayering to do).
    If we have not been charged, then I guess we can hang on till the end of the month using only about 0.02 a day to fetch e-mails.
    Is there "discretion"?

    If you would like to try Live Chat they should be able to help you, as they deal with billing issues.
    Long term, it may be better to upgrade to a package with more allowance, as its not much fun using the Internet, if you have to keep watching your usage.
    If you are opted into BT Wifi, you could always connect to that, as that does not count against your usage.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

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