Checking for cycles

I would think that this is a pretty straightforward task however I'm running into some difficulties. Basically I'm given a bunch of "processes" and which can be exectuted in parallel provided they aren't dependent on another processes finishing first. I have to calculate the amount of time needed for all processes to be finished.
So for example, given this:
int[] time = {150, 200, 250};
          String[] prec = {"NYN", "NNY", "NNN"};This means, Process 0 takes 150ms, 1 takes 200ms, and 2 takes 250ms.
Process 0 depends on process 1 to finish, Process 1 waits for process 2, and process 2 has no dependencies. So the total time is 600. My code works however for large cases I seem to have trouble checking for cycles even though I think my code to check for cycles works (a cycle example being if process 2 depended on process 0 as well).
import java.util.*;
public class ParallelProgramming
     public int minTime(int[] time, String[] prec)
          //Go through list of processes and calculate the time
          for(Process p:pList)
               current = p;
                    check = calcTime(p);
               else check = p.time; //don't waste time going through processes I've already seen
                    return -1;
          return totalTime;
     public int calcTime(Process p)
          p.visited = true;
          if(p.parallel)//no dependencies
               return p.time;
               int t = p.time;
               int maxTime = 0;
               for(Integer i:p.deps)//deps is list of processes that this process depends on
                    Process next = pList.get(i);
                    int check = 0;
                    else check = calcTime(next);
                    if(next != current)//checks for a cycle
                         maxTime = Math.max(maxTime, check);
                    else flag = true;
               p.time = t;
               return (t);

Sure, sorry this is going to take up quite a bit of space:
Attempt 1:
import java.util.*;
public class ParallelProgramming
     ArrayList<Process> pList = new ArrayList<Process>();
     int totalTime = 0;
     Process current;
     boolean flag = false;
     public int minTime(int[] time, String[] prec)
          //Create a list of processes and link up their dependencies
          for(int i=0;i<time.length;i++)
               Process p = new Process(prec,time[i],i);
               for(int c=0;c<prec[i].length();c++)
          //Go through list of processes and calculate the time
          for(Process p:pList)
               current = p;
               int check = 0;
                    check = calcTime(p);
               else check = p.time;
                    return -1;
          return totalTime;
     public int calcTime(Process p)
          p.visited = true;
               return p.time;
               int t = p.time;
               int maxTime = 0;
               for(Integer i:p.deps)//get each dependent process
                    Process next = pList.get(i);
                    int check = 0;
                    else check = calcTime(next);
                    if(next != current)
                         maxTime = Math.max(maxTime, check);
                    else flag = true;
               p.time = t;
               return (t);
     class Process //contains schedule,time for this process, and what number process it is
          int time;
          String sch;
          boolean parallel = true;
          boolean visited = false;
          Integer num;
          ArrayList<Integer> deps = new ArrayList<Integer>();
          public Process(String s,int t,int n)
               sch = s;
               time = t;
               num = n;
          public boolean equals(Object o)
               return num==((Process)o).num;
Fails for this set of data (doesn't report a cycle):time is [299, 986, 91, 28, 462, 70, 805, 234, 730, 746, 3, 276, 999, 35, 982, 7, 632, 915, 82, 945, 55, 639, 988, 147, 702, 552, 739, 908, 833, 85, 904, 443, 47, 828, 159, 10, 260, 998, 242, 213, 990, 817, 839, 96, 995, 59 ]
prec is ["NYNNYYNNNYYNNYNYNNYNYNNYNYNNYNNYYNNYNYNYNYYNYY", "NNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNYNYYNNN", "NNNYYYNYNYYYNYYYNNYNYNNNYYYYYYNYYNYYYYNYNYYYNY", "NYNNNYNNYYYNYYYYNNNNYNYYNNNNYNYYYNYYYYNYNYYYNN", "NYNNNYNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNYNYNYNNYNNN", "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", "YNYYYYNYNYNNYYYYYYYNYNYYYYYNYYNYYNYYYYYYYYYNNY", "NYNNYYNNYYYYYYYNNNNNYNYYNYYNYNYYYYYYYYNYNNYNNY", "YYNNYNNNNNYNNYNYNNNNNNYYNYNNYNNYYNNNNNNNNYNNYY", "NYNNYYNNNNYNNYYYNNNNYNYYNYNNYNNYYNNYNYNYNYNNYY", "NYNNYYNNNNNNNYNYNNYNNNYYNYNNNNNNNNNNNYNYNYYNYN", "YYNNYYNNYYYNNYNNNNYNNNYYNYNNYNNNYNNYNYNYNNYNNY", "YYNNYYNNYYYNNYYYNNYNYNYYNNNNYNNYYNNNYYNYNYNNYY", "NNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNYNYNYNYYNNN", "NYNNYYNNNNYNNYNYNNYNYNYYNYNNNNNNYNNYNYNYNNNNNY", "NNNNYYNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNYYNYNNNNNNNNNYNYNYNYYNNY", "YYYYYYNYYYYYYNYYNYNNYYNYYYYYYYYYYYYNYYNYNYYYYY", "NYYYNYNYYYYYNYYYNNYNYNYYYYYYYNYNYYYNYYNYNNYYYY", "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", "YYYYYYYYYNYYYYYYYYYNNYYYYYYNYYYNNYYNNYYYYNYNYN", "NYNNYYNNNNYNNYNYNNYNNNYYNYNNNNNNYNNYNYNYNNYNYY", "YNYYYYNYYYNYNYNYNYYNNNYYNYYYYNNNYYYNNYNYYYYYYY", "NYNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNYNYNYNYYNNY", "NNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYNYYNNN", "YYNNYNNYNYYYYYNNNNYNYNNYNNYNYNYYYNYYYYNYNYYYYY", "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNYNNNN", "YYNNNYNNNYYNYYNNNNYNYNYYNNNNYNNNYYYNYNNYNYYNYY", "YYNYNYNYYNYNNYYYNNYNNNYYYYNNNNYYYYNYNYNYNYYNYY", "NYNNYNNNNNNNNYYNNNYNYNYYNYNNNNNNNNNNNYNYNYNNYY", "YNNNNYNYYYNNYNYYNNYNYNYYYYYYNNNNYYNYNYNYNYNYYY", "YYNNYNNNYYYNYYYYNNNNYNNYNYNNYNNYYNNNYYNYNYYNYY", "NYNNYYNNNNYNNYYYNNYNYNYYNNNNYNNNYNNYNYNYNYYNNY", "NYNNNNNNNNNNNYNYNNYNNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNYNYNYNYYNNY", "YYNNYYNNYYYYNYYNNNYNYNYYNYNNYNNNNNYYYNNYNYNNYY", "NYNNYYNNYYYYYNNYNNYNNNYYNYNNYNYYYNNNNYNYNYNNYY", "NNNNNYNNNNNNNYNNNNYNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNYNYNYYNNN", "YYNNYNNNYYYYNNYNNNNNNNYYNYNNYNNYYNNNNYNYNYYNYN", "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN", "NYYYYNNYYYYYYNNYYYYNNYYYYYYNYYYYYYYYYYNYYYYYNY", "NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNN", "YNNYYNNYYYYYYYYYNNYNYNNYYNYYNYYYYNYYYYNYNYYYYY", "NNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNN", "NNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNYNYNNNNNN", "NYNNYYNYNYNYYNYYNNYNYNYYNYYNYNYYYYYNYYNNNNYNNY", "NYNNYYNNNNNNNYNNNNYNNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNYNYNYNYYNNY", "NNNNYYNNNNNNNYNNNNYNNNNYNYNNNNNNNNNYNYNYNYYNNN" ]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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    Just to close out ... the 'supervisor' was clueless as it turns out.  Apple does NOT have a deal with UPS on handling the Mini, so the person who gave me the info was wrong.  Did he call back?  No ... he just let me go out and find out myself.
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    Programs that check for viruses are a major cause of slow Macs, so let's look at doing steps that don't handicap your computer:
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    1) Use your computer normally for typical tasks for several hours, then quit any applications you have launched. Do not restart.
    2) In Applications > Utilities, find Activity Monitor. If you've not used it before, you have to change a setting. At the top of the AM window is a "Show" option. By default it is set to show "My Processes." Change it to "All Processes" like this:
    4) Now highlight the "%CPU"column as shown so the most active processes "bubble"to the top (tiny arrow points down).
    Now watch things move up and down for a minute of two. What you are looking for is any single process that is using more than about 10 percent of the processor cycles while the computer is idling. If you see one doing that, post its name in a reply here.
    Awaiting your report,

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    Hi Mukesh,
             Inbound FM is IDOC_INPUT_STORE_INVENTORY , and Process code is WVIN.
             Yoou can check this in Tcode WE42 for process code WVIN.
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    First, you have a misunderstanding that the handheld device "checks" for messages. They don't.
    RIM's technology on which the company and popularity was built is that RIM servers go out to your email server and checks for new mail and "pushes" those messages to your handheld BlackBerry.
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    On an IMAP email server, the push is instant. An example of this might gmail accounts, yahoo mail, and private domains hosted by GoDaddy.
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
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    If you can not download the updates from the help menu any more, then for the MAC the updates are available at Generally you have to install these updates in order. It is simplest to download the latest first and work back to see if any can be skipped. Once the product hits end of life (and I think AA9 is there), the only updates that are provided are for critical security updates. For instance there has not been an update for AA 8 since Sept 2011. Since the releases are about every 2 years, it is indeed the end-of-life time in the cycle for AA 9 based on the history of the products. The upgrade may be worth it at some time, particularly as your OS or word processor or such change over time. Since the MAC version does not have PDF Maker (as I understand it), the upgrades may not be as critical for you as for PC folks working with newer versions of MS OFFICE -- who have gotten used to those features.

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    Can anyone tell me the best procedure to check for null and empty for an arraylist in a jsp using JSTL. I'm trying something like this;
    <c:if test="${!empty sampleList}">
    Help is greatly appreciated.

    A null check might not be you best option.  If your requirement is you must have both the date and time component supplied in order to populate EventDate, then I would use a Script Functoid that takes data and time as parameters.
    In the C# method, first check if either is an empty string, if so return an empty string.
    If not, TryParse the data, if successful, return a valid data string for EventDate.  If not, error or return empty string, whichever satsifies the requirement.

  • Acmcneill1ug 14, 2014 7:16 AM I have IMac OSX 10.9.4, 4GB,Processor 3.06 with Intell2Duo. I would like to check for Malware. I run a TechTool Pro 6 every month and that comes up great. When check how much memory I am using, with only Safar

    Acmcneill1ug 14, 2014 7:16 AM
    I have IMac OSX 10.9.4, 4GB,Processor 3.06 with Intell2Duo. I would like to check for Malware. I run a TechTool Pro 6 every month and that comes up great.
    When check how much memory I am using, with only Safari open I am using 3.9 and more of her 4.0 memory. She is very. very slow in processing. I had 4000
    trash to clean out and it took her over an hour to expel. Also for some reason Safari will not allow me to click on a link, in my G-mail, and let it go to the page.
    It has a sign saying a pop-up blocker is on and will not let me do it. I must open the stamp to look at my e-mails and if I have redirected link now I can do it.
    I have not changed my preferences so where is this pop-up blocker?
    I have looked at preferences on Safari and Google, which I do not understand Google, and do not see where this blocker could be.
    Malware is something I want to make sure is not on my computer. Tech Tool Pro 6 is all I know of and it does not detect Malware.

    Try Thomas Reed's Adware removal tool. He posts extensively in the communities.
    Malware Guide - Adware
    Malware Discussion

  • Checking for PDF 1.7 compatibility in Preflight (Acrobat 9 Pro)

    I've noticed that in the given Preflight profiles in Acrobat 9 there is no compatibility check for PDF 1.7, only 1.6. is there a profile i can load? or a set of checks i can make a profile in order to determine 1.7 compatibility?
    Yair Agmon.

    Knowing a PDF file's version premits deduction of what version "compatibility" is present.
    Version 1.7 (Acrobat 8.x) lacks compatibility for Acrobat 9.x specific features.
    Version 1.6 (Acrobat 7.x) lacks compatibility for Acrobat 8.x specific features.
    And so forth.
    Certainly, not an elegantly simple approach; but, nevertheless it is functional.
    Using Acrobat Professional/Extended 9.x -
    Open the Preflight dialog.
    Advanced > Preflight
    From the Options drop-down menu, Select "New Preflight Profile".
    The Prefight: Edit Profile dialog opens.
    A default profile name is provided (New Profile <number>).
    Initially, Click the Save button to save the profile. You can rename it later.
    Note that "New Profile" is placed in "Custom
    Now, locate your "New Profile" in the column at the left of the dialog and select
    "Custom checks".
    The available custom checks list loads in the pane to the right.
    Above and to the right is a "Find" field.
    Enter the string "version".
    A filtered list appears.
    A custom check is available for "versions newer than":
    1.2 | 1.3 | 1.4 | 1.5 | 1.6 | 1.7
    and there is a custom check for "version older than 1.3".
    Add the desired custom check to the profile. Save.
    Configure the check for Error | Warning | Info
    Info is "Notification" in the report that can be provided.
    Once you have configured "New Profile" it can be used by a Batch Sequence to check multiple files.
    When a Preflight is selected for use by a Batch Sequence you can configure for a "on success" and/or "on error" report.
    Be well...

  • How can i check for posted but not yet commited changes in a form

    I make changes programmatically in a form then i post it using (Post built in).
    If the user exits the form, i make check for any changes in the form to commit it using the system variable :system.form_status
    Unfortunately the value of this system variable is 'Query' not 'Changed' because of using the post built in.
    Is ther another system variable ( or any another way ) that check for posted but not yet commited changes in the form ?
    Thanks a lot
    Mostafa Abolaynain

    I had faced similar situation. Using of package variable which identifies, what is the user's latest action.
    This is just a workaround.
    Capture what the user has performed into a variable say, PKG_VAR.ACTION,
    This will be assigned values like List L, and Create C, Update U and Saved S.
    If commit is executed,assing the status S to the variable.
    So while closing,
    IF :system.form_status = 'CHANGED' or PKG_VAR.ACTION in ('C','U') THEN     
    -- validate the data, n perform commit.
    -- just close the form.
    end if;
    Deepz : )

  • Unable to check for purchases. The iTunes Store is temporarily unavailable.

    Every time I go to check for purchases I receive this message. Ive been recieving it for a couple weeks now and its reallly starting to annoy me.
    Based on what info I found, I tried adding different program and port exceptions to my firewall, and I toggled my virus scanner and spyware. (and I dont have an internet accelerator so thats not the cause).
    So then when that failed i just turned my virus scanner and firewall completely off. Still its the same problem.
    I have almost 70 downloads that are incomplete (because of an error that apple support has worked out with me), but I have no way of accessing them.
    iTunes, Toshiba Satellite Laptop, Windows XP service pack 2
    Toshiba Satellite   Windows XP  

    "I understand that you are still receiving a message about connection error when trying to download your purchases.
    I have confirmed that the iTunes Store is functioning and accepting connections. Therefore, the issue is likely related to your Internet connection, local network, or computer. I'm happy to provide some information that should help you connect to the iTunes Store again.
    I apologize for any inconvenience you have experienced with this issue and I can imagine how frustrating this could be for you. However, the nature of your question falls outside the type of support provided via email by the iTunes Store team. The iTunes Store team answers non-technical questions about billing, customer accounts, downloading music, and iTunes Store."
    Im going to send them my exact connection details and such.. but if anyone knows the solutions to this PLEASE tell. It would save a ton of time and frustration.

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