CKMLCP problem in reverse

Hi, We have a problems with the material ledger reverse. We run for
march 2008 but the operation wkp was bad define so we had to reverse.
The system said that the processing completed without errors but some
activity did not reverse. I noticed in the price different account.
Please we need run again the process before the end of the month. But I
don't know how to correct this bad reverse. Can someone help me?

CKMLCP only allows you to reverse the ML closing. Once the ML closing has been reversed, the CKMLCP transaction is as good as not run.
What I mean is, you have the option of going to the Selection Screen and selecting the "Process Again" radio button, which will process that transaction again for that period.
So while it seems that your activity has not reversed or so, once you run the Single-Level and Multi-Level determination again, the activity value should "re-calculate" once you select he radio button.
Please let me know if that helps.
Also, even after the month-end it is possible to run CKMLCP for a previous period. There are ways of doing it... so while you make every effort to close this by month-end, don't be too worried if you cannot finish this on time... It is too lengthy a process... so I'll dig up the SAP Note for you...

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    Hi All,
    I am facing a problem with reversal of service entry sheet. The user has posted the document in dec 2009 and now the user wants to reverse the doc. I told the process how to reverse it. But when she is trying to revoke the acceptance, she is getting error log.I told her to reset the posting date to present date.Now she tried to change the doc date but she is getting error as "604 item 010 WBS element ****** budget exceeded year 2009". So i advised her further to increase the budget in the year 2009. Even that solution is not working.
    Please help in this regard
    Thanks & Regards
    Nisha Prasad

    The user is not authorised to change the budget. The person resposible for this is telling that increasing the budget wont help. can you tell me how to view whether the budget is available for the system in the period or not? Can you please help me in this regard?

  • Problem in Reversing MIRO Document

    Hi Gurus,
    I am getting the  following problem when reversing the Miro, please help me in this reagrd.
    Balance not zero: 716.48  debits: 76,836.52  credits: 77,553.00
    Message no. M8534
    The system has discovered a difference between the debits and credits. This difference lies outside the tolerance limits set.
    System Response
    The system cannot post the document.
    If this message appears when you are processing a document online, you can
    change the amounts or enter new items until you can post the document
    change the Invoice Verification type, so that the document can be posted later in the background.
    If this message appeared when a document was verified in the background, you can now process the document.

    what cost ur entering in field of amount
    go to MIRO here do the normal process
    now just copy the amount from right top o the amount field
    plz check that u have ticked for calculate tax before copying amount
    now simulate and check

  • Problem with reverse mapping

    I am having a problem with reverse mapping. Here's what I do (copying the
    generated files to a correct directory omitted):
    % rd-schemagen -properties -file schema.xml
    % rd-reversemappingtool -properties -package testi
    % javac -d build/classes src/testi/*.java
    % rd-importtool -properties src/testi/testi.mapping
    Here's a part of the output:
    2958 INFO [main] jdbc.Schema - Found existing table "Kirja" for schema
    3002 INFO [main] jdbc.Schema - Found existing table "Kustantaja" for
    schema "n
    3047 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 5948361; T: 15336018]close
    3125 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 2478770; T: 15336018]open:
    ost/kirjakauppa (root)
    3129 INFO [main] jdbc.Schema - Found existing table "Kirjailija" for
    schema "n
    3140 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 2478770; T: 15336018]close
    3187 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 7529545; T: 15336018]open:
    ost/kirjakauppa (root)
    3193 INFO [main] jdbc.Schema - Found existing table "Kirjoittaja" for
    schema "
    3225 INFO [main] jdbc.SQL - [C: 7529545; T: 15336018]close
    Exception in thread "main" javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException:
    lArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary key column in
    table "Kirja" in a foreign key that is already linked to primary key
    columns in table "Kirjailija".
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary
    key column in table "Kirja" in a foreign key that is already linked to
    primary key c
    olumns in table "Kirjailija".
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary
    key column in table "Kirja" in a foreign key that is already linked to
    primary key c
    olumns in table "Kirjailija".
    Here's what MySQLCC gives for creation statement of the tables:
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Asiakas'
    # CREATE TABLE `Asiakas` (
    `Asiakas_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Nimi1` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Nimi2` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `KatuOsoite` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Postiosoite` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Email` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Puhelin` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Fax` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Salasana` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `ExtranetTunnus` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Asiakas_id`),
    KEY `Asiakas_id` (`Asiakas_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Kirja'
    # CREATE TABLE `Kirja` (
    `Kirja_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Kustantaja_id` int(11) default NULL,
    `Nimi` varchar(60) default NULL,
    `Nimi2` varchar(60) default NULL,
    `ISBN` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Kieli` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Kansi_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Sisalto_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Tukkuhinta` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    `Kuluttajahinta` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    `Varastokpl` int(11) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Kirja_id`),
    KEY `Kirja_id` (`Kirja_id`),
    KEY `Kustantaja_id` (`Kustantaja_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kustantaja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kustantaja`
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Kirjailija'
    # CREATE TABLE `Kirjailija` (
    `Kirjailija_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Sukunimi` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Etunimi` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Maa` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Kirjailija_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Kirjailija_id`),
    KEY `Kirjailija_id` (`Kirjailija_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Kirjoittaja'
    # CREATE TABLE `Kirjoittaja` (
    `Kirjoittaja_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Kirjailija_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Kirja_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`Kirjoittaja_id`),
    KEY `Kirjailija_id` (`Kirjailija_id`),
    KEY `Kirja_id` (`Kirja_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kirjailija_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kirjailija`
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kirja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kirja` (`Kirja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Koodi'
    # CREATE TABLE `Koodi` (
    `Koodi_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Koodi` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Tyyppi` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Arvo` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Koodi_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Kustantaja'
    # CREATE TABLE `Kustantaja` (
    `Kustantaja_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Nimi` varchar(80) default NULL,
    `Maa` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Kustantaja_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `KirjaLkm` int(11) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Kustantaja_id`),
    KEY `Kustantaja_id` (`Kustantaja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Luokittelu'
    # CREATE TABLE `Luokittelu` (
    `Luokittelu_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Luokka_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Kirja_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`Luokittelu_id`),
    KEY `Luokka_id` (`Luokka_id`),
    KEY `Kirja_id` (`Kirja_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Luokka_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Luokka` (`Luokka_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kirja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kirja` (`Kirja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Luokka'
    # CREATE TABLE `Luokka` (
    `Luokka_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Luokka` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Luokka_id`),
    KEY `Luokka_id` (`Luokka_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Myyja'
    # CREATE TABLE `Myyja` (
    `Myyja_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Myyja` varchar(50) default NULL,
    `Myyja_URL` varchar(50) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Myyja_id`),
    KEY `Myyja_id` (`Myyja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Tilaus'
    # CREATE TABLE `Tilaus` (
    `Tilaus_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Asiakas_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Myyja_id` int(11) default NULL,
    `TilausPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `EnsimmToimitusPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `ViimToimitusPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `Tila` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Mk` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (`Tilaus_id`),
    KEY `Asiakas_id` (`Asiakas_id`),
    KEY `Myyja_id` (`Myyja_id`),
    KEY `Tilaus_id` (`Tilaus_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Asiakas_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Asiakas`
    FOREIGN KEY (`Myyja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Myyja` (`Myyja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    # Host: localhost
    # Database: kirjakauppa
    # Table: 'Tilausrivi'
    # CREATE TABLE `Tilausrivi` (
    `TilausRivi_id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
    `Tilaus_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `Kirja_id` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    `TilausLkm` int(11) default NULL,
    `Ahinta` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    `Alepros` float default NULL,
    `Mk` decimal(10,2) default NULL,
    `ToimitettuLkm` int(11) default NULL,
    `ToimitusPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `ViimToimitusPvm` timestamp(14) NOT NULL,
    `Tila` int(11) NOT NULL default '0',
    PRIMARY KEY (`TilausRivi_id`),
    KEY `Tilaus_id` (`Tilaus_id`),
    KEY `Kirja_id` (`Kirja_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Tilaus_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Tilaus` (`Tilaus_id`),
    FOREIGN KEY (`Kirja_id`) REFERENCES `kirjakauppa.Kirja` (`Kirja_id`)
    ) TYPE=InnoDB;
    I can find the original creation script if it is necessary.
    My guess was that I need to define the foreign keys myself into the
    generated schema.xml This is stated in the manual. However, this did not
    help, although it changed the stack trace a little (it complains about
    different classes than before):
    Exception in thread "main" javax.jdo.JDOFatalInternalException:
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary
    key column in table "Myyja" in a foreign key that is already linked to
    primary key columns in table "Asiakas".
    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: You are attempting to link to a primary
    key column in table "Myyja" in a foreign key that is already linked to
    primary key columns in table "Asiakas".
    I don't think I fully understand the error message, what exactly is wrong
    here? How can I fix it?
    Here's a sample of the changes I made to schema.xml:
    - added the name - attribute to schema (it was missing)
    <schema name="kirjakauppa">
    - added the foreign key elements according to the table creation statements
    given above
    <fk name="Kustantaja_id" to-table="Kustantaja" column="Kustantaja_id"/>

    On Mon, 16 Jun 2003 17:55:35 -0500, Abe White <[email protected]>
    It seems the last three options are being ignored - I still get a
    file with schema names in front of tables (e.g. kirjakauppa.Asiakas, not
    Asiakas),That, unfortunately, is impossible to turn off. The -useSchemaName
    option controls whether the schema name is included as part of the
    generated class name; it doesn't affect the mapping data that is
    generated. What problems does including the schema name in the mapping
    data cause?
    rd-importtool -properties gensrc/testi/testi.mapping0 INFO [main] kodo.MetaData - Parsing metadata resource
    Exception in thread "main"
    com.solarmetric.rd.kodo.meta.JDOMetaDataNotFoundException: No JDO metadata
    was found for type "class testi.Asiakas".
    FailedObject:class testi.Asiakas
    This exception goes away if I edit the schema name out of the mapping
    file from all classes.
    separate classes are being generated for join tables with
    primary keysDo these join tables have an extra primary key column? TheYes, they do. Ok, now I know where the problem is.
    -primaryKeyOnJoin flag tells Kodo to ignore a join table with a primary
    key on the join columns. But Kodo can't handle join tables with extra
    column(s) just for a primary key identifier. This isn't a limitation of
    the reverse mapping tool, it's a limitation of Kodo. Kodo wouldn't know
    what to insert in those extra primary key column(s) when adding membersWhy not? If it can handle single numeric pk columns when making the
    generated classes use data store identity, it has to generate something to
    those columns. I can't see why this is different.
    That is simply out of curiosity - the next thing fixed my problem:
    to the join table. Of course, if the primary key is an auto-increment or
    something where Kodo can ignore it for inserts, you can just remove the
    <column> elements and the <pk> element from your .schema file and the
    reverse mapping tool will map it as a join table appropriately.It is auto-increment, so I did this and it worked. Thanks.
    , and application id is used for all classes.Are your primary keys on single, numeric columns? Kodo uses Java longsYes (int in MySQL), so that should not be a problem. They are also auto-
    incremented. This seems to be the only real problem remaining with this

  • Problem while reversing allocations with KEU5

    Dear Experts,
    we encounter some problems when reversing allocations with KEU5 (using KSU5 in the background). When doing so all 4 update processes will be occupied by the system on our 2 servers. Which means that the systems is blocked. 
    Thanks in advance for help and best regards

    SAP OSS Says the following
    This is not a program
    error and completely correct
    behaviour. Nevertheless, I would like provide the following
    recommendations which could possibly reduce workload/improve the
    runtime in the transaction KEU5:
    1. Please make sure that
    the flag for 'detail list' is not activated.
    If the option 'detailed list' is selected, a detailed output list is
    created for every segment. This takes up the largest amount of time
    during the process.
    2. Ensure that the Summarization that you use are updated on a regular
    basis, daily if possible.
    3. Also consider the
    cycles dimensions recommended by SAP (a maximum
    of 50 segments per cycle, a maximum total of 10,000 sender-receiver
    relationships, see documentation). If possible, enter only those
    objects in the cycle that are valid senders or receivers. Consider
    that if, for example, you entered 100 cost centers in a group of which
    only 20 are valid receivers, the complete master data validation and
    database selection is carried out for all 100. See note 79224 and
    130350 for further information.
    4. For the definition of segments and their summary in cycles, you
    should take into account the technical aspects included in note 420081.
    Please take into account that the selection of data is carried out
    from CE3xxxx, CE4xxxx (no effect at this point if you have archived
    CE1xxxx), as explained in note 420081.
    The selection of the reference data can both be carried out from a
    summarization level or from object level (tables CE3xxxx, CE4xxxx).
    In additional , you are
    recommended to perform
    this transaction during the evening/night. This will affect the system
    processes/workload during peak period.

  • Problem in Reversal of settled Internal Order

    I am trying to reverse some internal orders already settled. But while doing test run for collective reversing of settled I.O. I am getting error that I.O number is missing in the text field. I think while reversing system is not picking data for text field. The user have tried this before and it as working then. There is an OSS note 126363 on simmilar problem but not exact problem and it rfered it as a programing error.
    Any body facing such experience or any suggetion is welcomed. This is an urgent requirement as user want to close the period.
    Arun Agarwal

    You can reverse a posted settlement using the settlement transaction, as long as the settlement documents that belong to it have not been reorganized. However, you can only reverse the most recently carried out settlement. If you have to reverse an older settlement, you first have to reverse the most recent settlements (following it) in reverse chronological order.
    The above is simply conceptual. But in your case, your problem appears to be something different. You can consider debugging the case to find out the cause so that the remedial action can be determined.
    You can also check the relevant document type to make the document header text as 'not required' to complete the process.
    Please let me know if this helps.

  • Problem with reverse goods movement

    Good Morning.
    I faced a problem with "schedule line" for an item in a sales order.
    I've an order quantity of about 14.000 pieces.
    I've created a partial outbound delivery for 8.000 pieces, but then for a problem, I made a "reverse goods movement" with VL09 for all 8000 pieces.
    When I came back into item's schedule line, I see in "Delivery quantity" column that is not considered the reverse goods momevent.
    I see that delivery quantity is still 8000.
    Can You give me some suggestion??

    There is no trasfer order in Sales Document Flow.
    Sales Order 10600587 / 10               12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      Completed          
    Delivery  8020600166 / 10                12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      Being rocessed    
    Picking request 20071212                   12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      Completed          
    GD goods issue:delvy 5500004772 / 1        12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      complete           
    RE goods deliv. rev. 5500004773 / 1        12.12.07           14.000,000  NR      complete           
    Delivery quantity is still 14000.

  • Problem in reversing the released Process order.

    Hi PP Gurus,
    When I'm trying to reverse the Process order release in change process order COR2 system is not allowing me as the menu option is Gray. When I released processed order Control recipe is generated and due to some problem in PI sheet I discarded in CO60 transaction code. So can anybody please tell me how to handle this situation? I mean is this can be resolved by configuration or enhancement?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Abu Arbab

    Hi Krishna,
    Thanks for reply.
    Now tell me what should be the approach we if we don't want to delete the Process order? Say PI sheet is created and sent to it's destination through Background job and later we found some error in PI sheet so and we've discarded that PI sheet. In case when I don't want to delete or Teco Process order, what will be the process in this case?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Abu Arbab

  • Problem in reversal of the GR posting

    Dear all,
    While trying to reverse the Process Order confirmation, we are getting the below errorwith message,
    Message no.- QA046
    Diagnosis: You are attempting to reverse a goods receipt although quantity postings have been already been made from the inspection lot. This means that stock for the good receipt has already been transferred and for this reason a cancellation of the document is no longer possible.
    Ensure that the postings in QM (within the usage decision transactions) are carried out.
    Referring to the above message, please let me know how and in which t.code the above problem can be corrected?
    Thanks and regards,

    Hi JH,
    Thanks for the inputs. We were able to cancell the inspection lot. But even after that, we were not able to reverse the GR posting through cancellation of Process Order confirmation. In COGI, we see two records. But were not able to process that as we get the same message which i mentioned before. Kindly suggest.

  • JAI + JAI Image IO - ImageWrite operation problem: color reversed

    I installed jai 1.1.3 and jai imageio 1.1 on jdk 1.6 and did a test with the following code.
         public static void main(String args[]) {
              Byte[] bandValues = new Byte[3];
              bandValues[0] = (byte)255;
              bandValues[1] = (byte)0;
              bandValues[2] = (byte)0;
              ParameterBlock params = new ParameterBlock();
              PlanarImage bim = JAI.create("constant", params);
              JAI.create("imagewrite", bim, "d:/dev/baseImage.png", "PNG");
              JAI.create("filestore", bim, "d:/dev/baseImage2.png", "PNG");
              PlanarImage pi = JAI.create("imageread", "d:/dev/baseImage.png");
              PlanarImage pi2 = JAI.create("imageread", "d:/dev/baseImage2.png");
              JFrame frame = new JFrame();
              frame.setTitle("Output Image");
              Container contentPane = frame.getContentPane();
              contentPane.setLayout(new GridLayout(1,3));
              contentPane.add(new JScrollPane(new DisplayJAI(bim)));
              contentPane.add(new JScrollPane(new DisplayJAI(pi)));
              contentPane.add(new JScrollPane(new DisplayJAI(pi2)));
              frame.setSize(960, 400);
         }I found that the color in the output file created by "imagewrite" was reversed - bim is red but pi is blue.
    The one created by "filestore" was correct: pi2 was red.
    Did I use the "imagewrite" operation incorrectly? How should I use the imagewrite operation?

    I think you are using it correctly and you've encountered a bug. The same thing occurs on my machine. PlanarImage is using an interlaced raster which stores pixels as BGRBGRBGR ect... But the only way I can see this causing a problem is if the imagewrite operation was going directly to the DataBuffer for the pixels. If it retrieved it through the raster the colors should not be switched.
    Interestingly enough if I do this
    JAI.create("imagewrite", bim.getAsBufferedImage(), "d:/dev/baseImage.png", "PNG");then it works correctly. This suggests even more that the fault is with imagewrite operation interpreting the PlanarImage wrongly.

  • Problem with Reversed document with IDOC interface

    I have a problem when I create Idoc which will reverse a document.
    I use ACC_DOCUMENT_REVERSE, in Idoc is filled like this -
    OBJ_KEY( reverse document number + company code + year)
    OBJ_SYS ( system id )
    OBJ_KEY_R ( obj_key of document which will reverse )
    I formed OBJ_KEY with one select from table bkpf, and get the last number of documents reversed with Idoc interface. The interface creates Idoc reverse document with number 929xxxxxxx. With fb08 - documents created are 92xxxxxxxx.
    The problem is when use transaction fs10n, fill customer account number, and the sums are not right. The documents which was reversed with Idoc did not entered in G/L Account Line Item.
    But if I start transaction fbl5n - customer line item, the documents reversed by Idoc is there, and the total sum is right.
    How can I resolve this problem?
    Lazar Hristov

    I hope you have reversed the posting.Have you cancelled the downpayment invoice.
    Please cancel the first downpayment invoice and post the amount for the second downpayment.
    Now try to create the final invoice.

  • Material Ledger Close (CKMLCP) -problem executing during the month

    Due to our tight closing schedule, we are attempting to pre-run the Material Ledger close (CKMLCP) process and Value Flow Monitor (CKMVFM) on the last 2 days of the month in order to catch any issues before the first workday of the close, when it is too late to do many of the normal processes that would correct the problems in our system.  The issue we are having is that some of our production plants are 24/7 and we are not getting good results in our test run due to new transactions that get posted while we are running the CKMLCP steps, resetting the material statuses.  For example between the Single level and multi level calculations for a given material, a goods movement might get posted that resets the material status from "single level calculated" back to "quantities and values entered", which leads to errors when the multilevel calculation tries to roll up the WAC variances.
    Has anyone encountered this issue, and how did you get around it?  Currently, we can only think of locking people out of the system while we are running the pre-checks, but we know the users will balk at that suggestion. 
    Burns Thomas

    Hi Thomas,
    you might try to use the alternative valuation run as a simulation environment.
    an alterantive valuation run for just one month will create a copy of the ML data in which you will have no problem with material status. the calculation logic for closing is the same, also the reporting, like CKMVFM. Therefore, If you are successfull in closing the AVR that is a good indcator for not having further problems for your real data.
    best regards,

  • Problems with reverse telecine in Cinema tools

    I am trying to reverse telecine some 24p footage I shot on a panasonic dvx. I have captured several tapes of footage in FCP 7 (as 29.97 footage to get the full data stream), then I have been sending clips to cinema tools to be reverse telecined, then bringing them back into FCP and editing on a 23.98 timeline. So far, I have used this workflow with three of my tapes and they all look fine in the end, but with one tape in particular I took all of the same steps but am having problems. When I bring clips from that tape into cinema tools and select "reverse telecine" it seems as if Cinema Tools is working and processing the footage, but at the very end the window with that clip suddenly disappears and no .rev file of the footage is created. Cinema tools remains open, only that window with the footage that was being processed is gone. I have tried recapturing the footage, renaming it, and double-checking my capture settings in FCP but have yet to figure out why these clips from this tape in particular will not be reverse telecined. Any suggestions about what I could be doing wrong?

    I am almost positive I shot them the exact way, although the scene file dial on the dvx is pretty easily changed, so maybe if I bumped it during filming...
    So to check, I looked at the footage before it was reverse telecined on an external moniter and it looks the same as all my other footage--with about 2 interlaced frames for every five frames. Is there another way I could check?
    I'll try your compressor idea and see if that will remove the 3:2 pulldown! Thanks for the advice!

  • Problems with reversing telecine pull-down

    I'm preparing to edit a feature film shot on S16mm. The film was telecined to HDCAM SR at 23.98 for the online. Than down-converted to DVCAM at 29.97 for the offline. I imported the flex files into FCP and captured a bin. Than ran the batch reverse telecine following all instructions in Cinema Tools manual. Clips were converted to 23.98, but when played in FCP strobe or flicker. I cannot for the life of me figure out why. The A-Frames hit on 0's and 5's and that's what all the clips start at.
    Note, the strobing or flickering only happens when going out to an external NTSC monitor, not in FPC viewer or canvas.
    Does anyone have any ideas?

    I see you're on FCP5... if you're about to bust into a feature edit you really might want to move up to FCP6. It's a bit more mature all around.
    We just did a Super35mm project (offline in ProRes, and then a 2K DPX-based online) in FCP6, albeit with a slightly different workflow.
    I assume you did the HDCAM SR to DVCAM downconversion because you didn't have an HDCAM SR deck and/or HD-SDI input mechanism for the system you're editing on, but you did have a firewire DVCAM deck or something similar.
    If the issue was introduced during the HDCAM-SR to DVCAM step, perhaps that's where the issue lies. You may want to try to eliminate that possibility.
    Other than that, I'd go through and verify that you are in fact looking at the right fields in the right order. Use whatever mechanisms you have available to you to view the fields independently of each other.
    Also, if you're outputting 23.98 video to an external monitor, does that monitor support that output format? Or are you having telecine frames inserted during playback?
    There's a limited amount of things that could be wrong here. If your canvas is accurately displaying all of the frames and looks normal, and there's no frames "bleeding fields" into each other when you step through it, and you're sure you're not MISSING any frames or fields, then the telecine frames must have gotten removed properly, that's the only logical conclusion. If that's the case, then your problem is either a bug (possible), a field dominance issue (which you seem to have ruled out) or it's in your external video monitoring system/path. i.e. monitor doesn't like the video it's getting, hardware doesn't support the video signal, something is flat out broken, etc.
    That said, HDCAM-SR to ProRes or ProResHQ is a pretty reasonable mastering format for S16-acquired content. If all else fails, go rent an HDCAM-SR deck for the weekend, capture the whole project to ProRes/ProRes HQ, and boom, you're in your online @ 23.98. Just skip the offline altogether. You've already got your FLX files so you could batch the whole job pretty quickly. Storage is cheap.

  • Problem in reversal of excise invoice

    Dear Exports,
    The client following bellow process to create invoice & reverse inv.
    Creation - 
    1 SO
    2 DC
    3 Picking request/PGI
    4 Invoice - G1IJ
    Reverse -
    1 VA01
    2 VA02
    3 VL02N
    4 J1IG
    5 VF04
    6 VF03
    7 MB1B
    There are three issues
    1. we have successfully completed 3 steps of reversal, but we didnt able to do J1IG
    2. we have processed 5 steps but in VF03 (to Clear or release A/cing doc) system gives message 'document has already been completed'.
    3. we need to do reverse of new inv.
    Wrong process has been applied to reverse in above 3 case, such like done only J1IG for reverse, deletion of dc, cancellation of PGI, and creation of new DC, PGI for 6 times.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Sachin,
    The process of reversal starts with reversal of excise invoice.Else system will show the excise document as archive. Check your process.
    Pankaj P

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