Class Media Tracker, error in tracker.waitForID(index);

Mi problema es que el al momento de ejecutar dice "Image Fetcher 0"
y no me carga las imagenes
Este es el codigo:
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import java.awt.Image;
import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class ScopeTest extends JPanel
Ellipse2D.Double scope;
BufferedImage image;
Dimension targetSize;
double scale;
     int width;
     int height;
     ScopeController control;
     MediaTracker tracker;
Image anim[]=new Image[23];
int imagen=20;
boolean chile=true;
public ScopeTest(int width, int height,int region)
scope = new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, 150, 150);
targetSize = new Dimension();
control = new ScopeController(this);
tracker = new MediaTracker(this);
          anim[20] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imagenes/"+region+".JPG");
          anim[21] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imagenes/chile1.JPG");
          anim[22] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imagenes/chile2.JPG");
          tracker.addImage(anim[20], 0);
          tracker.addImage(anim[21], 0);
          tracker.addImage(anim[22], 0);
          String x="",p="p",s="p",t="t",c="c";
          String im;
          int i=0,j=1;
          while(i < 20)
               anim[i] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imagenes/"+region+x+"p.JPG");
               tracker.addImage(anim, j);
               anim[i] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage( "imagenes/"+region+x+"s.JPG");
               tracker.addImage(anim[i], j);
               anim[i] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imagenes/"+region+x+"t.JPG");
               tracker.addImage(anim[i], j);
               anim[i] = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage("imagenes/"+region+x+"c.JPG");
               tracker.addImage(anim[i], j);
                    case 4:
                    case 8:
                    case 12:
                    case 16:
               tracker.waitForID(0);//para fotos chile y region
               tracker.waitForID(1);//para fotos p,c,t,c
               tracker.waitForID(2);//para fotos pp ps pt pc
               tracker.waitForID(3);//para fotos sp ss st sc
               tracker.waitForID(4);//para fotos tp ts tt tc
               tracker.waitForID(5);//para fotos cp cs ct cc
          } catch (InterruptedException e)
               System.out.println("imagenes no fueron bien cargadas");
          for(int k=0;k<6;k++)
               if( tracker.checkID(0) )
                    System.out.println("cargado el id "+k);
     * Dibuja la imagen y la lupa
protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
//estas lineas son para que se vea la imagen
if(image == null)
               g2.drawImage(image, 0, 0, this);
               if(imagen!=4 && imagen!=5 && imagen!=6 && imagen!=7 &&
               imagen!=8 && imagen!=9 && imagen!=10 && imagen!=11 &&
               imagen!=12 && imagen!=13 && imagen!=14 && imagen!=15 &&
               imagen!=16 && imagen!=17 && imagen!=18 && imagen!=19
                    //las dos sigientes linea es para que se vea el zoom
                    BufferedImage scopeImage = getScopeImage();
                    g2.drawImage(scopeImage, (int)scope.x, (int)scope.y, this);
                    //las siguientes lineas es para que se vea el circulo donde se ve el zoom
                    g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(scope.x + scope.width/2, scope.y,
                                                  scope.x + scope.width/2, scope.y + scope.height));
                    g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(scope.x, scope.y + scope.height/2,
                                                  scope.x + scope.width, scope.y + scope.height/2));
                    g2.setStroke(new BasicStroke(2f));
          else if (chile)
               Point p = getSubimageLocation();
               Shape shape = new java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D.Float(p.x, p.y, 120, 120);
               g2.drawImage(anim[21], 0, 0, this);
               g2.drawImage(anim[22], 0, 0, this);
     * Imagen que se ve en el marco de la ventana
private void makeImage(Image img)
int w = getWidth();
int h = getHeight();
scope.setFrameFromCenter(w/2, h/2, w/2 + scope.width/2, h/2 + scope.height/2);
image = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR );
Graphics2D g2 = image.createGraphics();
     * Muestra el zoom
private BufferedImage getScopeImage()
Point p = getSubimageLocation();
int w = targetSize.width;
int h = targetSize.height;
BufferedImage target = null;
target = image.getSubimage(p.x, p.y, w, h);
catch(RasterFormatException rfe)
System.out.println("Fuera de area, deb mantener el cursor en el centro: " + rfe.getMessage() + "\n" +
"\tx = " + p.x + "\t(x + w) = " + (p.x + w) + "\n" +
"\ty = " + p.y + "\t(y + h) = " + (p.y + h));
return target;
w = (int)scope.width;
h = (int)scope.height;
BufferedImage scopeImage = new BufferedImage(w, h, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
Graphics2D g2 = scopeImage.createGraphics();
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC, 0f));
g2.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC, 1f));
AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale, scale);
g2.setClip(new Ellipse2D.Double(0, 0, scope.width, scope.height));
g2.drawRenderedImage(target, at);
return scopeImage;
private Point getSubimageLocation()
int w = targetSize.width;
int h = targetSize.height;
int x = (int)(scope.x + (scope.width - w)/2);
int y = (int)(scope.y + (scope.width - w)/2);
if(x + w > getWidth())
x = getWidth() - w;
if(y + h > getHeight())
y = getHeight() - h;
return new Point(x,y);
private void setScale(double scale)
this.scale = scale;
targetSize.width = (int)(scope.width / scale);
targetSize.height = (int)(scope.height / scale);
public void setScope(int x, int y)
Point p = getLegalLocation(x, y);
scope.setFrame(p.x, p.y, scope.width, scope.height);
private Point getLegalLocation(int x, int y)
int deltaW = (int)((scope.width - targetSize.width)/2);
int deltaH = (int)((scope.height - targetSize.height)/2);
int w = getWidth();
int h = getHeight();
if(x + deltaW < 0)
x = -deltaW;
if(x + scope.width - deltaW > w)
x = (int)(w - scope.width + deltaW);
if(y + deltaH < 0)
y = -deltaH;
if(y + scope.height - deltaH > h)
y = (int)(h - scope.height + deltaH);
return new Point(x, y);
private int[][] generateShapeArrays(int cx, int cy, int R, int sides)
int radInc = 0;
if(sides % 2 == 0)
radInc = 1;
int[] x = new int[sides];
int[] y = new int[sides];
for(int i = 0; i < sides; i++)
x[i] = cx + (int)(R * Math.sin(radInc*Math.PI/sides));
y[i] = cy - (int)(R * Math.cos(radInc*Math.PI/sides));
radInc += 2;
// keep base of triangle level
if(sides == 3)
y[2] = y[1];
return new int[][] { x, y };
     * Botones y barra de zoom
private JPanel getUIPanel()
final JLabel label = new JLabel("scale = 2.0");
JButton atras = new JButton("Retroceso");
int value = (int)(scale * 2);
final JSlider slider = new JSlider(JSlider.HORIZONTAL, 1, 8, value);
slider.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener()
public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent e)
double value = slider.getValue()/2.0;
label.setText("Escala = " + value);
atras.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
               public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
                              case 1:
                                        case 'p':
                                        case 's':
                                        case 't':
                                        case 'c':
                                   image = null;
                              case 0:
                                   image = null;
                    catch(NullPointerException exxx)
JPanel panel = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout());
GridBagConstraints gbc = new GridBagConstraints();
gbc.insets = new Insets(2,2,2,2);
gbc.weightx = 1.0;
panel.add(label, gbc);
panel.add(slider, gbc);
panel.add(atras, gbc);
return panel;
public void setImage(int aux)
public static void main(String[] args)
final ScopeTest test = new ScopeTest(1024,768,9);
JFrame f = new JFrame();
f.getContentPane().add(test.getUIPanel(), "North");
test.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter()
public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e)
test.image = null;
class ScopeController extends MouseInputAdapter
ScopeTest test;
Point offset;
boolean dragging;
//Este frame repodruce una imagen y un peque�o texto de alguna zona en particular de la regi�n
* lugares[0]= Temuco
* lugares[1]= Ptosavedra;
* lugares[2]= Nahuelbuta
* lugares[3]= Conguillio;
* lugares[4]= Cunco
* lugares[5]= Angol
* lugares[6]= Villarrica
JFrame frame=new JFrame();
JLabel detalle_html;
String[] lugares =new String[7];
     // variables de que imagen se esta viendo
     * nivel: vamos viendo porque son 2 zoom solamente
     * cuadro[]:
     * n: ningun cuadro, es cuando se ve la primera imagen
     * por ejemplo:
     * si bajamos un nivel, entonces cuadro[0]='p', se esta viendo en pantalla completa el cuadro 1 de p
     * si bajamos otro nivel, entonces cuadro[1]='s', sesta viendo el cuadro 2 de el cuadro p del nivel 0
     int nivel=-1;
     char cuadro[]={'n','n'};
     // variables de bordes de los cuadros
     int x1p,y1p,x2p,y2p,x3p,y3p,x4p,y4p;//cuadro p
     int x1s,y1s,x2s,y2s,x3s,y3s,x4s,y4s;//cuadro s
     int x1t,y1t,x2t,y2t,x3t,y3t,x4t,y4t;//cuadro t
     int x1c,y1c,x2c,y2c,x3c,y3c,x4c,y4c;//cuadro c
     *(x1p,y1p) (x2p,y2p)=(x1s,y1s)          (x2s,y2s)
     *           |                         |                         |
     *           |     p               |          s           |
     *           |                         |                         |
     *(x3p,y3p)=(x1t,y1t)          |     (x4s,y4s)=(x2c,y2c)
     *           ------------------�--------------------
     *           |                         |                         |
     *           |     t               |          c           |
     *           |                         |                         |
     *           |                         |                         |
     *(x3t,y3t)          (x4t,y4t)=(x3c,y3c)          (x4c,y4c)
     * �:en este putno covergen los 4 cuadrados:
     * (x4p,y4p)=(x3s,y3s)=(x2t,y2t)=(x1c,y1c)
public ScopeController(ScopeTest st)
test = st;
offset = new Point();
dragging = false;
          detalle_html=new JLabel();
          //primer cuadro
          //segundo cuadro
          //tercero cuadro
          //cuarto cuadro
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
               Point p = e.getPoint();
                    offset.x = (int)(p.x - test.scope.x);
                    offset.y = (int)(p.y - test.scope.y);
                    dragging = true;
               int aux=seleccionar_imagen(e.getX() , e.getY());
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e)
dragging = false;
public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
int x = e.getX() - offset.x;
int y = e.getY() - offset.y;
test.setScope(x, y);
public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
          int x=e.getX();
          int y=e.getY();
     /*     if(x<20 && y<20 && nivel==1 && cuadro[nivel]=='p')
               System.out.println(x+" "+y);
          System.out.println(x+" "+y);*/
     * con nivel=-1: Solo esta la imagen principal
     * con nivel=0: se ponen las imagenes [char].JPG
     * con nivel=1: se ponen las imagenes [char][char].JPG
public int seleccionar_imagen(int x, int y)
          int aux=-1;
               //if(x y)
               return aux;
          else if(nivel<1)
               if((x1p<x && x<x2p ) && (y1p<y && y<y3p))//eligo el primer cuadro
                    else if(nivel==1)
               else if((x1s<x && x<x2s ) && (y1s<y && y<y3s))//eligo el segundo cuadro
                         else if(nivel==1)
                    else if((x1t<x && x<x2t ) && (y1t<y && y<y3t))//eligo el tercer cuadro
                              else if(nivel==1)
                         else if((x1c<x && x<x2c ) && (y1c<y && y<y3c))//eligo el cuarto cuadro
                              else if(nivel==1)
          return aux;
     private int elegir_imagen(char x,char y)
               case 'p':
                              case 'p':
                              case 's':
                              case 't':
                              case 'c':
               case 's':
                              case 'p':
                              case 's':
                              case 't':
                              case 'c':
               case 't':
                              case 'p':
                              case 's':
                              case 't':
                              case 'c':
               case 'c':
                              case 'p':
                              case 's':
                              case 't':
                              case 'c':
          return y;
          public void llenarString()
                    BufferedReader[] br=new BufferedReader[7];
                    br[0] = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("lugares//Temuco.htm"));
                    br[1] = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("lugares//Ptosavedra.htm"));
                    br[2] = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("lugares//Nahuelbuta.htm"));
                    br[3] = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("lugares//Conguillio.htm"));
                    br[4] = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("lugares//Cunco.htm"));
                    br[5] = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("lugares//Angol.htm"));
                    br[6] = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("lugares//Villarrica.htm"));
                    int parcial,total=0;
                    String linea="";
                    for (int i=0;i<7;i++)
                         linea = br[i].readLine();
                              lugares[i] += linea;
                              linea= br[i].readLine();
               catch(FileNotFoundException fnfe)
                    System.out.println("Archivo no encontrado");
               catch (IOException ioe)
                    System.out.println("Error al leer archivo");

Ok, for anyone following this... I fixed it.
Apparently the static declaration of image in TerrainPalette was causing every element of TerrainPalette to have the same image stored in it. Not entirely sure how to use static variables in Java yet. I'm used to functions where you need to use static so that the variable doesn't change when you exit, but I have to remember that a class is more like a struct... with functions in it... and isn't like a C function.

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    How are you moving the object? Fusion only works on static spaces. If you are trying to scan a rotating object you need to ensure that you try to trick it into thinking it is moving, not the object. The only alternative is for you to slowly move around the
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    Carmine Sirignano - MSFT

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    Revision: 11641
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-10 18:29:57 -0800 (Tue, 10 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
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    Reviewer: Deepa
    Tests run: Checkintests, Bug test case
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    Revision: 11641
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-10 18:29:57 -0800 (Tue, 10 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    A simple fix - we need to keep track of the display list index for non-clipping masks such as luminosity masks, not just alpha masks.
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    Reviewer: Deepa
    Tests run: Checkintests, Bug test case
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

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    I'm not sure what Tuesday the 17th is but there are some bad video pressets in AE. Give one of them a try:
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  • Focus or tracking error

    When I was burning cd-r or cd-rw by my 8340S,  the nero software which came along with the burner gave me the burn failure message: focus or tracking error. Anybody could tell me if it is the hardware problem of the burner. I have used the burner for a couple of months, it was ok.  I have tried oversize burning on 80-mins and 90-min cd-rs and I found that it didn't support 90-mins burning, but the burner was able to work normally before the problem appears.  As I saw the warning message from nero that oversize burning would cause damages on the burner. Would it be the case that my burner was damaged by oversize burning and had got to be repaired.

    I am somewhat in the same boat. The burner, over a 30 - 40 day period, kept burning, but also kept re-aligning the armature. At the final stages of this, it gave me session initilisation failure, and laser focus error, along with a bunch of buffer errors and about 14 coasters in the process .. The unit is a MS-8340S 120D, with Nero 5.x . never tried to overburn any disks, since i'm dma33, i can't burn over 16x without running into BURN cache correction. So, its not that the burn is too fast, 16x on a 32x medium from a dma33 bus, other drive has dma disabled, and tried both with and without dma. At the moment, I am not happy . since its become pretty much a 90$ paperweight. I have put in a call to tech, but they have yet to get in touch with me 48 hours past the time I put the query in. Is this the kind of service I can expect from MSI? .... if so .. then I won't be purchasing MSI anytime in the near or far future, at least until they can prove to me, that they can fix problems in their products in a timely manner. And it would seem that there are a lot of others that are having pretty much the same problem .. If its software related, I think in this case, MSI dropped the ball in recommending nero for this unit, if its the firmware update, then they need to issue a fix .. like yesterday. Perhaps this is only a small segment of these cdrw that are having this problem, and it may be a batch problem. But they should be reading these forums as well.
    Its a problem when you can't use a peice of hardware that you bought.
    Lets hear something from tech on this.

  • Error During Track Initialization

    I created a presentation in Keynote and exported it into iDVD6. I burned the presentation with not problem. Then I had to make a change in the presentation in Keynote and now iDVD won't let me burn any presentations from Keynote. I can burn others like iMovie. So I know my burner works.
    The message is:
    There was an error during track initialization and iDVD can't continue burning the DVD. Select "Delete Encoded Assets' from the Advanced-menu and try burning this project again.
    I tried deleting the encoded assets, I've tried creating a new presentation and importing it, I tried renaming the presentation - still the same message.
    I'm using Verbatim DVD-R.
    Can anyone help?

    Drag and drop the plist for keynote as well as iDVD to the trash. Empty the trash and restart your computer. Your computer will make a new default set of preferences for each.
    Hope this helps but if not come on back.

  • DR4-A: Focus or tracking error

    When I try to burn (simulation) CD or DVD I receive this error:
       Focus or tracking error
       some file for a total of 788MB
       at 94% I receive the error
    I have the same problem with DVD-R and DVD+R but not with DVD-RW
    I try to burn the same video:
    On simulation with DVR+-R i receive the error;
    In Burn on DVD-RW the burn successfully
    Intel Pentium 3 1000Mhz
    256 MB ram
       HD 20GB
       MSI DR4-A firmware 2.60
       HD 20GB
    Windows 2000 SP4

    Also, what buring software do u use? Install the lastest patches of the burning software.
    Try nero 6 from

  • "Consumer Fault tracking - Error notification" whe...

    I have been trying to track a fault online for 48 hours and every time I try, I get this error message:
    "Consumer Fault tracking - Error notification
    Sorry we cant complete your request at the moment due to technical error. Please try again"
    I am trying to track this fault on behalf of my elderly parents who are without landline and internet and cannot afford to make 0800 calls on their PAYG mobile.
    They live in a remote location and need to know when their service will be restored.
    How do I find out?

    It s very strange you are having this problem I have myself rechecked the site this morning and still have no problems logging in to the site all I can currently suggest is calling from another phone or 
    I suggest you contact the forum mods they should be able to get this problem sorted for you this is a link to them
    They normally reply by email or phone directly to you within 3 working days they will take personal ownership of your problem until resolved and will keep you informed of progress
    They are a UK based BT specialist team who have a good record at getting problems solved
    This is a customer to customer self help forum the only BT presence here are the forum moderators
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • CDs import OK to iTunes Windows but not to iTunes MacOS!  I have had 3 successive audio CDs with the same problem.  They have exactly 20 tracks each, and track 19 claims to be over 14 hours long, and track 20 over 1 hour long.  Any clues?

    I have an ageing (2006) iMac running OS 10.6.8 with an external LG CD/DVD writer (I've worn out the internal one).  I am not sure whether this is an iTunes issue or a LG issue.
    Incident 1: importing a CD with 71 short tracks via iTunes.  Track 24 is listed as 25 seconds long, but (on the first attempt) only the first 10 seconds actually import.  I spotted it immediately as it also blacked out the artwork and refused to let me paste the artwork back in.  A second attempt at the import worked correctly.  ** SOLVED AT 2ND ATTEMPT **
    Incident 2: importing a CD with 20 tracks averaging a little over 3 minutes each.  Gracenote did not recognise the disc.  The first 18 tracks showed reasonable track lengths, but track 19 showed 14 hours 43 minutes 21 seconds [!] and track 20 showed over 1 hour [possibly track 20 was showing the length of the entire CD].  The remaining 2 tracks were successfully imported into my other iTunes on a Windows XP machine (where Gracenote *did* recognise the CD) and transferred to the Mac over my internal network.  The next 2 CDs also had exactly 20 tracks each, and also had track 19 showing 14 hours 43 minutes and a few seconds (not quite the same as the original track 19, but close...) and track 20 showing over 1 hour [again possibly the length of the entire CD].
    I tried "Get album artwork" on one of the early tracks of one of the CDs, and it came back with an error "Invalid TOC" - this looks to me like the table of contents is getting corrupted (hence the bizarre track lengths reported, and hence Gracenote not recognising the resulting bizarre profile) when there are exactly 20 tracks on the CD.
    But a CD with 21 tracks looks OK, and so does a CD with 8 tracks.
    I'm putting this one down as ** SOLVED BY USING ITUNES ON WIN-XP AND TRANSFERRING FILES BETWEEN MACHINES ** but I would like to know what is going on!
    Has anyone else had a similar problem?

    At the lower bitrates that were popular several years ago, like 128, AAC provides better audio quality than MP3. At some point ( the dbPoweramp experts believe it is 160 ) the advantage disappears, and above that AAC and MP3 are sonically equivalent. However, MP3 still enjoys a huge advantage in acceptance and compatibility across multiple players, programs, and phones.
    In any case, it hardly appears to be worth the trouble to re-rip your CDs. But don't discard them either!

  • WLS 7 SSL class not found error

    Actually, I got the same error message to start the Node Manager. However, I don't
    have the RSA license at this moment. How can it make the WL to use
    instead of com.rsa.ssl.WeblogicContextWrapper?
    "Pavel Smelkov" <[email protected]> wrote:
    It looks like ClassNotFoundException happend when WLS tried to initialize
    SSL implementation class, which is by default, or
    com.rsa.ssl.WeblogicContextWrapper if you have an RSA license. Since
    Certicom classes are shipped in weblogic.jar, you must have RSA license,
    no RSA SSL classes in the server classpath?
    "Jeff Davis" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    I'm having difficulty configuring the SSL port to listen to httpsrequests. The error
    that I always receive (regardless of which sample I maybe running,from
    the server
    samples to the portal ones) is similar to the following (notice the"Not
    for SSL, Class not Found" error):
    **** START OF CONSOLE LOG **** <Jul 1, 2002 5:07:21 PM PDT> <Notice><Management>
    <141052> app tag removed <!--- Application Poller started for developmentserver.>
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ After the server hasbooted, your
    browser should automatically launch and point to the WebLogic ServerIndex
    on this server. If your browser fails to launch, point your browserto the
    URL "http://JDavis-m1:7001/examplesWebApp/index.jsp"
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ <Jul 1, 2002 5:07:22PM
    PDT> <Emergency>
    <Security> <090034> <Not listening for SSL, not Found.>
    <Jul 1, 2002 5:07:23 PM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <000354> <Thread"ListenT
    hread.Default" listening on port 7001> <Jul 1, 2002 5:07:23 PM PDT><Notice> <Management>
    <141030> <Starting discovery of Managed Server... This feature is onby
    you may turn this off by pas sing><Jul 1, 2002
    5:07:23 PM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <000331> <Started WebLogic
    Admin Server
    "examplesServer" for domain "examples" running in Development Mod e><Jul
    1, 2002
    5:07:23 PM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <000365> <Server state changed
    to RUNNING>
    <Jul 1, 2002 5:07:23 PM PDT> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <000360> <Serverstarted in
    RUNNING mode>
    **** END OF CONSOLE LOG **** I haven't made any changes to the SSLsetup,
    other than
    simply indicating I want it active (if that choice is not already active)
    I am just seeking to get the SSL using the test/demo certificate tofunction so that
    I can complete a demo of the commerce product to a client (requiresport
    7502 to
    Jeff Davis
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    Thanks for your responce ...
    I had discovered that when I typed "java program name" the java was running from /usr/bin a non-ssl enabled java installation. There was an SSL enabled version under another path on this box and it ran my code fine.

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