Come registrare in midi da Juno Di a Logic pro 9

ciao a tutti, vorrei sapere come fare a registrare in midi col synth juno Di della Roland usando i suoni propri. Parlo di come impostare il synth e logic e dei collegamenti da fare, passo per passo. Grazie in anticipo

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    Have you reinstalled the drivers on your Macbook? 99bbbfdef71&serie_ID=4#tabs
    Oh yeah, scrap that, it says you did.
    Also are you trying to power it from the laptop, if it has an ac adapter port, you may need to plug that in too, it might not be getting enough power from the laptop.
    Actually scrap that too, I've just had a look it's solely USB
    Message was edited by: bill borez
    Message was edited by: bill borez
    Message was edited by: bill borez

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    Message was edited by: Host <to clarify Subject>

    I use the NSI MC1616 midi controller. with it you can control 16 separate banks of lights and store 16 scenes. the unit uses midi program change messages for each scene and CC #1 info for fade rate. Since the MC1616 sends the program info midi out, I use it to send the commands to logic in real time, playing along with the song, pressing the scene buttons, to program the lighting cues.
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    Run the Audio/MIDI Setup utility. Is your keyboard/MIDI interface displayed in there?
    If not, OSX does not see your MIDI device. Install it's drivers if it has them. If it doesn't have any drivers, your MIDI config might have got hosed. What keyboard is it?
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    Well, I was told that I would get the same (ext. 888 sequencer feel) when reading the sysex data.
    Sysex is not a way to transfer files between different devices, it is a way to back up a particular devices' data. Logic does not *see into* or understand any data in a sysex dump, it simply records it, or plays it back. You cannot transfer sequences into another sequencer or DAW using sysex. You have to do it via MIDI, or any MIDI file/export/import that the device in question has.
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    Probably because you are trying to dump the whole sequence at once, and you are running out of MIDI bandwidth (or you are quantising in Logic on the way in). Play in a part at a time for better timing.
    When in sync mode, the 888 devices will start ON TIME on 1 (cycle range) but I try to start anywhere else in the track, it won't sync anymore, the 888 patterns will start on a random order.
    MIDI clock does not carry position info at all, it simply caries timing. If your device supports Song Position Pointers, that will work, or better still, use MIDI Time Code instead of MIDI clock.
    Logic supports all these things, but whether your other device does I don't know - check it's manual.
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    Ok here's what happened, controller was working fine everything set up, then it quit. called tech help at sweetwater, the motu was not seen as a midi interface anymore...went to motus web site, downloaded update for 10.4.4 THAT WAS IT! now it works!
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    1) Make sure you have downloaded all the additional content.... via the menu option Logic Pro X/Download Additional Content
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    Have you tried this button?

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    Yes.. I do see the occasional minor variations much like yourself when I sync up to my Oasys or more usually the Motif... to a fair sized and complicated project,,. Maybe +/- 1.. or on rare occasions +/- 2 bpm... but nothing close to the OP's +/- 5 bpm experiences...
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    I do have a project coming up in the next 10 days..  that will require me to use the Oasys synced to Logic so I'll make a note of any issues i have and post back if any occur.
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    It seems i am missing something... Could you help me?
    Thank you

    Question - can I transfer the apps I bought for iPod Touch to iPad.
    If they're located in the same iTunes library and the computer is authorized, yes. If not, authorize the computer from the Store menu, connect the iPod touch, and choose Transfer Purchases from the dialog box which appears.

  • Which midi controller works best with Logic Pro?

    I want pads to make drum loops etc.   I'd also like to slice and edit samples.  So far I've looked at Akai MPCs and N.I. Maschine.

    OK I found one... the Akai LPD8.  Excellent product.  It is so much more intuitive to play drums on these 8 pads rather than on the keyboard. You don't need the displays or extra pads of the more expensive models.  This has a nice on screen editor that is very programmable and it was plug-and-play in UltraBeat.  It's powered through the supplied USB cable so you don't need a power adapter. This is strictly a controller and has no on-board sounds but the sounds in Logic Pro and Garage Band are amazing. Well worth the $49.95!  You can slice and dice in Logic so that function isn't needed; similar effects can be acheived by simply holding down the pad and releasing it as a sound is modulated.  Also it is very portable - the size of your laptop keyboard.  Great fun!

  • Does the Helena Beats demo come with the non-app store version of Logic Pro?

    Thanks in Advance

    Yeah, I have the project since I got the App Store download - there are some Logic synths, Ultrabeat and EXS24 tracks and also some audio tracks of bounced synth plug-ins or external instruments, so you can tinker with it to a reasonable degree. What I meant was that I haven't heard the released, mastered version of the song, which ought to sound better - its always interesting to look at other people's work, though.
    There are a lot of vocal tracks, so I guess all the audio files for those make the project the size that it is. As I suggested before, a large enough memory stick should do, as long as the Apple Store staff are OK with it.

  • How to hear midi keyboard in Logic Pro 9?

    Hi folks,
    I'm a bit new to this, so please excuse my ignorance.
    I'm trying to use my midi keyboard in conjunction with Logic Pro 9. So far I have connected my keyboard's midi output to my Komplete 6 interface (which is connected to Logic). Logic is clearly picking up whatever I'm doing on the keyboard - I just can't hear it back. I'm guessing there is probably a very simple solution that I am stupidly not realising ...
    Would one of you brilliant people mind helping a novice like me?
    Thank you!

    benny lauren wrote:
    Hi folks,
    I'm a bit new to this, so please excuse my ignorance.
    I'm trying to use my midi keyboard in conjunction with Logic Pro 9. So far I have connected my keyboard's midi output to my Komplete 6 interface (which is connected to Logic). Logic is clearly picking up whatever I'm doing on the keyboard - I just can't hear it back. I'm guessing there is probably a very simple solution that I am stupidly not realising ...
    Please go here:
    And read the reasonably short PFD called.  "Exploring Logic Pro"

  • Logic Pro Midi Keyboard Randomly Stops

    Hi, I am fairly new to Logic Pro 9 and music composition software in general.  I have a Yamaha P85 keyboard that I am using with Logic.  I use an E-MU midi 2x2 to hook it up to my computer (imac 2011).  The keyboard has a midi in/out slots where I have a midi cable in the midi OUT slot.  It connects to my E-MU midi device in the midi IN slot.  A usb cable connects the midi device to my computer.  The keyboard is recognized in my computer MIDI settings and works in Logic Pro.  The problem is when im recording in logic or just playing, the keyboard will randomly stop for a few seconds (no sound when I hit keys) and nothing will be recorded during this period (if I'm recording).  After 1-5 seconds the keyboard will work again.  This happens randomly even when I'm not recording in Logic.  Another problem is sometimes, also randomly, a note will be held (sustained) when I'm not holding down the key.  Again, this happens in Logic whether I'm recording or not.  I have searched a lot online and read many forums, but I cannot find an answer.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance.

    So yes I am playing on the virtual instruments.  No separate audio device.  I have external speakers plugged into my computer so when I play my keyboard through Logic, sound comes out of my computer external speakers and not the keyboard speakers(I turn the keyboard volume off).  The problem I described happens for the various virtual instruments I have tried, strings, woodwinds, pianos etc.  In the Logic audio settings it says
    Output Device:  Built in Output
    Input Device:  Built in Microphone
    I/O Buffer Size:  256 samples
    When I say the keyboard stops, I mean no sound comes out of my computer speakers for a few seconds.  It is as if someone turns the keyboard off for a few seconds and then back on.  This happens in Logic when Im trying out different virtual instruments.  You are correct when saying it happens only when Logic is running whether I am recording MIDI or just playing and NOT recording.  I hope that makes sense.  It wouldn't be such a huge problem, but it happens so often it makes it hard to play or record something thats longer than 10 seconds.  Thanks for the help.

  • Which MIDI keyboards work with Logic Pro x and Yosimite?

    can anyone suggest some midi keyboards that work with Logic Pro x and yosimite

    Hi Jacub,
    I have a 2i4 running Mavericks 10.9.2 on a Mac Book Pro, and my unit works properly, please make sure your run the unit with the class compliant mode app (click the link below):
    Please contact Focusrite support if you have any more concerns.
    Best Regards,

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