Communication entre automate Modicon M340 et simulateur

Je viens de decouvrir Labview, et dans le cadre de mon projet, jaimerais faire communiquer mon programme de simulateur Labview, avec l'automate.
J'ai besoin d'ecrire et de lire mes variables dans l'automate.
Il sagit d'une communication modbus
Est ce que vous pouvez m'aider svp???

LabVIEW est fourni avec de nombreux exemples.
Vous pouvez y accéder dans l'onglet aide > recherche d'exemple
Il ya un menu "rechercher" (voir capture d'écran jointe) , et en tapant "modbus", vous avez didfférents programmes disponible.
Le premier me semble tout à fait adapter à votre application.
Guillaume D
Capture 85.PNG ‏38 KB

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    Nothing a little data member export and import cant fix...
    On the standard Koyo (automationdirect) PLCs we have to convert from Octal to decimal, then add 1.  
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    SAP Network Blog: Control Communication Channels Externally without using RWB
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    Kind regards,

    Hi Vishal,
    thank's for your help but that's not exactly my requirement. The idea was to have some kind of trigger on the DB starting, when data comes in, the commincation channels automtically. It's a little tedious to do all these things manually. Other messaging systems (e.g. MQ Series) provide a scripting environment to do these things.
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    If you don't understand French I can translate.

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    Dear Cancel,
    we have this error too. What i can say is, that it have to
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    best regard,
    Ly-Na Phu

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    U cannot use it in ur scenario. This function is supported for the following adapter types:
    - XI Adapter
    - HTTP Adapter
    - IDoc Adapter
    - RFC Adapter
    See this

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    can we achive this through OS commands ???
    thanks in advance....
    Edited by: katakoti on Nov 9, 2011 2:18 PM
    Edited by: katakoti on Nov 9, 2011 2:19 PM
    Edited by: katakoti on Nov 9, 2011 2:20 PM

    can we achive this through OS commands ???
    Yes you can write script and control the channels externally like give start or stop command at your specified requirement time.
    Please see this link
    Control Communication Channels Externally without using RWB
    Also you can use wget or curl command in the script  followed by http url string.
    wget  http(s)://host:port/AdapterFramework/ChannelAdminServlet?party=party&service=service&channel=channel&action=start

  • Unable to create communication channel - RFC

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    I am trying to create communication channel automatically , when adding business systems from SLD to integration repository. I get the following error only for RFC
    all other communication channel gets generated correctly.. Is there any thing i am missing.
    HTTP communication channel GeneratedReceiverChannel_HTTP created
    IDoc communication channel GeneratedReceiverChannel_IDoc created
    XI communication channel GeneratedReceiverChannel_XI created
    Unable to create communication channel: Unable to generate the communication channel (NWR_107, GeneratedReceiverChannel_RFC):
    Ganesh Ram

    Please run transaction SLDCHECK. The connection to SLD might not be working properly.
    Plus, in the business system you created, check if client number and all other parameters associated with SAP systems are valid.

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    Dear Pradeep
    I dont think there is automatic Activation of Communication channel. once it is active it will keep polling the files. But if it is inactive state and you want it active without manual intervention, I dont think it is possible.
    Experts suggest any other options to active it automatically.
    Thanks Prateek for the link. Good to know this
    Best Regards
    Edited by: Praveen Kurni on Aug 6, 2008 12:07 PM

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