Compiling the Files generated by XJC

Hi, im wrote from Venezuela sorry for the english
Hi, i have try to compile and run a simple applicacion that binding a xml document in a java aplication using the api JAXB, but i cant do it
I downloaded the JWSDP 1.3, and put the jars of the JAXB in the /usr/java/jre/lib/ext..
Next i use the XJC to generate the clases needed to binding the XML, this steps works fine
Next i took this classes and try to compile, but the java compilar tell me that its no find the package javax.xml.namespace and the package org.relaxng.datatype
Im looking in the jars of the JAXB, and no find this packages,, where is located this packages???

hope this reply answers all the queries posted regarding this.
first, the JWSDP1.x is perfectly fine. I have tried developing applications using JAXB and it works out to be aboslutely fine. no issues regarding jwsdp or JAXB.
second, please check that the following jars are available in the classpath
all these jars are available in JWSDP1.3 somewhere. try to find all these jars and run again. this will definitely work. I have some application that has been developed using JAXB in JWSDP1.3 and it is working fine.
hope this sovlves all the problems.

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  • Unable to compile the JAXB generated java files

    I am using JAXB 2.0 API for binding process.
    I have products.xml file as
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE PRODUCTDATA SYSTEM "products.dtd">
    <PRODUCTNAME>Gone with the wind</PRODUCTNAME>
    <DESCRIPTION>This is abt American Civil War</DESCRIPTION>
    and products.xsd(Schema file) as
    <xsd:schema xmlns:xsd="">
    <xsd:element name="PRODUCTDATA" type="prdt"/>
    <xsd:complexType name="prdt">
    <xsd:element name="PRODUCT" type="prd" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
    <xsd:complexType name="prd">
    <xsd:element name="PRODUCTNAME" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="DESCRIPTION" type="xsd:string"/>
    <xsd:element name="PRICE" type="xsd:positiveInteger"/>
    <xsd:element name="QUANTITY" type="xsd:nonNegativeInteger"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="PRODID" type="pid" use="required"/>
    <xsd:attribute name="CATEGORY" type="xsd:string" use="optional"/>
    <xsd:simpleType name="pid">
    <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
    <xsd:pattern value="[p]{1}/d{3}"/>
    <xsd:length value="4"/>
    I am converting these schema file to java files by using binding compiler xjc.
    So that three java files are genearated automatically.
    // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, vJAXB 2.0 in JDK 1.6
    // See
    // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
    // Generated on: 2008.06.23 at 04:09:25 PM IST
    package testing.jaxb;
    import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElementDecl;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlRegistry;
    import javax.xml.namespace.QName;
    * This object contains factory methods for each
    * Java content interface and Java element interface
    * generated in the testing.jaxb package.
    * <p>An ObjectFactory allows you to programatically
    * construct new instances of the Java representation
    * for XML content. The Java representation of XML
    * content can consist of schema derived interfaces
    * and classes representing the binding of schema
    * type definitions, element declarations and model
    * groups. Factory methods for each of these are
    * provided in this class.
    public class ObjectFactory {
    private final static QName PRODUCTDATAQNAME = new QName("", "PRODUCTDATA");
    * Create a new ObjectFactory that can be used to create new instances of schema derived classes for package: testing.jaxb
    public ObjectFactory() {
    * Create an instance of {@link Prd }
    public Prd createPrd() {
    return new Prd();
    * Create an instance of {@link Prdt }
    public Prdt createPrdt() {
    return new Prdt();
    * Create an instance of {@link JAXBElement }{@code <}{@link Prdt }{@code >}}
    @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PRODUCTDATA")
    public JAXBElement<Prdt> createPRODUCTDATA(Prdt value) {
    return new JAXBElement<Prdt>(_PRODUCTDATA_QNAME, Prdt.class, null, value);
    // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, vJAXB 2.0 in JDK 1.6
    // See
    // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
    // Generated on: 2008.06.23 at 04:09:25 PM IST
    package testing.jaxb;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.List;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
    * <p>Java class for prdt complex type.
    * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
    * <pre>
    * <complexType name="prdt">
    * <complexContent>
    * <restriction base="{}anyType">
    * <sequence>
    * <element name="PRODUCT" type="{}prd" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
    * </sequence>
    * </restriction>
    * </complexContent>
    * </complexType>
    * </pre>
    @XmlType(name = "prdt", propOrder = {
    public class Prdt {
    @XmlElement(name = "PRODUCT", required = true)
    protected List<Prd> product;
    * Gets the value of the product property.
    * <p>
    * This accessor method returns a reference to the live list,
    * not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the
    * returned list will be present inside the JAXB object.
    * This is why there is not a <CODE>set</CODE> method for the product property.
    * <p>
    * For example, to add a new item, do as follows:
    * <pre>
    * getPRODUCT().add(newItem);
    * </pre>
    * <p>
    * Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list
    * {@link Prd }
    public List<Prd> getPRODUCT() {
    if (product == null) {
    product = new ArrayList<Prd>();
    return this.product;
    // This file was generated by the JavaTM Architecture for XML Binding(JAXB) Reference Implementation, vJAXB 2.0 in JDK 1.6
    // See
    // Any modifications to this file will be lost upon recompilation of the source schema.
    // Generated on: 2008.06.23 at 04:09:25 PM IST
    package testing.jaxb;
    import java.math.BigInteger;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessType;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAccessorType;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlAttribute;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlElement;
    import javax.xml.bind.annotation.XmlType;
    * <p>Java class for prd complex type.
    * <p>The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.
    * <pre>
    * <complexType name="prd">
    * <complexContent>
    * <restriction base="{}anyType">
    * <sequence>
    * <element name="PRODUCTNAME" type="{}string"/>
    * <element name="DESCRIPTION" type="{}string"/>
    * <element name="PRICE" type="{}positiveInteger"/>
    * <element name="QUANTITY" type="{}nonNegativeInteger"/>
    * </sequence>
    * <attribute name="CATEGORY" type="{}string" />
    * <attribute name="PRODID" use="required" type="{}pid" />
    * </restriction>
    * </complexContent>
    * </complexType>
    * </pre>
    @XmlType(name = "prd", propOrder = {
    public class Prd {
    @XmlElement(name = "PRODUCTNAME", required = true)
    protected String productname;
    @XmlElement(name = "DESCRIPTION", required = true)
    protected String description;
    @XmlElement(name = "PRICE", required = true)
    protected BigInteger price;
    @XmlElement(name = "QUANTITY", required = true)
    protected BigInteger quantity;
    @XmlAttribute(name = "CATEGORY")
    protected String category;
    @XmlAttribute(name = "PRODID", required = true)
    protected String prodid;
    * Gets the value of the productname property.
    * @return
    * possible object is
    * {@link String }
    public String getPRODUCTNAME() {
    return productname;
    * Sets the value of the productname property.
    * @param value
    * allowed object is
    * {@link String }
    public void setPRODUCTNAME(String value) {
    this.productname = value;
    * Gets the value of the description property.
    * @return
    * possible object is
    * {@link String }
    public String getDESCRIPTION() {
    return description;
    * Sets the value of the description property.
    * @param value
    * allowed object is
    * {@link String }
    public void setDESCRIPTION(String value) {
    this.description = value;
    * Gets the value of the price property.
    * @return
    * possible object is
    * {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getPRICE() {
    return price;
    * Sets the value of the price property.
    * @param value
    * allowed object is
    * {@link BigInteger }
    public void setPRICE(BigInteger value) {
    this.price = value;
    * Gets the value of the quantity property.
    * @return
    * possible object is
    * {@link BigInteger }
    public BigInteger getQUANTITY() {
    return quantity;
    * Sets the value of the quantity property.
    * @param value
    * allowed object is
    * {@link BigInteger }
    public void setQUANTITY(BigInteger value) {
    this.quantity = value;
    * Gets the value of the category property.
    * @return
    * possible object is
    * {@link String }
    public String getCATEGORY() {
    return category;
    * Sets the value of the category property.
    * @param value
    * allowed object is
    * {@link String }
    public void setCATEGORY(String value) {
    this.category = value;
    * Gets the value of the prodid property.
    * @return
    * possible object is
    * {@link String }
    public String getPRODID() {
    return prodid;
    * Sets the value of the prodid property.
    * @param value
    * allowed object is
    * {@link String }
    public void setPRODID(String value) {
    this.prodid = value;
    Next step is to compile these three files
    So I am compiling these three files it gives me compiler error as:
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlElementDecl(namespace = "", name = "PRODUCTDATA")
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    return new JAXBElement<Prdt>(_PRODUCTDATA_QNAME, Prdt.class, null, value
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    return new JAXBElement<Prdt>(_PRODUCTDATA_QNAME, Prdt.class, null, value
    testing/jaxb/ '{' expected
    return new JAXBElement<Prdt>(_PRODUCTDATA_QNAME, Prdt.class, null, value
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlType(name = "prdt", propOrder = {
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlElement(name = "PRODUCT", required = true)
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    protected List<Prd> product;
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    public List<Prd> getPRODUCT() {
    testing/jaxb/ ';' expected
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlType(name = "prd", propOrder = {
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlElement(name = "PRODUCTNAME", required = true)
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    protected String productname;
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlElement(name = "DESCRIPTION", required = true)
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    protected String description;
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlElement(name = "PRICE", required = true)
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    protected BigInteger price;
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlElement(name = "QUANTITY", required = true)
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    protected BigInteger quantity;
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlAttribute(name = "CATEGORY")
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    protected String category;
    testing/jaxb/ illegal character: \64
    @XmlAttribute(name = "PRODID", required = true)
    testing/jaxb/ <identifier> expected
    protected String prodid;
    25 errors
    I want all three files to compiled successfully.If it is compiled only then I will continue on Unmarshalling process

    I suspect you are trying to compile the files one by one. You may also be trying to compile them disregarding the package structure.
    From your post, I gather these files are in the package: com.geindustrial.sqms
    Therefore, if they are not so already, put them under a directory structure:
    and then compile with:
    javac com/geindustrial/sqms/ com/geindustrial/sqms/ com/geindustrial/sqms/
    (The above is all on one line.)
    Manuel Amago.

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    The following payment documents/payment orders were not updated
    (Result of the payment document update)
        CoCd Payment document/Payment order
        9770 1400001524
        9770 1400001525
        9770 1400001526
        9770 1400001527
    The accompanying payment media have not been generated
    > Overview of the files generated (DME)
    > Name / File name

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    MSI: Setup was unable to create the WMI namespace CCM
    The error code is 80070005
    MSI: Warning 25101. Setup was unable to delete WMI namespace ccm\dcm
    The error code is 80070005
    Installation failed with error code 1603
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    The error code is 8004402F
    MSI: Warning 25002. Failed to delete CCM_Service_ErrorHandlerRegistration.Clsid="{0F95BCE5-2209-488a-B4BC-4396AD233C8D}" from CCM
    The error code is 80041010
    Installation failed with error code 1603
    i ve almost 2000 clients with this situation and i think i lost my mind very soon.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Hi Bulent,
    Very glad to hear the issue resolved and thanks for sharing your experience, which can help other community members facing similar problems. Also, if you have any further concerns, please do not hesitate to let us know and we are happy to be of further
    Yog Li -- Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • During receipt validation; the first step ie, adding the files generated by asn1c tool causes errors.. especially with the

    During receipt validation; the first step ie, adding the files generated by asn1c tool causes errors.. especially with the #include statements
    --No such directory or file..
    Why this is happening??

    I am adding one more thing..
    Do we need to mention any linkage or frameworks or such while we are adding a .c file to
    Cocoa Mac OS Project

  • Name of the file generated not correct

    Hi all,
    We are using E-Business Suite R12. We have a concurrent request with executable Oracle Report and output type: XML. When is submitted we try to save it in Excel but the name of the file is not with the correct name/report name/ but in "hieroglyphics". The name of the report is in Cyrillic alphabet.
    The result we received:Регистър_РЅР°_факт_200212The result needed: Регистър на фактурите 200212.
    Any ideas? I'm not sure i'm asking at the right place... if not - please guide where to post thread.
    RDBMS :
    Oracle Applications : 12.1.3Thanks in advance,

    you can't get the generated filename for write operation.
    But what you can do, is to define header variable of OutboundHeader_msg type, define your own filename (based on your unique creation criteria) and then pass it to invoke activity for file creation.

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    Hello Everyone,
    I have a scenario in place where i split a message into multiple messages. I used to generate multiple file using the file name present in the payload of the splitted message using variable substitution.
    This is working fine.
    Now the requirement has changed and i want to zip all these file and create a single zip file.
    I think it could be done using run OS command option in file adapter, but have no clue how to do it.
    Please help me.
    Rahul Nawale

    you can use on of the command line ZIP utilities:
    then when your file adapter puts the file
    you can use commnad line to zip the files

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    I am creating XML files using the File Adapter. Each file name is unique (my_file%SEQ%.xml) and I would like to know if there is a way to get the name of the generated file so that I can sent it as an attachment in an email notification. Thanks!

    you can't get the generated filename for write operation.
    But what you can do, is to define header variable of OutboundHeader_msg type, define your own filename (based on your unique creation criteria) and then pass it to invoke activity for file creation.

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    Hi John,
    We have used samba and mapped the folder from linux to windows.We named the drive and specified the path.
    Now i ran the interface which invokes the calcscript for data extraction and the script ran well.I t generated the file. But the file is not being picked by ODI.
    I got the following error
    Error occured while reading the data file produced by calculation script.
    Caused by: Y:\Data_Opex.csv (The system cannot find the path specified)
    Please suggest

    Sravan Ganti wrote:
    Hi John,
    Its a network drive.I named it as Y: and trying to access it. If its not possible please suggest an other alternative. The client wants the dataload from essbase to be automated.and it is stopping a huge deliverable for us.Why can't you share another drive on the windows machine? If ODI can't see the Y drive then you will have to put it on another drive.

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    i pushed 100 keys until i figured it out?
    open file
    copy layer
    file-generate-image assets
    right click copy layer
    select "extract assets"
    select image
    bridged to image ready
    magic eraser background
    click on background
    save as psd file
    i think i need a "photoshop for people who only know small words" manual LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    Error creating files.
    ERROR: formatting double using non-ecmascript rules.
    Please if anyone knows why this happens please let me know. I have been behind this file for a while now.
    Thanks in advance.

    I will try excluding .as files one by one...but i cant put the source code as an attachment because its too big and its belongs to my firm.
    I know it makes your job very difficult, Apologies for that. But if you have any other suggestions that I can try please let me know.
    I really need an expert opionion.
    Thanks in anticipation.

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    when I run the VA05 (Or VA05N), the list of sales order is showed and is possible to have this list into a file.
    My question is:
    Is it possible make a set up to send this file automatically somewhere ? For exemple on al11, or by idoc, etc etc
    Thank you for the reply

    You can send it as a PDF from the SPOOL after a job. For instance, in tcode SBWP, and mantain distribution lists.
    After, you can run VA05 and VA05N with SM36, and in Spool list recipient, in the popup dynpro in recipient, select in distribution lists and run it. Of course, you need have the SMTP in the SCOT. After, check in tcode SOSB the sending of emails.
    I hope this helps you

  • Unable to compile the Java Files generated by JAXB

    I have generated the Java Files for a DTD and .xjs file using JAXB. But when i tyr to compile the .java files generated i am getting errors.
    My DTD file is addctq.dtd
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!ELEMENT AddCtq (Ctq*)>
    <!ELEMENT Ctq (PartNumber ,PartDescription,CtqDescription,CtqType,ProductLine,Supplier,Ppctq,Ctp,Ctc,CtqCode1,CtqCode2,CtqCode3,Commodity,SubCommodity,UnitOfMeasure,Client,SamplingFrequency,Remarks,VariableData)>
    <!ELEMENT VariableData (SubGroupSize, Specification,Nominal,Usl,Ual,Lal,Lsl,Zal,RangeVal?,RangeAlarmVal?)>
    <!ELEMENT PartNumber (#PCDATA)>
    <!ATTLIST PartNumber new CDATA #REQUIRED >
    <!ELEMENT PartDescription (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT CtqDescription (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT CtqType (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT ProductLine (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Supplier (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Ppctq (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Ctp (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Ctc (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT CtqCode1 (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT CtqCode2 (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT CtqCode3 (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Commodity (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT SubCommodity (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT UnitOfMeasure (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Client (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT SamplingFrequency (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Remarks (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT SubGroupSize (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Specification (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Nominal (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Usl (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Ual (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Lal (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Lsl (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT Zal (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT RangeVal (#PCDATA)>
    <!ELEMENT RangeAlarmVal (#PCDATA)>
    and the .xjs file i created is addctq.xjs
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
    <xml-java-binding-schema version="1.0-ea">
    <options package="com.geindustrial.sqms"/>
    <element name="AddCtq" type="class" root="true">
    <element-ref name="Ctq"/>
    <element name="Ctq" type="class">
         <element-ref name="PartNumber"/>
         <element-ref name="PartDescription"/>
         <element-ref name="CtqDescription"/>
         <element-ref name="CtqType"/>
         <element-ref name="ProductLine"/>
         <element-ref name="Supplier"/>
         <element-ref name="Ppctq"/>
         <element-ref name="Ctp"/>
         <element-ref name="Ctc"/>
         <element-ref name="CtqCode1"/>
         <element-ref name="CtqCode2"/>
         <element-ref name="CtqCode3"/>
         <element-ref name="Commodity"/>
         <element-ref name="SubCommodity"/>
         <element-ref name="UnitOfMeasure"/>
         <element-ref name="Client"/>
         <element-ref name="SamplingFrequency"/>
         <element-ref name="Remarks"/>
         <element-ref name="VariableData"/>
    <element name="VariableData" type="class">
    <element-ref name="SubGroupSize"/>
    <element-ref name="Specification"/>
    <element-ref name="Nominal"/>
    <element-ref name="Usl"/>
    <element-ref name="Ual"/>
    <element-ref name="Lal"/>
    <element-ref name="Lsl"/>
    <element-ref name="Zal"/>
    <element name="PartNumber" type="value">
    <attribute name="new"/>
    <element name="PartDescription" type="value">
    <element name="CtqDescription" type="value">
    <element name="CtqType" type="value">
    <element name="ProductLine" type="value">
    <element name="Supplier" type="value">
    <element name="Ppctq" type="value">
    <element name="Ctp" type="value">
    <element name="Ctc" type="value">
    <element name="CtqCode1" type="value">
    <element name="CtqCode2" type="value">
    <element name="CtqCode3" type="value">
    <element name="Commodity" type="value">
    <element name="SubCommodity" type="value">
    <element name="UnitOfMeasure" type="value">
    <element name="Client" type="value">
    <element name="SamplingFrequency" type="value">
    <element name="Remarks" type="value">
    <element name="SubGroupSize" type="value" convert="int">
    <element name="Specification" type="value">
    <element name="Nominal" type="value" convert="float">
    <element name="Usl" type="value" convert="float">
    <element name="Ual" type="value" convert="float">
    <element name="Lal" type="value" convert="float">
    <element name="Lsl" type="value" convert="float">
    <element name="Zal" type="value" convert="float">
    <element name="RangeVal" type="value" convert="float">
    <element name="RangeAlarmVal" type="value" convert="float">
    When i ran the xjc , it generated 3 .java files , and
    But i am unable to compile any of the above files...
    The Error i am getting is Undefined variable or class name: AddCtq
    return AddCtq.newDispatcher();
    1 error
    If i try to compile , the Error i am getting is Class com.geindustrial.sqms.Ctq not found in import.
    import com.geindustrial.sqms.Ctq;
    ^ Class com.geindustrial.sqms.Ctq not found.
    if (!(ob instanceof Ctq)) {
    ^ Class com.geindustrial.sqms.Ctq not found.
    throw new InvalidContentObjectException(ob, (Ctq.class));
    3 errors
    And when i try to compile , i am getting the following Error: Class com.geindustrial.sqms.VariableData not found in import.
    import com.geindustrial.sqms.VariableData;
    1 error
    How to solve this problem..Pls advise...

    I suspect you are trying to compile the files one by one. You may also be trying to compile them disregarding the package structure.
    From your post, I gather these files are in the package: com.geindustrial.sqms
    Therefore, if they are not so already, put them under a directory structure:
    and then compile with:
    javac com/geindustrial/sqms/ com/geindustrial/sqms/ com/geindustrial/sqms/
    (The above is all on one line.)
    Manuel Amago.

  • German character in the file path and failure to compile jsp

    a customer of mine has installed our product which embeds the tomcat server in a path which contains a german characters ouside the standard en characters (_���), this results in failure to compile the jsp pages, even the example pages that comes with tomcat are failing to compile.
    for example if i try to open the numguess.jsp, it fails to compile the file..
    Any help greatlly appriciated..
    Kind Regards,

    If your server is running on a Unix derivate, the system might well have UTF-8 by default. Or you might even erroneously have stated in your JSP that it is UTF-8.
    If the JSP is ISO-8859-1 (German), then jsp compilation cannot read it (as UTF-8), as illegal multibyte character sequences occur.
    Require your customer to save everything as UTF-8, which has its advantages, should the customer go multilingual (Greek, Polish, Bulgarian, Spanish).

  • Unable to compile the java file

    I am following the step by step process of DOC id : 184339.1 on How to Send an Email With Attachment Via Forms 6i Using ORA_JAVA Package. I downloaded the activation framework and sendmail 1.1.3..When i am compiling the file given the DOC id namely, I get the following error
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoclassDefFoundError: sendmail/java
    Could anyone help me out ..
    Below is the cut and paste of the code which is used to compile..
    import java.util.*; import*; import javax.mail.*; import javax.mail.internet.*; import javax.activation.*; public class SendMail {       // Sender, Recipient, CCRecipient, and BccRecipient are comma-       // separated lists of addresses;       // Body can span multiple CR/LF-separated lines;       // Attachments is a ///-separated list of file names;       public static int Send(String SMTPServer,                              String Sender,                              String Recipient,                              String CcRecipient,                              String BccRecipient,                              String Subject,                              String Body,                              String ErrorMessage[], String Attachments) {           // Error status;          int ErrorStatus = 0;              // create some properties and get the default Session;             Properties props = System.getProperties();             props.put("", SMTPServer);           Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, null);            try {              // create a message;              MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);               // extracts the senders and adds them to the message;              // Sender is a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses as              // per RFC822;              {                 InternetAddress[] TheAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(Sender); msg.addFrom(TheAddresses); } // extract the recipients and assign them to the message; // Recipient is a comma-separated list of e-mail addresses // as per RFC822; {                 InternetAddress[] TheAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(Recipient); msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, TheAddresses); } // extract the Cc-recipients and assign them to the // message; // CcRecipient is a comma-separated list of e-mail // addresses as per RFC822; if (null != CcRecipient) {                 InternetAddress[] TheAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(CcRecipient); msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, TheAddresses); } // extract the Bcc-recipients and assign them to the // message; // BccRecipient is a comma-separated list of e-mail // addresses as per RFC822; if (null != BccRecipient) {                 InternetAddress[] TheAddresses = InternetAddress.parse(BccRecipient); msg.addRecipients(Message.RecipientType.BCC, TheAddresses); } // subject field; msg.setSubject(Subject); // create the Multipart to be added the parts to; Multipart mp = new MimeMultipart(); // create and fill the first message part; {                 MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart();                 mbp.setText(Body);                  // attach the part to the multipart;                 mp.addBodyPart(mbp);              } // attach the files to the message; if (null != Attachments) {                 int StartIndex = 0, PosIndex = 0;                 while (-1 != (PosIndex = Attachments.indexOf("///",                                                        StartIndex))) {                    // create and fill other message parts;                    MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart();                    FileDataSource fds =                    new FileDataSource(Attachments.substring(StartIndex,                                                             PosIndex));                    mbp.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds));                    mbp.setFileName(fds.getName());                    mp.addBodyPart(mbp);                    PosIndex += 3;                    StartIndex = PosIndex;                 } // last, or only, attachment file; if (StartIndex < Attachments.length()) {                    MimeBodyPart mbp = new MimeBodyPart();                    FileDataSource fds =                  new FileDataSource(Attachments.substring(StartIndex));                    mbp.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(fds));                    mbp.setFileName(fds.getName());                    mp.addBodyPart(mbp);                 } } // add the Multipart to the message; msg.setContent(mp); // set the Date: header; msg.setSentDate(new Date()); // send the message; Transport.send(msg); } catch (MessagingException MsgException) {                ErrorMessage[0] = MsgException.toString(); Exception TheException = null; if ((TheException = MsgException.getNextException()) != null) ErrorMessage[0] = ErrorMessage[0] + "\n" + TheException.toString(); ErrorStatus = 1; } return ErrorStatus; } }

    Most common cause of the problem: JAVA_HOME environment variable not set, or set incorrectly.
    It should point to your java directory: ie C:\java1_4\ NOT C:\java1_4\bin
    Another possible cause is spaces in the path names where you have installed applications.
    Check out this page: for a tutorial on installing tomcat.
    If you can't sort it out on your own, we need more info:
    Where have you installed Java?
    Where have installed Tomcat?
    What is the value of JAVA_HOME environment variable?
    Good luck,

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