Compressor Transcoder, Compressor Transcoder X,

Hi Guys,
Thanks in advance. I have done my fair share of assembly programming. But I am trying to track down the source of some CPU usage for the above bundles. Recently maybe 3 weeks I have had erroneous CPU usage up to 70% without any of the obvious apps running.
I can kill the bundles, and this seems to stop the issue from reoccurring for a period of hours.
This usage normally turns up after quitting (normally) Compressor (the app). But if you don't kill it, it will run on endlessly.
Has anyone run into a conflict of this kind. Or is it just because my water spirals down the wrong way.

I have exactly the same problem on my machine but Compressor works flawlessly so I never really worried about it.

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    If you continue to get the 3X Crash error after following the advice you've got in this thread, my suggestion would be to download another one of Digital Rebellion's products – Pro Maintenance Tools. PMT has a Crash Analyzer that reports causes and recommendations. It's a paid app (suite of apps) but you can download a short trial.
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    Hi Russ,
    I have had this happen a few times now.
    The workflow is: ProRes 422 edit > export ProRes 422 from FCP 7 > transcode exported file in Compressor 4 to H264 1080 (YouTube and Vimeo preset).
    It's the transcoded produced by Compressor file that has the dropout in it, not the uploaded file.

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    No, looks like you are right thanks Russ: easy to batch process and you can set up a Preset for your encoder settings and SUPER fast compared to Compressor - which is both exciting and slightly worrying at the same time. (How can Streamclip do it so fast if Compressor is so horribly lumpy? Does it miss something out? Will FCP be just as happy with the files? Has my time spent transcoding in the past just been cut down to nothing with no more swearing at the computer and no more hanging around? ) We'll see. I'll let you know...

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    wing hunter wrote:
    Asside from being slightly easier because I've got Final Cut specs, using FC would also save me the extra step of exporting a QT and then sending the QT to compressor.
    What Rat Vega siad…you want your film to be dispayed at its best. So saving a few minutes here and there is less important than achieving the best quality.
    Use Compressor. Take some short, representative sections from your film and test different setttings in Compressor to see which produces the best results.
    Good luck at the festival.

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    Try reproducing the issue in Windows safe mode with Networking.... I think the guess of a synchronization issue was correct. I just think the blame finger went to the wrong place. Windows safe mode should confirm my guess... Or prove me wrong
    Note that i can move messages in imap to live from junk to inbox and they are not corrupt.

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    Take a look at this section; it's pretty clear.
    Compressor offers settings for each of the output formats you want. (For example, the m4v sttings for Apple Devices.)
    Good luck.

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    Thanks for the help and tips.
    Ok so when I turn on the chroma and luma range check I get an "!" in the window, so there is clearly too much of something!
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    many thanks

    I would think so.  I did it all manually myself.  Made a folder  in Applications and moved all the FCPS apps to it.  Then installed FCPX. 
    The only issue I ran into was having 2 copies of Compressor the new one and the old one once I uninstalled the old compressor and re-installed the new one I was good to go.

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    Tom is right. Codecs are shared software system-wide ("Core Video"). If you cannot find the option with any software (such as MPEG Streamclip), you won't find it in Compressor or FCPX either. The Quicktime ProRes codecs is part of the FCP menu > "Download Additional Content" you need to make after install FCPX (or Compressor.) These "pro video" codecs are part of all "ProApp" licenses for video related software from Apple (QT7Pro, Motion, Compressor, Final Cut, etc....) [you can also download them here:]
    Most articles/tutorials you read by "long time" users are apt to assume the reader has been working with pro-video on Macs since the days of disk installs (like they have). In those days, the installation of those codecs wasn't even really an option (well, it was if you did a custom install - but who *didn't* install all available codecs??), it was automatically installed with the main software. Since the "App Store" venue... things have changed somewhat.

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    I’ve searched the Compressor manual, and not sure whether “Droplets”  are something that might help? 
    Like I said at the outset, I’m a novice with Compressor.  Hope I expressed clearly what I'm trying to do.  Initial transcoding took about 10 hours !

    Thanks for responding.
    Yes, I have read through that thread numerous times in my attempts to answer my original posted question.  I'm not sure I understand all of the terminology and workflows that are discussed by the experts in that long thread.
    What was very useful in that thread was the workflow described by "Meg the Dog" to produce an image file from a successful AVCHD BluRay burned disc, and then using "New Image" from Disk Utility.  In fact her process has been the only way I can make an AVCHD BluRay copy using an image file.
    Making an AVCHD BluRay image file directly from Compressor, and then attempting later to burn a disc from that image file  has been unsuccessful for me.
    To return to my original post, I was wondering if I could avoid re-transcoding (~10 hours) by reloading the saved batch file and the xxx.264 & xxx.ac3 files into Compressor. 
    I guess I have to start at the beginning, load again my QT export movie into Compressor, set up the BluRay variables, set Job Action to burn the AVCHD disc upon completion, click on Submit, and walk away for a day!
    So far, your response has been the only one.  Thanks again.

  • Can Compressor transcode clips in fcpx events?

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    Try trashing your Preferences.
    This is commonly used as a remedial procedure in Applications like FCP X where preference files occasionally get corrupted and can cause unusual problems.
    The simplest way to do it is by using Preference Manager from Digital Rebellion. (Free App).
    With Preference Manager, you can back-up your existing preferences before trashing them, so that if the Preferences were not the cause of the problem, you can restore them with a mouse click.
    This is the link for the latest version - there are links to older versions on the right of the page.

  • Can I transcode from .mxf (EX3) to prores in Compressor or should that be done best in FCPX?

    I am new to FCPX and compressor, can I transcode from .mxf (EX3) to prores in Compressor or should that be done best in FCPX?
    I would like to do it the best way, perhaps that means fastest, or least prone to troublesomeness. Cheers

    Hmm…not sure.
    Either way, you need to make them into Quick Time files and use the Sony transfer software for that. 
    FCPX is pretty fast and if your profile is accurate, it should be speedy on that version MBP.  Why not do a test and report back?

  • Compressor performance - single core transcoding?

    I have a relatively new MacBook Pro (15" Retina, 2.6 GHZ i7, 1TB SSD, 16GB RAM). I am an experienced user of the Adobe Suite of products especially Premier Pro and Media Encoder. I have download Compressor and run a number of transcoding tests and found that trancoding takes considerably longer compared to Media Encoder. The Activity Monitor reports what looks like on a single core is running (e.g. 100% CPU and the graph showing only about 10% CPU utilization.
    Is this right? Are there any settings that can be tweaked to get all the cores on this processor churning on the transcode?

    Compressor is multi-core aware.  It may be that your encoding job won't benefit from more than one core.  I could be you're encoding a variation of H.264 that doesn't allow job segmenting.
    Also, check your preferences, the Advanced section, how many "instances" is it set to?  The max number is not always the most efficient.  Do a test encode with the Max number, then decrease by one on following tests, see where the sweet spot is.
    Finally, only single-pass H.264 will take advantage of the hardware encoding, not multi-pass.

  • Compressor to Encore, Why is it Transcoding?

    So I found this video on YouTube: lpp_video
    I follow the directions exactly, import the assett into Encore and it still wants to Transcode.
    I wasted my entire weekend encoding and working on this project and now it is all a waste of time.
    Anyone have a clue on how I can fix this?

    Trying to open a project, but it seems to be frozen... Ugh.. Any time I savea project in Encore, I can not reopen it.  Wonderful software!
    Here is from Media Inspector
    * * * Media Inspector 0.7.443 file analysis report.
    * * * Media Inspector is ©2011 by Diego Massanti -
    * * * MediaInfoLib by Jerome Martinez -
    Created on: Mar 19, 2012 12:34:04 PM EDT
    Report for file: 20120315_124858.FINAL-2.m2v
    General / Container Stream #1
        Total Video Streams for this File.................1
        Video Codecs Used.................................MPEG-2 Video
        File Format.......................................MPEG Video
        Play Time.........................................1h 27mn
        Total File Size...................................14.3 GiB
        Total Stream BitRate..............................23.4 Mbps
    Video Stream #1
        Codec (Human Name)................................MPEG Video
        Codec Profile.....................................Main@High
        Frame Width.......................................1 920 pixels
        Frame Height......................................1 080 pixels
        Frame Rate........................................29.970 fps
        Total Frames......................................156870
        Display Aspect Ratio..............................16:9
        Video Standard....................................Component
        Scan Type.........................................Progressive
        Color Space.......................................YUV
        QF (like Gordian Knot)............................0.361
        Codec Settings (Matrix)...........................Default
        Video Stream Length...............................1h 27mn 14s 234ms
        Video Stream BitRate..............................22.5 Mbps
        Video Stream BitRate (Nominal)....................28.3 Mbps
        Video Stream BitRate Mode.........................VBR
        Bit Depth.........................................8 bits
        Video Stream Size.................................13.7 GiB (96%)

  • Special export or transcoding in compressor

    Hi there,
    I have a small problem with FCP export options. Perhaps it could be solved in Compressor.
    I'm working on a central server. Ingest and Playout are several servers. The Ingest and Playout servers have the following File Format:
    Quicktime reference file for example:
    Video is a second file, in case of DVCPro 50 it is a for example test.div file with 4 channels of audio contained.
    Audio are 4 WAV Files with 2 channels contained in ech WAV file. for example test12.wav, test34.wav, test56.wav and test78.wav
    So if you play the Quicktime file test.qt you find a Video File with 8 Audio channels.
    Now here is my question. You need this kind of structure when you want to put something to the playout server. Is it possible to do this by scripting in compressor oder do you have to write an apple script for that?
    Best regards

    Hello Adam,
    you'll need a common denominator to get all the footage in project: ProRes LT or ProRes 422.
    You should be able to ingest all the footage from both cameras through Log & Transfer. Have a look at Shane's tutorial:
    hope this helps

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