Confusion with Template Div and insertion of text

Here's my problem: When editing my template, when inserting text into the center div box (The main one, center column), the text defaults to italics, or it is inserted, indented and bold. I want it to be normal default font, without indentation so I can have all pages be identical. Here is the code and a link, please help:
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What version of DW are you using?
Are you aware of the problems that will fall in your lap with pages built using the methods you have used (AP divs for layout and multiple empty <p> tags to locate content on the page)?  Also, given this layout, it's not easy to tell which div you are referring to - I assume div#content.  Is that correct?
Please give us an example of what you are entering and where you are entering it.  And tell us exactly what you see when you enter that content.

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    Edited by: 895044 on Dec 5, 2011 2:55 AM

    895044 wrote:
    how to create a table with datatype blob and insert a pdf file,
    give me the explain asapPerhaps you should read...
    especially point 2.
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    Picture one:
    Picture two
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    <title>davide marchetti architetto</title>
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    <link href="ttp://" rel="stylesheet">
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    font: 100%/1.4 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    background-color: #FFFFFF;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;
    color: #000;
    background-image: url();
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    /* ~~ Element/tag selectors ~~ */
    ul, ol, dl { /* Due to variations between browsers, it's best practices to zero padding and margin on lists. For consistency, you can either specify the amounts you want here, or on the list items (LI, DT, DD) they contain. Remember that what you do here will cascade to the .nav list unless you write a more specific selector. */
    padding: 0;
    margin: 0;
    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p {
    margin-top: 0; /* removing the top margin gets around an issue where margins can escape from their containing div. The remaining bottom margin will hold it away from any elements that follow. */
    padding-right: 15px;
    padding-left: 15px; /* adding the padding to the sides of the elements within the divs, instead of the divs themselves, gets rid of any box model math. A nested div with side padding can also be used as an alternate method. */
    a img { /* this selector removes the default blue border displayed in some browsers around an image when it is surrounded by a link */
    border: none;
    /* ~~ Styling for your site's links must remain in this order - including the group of selectors that create the hover effect. ~~ */
    a:link {
    text-decoration: underline; /* unless you style your links to look extremely unique, it's best to provide underlines for quick visual identification */
    a:visited {
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    text-decoration: underline;
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    /* ~~ this container surrounds all other divs giving them their percentage-based width ~~ */
    .container {
    width: 80%;
    max-width: 1260px;/* a max-width may be desirable to keep this layout from getting too wide on a large monitor. This keeps line length more readable. IE6 does not respect this declaration. */
    min-width: 780px;
    margin: 0 auto; /* the auto value on the sides, coupled with the width, centers the layout. It is not needed if you set the .container's width to 100%. */
    /* ~~ This is the layout information. ~~
    1) Padding is only placed on the top and/or bottom of the div. The elements within this div have padding on their sides. This saves you from any "box model math". Keep in mind, if you add any side padding or border to the div itself, it will be added to the width you define to create the *total* width. You may also choose to remove the padding on the element in the div and place a second div within it with no width and the padding necessary for your design.
    .content {
    padding: 10px 0;
    font-size: x-small;
    /* ~~ This grouped selector gives the lists in the .content area space ~~ */
    .content ul, .content ol {
    padding: 0 15px 15px 40px; /* this padding mirrors the right padding in the headings and paragraph rule above. Padding was placed on the bottom for space between other elements on the lists and on the left to create the indention. These may be adjusted as you wish. */
    /* ~~ miscellaneous float/clear classes ~~ */
    .fltrt {  /* this class can be used to float an element right in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
    float: right;
    margin-left: 8px;
    .fltlft { /* this class can be used to float an element left in your page. The floated element must precede the element it should be next to on the page. */
    float: left;
    margin-right: 8px;
    .clearfloat { /* this class can be placed on a <br /> or empty div as the final element following the last floated div (within the #container) if the overflow:hidden on the .container is removed */
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    overflow: hidden;
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    table.tableizer-table {
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            <area shape="rect" coords="702,415,751,436" href="../contact.html" />
          <table id="myTable" class="tableizer-table">
              <tr class="tableizer-firstrow">
                <th>YEAR </th>
                <td>EXPO 2015 - Italian Pavilion</td>
                <td>Milan - Italy</td>
                <td>Requalification of "Almerici", "Bufalini" and "Fabbri" Squares</td>
                <td>Cesena - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Re-thinking Shanghai: sustainable intervention along the Suzhou Creek</td>
                <td>Shanghai - China</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>VCC Flat</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Interior design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td>London 2012 Olympic Games Information Pavilion</td>
                <td>London - UK</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Enhancement project for the sacred area of the sanctuary of Hercules Victor</td>
                <td>Tivoli - Italy</td>
                <td>VTL Flat </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Interior design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>BNC Flat</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Interior design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Expansion of the "Farnesina" High School</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / Selected Project</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Neanderthal Art Center</td>
                <td>Pilo�a - Spain</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>New pedestrian & cycling footpath in the site of the "San Leopoldo II" old bridge</td>
                <td>Poggio a Caiano - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Proposition 2065 - St. Leonards site</td>
                <td>Sidney - Australia</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>MEIS - National Museum of Italian Judaism and Shoah </td>
                <td>Ferrara - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / 3rd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>36 The Calls Design Competition</td>
                <td>Leeds - UK</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Europan 10: masterplan for an harbour area</td>
                <td>Rudk�bing - Denmark</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>"Scuola in Piazza a Levante" - Kindergarten and public areas</td>
                <td>Bisceglie - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>CIBAF - City of Kids </td>
                <td>Frattamaggiore - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Designing in Teheran</td>
                <td>Teheran - Iran</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Competition / Selected Project</td>
                <td>DawnTown 2008: Waterworks</td>
                <td>Miami - USA</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Venice Biennale New Australian Pavillion</td>
                <td>Venice - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / 1st Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>New pedestrian and cycling bridge</td>
                <td>Civita di Bagnoregio - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Renovation of "San Ciro" Square</td>
                <td>Portici - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd phase selected / 3rd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Renovation of "Umberto I�" Square</td>
                <td>San Ferdinando di Puglia - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Historic Renovation of the "Corsie Sistine" Hospital Wards </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Tender Competition (design/bid/build)</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Furniture design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Office table and lighting system</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Furniture design</td>
                <td>Commission / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>New City Library</td>
                <td>Legnano - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Office table</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Furniture design</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Volleyball Arena, Hotel and Commercial Spaces</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td>New Provincial Archaeological Museum in the Santa Scolastica Monastery</td>
                <td>Bari - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / 5th Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>The City of Water and Health</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Parkway Iconic Bridge</td>
                <td>Sheffield - UK</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Renovation of "Loveno 84" Sport Center</td>
                <td>Menaggio - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>"Guardia di Finanza" Corp Main Headquarters</td>
                <td>Catanzaro - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>"Lega Lombarda" Real Estate Complex Urban Development</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Tender Competition (design/bid/build) </td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Jewellery design</td>
                <td>Prototype </td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Moon putter</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Product design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Aleale Coffee Table</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Furniture design</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td>"1st October" Public Square</td>
                <td>Santa Maria Capua Vetere - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / 1st Prize / Built</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>"Attilio Pecile" New Square and Sustainable Mixed Use Building</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Competition / 1st Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Renewal of the "Porta Nuova" Old Tower</td>
                <td>Venice - Italy</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>"Meno e pi� 4": Civic Center and Pre-school Building</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Competition / Mention</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Urban Renewal of Historic Building and Public Squares</td>
                <td>Conversano - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>New Seafront and Beach Accesses</td>
                <td>Fregene - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / Mention</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Requalification of Main Streets and Squares of the Old City Centre</td>
                <td>Bari - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Gyeonggi-do Jeongok Prehistory Museum</td>
                <td>Jeongok-ri - South Korea</td>
                <td>Competition / Honourable Mention</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Low-income housing development</td>
                <td>Guadalajara/Ceuta - Spain</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Shop extension</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Commission / Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Temporary Concert Hall</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Office Space Interior Design - New Seat of the Lombardy Regional Government </td>
                <td>Milan - Italy</td>
                <td>Tender Competition (design/bid/build)</td>
                <td>Europan 8 - Urban Requalification</td>
                <td>Istanbul - Turkey</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Natural Park Visitor Center, Kindergarten and Primary School</td>
                <td>Funes - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Coastal Area Development</td>
                <td>Latina - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Requalification of Three Squares</td>
                <td>Benevento - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Office and Data Center New Building in the Ministry of Defense headquarters</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td>JCD Floating Pearl Store</td>
                <td>Tokio - Japan</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd phase selected </td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Requalifications of Rome�s Beachfront and Coastal Areas</td>
                <td>Ostia - Italy</td>
                <td>Urban planning</td>
                <td>Competition / 1st Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>40 Apartments Building and Sport Center</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Competition / 2nd Prize</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>nMBA New Beaux-Art Museum</td>
                <td>Lausanne - Switzerland</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>The Dubai Residence and Hotel Towers</td>
                <td>Dubai - UAE</td>
                <td>Mixed use</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Shoes and Accessories Shop</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Commission / Concept Design</td>
                <td>Pedestrian and cycling Bridge </td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Temporary Pavillion for a Car Show</td>
                <td>Rome - Italy</td>
                <td>Commission / Concept Design</td>
                <td> </td>
                <td>Belvedere Tower</td>
                <td>Castellammare di Stabia - Italy</td>
                <td>Concept Design</td>
    <!-- end .container --></div>

    #apDiv2 {
        position: absolute;
        width: 698px;
        height: 299px;
        z-index: 1;
        top: 117px;
        overflow: scroll;
    Don't forget to fix your code errors.  You're still missing a <body> tag in your markup. 
    Nancy O.

  • Confused with optimum size and publishing

    It seems like it should be a fairly straightforward process to select a project size at the start of a Captivate project and then publish at the end and watching Adobe videos saying how easy it all is now to publish across platforms with HTML5 etc you would think so.
    When I started my current project I selected 1024 x 768 as I have a large main screen, plus two smaller screens here at work. When I went to publish, I selected both swf and HTML5 and selected scalable HTML content. I then saved the .htm file to my web folder here at work and then viewed the new link. My default web browser is Firefox and I was horrified to see the movie appear as a tiny postage stamp size on the screen. Also when I tried it on my smartphone, clicking on the buttons caused the slides to jump too far ahead.
    I then decided to re-save my project and re-size it to iPad landscape. I then published two different versions, the original 1024 x 768 version as swf with scalable HTML content and a second re-sized iPad version as HTML5 with no scalable HTML. Both versions worked fine on either pc (scaling nicely for the different sized screens I have) and also worked fine on my smartphone. However, in Firefox I still got the postage stamp sized movie.
    I am now trying a new re-sized project as 995 x 627 and my intention is not to use scalable HTML content and publish it to both swf and HTML5 and see how that looks on everything.
    My question  is if you were tasked to create a Captivate project that needs to look great on pcs, laptops, tablets and smartphones without having to use scroll bars to view all the content on each page, firstly what size would you choose for your project and which settings would you use when publishing (i.e. would you select scalable HTML)?

    There isn’t a one-size-fits-all (no pun intended) size for Captivate trainings that will look perfect on multiple devices. If you need to have the training viewable on multiple devices then you should use the scalable options when publishing. Without scaling you’ll end up with scrollbars on devices that use varying resolutions and can’t fit all the content onscreen. The only way not making content scalable would be possible is if Captivate had a device aware function that allows the content to fit the screen, like you can code in Dreamweaver, but that would seriously increase your development time.
    The Firefox problem has to do with a bit of code that Captivate uses in the html templates. Open the html file that’s generated with your published files and remove the text "" from the first line. Then when the file is opened in Firefox it won’t display the content really tiny. You can also remove this from your template files so it’s never included when you publish.

  • Help with ipod touch and iphone receiving text messages

    i just bought ipod touch for my daughter for christmas and me and my husband have the iphone 4 when my daughter texts me with imessage my husband gets them all and see our conversation and when me and my husband text back and forth through the iphones she get them too.Help I need to get this fix I don't want my daughter to keep getting my messages.

    Each iDevice needs to have one unique messaging email address. One the iPod go to Settings>Messagers>Receive At and ann another, unique messaging email address and delete the other on.  I am also assuming that on the iPhone you alos use one email messaging address.  You need to also make thos unique.

  • Confusion with and Gmail using imap

    I've had a email address for years, and pay for Mail Plus and POP3, which I frankly don't even use. Now that I've confirmed, however, that I can successfully forward emails from my yahoo box to my new gmail box, I'd like to look into setting up for the gmail account using imap. Like most people, I access my mail from several places (home & work computers, Touch, and others), and imap makes sense as the right way to go.
    Last night I tried to set things up on on the Mac, and boy was it confusing in terms of the folders, etc. Is there someplace someone can point me for a sort of "beginner's guide to setting up Gmail/imap with"? Hopefully this "guide" would give me some hints on setting up various rules, etc. that would allow me to have a setup that makes sense: only one copy of emails, sent items in the sent items folder, etc.
    One more thing: can I set up Gmail/imap with more than one email client? For example, can I use at home and Thunderbird on the Windows computer in my office? And how is the creation of new folders (or labels, I guess, as Gmail calls them) on the web handled by (or Thunderbird)? I'm guessing that a new label created on Gmail on the web doesn't automatically result in a folder being created in (or Thunderbird), or does it? If this is correct (no folder created in until I create it on the Mac), is the message that was moved to a folder on the web found in in the All Messages folder (or whatever it's called)?
    Sorry for the basic nature of these questions...this all seems pretty complicated, and I'd like to get it right the first time. Thanks.

    BTW Thanks for the "head's up" that GMail now supports IMAP (I've been waiting for it!)
    I'm not sure what your confusion is, other than maybe the confusion between how folders and messages work in Outlook versus Apple Mail and IMAP. I've used both, and several other mail programs over the years.
    IMAP permits you to have directories which contain message folders. I make the distinction, because Outlook allows you to message folders which contain messages AND other message folders. I believe most implementations of IMAP do not allow messages inside of directories. Thus, a directory looks like a message folder, but it may only contain message folders, and not individual messages.
    Now, GMail appears to create message folders for each label you define in GMail, and messages which have several labels appear in each folder. If you copy the folders to your computer, you WILL have multiple copies of those messages, however if you leave them on the server, GMAIL does all the work and you only have one copy of each message.
    Special folders in GMail are all located in the directory [Gmail] and include the message folders "All Mail", "Drafts", "Sent Mail", "Spam", "Starred" and "Trash". Notice I say "directory" and not "message folder" for "[Gmail]". That is important.
    I cannot attest as to what GMail does when you create a folder from your client, as I have not done that yet. I would venture a guess that it will define a GMail label and mark any messages you "move" to that folder with that label. The GMail special folder "All Mail" contains all of your mail messages, and is equivalent to selecting "All Mail" when using the web interface.
    Your inbox messages will appear in the section with all of your inboxes at the top of your mailbox list. Make sure that you set your preferences to match the recommended preferences for Apple Mail when setting up your GMail account. Otherwise you will end up with duplicates and/or a lot of unnecessary data transfers to your Mac.
    Hope this helps. If not, please give a more explicit example of something that doesn't work the way you expect.

  • Help with template locked and editable regions

    I have been using templates for years in a very simplified way, my programing skills are not great. Today I seem to have screwed up a template beyond my ability to fix it and possibly all 46 pages attached to it (have not uploaded any of these files though).
    The body tag needs to be editable because of the preload images that are part of the tag. The next section needs to be editable for content which is different on all pages. The last part is a table with text navigation to each page which needs to be locked so I can change it from one place.
    DW keeps inserting an extra body tag and putting an end body tag after the editable content region (before the locked table), depending on where I try to put the tags. Then it won't let me change areas of the content on individual pages and it's not displaying the bottom nav table (although it does show up in safari, but I know the code is wrong).
    Basically what I would like to do is simply have the whole body region editable, except for the one table toward the bottom of each page. Can I do this with out having any content thrown off my pages? I really don't know what code to post at this point since it's all in various stages of "not-working", but the version I am using is DW8.
    Here is a link to an online page which might help you see what I am talking about, this is from before I started trying to change the template:

    Hi, AZ,
    Templates imply locked regions and editable regions...usually WITHIN the body, so having the entire body editable might be what is throwing things  off.
    It is possible to make attributes of tags editable, but I don't believe that is supported in DW8. You would make the body tag editable so that the id can be changed to match the page (#contactuspage, #homepage, etc.), and by doing that you can focus your CSS on each page. I use that technique to influence the navigation to highlight the page that I am on (of course, I also put ids on the nav links, viz. #contactus, #home, etc., and #contactus2, #home2, etc. for the footer links). All these you would style in the CSS file. I'm pretty sure you can't pass actual content that way yet, but you can define background images.
    I see that you are doing that sort of thing in your pages.
    While you are in the template, look at the code just before the <body> tag. There should be something that says
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->
    <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    Copy the two commented lines and change the word "head" to "body" [<!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="body" -->]. Then put the BeginEditable line just before the <body> tag and the EndEditable line just after it. That should leave your body tag open for editing in Code View. Remember, all you want editable here is the <body> tag, not the whole <body> of the document.
    Be sure to add editable regions in the rest of the page, controlling them as you wish.
    At any rate, have courage...once you have fixed your template, the other 46 pages will fall into line!
    Understand that I am working in DWCS4, so I don't know how this is going to work in DW8. Hopefully, it will work fine.
    (Have you considered upgrading to CS4? You may still be able to do that from DW8 at an upgrade price.)

  • Printing document with Notes/Comments and underlined/highlighted text

    Dear all,
    I have been reading a document and highlighted & underlined parts of it.
    In addition I also inserted notes.
    Now when trying to print the document with the "summarize comments function" (I translate this from the
    german version so there it might be called somewhat differently in english) in the print menue, I receive a the
    original document plus attached several pages including my notes (now numbered) PLUS entries for every line I highlighted, underlined etc.
    Evidently I only want the text of my comments, not empty entries for each line I have highlighted.
    To be clear, I would like to keep the text highlighted / underlined - but I don't need the
    entries for that in the appended section. A document of 18 pages otherwise suddently gets 48 pages...(with only
    a few added notes).
    I have to say I am somewhat puzzled how difficult it is to sort this out. Thought that must be
    something rather trival (or am I blind and make a silly mistake)?
    To make it more clear here screenshot from what I refer to
    Many thanks for any help.

    Dear Lori,
    many thanks for your swift response. Did I understand you correctly - there is no way to keep all the comments (underlined/highlighted/stick notes) in the text and only inlcude the content of the sticky notes at the end of the document? If I filter, as suggested by you, then the underlined/highlighted parts will not show up in the appended pages (that's good) - but they are also not longer visible in the main text (that's bad...).
    I would have thought what I am trying is rather ordinary - Highlighting/underlining text and adding comments. And when I print the document, i would like to get the edited text plus the content of the comments (sticky notes). (And not an empty entry for all highlighted/underlined words). I am somewhat puzzled.
    Many thanks again.

  • Confusion with DX80 directory and contacts

    We just received two new Cisco DX80.
    I have to say I am a bit confused by many thing, one being the directory/contact. When the endpoint is registered on the CUCM (9.1.2), synched with Exchange and Jabber CUP server, a "Cisco UCM account" and "Cisco Directory Credential" are setup on the DX80... which directory and contact list is it using? and can we control it?
    When I am in Jabber and search for people, I can only find people in my Jabber contacts. When I am trying to add contact I can't find any
    When I'm on the "phone", the contacts seems to be my Exchange contacts. So depending on when I'm on the DX80 phone or on Jabber application, the contact list are different which is confusion. Consitency accross application would be nice. If the mail contact is using Exchange contact I would find it normal but that two Cisco UC applications are using different contact lists, I find it very confusing.
    When I'm on the "phone" and use Directory, which directory is it looking into?
    I have to say that overall the first DX80 experience is quite confusing

    Hello Matthieu,
    yes, I agree with you, it is not ideal, its multiple applications which seem to behave different them selfs,
    have different localization (the phone part is here for example localized, where the jabber part is not)
    and then in addition they behave different depending on the deployment, configuration, services and status, ....
    We are looking into a bigger roll out and these are definitely things we are investigating about how to deply
    especially to improve usability and limit the need for support requests

  • Confused With Dreamweaver CC and the CSS Styles Panel!

    Hi all
    I'm relativley new to the CC but I'm having alot of fun learning how to use dreamweaver, But now comes where I get confused. I'm learning from "Dreamweaver and WordPres Core Concepts" and as I follow the tutorial regarding the actual structure of wordpress themes I have different panels to the tutour.
    As you can see from the pics I have a different set up and this makes it very hard to follow the tutour.
    I have tried the windows menu but there is no CSS Style Panel, plus I have media, sources, selectors, and properties. Apparently the tutour is also usin CC.
    Can someone please guide me on how to learn dreamweaver with up to date tutourials....

    I'm not familiar with the Dreamweaver/WordPress videos on, but if the tutorials are showing the CSS Styles panel, it means that it was recorded on Dreamweaver CS6 or earlier.
    The CSS Designer panel replaces the old CSS Styles panel in DW CC. Since you have access to, I suggest that you take a look at James Williamson's CSS Designer overview in Dreamweaver CC Essential Training.

  • Procedure with multiple Loops and Insert into table

    Hello All,
    I am trying to create the Procedure to create a new table for our DWH.
    In this Case, I have 2 tables and I need to create Loop for each value from one table and get the respective data from second table based on first table data.
    Please find the below example:
    First table: TABLE_A
    X             Y              Z
    1              a              10
    1              b             abc
    1              c              xy
    1              e             $
    2              a              11
    2              c              asf
    2              d             tal
    2              f              ghs
    Second Table: TABLE_B
    A             B             C             D             E              F
    10           abc         xy           sd           ew          100
    10           jhy          xy           sd           ew          100
    11           ght         asf          tal           ss            ghs
    11           ght         afr          tal           ss            ghs
    O/P Table from Procedure: OUTPUT_TABLE
    A             B             C             D             E              F              X
    10           abc         xy           sd           ew          100         1
    11           ght         asf          tal           ss            ghs         2
    Business Logic In the Procedure:
                    -- First get the DISTINCT values from the TABLE_A to generate the Loop
                                    -- For Each ID get the Y ,Z values from TABLE_A other than $ in Z
                                                    SELECT Y, Z FROM TABLE_A WHERE X = ID.X AND Z <> '$' ;
                                                    Based on above SELECT statement, I need to construct dynamic SQL query to get the data from TABLE_B
                                                    SELECT * , ID.X AS X FROM TABLE_A WHERE [In this place I need generate sql cond dynamically. For Example, For X=1 in TABLE_A , the where cond must A=10 AND B='abc' AND C='xy'
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For X=2 , the Where cond must be WHERE A=11 AND C='asf' AND D='tal' AND F='ghs']
                                                    -- I need to INSERT all the values from OP_EACH_ID into OUT_PUT_TABLE
                    END LOOP ;
    I am new to PL/SQL , so please help me on the above case.

    duplicate post

  • Server hardware confusion with 32 bit and 64 bit

    I am very new to this oracle, and I have a doubt which is very stupid, please help me out here, I have been working for installing Retail, so I have to integrate the EBS with Retail, which I got the documents for, there it says we need OEL x86_64..
    My questions are
    1. Can we install OEL x86_64 in 32 bit server hardware?
    2. If we can install it, can we install 32-bit EBS staged files in that OS
    3. Also do I need 64 bit server hardware in order to achieve my goal?
    4. Also can anyone suggest good links for finding server hardware’s where can I look into building just for EBS single node..
    Thanks in advance
    Love this Forum and your helps that you all given me so far.. :-)

    1. Can we install OEL x86_64 in 32 bit server hardware? No, you cannot.
    2. If we can install it, can we install 32-bit EBS staged files in that OSYou can Install 32-bit of software's on 64-bit machines, but you cannot Install 64-bit software's on 32-bit machines.
    Although, its not recommended to Install 32-bit software's on 64-bit machines. Install sw same as Hw architecture.
    3. Also do I need 64 bit server hardware in order to achieve my goal?Check with oracle there should be 32-bit software available for this.
    4. Also can anyone suggest good links for finding server hardware’s where can I look into building just for EBS single node..
    X A H E E R

  • Confusion with Adobe Element and Lightroom?

    Hello, I am new to the Mac world and purchased the IMac. I loaded up some pics into iPhoto and followed a discussion regarding the "import" issues into "Lightroom". I followed the instructions with "Element". Question: Now that i've test a photo yet cleaned it up in iPhoto and a lil in Element, what is the purpose of utilizing Lightroom? i didn't see any tools that were any indifferent . . Pleas Advise!

    Thanks for the reply, I have to identify any direct questions relating to both products. I’m just thinking that both products are not needed.  The initial concern started when I couldn’t import IPhoto into Lightroom,  Element was the go between because it interacted with both IPhoto & Lightroom. Just wondering if both are needed.
    Please Advise,
    Chris D Smith

  • Need help with some code ... Searching a tree and inserting data

    I'm trying to write code for the addIterative method below.
    My problem is that I also need to search the list or node to see if the word exists.
    The method add(word,line,position,iterative) validates the parameters; and, in order to update the tree and/or any relevant linked-list, calls either the incomplete method addIterative(word,line,position) or the incomplete method addRecursive(word,line,position). Note the following: if the word is not contained currently in the tree, then all of the (word,line,position) triplet needs to be added to the data structure; otherwise, only the (line,position) pair needs to be added to the data structure. The result must be the same regardless of the algorithmic strategy employed.
    any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, new to java, and very lost.
    * Write a description of class Tree091 here.
    * @author (your name)
    * @version (a version number or a date)
    class Tree091 /*(i.e., WordTree)*/
    { private char[] word=null;
    private List091 list=null;
    private Tree091 precursor=null; /*(i.e., leftSubTree)*/
    private Tree091 successor=null; /*(i.e., rightSubTree)*/
    public Tree091(char[] word,
    List091 list,
    Tree091 precursor, /*(i.e., lexicographically < word)*/
    Tree091 successor) /*(i.e., lexicographically > word)*/
    { if (word==null) return;
    if (word.length<1) return;
    if (list==null) return;
    public void add(char[] word,
    int line,
    int position,
    boolean iterative)
    { if (word==null) return;
    if (word.length<1) return;
    if (line<0) return;
    if (position<0) return;
    if (iterative)
    private void addIterative(char[] word,
    int line,
    int position)
    /* something goes here*/
    private void addRecursive(char[] word,
    int line,
    int position)
    /* something goes here*/
    private int compare(char[] array1,
    char[] array2)
    { if (array1==null) return -2;
    if (array2==null) return -2;
    int length1=array1.length;
    if (length1==0) return -2;
    int length2=array2.length;
    if (length2==0) return -2;
    int minLength=length1<length2?length1:length2;
    for (int i=0; i<minLength; i++)
    { if (array1[i]<array2) return -1;
    if (array1[i]>array2[i]) return 1;
    return length1==length2 ? 0 : length1<length2 ? -1 : 1;
    public boolean contained(char[] word)
    { int compare=compare(this.word,word);
    if (compare==1&&this.precursor!=null)
    return this.precursor.contained(word);
    if (compare==0) return true;
    if (compare==-1&&this.successor!=null)
    return this.successor.contained(word);
    return false;
    public int listNodeCount(boolean iterative)
    /* something goes here*/
    return 24;
    public int maximumWordLength(int currentLength)
    /* something goes here*/
    return 25;
    public String toString()
    { String string="";
    if (this.precursor!=null) string+=this.precursor;
    string+="\""+(new String(this.word))+"\""+this.list;
    if (this.successor!=null) string+=this.successor;
    return string;
    public int treeNodeCount()
    /* something goes here*/
    return 26;
    public String wordArray(int length)
    /* something goes here*/
    return "hey hey wordarray";

    ok, wow, that was intense, my brain hurts!!!!
    And now I've got to go do a graduate program test, argh!!!
    A problem I keep getting is trying to figure out what my lecturer is doing in the start of the Tree091 class,
    that is, I can see that he is constructing the list and tree but it appears that he is doing it all at the same time, and I'm getting confused with what actually gets inserted into the list, and do we insert the word, line and position, or just the line and position?
    Also, I didnt use a 'while loop', I'm not sure how, but I found a 'for loop' in the text book, what do you think of it? Is it ok for now?
    And I'm getting an error at this line:
    Tree091 ins = new Tree091(char[] word); // getting error '.class' expected here
    any ideas?
    heres what I've got so far:
    private void addIterative(Comparable char[] word,int line, int position){
    // Insert char[] word into the this BST     
         int direction = 0;     
         Tree091 parent = null, curr = root;
         for (;;) {     
              if (curr == null) {
                   Tree091 ins = new Tree091(char[] word); // getting error '.class' expected here
                   // word found so we call insertList method
                   insertList091(line, position, List091 precursor);
                   if (root) == null)
                        root = ins;
                   else if (direction < 0)     
                        parent.left = ins;
                   else // direction > 0
                        parent.right = ins;
              direction = elem.compareTo(curr.element);
              if (direction == 0)
              parent = curr;
              if (direction < 0)
                   curr = curr.left;
              else // direction > 0
                   curr = curr.right;
    }And heres an attempt at the insertList method
    private void insertList(char[] word, int line, int position, List091 precursor){
    // Insert line and position at a given point in this List091, either after the node
    // precursor, or before the first node if precursor is null
    // Looking at assignment question we may need a double linked list
         List091 ins = new List091 (char[] word, line, position, null);
         if precursor == null) { //insert before first node (if any).
              ins.successor = first;
              first = ins;
         } else {
              ins.successor = precursor.successor;
              precursor.successor = ins;
    }How far off am I Joachim?
    ps. heres the tree091 class again:
    class Tree091 /*(i.e., WordTree)*/
    { private char[] word=null;
      private List091 list=null;
      private Tree091 precursor=null; /*(i.e., leftSubTree)*/
      private Tree091 successor=null; /*(i.e., rightSubTree)*/
      public Tree091(char[] word,
                     List091 list,
                     Tree091 precursor, /*(i.e., lexicographically < word)*/
                     Tree091 successor) /*(i.e., lexicographically > word)*/
      { if (word==null) return;
        if (word.length<1) return;
        if (list==null) return;
      public void add(char[] word,
                      int line,
                      int position,
                      boolean iterative)
      { if (word==null) return;
        if (word.length<1) return;
        if (line<0) return;
        if (position<0) return;
        if (iterative)
      private void addIterative(char[] word,
                                int line,
                                int position)
        /* students to complete */
      private void addRecursive(char[] word,
                                int line,
                                int position)
         /* students to complete */
      private int compare(char[] array1,
                          char[] array2)
      { if (array1==null) return -2;
        if (array2==null) return -2;
        int length1=array1.length;
        if (length1==0) return -2;
        int length2=array2.length;
        if (length2==0) return -2;
        int minLength=length1<length2?length1:length2;
        for (int i=0; i<minLength; i++)
        { if (array1<array2[i]) return -1;
    if (array1[i]>array2[i]) return 1;
    return length1==length2 ? 0 : length1<length2 ? -1 : 1;
    public boolean contained(char[] word)
    { int compare=compare(this.word,word);
    if (compare==1&&this.precursor!=null)
    return this.precursor.contained(word);
    if (compare==0) return true;
    if (compare==-1&&this.successor!=null)
    return this.successor.contained(word);
    return false;
    public int listNodeCount(boolean iterative)
    /* students to complete */
    public int maximumWordLength(int currentLength)
    /* students to complete */
    public String toString()
    { String string="";
    if (this.precursor!=null) string+=this.precursor;
    string+="\""+(new String(this.word))+"\""+this.list;
    if (this.successor!=null) string+=this.successor;
    return string;
    public int treeNodeCount()
    /* students to complete */
    public String wordArray(int length)
    /* students to complete */
    Edited by: allergy01 on Apr 25, 2009 9:19 PM
    Edited by: allergy01 on Apr 25, 2009 9:20 PM                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • Ecc6 Create with Template

    We have upgraded to ECC6.
    When creating a new DIR(with DOC type REP) and adding a orginal with the "Create with Templates" option. When I click on Save, in the Create Document: Initial Screen. The correct DIR number displays in the Document field, but in the Document Type field it shows the Templates Document type(ZZZ) and not the Doc type I was creating.
    When going into Change/Display mode and replacing the ZZZ in the DOC Type field with the Correct Doc Type REP. It opens the DIR.
    Another scenario is when creating a REP doc type. Saving it. When I go into change mode and add an original via the "Create with Template" option and save the DIR. The templates details are shown in the ChangeDocument: Initial Screen and not the REP DIR I created.
    The REP DIR however successfully added the template as the original.
    I have searched for notes, but was unable to find any.
    Kind Regards,

    Pradeepkumar, Yes you are on the right track with what I mean with configurating DIR 123 ZZZ to be the template for GV Doc types.  ( I am using ZZZ and GV as Examples for a DOC TYPE) and then using the template to create a uniform way of attaching an original to a DIR.
    In SAP 4.7 the same scenario above, but it works correctly:
    I have a DIR 123 ZZZ with an ORIGINAL attached to it.
    This DIR 123 ZZZ is set up in COnfig to be the Template when creating ORIGINALS for DOC TYPE GV.
    CREATE GV Doc type, Enter Descr, CLICK on Create Original, click on "CREATE WITH TEMPLATE (F5)"
    Original OPENS, make changes, SAVE the original, SAVE the DIR.
    Create Document: Initial Screen displays
    Document : 9000234343 ---> this is the GV doc number
    Document Type : GV--->  In ECC6 it pulls through the Template DOC type ZZZ
    Document Part: 000
    Document Version: 00
    Has anyone that is using ECC6 come across this scenario for DMS?

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