Conky is not completely showing

I have a problem with conky.. It is cutting off the bottom of it, where it should show my emails and things like that. Here is a screenshot:
As you can see, on the bottom right corner it says "You have 2 new emails" and under it, which should show who the emails are from and the subjects, is cut off. This sometimes happens and sometimes doesn't...
Here is my .conkyrc
background no
use_xft yes
xftfont Terminus:size=8
xftalpha 0.8
update_interval 2.0
total_run_times 0
own_window yes
own_window_type desktop
own_window_transparent yes
double_buffer yes
minimum_size 5 5
draw_shades yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
stippled_borders 8
border_margin 4
border_width 1
default_color white
default_shade_color black
default_outline_color white
alignment top_right
gap_x 10
gap_y 10
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
cpu_avg_samples 2
net_avg_samples 2
override_utf8_locale no
use_spacer yes
${color slate grey}Node: ${color}$nodename
${color slate grey}System: ${color}$sysname
${color slate grey}Kern:${color }$kernel
${color slate grey}UpTime: ${color }$uptime
${color slate grey}CPU:${color } $cpu%
${cpugraph 20,165 191970 87cefa}
${color slate grey}Processes: ${color }$processes
${color slate grey}Running: ${color }$running_processes processors
${color slate grey}Highest CPU:
${color #ddaa00} ${top name 1}${top cpu 1}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 2}${top cpu 2}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 3}${top cpu 3}
${color lightgrey} ${top name 4}${top cpu 4}
${color slate grey}Highest MEM:
${color #ddaa00} ${top_mem name 1}${top_mem mem 1}
${color lightgrey} ${top_mem name 2}${top_mem mem 2}
${color lightgrey} ${top_mem name 3}${top_mem mem 3}
${color lightgrey} ${top_mem name 4}${top_mem mem 4}
${color slate grey}MEM: ${color } $memperc% $mem/$memmax
${membar 3,165}
${color slate grey}SWAP: ${color }$swapperc% $swap/$swapmax
${swapbar 3,165}
${color slate grey}ARCH: ${color }${fs_used /}/${fs_size /}
${fs_bar 3,165 /}
${color slate grey}UBUNTU: ${color }${fs_used /mnt/ubuntu}/${fs_size /mnt/ubuntu}
${fs_bar 3,165 /home}
${color slate grey}NET:
${color }ip: ${addr eth0}
${color}Down: ${color }${downspeed eth0}k/s${color}
${downspeedgraph eth0 20,165 191970 87cefa}
${color}Up: ${color }${upspeed eth0} k/s
${upspeedgraph eth0 20,165 191970 87cefa}
${color }total: ${totaldown eth0} Down ${totalup eth0} up
${color slate grey}Pacman:
${color #ddaa00} ${execi 1800 perl /home/eric/.scripts/pac/} ${color}update(s) available.
${color slate grey}Gmail:
${color}${execi 180 perl ~/ o}
Help is appreciated

try out this
own_window_type override

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    Welcome to the Apple community.
    A number of people have reported similar issues recently, many appear to have found a discrepancy of some kind in their account settings and making changes to these settings or simply resetting them has resolved the matter.
    Check your account details are correct, check that you are using the correct details for Location, Region and Time Zone. You may want to change these settings and then change them back to see if that helps.
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    - Also try DFU mode after try recovery mode
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    Does the purchases show in your Purchased list?
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Have you looked at the previous discussions listed on the right side of this page under the heading "More Like This"? Ones with a green checkmark are solved.
    Next contact iTunes by:
    Contact iTunes

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    Hi Galym,
    >>VS 2013 Prof. edition always shows "Could not complete the action"
    According to your description, could you please tell if you get this issue when you open any .ascx files in a specific app or all web apps have the same issue?
    So if possible, I suggest you can create a simple web project in VS2012 Prof and add a .ascx files under the web project and open it again check if you get same issue.
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    If you have any update messages about your issue, please free for me.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact
    Some In-App Purchases require a Credit Card.

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    I had the same problem after I gave my old iPad to my parents and tried to install Netflix. This is what you have to do:  Open iTunes on your computer, the one you sync your iPad to. Then go to iTunes Store and search for and download Netflix app. After you download it, if your iPad is set to download new purchases it may start downloading on your iPad. If so, tap and hold to delete the app (because it is trying to install the new version on the iPad) Next step, go to the App Store on your iPad and find Netflix and it should say install since you already purchased it on the computer. Tap to install, and it will say the version is not compatible, tap to download a previous version. Click that and it will install the older version!    One more thing, if and when you sync to your computer again it will say something like " Unable to install Netflix on your iPad" Just click the box to never remind you again, because it's trying to sync the newer Netflix app to your iPad, but it doesn't work so it displays the message. The old app will remain on the ipad. Hope this helps, good luck

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    iTunes Store Customer Support
    Customer First Name : HAN BENG
    Customer Last Name : BAY
    email :
    Web Order # : buy gem
    Support Subject : Downloading iTunes Store Purchases
    Sub Issue : undefined
    Comments : See additional info below
    OS version: Windows 7
    Country: Malaysia
    Lang_Country: en_AP
    iTunes version: iTunes 11
    Apple ID:
    Specific request: I receive an error message when I attempt to download
    Item title:
    Describe the alert message you received:
    my iphone5 show this : We could not complete your purchase ..
    TrackID : 130606051445
    <E-mail Edited by Host>

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    We Would appreciate for your valuable support.
    Before closing the Automatic Runner popup,Runner popupStatus:.
    After closing the Automatic Runner popup  window the Tesl lab execution status:

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    Hello transcend94,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    For more information on this, take a look at:
    Where are my iTunes files located?
    iTunes: Understanding iTunes Media Organization
    Avoid using different versions of iTunes, or you may be unable to locate content, or may import or transfer content to the wrong location.
    Best of luck,

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