"Constrain Crop" in presets

Not sure if this is the best place to post this, but does anybody know how I save a preset that includes a manual lens transform (specifically lens barrel distortion) and also retains the checkbox "Constrain Crop"?
I can create a preset, which applies the distortion correction, but nothing I've tried will retain and apply 'constrain crop', which means I end up with grey curved edges to my photos.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this? Any 4.1 users able to confirm whether this has been fixed in the update?
Basic details: 64bit LR4.0 on Windows 7, upgraded from 3.6 (or 3.5, I can't really remember).

When you crop iPhotos provides you with predetermined Constrain or aspect ratio options.  The workflow is:
1 - in the edit mode click on the Crop button.
2 - select the Constrain aspect ratio in the drop down menu.
3 - adjust the constrain window in the edit mode to fit your needs.
4 - clik the Done button.
If you plan on having multiple sizes of an image printed you should make multiple copies and provide a properly cropped image for each size. One way to to that is:
1 - crop to size A.
2 - export to a folder on the Desktop via File ➙ Export ➙ File Export  with Size=Current and Quality=High or Max.
3 - recrop to size B.
4 - repeat step 2.
Always check the exported files with an app like Preview to make sure they are what you want before taking in to have printed.

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    PS CS4 on WinXP-SP3 no OpenGL

    You have probably acquired a strange setting in the Character panel.
    Try resetting it from the drop-down menu top-right of the panel.

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    Regards, Getting Really Annoyed

    It's kinda hard to tell from your description, but try the following
    and see if it helps:
    Make sure you don't have any values entered in the tool options bar
    for the width, height and resolution. If you do, use the clear button.
    If still not working, try resetting the photoshop preferences:
    Hold down the shft+alt+ctrl keys while starting photoshop, continue holding the keys
    until a dialog appears asking to reset the settings file, click yes.

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    chris -
    could this be included in the option bar to change the resampling per instance instead of a prefs setting?  I set up some actions to change the prefs for up and down scaling and then revert to the default pref setting. But it was never convenient so I don't use the actions.
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    As far as exposure goes, the extra parts (surrounding film, either negs or transparencies; the slide mount) scan black, and with a decently exposed image, they shouldn't be much different than the black in the image. Note that this is completely unlike reflective scans of opaque materials, where you need to crop down while scanning, to keep the auto exposure from reading the surrounding border (which might be yellowed, say) or the scanner cover background (which might be much whiter than what you're scanning.) There have been a few times where I'm trying to rescue a blown out image and I'll crop in more on the subject of interest to get a better scan exposure.
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    page 3 of multipage PDF goes on page 15 of the INDD
    page 4 of multipage PDF goes on page 16 of the INDD
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    Is there any way to fix this option to media?
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    I'd be interested to hear how other forum members would tackle such a task!

    Peter Spier wrote:
    It shouldn't be changing like that. Try trashing the prefs. See Replace Your Preferences
    I've been working on this issue and trashing prefs hasn't fixed it. The other problem I was experiencing is also back (show baseline grid shortcut not working).
    I've tried the following:
    Manual trash of prefs
    Trash prefs using the cmd-alt-ctrl-shift starup option
    Removed every utility I could find, rebooted and trashed prefs again
    Interested to hear if there are any utilities known to mess with InDesign

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    You need to add the letterbox (black space) in another application. iMovie's Ken Burns effect will not do it for you. You can do it in Photoshop if you like.
    However, there is a way to do it in Automator, and you can do hundreds of vertical photos very quickly. That is the way I do it.
    Here is more detail:
    There is also a quick way to pad your images without using Photoshop. This method will pad hundreds of images in just a few seconds.
    You do it with a tool that comes with OS/X called Automator. It should be in your Applications/Utilities folder.
    Automator is basically a workflow tool. It allows you to string together commands and actions into a workflow and then execute the entire sequence at once. If you have Snow Leopard, you can even add these workflows to your contextual menus that come up when you right-click.
    There are many workflows that would work to pad your images. Here is an example:
    In Automator, start a photo workflow and drag the following actions into the workflow from the Action palettes on the left.
    You should have something like:
    1)Ask for Photos (You must select one or more photos and hit Select - you can make this easier by putting them in an album beforehand)
    2) Copy Finder Items (give it a folder to copy to- so you can find them easily)
    3) Pad Images. (put a check mark in "scale image before padding" Pick the pixel dimensions of your project...like 640x480 or 960x540. or 1920x1080
    Hit Run and a dialog box will come up asking you to select photos. When you are finished, press SELECT and the Automator script will keep running.
    Then at the end you should have padded images in the folder you created in step 2.

  • Error with Constrain to crop check box

    Sometimes when i click on contrain to crop check box and go to the next photo it will automatically uncheck itself. When i go back to image the box is unchecked, but the crop is still constrained. Then when i check the box again in becomes unconstrain. It is doing the oposite of what it should do. Im running Mac os 10.7.2. Is this a known issue? Please help.

    The Constrain Crop function is flawed (or may I call it buggy?) and it's been that way at least back to LR3.x
    Especially the interaction between Constrain Crop and the Scale slider has problems.
    If you move the Scale slider to a value below 100 and then click the Constrain Crop box, then the Constrain Crop function will be stuck, and unclicking it will not turn off the effect. I.e. scaling up will continouosly enlarge the photo - it will be way bigger than 100% even at Scale numbers below 100.
    This also works if Constrain Crop is selected first and then the Scale slider is moved below 100.
    There is no way to clear this behavior within the Lens Correction pane. The only way to get back to normal is to go to Crop & Straighten and then Reset.
    If you are working on a finicky perspective correction, this can stab you in the back severely!

  • "Constrain to Crop" checked by default

    How do i keep the "Constrain to Crop"  box checked by default? Every single time i import images into lightrooom i have to check this box and then sync. I could save so much time if it were automatically checked.

    I've played around with this and it seems to be working on my side. Every time I turn on the Constrain Crop option, it always crops out the grey area that appears when I've skewed the image enough to no longer fit in the rectangular border. Turning it off doesn't have an immediate effect because the image is already cropped (imagine if you had used the crop tool to crop your image and then that cropping was undone by turning off the Constrain Crop option). But all future movements of the sliders would be cropped.
    It is possible this issue arrises from a problem with the catalog. There are a few things you can do to patch things up. The first is to Optimize the catalog (under the File menu). Also, when you backup your catalog, an integrity check is performed. Additionally, you can create a new catalog and import your old catalog into it. Sometimes this gives things a fresh start.

  • Location of Crop Presets

    I recent re-install CS5 and in doing so, have lost my presets for the crop tool. I had two special crops sizes which I want to back up, but not sure where I should be looking on my back up disc.
    Any help appreciated.

    Had you actually SAVED your Crop Tools presets from the flyout menu?
    If you didn't, then they are only hidden in your general preferences somewhere.  If your backup disk is a bootable volume. boot off that volume, launch Photoshop and Save the tool presets.  You will be presented with a dialog box that gives you the option of naming the saved file and its location.
    Wo Tai Lao Le

  • Is there a way to create an action or keyboard shortcut to set Crop tool to the front window size?

    Is there any way to create an action or keyboard shortcut to set the Crop tool to the front window size in Photoshop CS6?
    I find that I use that several times a day. I got used to it being the top choice in the Crop tool presets menu.

    It depends on whether you have the cloud version or perpetual license version.
    For the cloud version press  I (eye)
    For the perpectual version press  F

  • PhotoShop Elements 9 Crop Tool is a total failure!

    I do a fair amount of work that involves a lot of croping, mainly for animation sequencing. The Crop tool Custom Height and Width settings do NOT WORK.
    I usually have a test image of the exact size that I work in. Example: 500 x100 pixels. This converts to 13.23cm x 2.65 cm at 96dpi. When I type these Crop Size requirements into the Crop tool settings box, I get a crop size way outside the size of the image that I want to crop. There is no way to set that size up yourself by using a test image as a template. In fact there is no way to set up custom sizes in the menu at all! I find this to be very upsetting as I have only just purchased this product. This limitation is something that I would expext to find in freeware, but not in a program like PhotoShop Elements 9. I have tried every conceivable way to try to get the Crop Tool to work to a Pre Set size with no success.
    Why is it that a graphics program will not allow you to put in a pixel x pixel measurement? That is pure stupidity on the part of the programmers and very poor work on the part of the testing team. No wonder the program itself crashes from time to time. It just stops running - ppffft! I have a state of the art 64 bit system running Win 7 with plenty of RAM and a High end Graphics Card, so I know that my system is not at fault - it's PhotoShop 9. I cannot believe the primative workspace and the lack of the ability to custom predefine tools. All in all I'm extremely unhappy with PE9.
    If anyone has had this or similar issues and has found a solution please tell me what it is.

    In answer to your remark I will go through the whole process again at a later date and re-post. It does not make any difference to the resultant Crop size whether you input cm or pixels. Here's a point for you though since you mentioned it. Check out the Ruler - does it look like the Crop is anywhere near 500cm x 100cm? Maybe you were so busy trying to find fault that you failed to see the forest for the trees?
    I only find fault where it exists - not where it doesn't. As far as Forums go, I am a member of a few Forums and have not had this sort of problem with answers before where the reply posts tend toward trying to pretend a problem doesn't exist or trying to prove fault with the poster. Hmmm.  Again I wonder how many of these reply's are from people with some affiliation with Adobe?
    I will finish by saying that just for you I will go through the whole pointless exercise again and make sure that the Pixels are indeed input.
    1. Opening File
    2. File Open.
    3. Resetting Crop Tool.
    4. Crop Tool reset and Measurement Boxes clear.
    5.First Measurement Input. PLEASE NOTE 500 Pixels Input!
    6. Second Measurement Input. PLEASE NOTE 100 Pixels Input!
    7. Third Criteria Input. PLEASE NOTE 96dpi Input!
    8. All Input Data correct and ready to Crop to preset Width/Height/Dpi restrictions.
    9. OH DEAR IT DOESN'T WORK! Again it fails to give me a simple 500x100 pixel at 96dpi Crop Box!
    After this reply post you may just get some idea of the frustration I am experiencing. As you can plainly see the Crop Box drawn goes to the very edges of the Image to be Cropped. Can you see the problem now? Maybe I should just go with my friend's suggestions and take a video of the process and post it on YouTube? Then go to my local Consumer Affairs Department! If you can find what I am supposedly doing wrong - please elucidate as I have followed both the prescribed steps in the somewhat Shoddy Online Help and also the suggested remedies posted on the Forum. All to no avail. It just Won't Work!

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