Content viewer on Android won't start

A few days ago I bought an Android tablet and wanted to install the Adobe Content Viewer on it. AIR and the Viewer both install without problems.
When I try to run the Viewer I just get a black screen and after about 10 seconds it just bumps back to the desktop.
I already tried uninstalling both AIR and the Viewer itself (multiple times) but with no succes.
The tablet is a Cherry ProLine 7" with Android 4.0.3
The resolution is 1024*768
CPU: Allwinner A10 1ghz
RAM: 1gb
Has anyone encounter a problem like this? And maybe even have a solution?
Thanks in advance!

I have the same problem with Cherry Model M-906 CPU 1.2 GHz Cortex A8 processor. Ram 1GB.
This is not a standalone problem, I saw in other forums (and also comments in the app shop). Some other (than Cherry) tablets seems to have the same problem.
Adobe experts: please can you help us on this one?
Would be much appreciated !!!
Thanks in advance!

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    rebooted, reinstalled air rebooted, reinstalled Indesign CS6 rebooted...
    After installing InDesign CS6, i choose Help > Updates and updated the DPS Desktop Tools
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    I deleted my current folio and started again and when i try to preview i get this...
    USER Saleh is experiencing same issues
    I have started thsi new disscussion as for some people the answers in the other thread have resolved this issue but not for us.
    (old thread
    Many thanks Geoff

    Hi Everyone,
    I can see, for such a long time many people are facing this issue (Desktop Content Viewer won't appear in InDesign CS6)
    Friends here is the solution of this distinguished problem.
    Steps: [For Window XP]
    [Make sure your log-in has “Administration” rights]
    Open My Computer [Window Key + E].
    Open the Main Local Disk [C:].
    Click on “Search” tab above.
    Click on “All files and folders”.
    Write “AdobeContentViewer.air” in “All or part of the file name:” Box.
    Click on “Search” [Now you can see “AdobeContentViewer.air” file]
    Double click on “AdobeContentViewer.air” to install it.
    Select checkbox for “Desktop Shorcut”
    Once it installed, open “Adobe Content Viewer” from the desktop.
    Now close “Adobe Content Viewer”.
    Open Indesign Application and try to “Preview” your article/work from the “Folio Overlay Panel”
    I hope this will work for you.
    Guys please share your experience after performing the above.

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    Has anyone else experienced this?  I haven't started getting calls about this yet but I'm sure they'll be coming soon if it's not just me that's losing their downloaded folios.

    Hi Andrew,
    Do you know if this is still the case for the latest version?
    I wonder if this is by design, or just happened with v19 update.
    It would seem beneficial for Adobe to have all users need to re-download everything after an update of an app.
    Hoping for a quick answer, otherwise ill have to test it myself on v21
    ps, you mentioned Android, so it did not happen in iOS?

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