Contribute 3.11 editing problem:"macromedia contribute is editing it"

Started when I sent drafts för review. Tried to delete them, tried to delete .lck but it says access denied. What to do?

Found an error in Application under Event Viewer at the
The only apparent information is Event 1000, whatever that
Tried Google could not find anything helpful.
Tried and found something about reading a
Security - System - Internet Explorer - no entry for the
proper time.
Stumped & confused.
On Fri, 25 Aug 2006 14:03:08 -0500, Kevin Blount
<[email protected]> wrote:
>I'm not exactly an IT tech myself <g> but one thing
you might want to
>check is the XP event viewer (Control Panel >
Adminstrative Tools >
>Event Viewer). This might give a clue why Contribute is
>I think you need to look at the "Applciation" events, and
then look for
>any rows with the red circle/white X icon, that occured
around the time
>Contribute crashed for you.
>I can't say that it will give you anything useful, but
it's certainly
>worth a look and without a Windows error msg, this the
best place to
>start looking for the cause.
>If you do spot anything, I'd post it here and see if
anyone knows the
>meaning of the error. You might also try contacting Adobe
support and
>posting that msg in Microsoft XP newsgroups/google groups

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    yes you can use other websoftware to modify iweb sites either after it is on the webserver or if you save it to a folder before publishing.
    I tried the demo of Dream weaver and it worked fine..also I used Rapidweaver which works too. Heck you could use anything that can edit HTML which is really just a text file.
    The problem with iweb is it is using those stupid PNG files which are big and to make it worse it duplicates all your images rather than having them in a shared folder you can end up with dozens of the same image which when someone visits your site and changes pages it has to download the same image again!
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  • Is precise image editing possible in Contribute?

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    then that really defeats the purpose of their using

    Thanks for posting this. I'd not discovered the right-click
    menu that allows for cropping, rotating, etc. This seems a very
    useful feature.
    Having found it I thought I'd see if I can find a way to do
    what you're looking for, but unfortunately I can't find any way to
    set the crop width and height either. I suspect that without an
    external application, such as Fireworks (pay) or Gimp (free),
    you'll not be able to crop the image to a specific size other than
    through the trial and error approach you're using.
    Also, I could find no way to reduce the DPI of an image, but
    to be honest this doesn't surprise me, as this is more of an
    advanced feature and Macromedia sell a product capable of this. You
    did mention that you recommended Contribute so your client could
    update their own web pages, and while graphics are included within
    a web page, they are separate files and for the most part will
    require a separate application to update them.
    My suggestion would be to get a separate application for the
    image, but you're not limited to purchasing one. One pretty good,
    and FREE, editor is Pixel Editor (
    which should be fine for reducing DPI and cropping, as well as a
    host of other features. You could also try GIMP for Windows (
    - an open-source product), which is also free and very well
    respected in the open-source community. However, both these will
    require your client learning a new product, so I concede to your
    initial point of kind of defeating the point of using Contribute,
    except that you'd be hard pressed to find a similar product to
    Contribute for web page design that include the feature you're
    Hope this helps, even a little.

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    Any suggestions would be appreciated
    Thank you

    I seem to have solved the issue by downloading this install file
    which installs successfully.

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    Much appreciated

    For anyone that has a similar problem....
    I have now sorted the problem - my dreamweaver was not updating the server copy. I used FETCH as a secondary option by dragging and dropping the files. It updated the files and its now working! YAY!
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    This one is most likely related to permissions - Contribute simply does not have access to write the temporary file, but still attempts to anyway (resulting in a file being created / cleared on the server, but no actual information being written to the file).
    This still appeared to be a problem even when running the application in Administrator mode.
    I may get flamed by the super security-concience techs, but this worked for me:
    Find the location of the temporary site / draft folder (default is C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Adobe\Contribute CS4\en_US\Sites)
    Select the folders in the "Sites" folder
    Right-click one of them and go to "Properties"
    Click the security tab and click "Edit"
    Add the user "Everyone"
    Select the "Everyone" user and check "Full Control"
    Hit OK, then OK again
    I can't guarantee it will work, but see how you go.

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    I looked on the site and there is not a .lck on this file.
    Thank you in advance for any assistance.

    Hi loretta,
    Sorry to hear that you have problems using contribute.
    Can you do the following and let me know:
    What is the version of contribute you are using?
    Which platform are you running on?
    1. Create a new page in contribute as non- admin
    2. Publish the page
    3. Edit the page again
    4. Publish the page. (Does this work?)
    Are you not able to edit any page on the site or is it
    specific to a page only?
    Would it be possible to debug your problem if you can setup
    another sample test site and upload the same roles to that site and
    send me connection keys for adminstrator and non-admin roles?
    You can email me directly at <[email protected]>

  • Can Contribute add, delete, edit links in this photo gallery?

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    Try deleting the iPhoto preference file,, that resides in your User/Library/Preferences folder. Now try editing them again.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.≤br>
    Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

  • Contribute Problem

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    was able to access all pages and then edit. After editing a page I
    published it and it appeared that was also successful. I am using
    Yahoo geocities and in the file manager it shows that the file was
    updated as the date and time was changed. But the updates somehow
    never make it to the site...Any ideas???

    I am having the exact same problem! Our administrator hasn't
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    can reassign the admin access to someone else.

  • Not able to edit editable regions in contribute CS5

    Hi there,
    i got a question i need to ask according to the helpdesk i just spoke to. I've downloaded the Contribute CS5 trial yesterday and i wanted to show my costumer how to edit pages and create new ones. I've made the connection to the website and tried every possible thing but the only thing i can edit is the first editable region wich i always leave blank (the designer build in some hidden text there). The rest of the editable regions, named header and content can't be edited. How is this possible? This is only on the most existing pages. Creating new ones do not appear to have the same problems.
    i work with contribute CS4 and everything works fine. I can edit pages fully and publish everything like it should be. To be sure i also downloaded the trial CS5 to my laptop and i got exactly the same problem as described above.
    How can help me out?

    Hello Pravin,
    I have the complete access, but all of sudden three icons started missing .

  • Table cells not editable in Contribute

    I have a date table (inside a CSS layout) which displays incorrectly in Contribute Edit mode.This is the URL
    In Contribute Edit mode, the right hand column of the table (which contains the PDF certificates) is pushed far out to the right (beyond the rest of the layout) which makes it impossible for the cells in this column to be edited. This also happens in Dreamweaver; the table width is 598 pixels but the Display width (in parenthesis in Dreamweaver) is 1300 px. Does anyone know why the Display width, which I assume Contribute is using in Edit mode, is so wide..... and how I can constrain it.
    I have tried adding various table cell widths but to no avail. Help.....
    Many thanks

    This problem has been solved by placing the logo images in their own table cell instead of floating left. The float and adjacent text caused the problem. Thanks to Neil Gibson @cvwcreative who came up with the solution on Twitter.

  • I have add-ons (Convert to PDF, Edit in Contribute, Post to Blog) that use small icons, yet take up 2 rows of space at the top of my browser window. How do I move these items to display on 1 row?

    ''Problem: too much blank space at the top of browser window.''
    • The Convert to PDF icon takes up 1 entire row (predominately blank) of horizontal space
    • Edit in Contribute, Post to Blog are listed on a separate row, taking up 1 additional row (predominately blank) of horizontal space
    They both use small icons and titles, .5" wide each, are flushed to the left, yet take up 2 rows of blank space at the top of my browser window. How do I move these items to display on 1 row?

    Start Firefox in Safe Mode ( and choose the 'Reset toolbars and controls option'. This will get you back to the stock icon set which you can then customize to your liking

  • Using Contribute CS5 to edit site created w/Dreamweaver - PayPal button size issues

    I'm using Adobe Contribute CS5 to edit my web site that was built with Dreamweaver on a Mac.  I have a PC with Windows XP, 1G of ram, a 40G hard drive (used only for programs and operating system) a 1 terabyte external hard drive for all files, etc.  I use MSN Explorer for my browser.
    I have done extensive editing and everything works fine except for when I edit or add PayPal buttons.  The site was built using "tables" for most everything as well as all of my price lists.  When I add a button or edit button properties, that row of cells doubles in height, in the "editing window" they look okay but when I publish the page they take on the doubled height.
    I contacted Contribute tech support and they say Contribute is working properly and the problem is with how the button code was written in Dreamweaver.  The tech said even though the button looks like it is the proper size, the code tells it to take up more space thus giving me the cell height problem.  My standard price lists do not have any lines defining rows and columns but on one page I have been experimenting with I have given the table a line value of 1 to enable me to see what is going on, you can view this page at;
    My Webmaster and I parted ways a few years ago so seeking help there is not an option, she won't return phone calls, reply to e-mails, etc. 
    Any help solving this problem would be very much appreciated.
    Thanks,   PapaHop

    I am also having this problem and any answer would be greatly appreciated. The code <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"> </p> gets added whenever text edits are made. This seems to create spaces on the page which pushes content out of alignment. The code gets put into the navigation, the text and anything above the text being edited, jpeg sliders, images, etc.

  • Problem with contribute 3.11/flashpaper 2 printer driver

    I have problem with the contribute 3.11 and flashpaper 2
    printer driver. When I try to install it to my lab under domain
    enviroment, that mean multi user will use the same computer with
    differ user right. The problem is, when user with admin right log
    into the domain and left click on any file the first time,
    contribute install a new flahspaper driver, eg. macromedia
    flashpaper, macromedia flashpaper (copy 1), macromedia flashpaper
    (copy 2) etc...another problem is, when the user with domain user
    right login the computer, when they left click on any file the
    first time, contribute try to install the flashpaper printer driver
    for them, but since they are not allow to install any printer
    driver, the message," you do not have primission to install the
    printer driver etc" pop up and it only pop up once.
    Are there anyone have the same problem? Anyone know how to
    fix it? Thank you for the help in advance.

    Please check with in your environmental variable whether JDK is 32 bit or shifted to 64 bit.
    It seems even though you have 64 bit still it is taking 32 bit only.

  • Contribute Locking out editable areas

    I am having a very strange problem that I am hoping someone
    can help me with. I have a site set up with a Dreamweaver template
    in which the main content area is an editable area. When I open the
    pages in Contribute it is still an editable area unless there is a
    bullet list, then it is still in a green editable area box, but
    gives me the "you can't edit this" mouse pointer and cannot be
    edited. If I got in and remove the <ul> ... </ul> from
    the html the area is editable again.
    Any help would be wonderful, I am going crazy here.

    OK, it has happened again, on a completely different site with a different user and (obviously) different template.  Here's the piece of the page which the CS5 Contribute "publisher" broke:
               <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
          </div><img src="images/contentRight.jpg" width="53" height="734" alt="content right" style="float:left;" /></div>
            <div class="clearfloat"></div>
            <p style="margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;"> </p>
    <div id="footer">
                <p class="links"><a href="classinformation.htm">Class Info</a> |
                <a href="classes.html">Classes</a> |
                <a href="about.html">About Us</a> |
                <a href="register_choose.html">Register</a> |
                <a href="mailto:[email protected]">Contact Us</a> |
                <a href="reporting.html">Reporting Instructions</a> |
                <a href="index.html">Home</a></p>
                <p class="copyright">Site copyright &copy; 2011, Do It Right Protocol.</p>
                <p class="webguy" style="margin-bottom: 0;">Website hosted and maintained by <a href="">Maplegate Technologies, LLC</a></p>
    <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>
    I've bolded 3 items: the first is the template's end point for the editable region; the footer should not be editable.  The 2 changes show in the empty <p> above the footer div, and the addition of style attribute in the "webguy" paragraph.  Contribute should not have allowed those changes (I think they were made without the user even knowing about it).  The blank <p> tag broke the layout, forcing the graphics abart and adding a blank line.

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