Contribute CS4 ignores template changes?

First, I'm new to Contribute. I understand the general idea
of what it does and how it works, but I'm clearly out of my element
on how it works with template files.
I'm setup as an administrator on a Contribute CS4
installation on WinXP. I can edit and publish pages with no
Except this: When I modify the template files for the site
(obtained from the server, modified, and replaced on the server),
the new modifications are not appearing in the newly-published
pages. I've verified that I'm working on the correct template for
the particular page, and I've even made sure to "refresh templates"
a couple times in case that worked. I've even gone so far as to
find the drafts of the pages I've been working on and make sure the
templates stored on my hard drive are properly updated (they are).
Am I wrong to expect Contribute to incorporate updates to the
template file? Am I being a complete bonehead and missing something
obvious (wouldn't be the first time)?
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

I've just had to update 100+ template based pages on a
Contribute site. I ended up having to use Dreamweaver exclusively
for the change.
Contribute does not seem to be "aware" of template updates
when you update a template based page. When you edit a page based
on a template that has changed, it doesn't apply the change or give
you any means of applying the change.
Also, when I attempted to use Modify-Templates-Update Current
Page on a page in Dreamweaver using the File-Actions-Edit Page
Source in External Application, Contribute went, well, berserk,
acting like I wanted to change dozens of pages and files in the
site. Lots of manual clean-up after that.
So, I just used only Dreamweaver to update all the pages
based on the template, as well as updating the template itself.
It's possible to "break" a Dreamweaver template by updating the
template with another editor.

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    Any ideas to force contribute to dump the cache and re-load the new files?

    Have you tried a force refresh (Shift+Refresh)?
    You didn't rename the CSS file did you?

  • Template changes will not propogate out to the child web pages in the defined site.

    I have a user in my organization who regularly makes changes to a dreamweawer template in order to universally change content on pages that are internal to her office.  The site that serves her office has been defined in dreamweaver (we're running dreamweaver CS4).  Normally, after saving the template changes on her way out of the dw session, she would be asked whether or not she wanted to propagate her template changes out to all of the child web pages (.htmls) in her site.  This has stopped happening and sure enough she can see that the change doesn't exist on the child pages.  Does anyone know why this might have happened, how to restore that prompt for propagation or, most importantly, how she can get those changes propagated to the child pages?

    That may be an eventuality, particularly assuming I'm never able to work on this fulltime...which is likely. =)  Anyway, thanks so much for the link.  We'll try this again.  Hopefully, you'll be able to read it.  Even if it's clear, it may still just be clearly ugly, but please let me know what you think.  Thanks!:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <!-- begin page information comments section.
    Replace the entries below to match your pages
    File:          /templates/intranet_full.dwt
    Date:          06/30/2005
    Author:          Page author / developer name
    template for the census intranet
    Sponsor / Contact:
    Modification History: (initials, modification, date changed)
    JRJ, Template created, 06/30/2005
    end of page information comments section.-->
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  • Contribute CS4 Paste/Insert Issues

    I hope someone can help with this. We are having an issue
    where we can't paste/insert anything having to do with HTML into a
    nested template in Contribute CS4. If we select text from notepad
    and paste or "Paste Text Only" from Contribute, it works great! We
    did not have these issues in CS3.
    We would just roll back to CS3, but we upgraded to CS4
    because when editing a page in CS3 with a flash script, cs3 would
    mess up the script.

    Can you please let me know the exact scenario to reproduce
    Also please send me the nested template you used and the
    parent template of the nested template to [email protected]
    You information will be kept confidential.

  • Contribute CS4 - Can you schedule Publishing?

    Dear Community,
    Is it possible to schedule publishing on Contribute CS4? I'd like to apply some changes to my website and have Contribute CS4 publish them automatically at the end of the day, 5pm for example, rather than having to publish manually.
    Is this possible?
    Kind Regards.

         I do not think it is possible to schedule publishing of web pages, with Contribute as of now. But, you could send it as a Feature Request using the following link:

  • Contribute CS4 Start Page Problem

    Als Adresse im Browser erscheint folgender Link:
    file:///Macintosh HD/Users/karlklingler/Library/Application%20Support/Adobe/Contribute%20CS4/en_US/Configur ation/Content/CCWelcome/welcome.htm
    Der Folder CCWelcome liegt aber an einer anderen Stelle.
    Meine Frage: Wie kann ich den Path zu meinem CCWelcome folder bleibend verändern? Wo ist der Path eingetragen?
    Besten Dank! Karl

    Hello Uwe
    Check the value of the Exchange Profile parameter:
    If necessary, change this to the required URL rep/start/index.jsp.

  • Contribute CS4

    Can you use Contribute CS4 behind a ISA Proxy?

    No. I know it's stupid. There are three outgoing requests
    from Contribute.
    1) FTP -> this has a proxy setting
    2) http / https (in web browser only) --> this can be set
    in control panel.
    3) https: soap object that goes to CPS -->>>> NO
    PROXY setting.
    I've asked the same question before, don't except them to
    answer it. They seem to just ignore this huge flaw in their
    -- to be more clear you can use CPS -- as long as your inside
    the proxy but once you are outside the proxy there is no way for
    the SOAP object (that contains all the CPS info) to get

  • Contribute CS4 error "No Document Types.  The application will exit now."

    Contribute was working fine, until my husband updated my iMac to Mountain Lion.  Now I can't even get the product to launch. I uninstalled Contribute CS4 and re-installed it with no change in the issue.  HELP!

    Mountain LION is not a supported platform for Adobe Contribute CS4. The supported versions are Latest Adobe Contribute 6.5 and Adobe Contribute CS5.X.

  • Flash CS4 Quiz Template: Help Needed

    My organization uses the Flash CS4 quiz template that is included within the eLearning suite.  Everything works great.  The quiz loads on the LMS, it gives learners' their scores, etc.  The issue we're having is after the score is recorded within the LMS.
    If a user fails the quiz, the LMS marks the quiz as 'Completed/Failed'.  The LMS (Inquisic EX), then, moves the failed quiz into the 'Completed Courses' tab.  I understand why it does this because the 'Completed' mark given refers to the learner having gone through all of the pages within the quiz; however, the learner failed the quiz.  If the learner goes back into the quiz and passes it the second time around, the LMS continues to state 'Completed/Failed'.
    Does anyone know why this would happen?  Are there SCORM settings we ought to change within the source code provided by Adobe?
    I really appreciate your help!!

    I think this is what I'm having trouble with, did you figure
    it out? I need help making checkbox text have multiple

  • Contribute CS4 with Dreamweaver CS3

    I have a number of sites created with Dreamweaver CS3, and
    intend to provide update access with Contribute - but Contribute
    CS3 is now hard to get hold of. Will these sites work with
    Contribute CS4 if developed with DW CS3: general functions such as
    editable sections, checkin/checkout. I don't want to upgrade my
    systems yet to CS4.
    CS4 suite has much higher system requirement than CS3 - which
    probably means a hardware upgrade first - so want to avoid this.
    Can't find any info on this anywhere.

    I just read on the adobe website that:
    "Contribute CS4 works with Adobe Dreamweaver® CS4
    Does that mean it wont work with Dreamweaver CS3 templates?

  • Sending Publisher Connection Key gives Admin Rights in Contribute CS4

    I manage numerous remote sites around the country remotely using Contribute CS4. Each site uses a common template with different header images and left navigation.
    All of these sites function beautifully except one. On this particular site, sending a publisher connection key allows the user to connect to and edit pages on the site. However, the connection shows my (admin) email address, gives the user admin rights, and then puts a lock (.lck) file on almost all of the files, including the .CSS file. It also gives odd messages about workflow errors.
    From my end on the Contribute Administer Websites panel, the user shows up as publisher, but on their end, they have admin rights and my email address displays on their connection
    I tried deleting all of the files in the _mm and _notes folders and starting over, but this did not fix the problems.
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

         Did you try re-creating Publisher keys for them, and sending it to your client? Also, with the existing key which your client has, what is the Role information for that connection key? This can be checked in the My Connections dialog.
    Where is your e-mail address being shown? If it is in the My Connections dialog along with the connection name, then that is because the administrator's e-mail address is shown there.
    Hope this helps.

  • Contribute cs4 and dreaweaver cs3

    i use dreamweaver cs3.
    my client want to change his website with contribute cs4. Is this possible??

    Information available from Adobe gives instructions on setting Compatibility to Transition Mode. However, we encountered numerous problems. Adobe is now using "Work Flows" which cause heartburn to CS3 users. In addition, the send for review process has changed drastically, because of these Work Flows. Why this was done is mind boggling. It appears that whoever built CS4 has never used Contribute. There is very little information available on the Adobe Web site and even less customer support.
    We have opted not to support it at this time and have asked users to download CS3.

  • Contribute CS4 and CS3 user compatibility

    I recently had my school purchase 30 copies of CS3 witch I
    manage their connections. I have no plans to upgrade to CS4 yet but
    if one of my teachers purchases a copy they may only have the
    option to buy Contribute CS4. Will this be a problem as far as my
    ability to administer their connection and will this be a problem
    for other CS3 users if I decide to upgrade. Will I need to go out
    and purchase 30 more upgrades? I can't seem to find anything in the
    tech docs yet and I am trying to be prepared for the

    > one with CS4 and
    > the other with CS3, work on the same documents?
    Yes, for the most part. Some things have changed, for example
    the markup
    used when Flash is inserted, but as long as you aren't doing
    things like
    that, you will be quite safe.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "three_penguins" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:gdqdaj$hru$[email protected]..
    > Can two people working in different versions of
    Dreamweaver, one with CS4
    > and
    > the other with CS3, work on the same documents? With
    some Adobe products,
    > like
    > InDesign, I know this can be an issue, but am thinking
    that since DW saves
    > in
    > .HTML format it should not matter what version you have.
    Does anyone have
    > a
    > definitive answer.

  • Contribute CS4 suddenly won't connect, but it did before...

    I just re-designed and launched a website for my client, who used Contribute CS4 to edit the old site, and now for some reason when they open Contribute and click on "connect", they get this error:
    "This error (HTTP 404 Not Found) means that this program was able to connect to the website, but the page you wanted was not found. It's possible that the webpage is temporarily unavailable. Alternatively, the website might have changed or removed the webpage."
    For the life of me, I cannot figure out why they could connect to their server before, and not now.  When I try to make a connection to their website in Contribute CS5, I enter in the FTP info and I get the error:
    "Unknown host. Contribute can not find the server "" Please check your connection information or contact your administrator."
    I know there isn't anything wrong with the web pages themselves, because I'm able to use Contribute to edit them when they are on my server instead of the client's server.  Also, I have no trouble connecting to the client's server using FTP in Dreamweaver.
    Does anyone know why this is happening?  Help!

    Hi, we are currently experiencing this issue while maintaining a list of +75 connections in Contribute. We are using a CPS server to maintain user/connection information.
    Reinstalling is not really a good option since it takes about 3 hours before all the connections are back up.
    How can you explain that for on connection it's working fine, while for some others not, while using EXACTLY the same FTP information??
    See this piece of log from "cnetperformancelog": (i've starred out parts of the domain on purpose)
    820    27/04/2011 15:16:46    jobv    netio/FTP    OpenConnection    UNKNOWN_HOST    6    0    4.5012    ftp://be-***********-vil51/    /
    821    27/04/2011 15:16:51    jobv    action/end    get hub    0    0    0    5.5733*************.at/    -
    822    27/04/2011 15:17:06    jobv    action/start    sync site/LIVE-DK-GRADUATES    0    0    0    0.0000    http://www.elev-**************.dk/    -
    823    27/04/2011 15:17:06    jobv    netio/FTP    FileNameExists    0    0    0    0.4353    ftp://be-*********-vil51/    /_mm/ct3beta/messaging/users/Johan.Bove_at_********************

  • Dreamweaver CS3 will it work with Contribute CS4 Mac 2 PC

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