Converting files to PSE8.0

I've just installed PSE8 and converted catatologs. There are some files that didn't convert. I've the files on my c drive and backed up on CD when I backed up PSE 3.
How do I get the missing files into PSE 8?

There are two ways to restoring your files.  If you are missing some files (photos). Go to File ->Reconnect -> All Missing Files and direct it to where you have the missing files. Second if you want to restore a Catalog then go to File -> Restore From CD, HD and direct it to where you have the files.

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    Hi nan7080,
    You can find your converted files by logging in to your account at using your Adobe ID and password.
    Please let us know if you have additional questions.

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    Hi subscription question,
    I've checked your account; it looks like you tried to place two separate orders this morning, but it doesn't appear that either went through. However, it does sound as though you've been able to convert a file successfully. What happens when you log in to your account at Do you see your converted file there? All converted files are automatically stored in your online account, even when you convert from within Reader.

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    Adobe Reader plug-in and Acrobat plug-ins before version 10.1.3 are incompatible with the Safari 5.1 browser that shipped with Mac OS X 10.7 and for 10.6. The Adobe Reader and Acrobat stand-alone applications are unaffected and Safari 5.1 renders PDF documents natively. However, the Adobe Reader and Acrobat browser plug-ins before 10.1.3 don't function as expected in LiveCycle and Acrobat workflows that require either plug-in to render PDF documents in Safari 5.1.
    To the top
    Affected customers
    Any Adobe Reader, Acrobat, and LiveCycle customers who require the Adobe Reader or Acrobat plug-in to render PDF documents in a browser when only Safari 5.1 is present.
    To the top
    Options include the following:
    Continue to use Safari 5.0.x and Mac OS X 10.6.
    Upgrade to Adobe Reader or Acrobat version 10.1.3 or later.
    Save the PDF file from Safari to the computer, and then open it directly in Adobe Reader or Acrobat. 
    Use desktop virtualization technology such as Citrix to allow applications to run in a controlled environment where the Safari browser isn't upgraded to version 5.1.
    To the top
    Can customers use a different web browser like Chrome or Opera?
    Acrobat Reader plug-in and Acrobat plug-in are dependent on the WebKit WebPlugin API and capabilities that are unique to Safari. Other browsers like Chrome or Opera do not have the required functionality to run the plug-ins properly. As of the 10.1.3 release of Reader, Firefox running in 32-bit mode is now supported on Mac OS.
    What is the impact on LiveCycle Workspace?
    Since LiveCycle Workspace operates in the browser, PDF Forms in Workspace don't function in Safari 5.1 using Adobe Reader or Acrobat versions earlier than 10.1.3.
    What is the impact on Adobe Solutions Accelerators?
    Interactive Statements
    In the primary use case for Interactive Statements, PDFs are delivered via email and can be opened with the stand-alone Adobe Reader or Acrobat. The secondary use case, where the statement is generated and displayed on a website, requires Adobe Reader or Acrobat to operate in-browser and doesn't function using Adobe Reader or Acrobat versions before 10.1.3.
    Correspondence Management
    Internal employees (the Case worker/Claims adjustor and the business user personas) require Adobe Reader and Acrobat to function in-browser and don't function with Safari 5.1 using Adobe Reader or Acrobat versions before 10.1.3. External user use cases do not require that the Adobe Reader or Acrobat operate in-browser, so they aren't affected by the Safari 5.1 browser.
    Managed Review & Approval (MRA) and Integrated Content Review (ICR)
    Since the MRA and ICR solutions require Workspace, these customer use cases can't function in the Safari 5.1 browser using Adobe Reader or Acrobat versions before 10.1.3.

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    Convert and saw in the same location.
    Mark some/all of the originals for deletion.
    Click Done.
    Both the originals and the converted files are deleted. And contrary to the delete function mouse over description, they are not moved to the trash but deleted completely!
    This is not nice behavior.

    Hi Thomas,
    I just did an experiment. I copied some raw files to a new directory on an external hard drive.
    Opened them in ACR.
    Waited for the save queue to complete.
    Confirmed the jpgs were created in explorer.
    Marked the still selected RAW files for deletion.
    Clicked done.
    About half of the JPGs are deleted, this time to the recycle bin.
    I tried with different number of files, and couldn't determine the pattern of which were deleted.
    If after converting I exit ACR. Then reopen and select the RAWs for deletion, the JPGs are not touched.
    So, more data, but not much more sense. ACR is deleting just-converted JPG's, but not all of them, when it deletes the RAWs. If you work from a CF card, either ACR or XP is deleting not moving to the recycle bin.

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    Hi TheaCloneWindsong,
    Do you face this issue with any particular pdf file or any pdf you wish to convert via Export PDF?

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