Copying Folders Error 36

My iMac won't let me copy any folder to a FAT USB drive saying "files cannot be located error 36" however I can still copy the content of each folder to the drive fine. This is making a simple 3GB copy of my work take ages as I need to copy the content of each folder by hand. Whats wrong with it?

I was able to restore some of my files by compressing them and SOMETIMES the compressed files could be copied to another drive and decompressed. However:
I SOLVED the problem by doing a number of simple tests on the cables in question, all ports on the Mac and the hard drive as well as testing it on another mac.
Doing this turned out that a third part firewire card had gone south. I called OWC and Sonnet, because the card was out of warranty. Sonnet offered to fix the card for free if it was a solder problem. In the mean time I order a new card from OWC and all is now running smoothly.
ALL of my precious media is intact and can now be backed up. I am just glad that the card had not gone bad during the initial capture of my video and waited until after when I was backing up.
All is well that ends well.
Thank you,
Lydia Robertson

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    Look at this thread for discussion of this issue.
    Search is your friend.

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    var replace = Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting;
    //console.log("create folder: " +;
    return destFolder.createFolderAsync(, replace).then(function (newdest) {
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    console.log('copyFiles Start...');
    var promises = [];
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    var collideOpt = Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting;
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    var fileCopied = 0;
    var path = destFolder.path + "\\" + fileObject.folderName;
    var collideOpt = Windows.Storage.CreationCollisionOption.replaceExisting;
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    return fileObject.fileObject.copyAsync(folderObjectOfLocalFolder, fileObject.fileName, collideOpt).then(function (fileObject) {
    console.log("copied single file:" +;
    The problem is when i run the folder copy code and apply breakpoint for the success call back of 
    CopySubFolders(source,destination).done(/*my breakpoint*/)
    The folders are created.
    But when I try to breakpoint for my copyAllFiles,the files are created only when i pass the success call back.
    Can anyone tell me what am i doing wrong? How can I proceed ahead only when all the files are written successfully.

    I tried the above solution but what i want is that the action of copying folders and subfolders along with the files should be done with promises and that promise should return only when all folders,sunfolders and their files have been copied. I want to
    do it in this way because I want to perform certain second action only when all things are copied.
    If I do it the as per the link the function runs in the background and my second action proceed aheads and may cause error if it finds some folder or file missing.
    So I came up with following above code,first copy folders then copy. The copy folder works as expected but the files are getting copied only when the file copying code enters the success call back.
    Can you please shed light on my code where I am going wrong.
    Or is it ok to proceed ahead with the solution you mentioned at the link cause I dont want any runtime crashes.

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    Please first check if you can reproduce this issue from OWA. If it works correctly in OWA, it means the issue is with Outlook side. We can try to create a new mail profile in Control Panel and then reconfigure the account in the new mail profile to see the
    If this issue continues in OWA, it could be caused by a permission synchronization problem. I'd recommend you post a new question in the Exchange forum to get further assistance:
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

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    I was trying to upload from my iPad to my pc.
    That was hard for us to guess, from your post It might have helped to mention the iPad.
    How are you trying to save the song to your PC? Are you sending the song to iTunes? If yes, as a project or as an audio file? Make sure, you select "AAC" and not "GarageBand", when you share the song from your iPad.
    If the clip is not too large, you might alternately try to share it by mail, see:
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    Hang on a moment here... I am sure we deleted your user ID a few months ago for ponits gaming!
    Did it "pay off" somehow and now you have a "real job" but don't have a clue what you are doing?
    Doesn't that make you feel just a little bit unconfident about life, the universe and ABAP?

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    Orange County District Attorney

    We cannot use robocopy to folders newer than a certain date, the /MAXAGE option is only used to copy files. We could use PowerShell command to copy folders newer than X days.
    Get-ChildItem <source folder> -Recurse | where {$_.PSIsContainer -eq "ture" -and $_.LastWriteTime -gt ($(Get-Date).Adddays(-X))} | foreach {copy $_.FullName <detination folder> }
    Best Regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected]

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    Apple never bopthered to explain that this would happen
    Your iDisk is still accessible after moving to iCloud in exactly the same way as before. Nothing is deleted until June 30th 2012.
    , so I could easily have lost ALL of the files I kept on iDisk.
    No, you couldn't. Firstly, nothing was deleted from your iDisk. Secondly, any files stored on your iDisk should never be your only copy. Even if your iDisk spontaneously combusted, you should keep local backups elsewhere.
    Does Apple WANT people to move their storage elsewhere and stop paying Apple for it?
    Yes. Apple doesn't provide such a service anymore, nor are you paying them for it.
    Apple has made no effort to suggest remedies for the problem it has given iDisk users
    They've provided instructions on how to download your files from your iDisk. What you do with them after that is your choice.

  • Backup Fail with Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error calling a routine on the Shadow Copy Provider, Event ID 12293, error returned while creating the volume shadow copy 0x8004230f,

    We are using TINA backup solution and windows 2003 backup is failling with VSS error.
    For testing purpose we initiate a system state backup (or any file backup) with the help of windows 2003 ntbackup.exe and found it is failing with below error.
    Backup error report.
    Backup Status
    Operation: Backup
    Active backup destination: File
    Media name: "Backup.bkf created 28/05/2014 at 06:34"
    Volume shadow copy creation: Attempt 1.
    Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:0x8004230f.
    Error returned while creating the volume shadow copy:8004230f
    Aborting Backup.
    The operation did not successfully complete.
    We check event viewer and found below error event.
    Event Type:       
    Event Source:   
    Event Category:               
    Event ID:             
    Volume Shadow Copy Service error: Error calling a routine on the Shadow Copy Provider {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}. Routine details Cannot ask provider {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5} if
    volume is supported. [0x8000ffff] [hr = 0x8000ffff].

    After getting this error we check Shadow Copy provider and writer health and fond it is fine.
    To get shadow copy providers details use below command.
    Command: vssadmin list providers
    Command output
    C:\>vssadmin list providers
    vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001 Microsoft Corp.
    Provider name: 'Microsoft Software Shadow Copy provider 1.0'
       Provider type: System
       Provider Id: {b5946137-7b9f-4925-af80-51abd60b20d5}
    To get shadow copy writers health
    Command: vssadmin list writers
    Command Output.
    C:\>vssadmin list writers
    vssadmin 1.1 - Volume Shadow Copy Service administrative command-line tool
    (C) Copyright 2001 Microsoft Corp.
    Writer name: 'System Writer'
       Writer Id: {e8132975-6f93-4464-a53e-1050253ae220}
       Writer Instance Id: {333e02cd-d9ec-43c8-9b45-39691ad1b351}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Registry Writer'
       Writer Id: {afbab4a2-367d-4d15-a586-71dbb18f8485}
       Writer Instance Id: {800877a5-e13d-47a3-8f99-ebd4d3b3fd12}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'MSDEWriter'
       Writer Id: {f8544ac1-0611-4fa5-b04b-f7ee00b03277}
       Writer Instance Id: {63400aa0-a17f-4121-9483-1cd226f03238}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'COM+ REGDB Writer'
       Writer Id: {542da469-d3e1-473c-9f4f-7847f01fc64f}
       Writer Instance Id: {e13cb72b-84fa-4c86-86d8-48f523aafc9a}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'Event Log Writer'
       Writer Id: {eee8c692-67ed-4250-8d86-390603070d00}
       Writer Instance Id: {ce63b3a0-e038-4e56-9d07-929f256639de}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'WMI Writer'
       Writer Id: {a6ad56c2-b509-4e6c-bb19-49d8f43532f0}
       Writer Instance Id: {008e8714-ed6d-4288-81ce-4b0b1ec41294}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Writer name: 'BITS Writer'
       Writer Id: {4969d978-be47-48b0-b100-f328f07ac1e0}
       Writer Instance Id: {e22a8953-a52c-4a76-bec0-8773122cbff8}
       State: [1] Stable
       Last error: No error
    Next I check Shadow Copies details from volume properties (right click on C or other drive then select properties then click on Shadow Copies Tab) and found it is showing the same error code..
    From this error it is clear that the issue is inside the registry hive and due to junk hive shadow copies services not able to working properly.
    For me the server have two disk we check disk signature at MBR and found the disk signature was.
    Signature disk 0 : 9351912b
    Signature disk 0 : FDFBE035
    But at registry we found lot of nonexistance signature. Which indicate lot of junk valu inside registry.
    Now how can we resolve this issue?
    It is very simple just delete the registry key “volume” (registry key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\STORAGE\Volume”) and reboot the server it will “Volume” registry hive automatically.
     When you remove registry key it is showing error unable to delete, then please right click on it select permission then take ownership and assign full permission to your login account.
    Please be careful when you delete registry key because system can fully crashed if you delete or modify wrong registry key.
    Your can take a backup of the registry key by exporting.

  • 'Info' file count varies between original and copied folders

    Unlike Snow Leopard, Lion and Mountain Lion 'Info' counts hidden files in folders (usually .DS files).  However copied folders, often to different locations, computers, etc, do not count to the same total as the original folder.  How can I stop 'Info' counting hidden files in a folder, so that I can check acturately folder contents between original and copied folders.  I do not want to have to open each folder and check the count at the bottom of the window, this is very time consuming when dealing with many folders
    I hope there is an easy answer ??

    You can do this simply in Terminal with the command
    ls [directory] wc -l
    This will only count the files and folders at the top level (i.e., not the contents of folders within it) and it won't count hidden files.
    if you want to count how many files are in your home user folder
    ls -1 ~/ | wc -l
    If you want to count how many files are in your desktop folder
    ls -1 ~/Desktop | wc -l
    If you want to count how many files are in a folder called 'Temp' on your Desktop:
    ls -1 ~/Desktop/Temp | wc -l
    If you want to count how many files are in your Trash:
    ls -1 ~/.Trash | wc -l
    If you want more sophisticated counts, such as subdirectories, type
    man ls
    into Terminal to read the manual on the various options you can use with the 'ls' command.

  • Copy Protection Error when doing a system recover - Satellite C655

    I have a satellite c655 S5206.  The computer seemed to have a virus as it would lock on windows and eventually wouldn't boot.  I tried using the system recover option built in but it didn't work so I ordered the disk from Toshiba.  When I tried to use them I got an Error 0x80030309 copy protection error.  I though it was a corrupted or bad hard drive so I ordered a new one but I still get the same error when trying to install disk 1 of the system recovery process.  Any help or explanation would be helpful.  Thanks

    Hi Models may differ in the way you use your recovery discs. You should read your user manuel to find out how to use these discs. Here's the basic way.
    Using Recovery CDs / DVDs / Media
    If you have created recovery DVDs/media for your system, you can restore your system from such media, if necessary. For example, if your original internal storage drive fails, you can restore your system to a new internal storage drive from your recovery DVDs/media. For instructions on creating recovery DVDs/media, see the How To: Understanding System Recovery Options + Creating / Purchasing Recovery Media article.
    IMPORTANT: The recovery process deletes information stored on the internal storage drive. Be sure to save your work to external media before executing the recovery.
    To recover your internal storage drive from recovery DVDs/media:
    Make sure your computer is turned off.
    Do one of the following: If your recovery files are on DVDs, insert the first recovery DVD into your optical disc drive. If your recovery files are on a USB flash drive, connect the USB flash drive to your computer.
    Turn on your computer. When the initial TOSHIBA screen displays, press the F12 key on your keyboard. The boot menu displays.
    Using the arrow keys, select the DVD option or the USB Flash option, depending on which type of media you are using, and then press the Enter key.
    A warning screen appears, stating that when the recovery is executed all data on your internal storage drive will be deleted and rewritten unless the “Recovery of Factory Default Software with user’s data” option is selected. Click Yes to continue.
    When the Toshiba Recovery Wizard opens and the “Selecting a process” screen displays, select Recovery of Factory Default Software, and then click Next.
    On the next screen you may have recovery method options. The default and recommended method is to Recover to Out of Box state.
    Follow the on screen instructions as you navigate through the system recovery steps.
    The laptop will restart multiple times and install the needed components.
    I Love my Satellite L775D-S7222 Laptop. Some days you're the windshield, Some days you're the bug. The Computer world is crazy. If you have answers to computer problems, pass them forward.

  • Can I copy folders or nested folders from a PC to a Mac?

    can I copy folders or nested folders from a PC to a Mac?

    Sure you can. I have folders on my Mac from my PCs and folder from my Mac backed up on my PCs. In fact I have the complete drive from my Mac, including every file and folder (even the OS files and folders) stored on a couple of my PCs and external drives.
    It is called Networking.

  • Copy folders with the same name deletes contents of original folder

    When backing up some iTunes songs manually I selected the folders I wanted to copy and copied them, then I pasted them into my backup folder.
    I got the warning windows about folders having the same name, I could only cancel or replace. So I clicked replace. Then when I checked inside one of the destination folders the original contents of the folder has been erased and only the new files are left.
    Has the way Snow Leopard deals with copying folders changed? As I am sure this did not happen before I upgraded.
    I tried it on the command line with 'cp -aR' and everything worked as expected, but it does not warn that the folder already exists.
    How do I get 'cp -aR' functionality out of finder?

    After alot more searching it seems mac OS X has always done this, but I never noticed it before.
    I can copy my backups over the network with:
    cp -aR Music/source_folder /Volumes/server_name/Music/
    ditto can be used as well.

  • HT201301 How do I copy FOLDERS to or from my iPad/iPhone/iPod touch using iTunes File Sharing?

    How do I copy FOLDERS to or from my iPad/iPhone/iPod touch using iTunes File Sharing?
    I know how to copy files to or from using iTunes file sharing but it doesnt seem to allow copying of folders

    From your PC or Mac, you can copy a folder (and it's contents) into the DropBox folder. It will then sync ans will be available in your DropBox app on the iPad.
    GoodReader includes built in connectivity to DropBox, will pick up the contents and then allow you to easily copy files to other folders within it, as well as open files in other apps on your iPad.

Maybe you are looking for