'Count all rows' in Disco Plus?

Hi all - I can't find an option to Count All Rows in disco plus. This is something my users use all the time in Desktop - is it included in Plus?
In Desktop, it is under menu item 'Sheet'

Hi Scott
Sorry that was removed from Discoverer Plus so you won't find a button for it. Having that there would force Discoverer to have to run the entire query just to give you the total count. Oracle considered this a waste of resource and query effort, which I sort of agree with because I can see what they are getting at, and so removed it.
Best wishes

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    Thanks Marcus,
    i know, but it is a very slow way if you are selecting 10000 records. I don't understand why Oracle is not be able do add this feature like in the Desktop to Plus.

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    I have a sql script which I call numrows that will dynamically create select count(*) statements from the dba_tables dictionary view... It does not display all of the tables in the entire database, but instead prompts you for a particular schema. Maybe you can adjust to do what you want it to..
    +++beginning of script
    -- Script to count the number of rows in tables
    set serveroutput on
    numrows integer;
    cursor c1 is select table_name from user_tables order by table_name;
    function rowcount(tablename in user_tables.table_name%type)
    return integer is
    cursornum integer;
    numrows integer;
    ignore integer;
    cursornum := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    'select count(*) from ' | | tablename,
    dbms_sql.define_column(cursornum, 1, numrows);
    ignore := dbms_sql.execute(cursornum);
    ignore := dbms_sql.fetch_rows(cursornum);
    dbms_sql.column_value(cursornum, 1, numrows);
    return numrows;
    dbms_output.put_line('Table Rows ');
    dbms_output.put_line('------------------------------ ----------');
    for c1rec in c1 loop
    numrows := rowcount(c1rec.table_name);
    dbms_output.put_line(rpad(c1rec.table_name, 32) | | numrows);
    end loop;

  • Count ALL rows in databases

    Hi experts!
    I need the total number of ROWS in EACH database i have (All schema)
    I've tried this for each DB
    select sum(num_rows)
    from sys.dba_tables
    where owner like '%%'
    i obtain the number of all rows for all schema in database.
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    've seen that in Enterprise Manager, when you select a Database Istance, then go on "administration" tab, and u click on TABLES link, you can see number of rows and last time the table was analyzed. How are they have been calculated? With table dba_tables? How can i query to obtain these values?
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    > I know it's a stupid task but my boss wants this info :(
    Tell him two gazillion. Also tell him that the gazillion scale has been specifically created for managers like him with heads firmly stuck up the back side.
    Anyway, here's some sample code. Note that you cannot use DBA_TABLES view. Object tables are not listed in there and they can contain rows (obviously). There is also the case of dealing with case and "weirdly" names tables - thus double quotes are needed.
    I only did the first 10 tables.. It is stupid to just one, never mind all of them in database...
    SQL> declare
    2 type TStrings is table of varchar2(1000);
    4 cursor c is
    5 select '"'||owner||'"."'||object_name||'"' as TAB_NAME from dba_objects where object_type='TABLE' and rownum < 11 order by 1;
    7 tabList TStrings;
    8 sqlSelect varchar2(1000);
    9 cnt integer;
    10 total integer;
    12 procedure W( line varchar2 ) is
    13 begin
    14 DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( line );
    15 end;
    16 begin
    17 total := 0;
    18 open c;
    19 loop
    20 fetch c bulk collect into tabList limit 100;
    21 for i in 1..tabList.Count
    22 loop
    23 sqlSelect := 'select count(*) from '||tabList(i);
    24 begin
    25 execute immediate sqlSelect into cnt;
    26 total := total + cnt;
    27 W( sqlSelect || ' ' || cnt || ' rows(s)' );
    28 exception when OTHERS then
    29 W( sqlSelect || ' ' || sqlerrm(sqlcode) );
    30 end;
    31 end loop;
    32 exit when c%NOTFOUND;
    33 end loop;
    34 close c;
    35 W( total|| ' gazillion rows in the database' );
    36 end;
    37 /
    select count(*) from "SYS"."CLU$" 10 rows(s)
    select count(*) from "SYS"."COL$" 43696 rows(s)
    select count(*) from "SYS"."CON$" 2898 rows(s)
    select count(*) from "SYS"."FILE$" 5 rows(s)
    select count(*) from "SYS"."ICOL$" 2184 rows(s)
    select count(*) from "SYS"."IND$" 1434 rows(s)
    select count(*) from "SYS"."PROXY_ROLE_DATA$" 0 rows(s)
    select count(*) from "SYS"."SEG$" 3032 rows(s)
    select count(*) from "SYS"."UET$" 0 rows(s)
    select count(*) from "SYS"."UNDO$" 11 rows(s)
    53270 gazillion rows in the database
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> PS. Cursor needs fine tuning as certain table objects cannot be directly accessed via a SELECT statement (e.g. nested tables, overflow IOT tables, etc).

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    Here is the code I use:
    int count=0;
    String temp=null;
    String query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM customers";//customers is my Database Table
    try {
    rs = stmt.executeQuery(query);
    }//end try
    catch(Exception exc) {
    }//end catch
    try {
    while(rs.next()) {
    count++; //I use this variable in order to count the rows because the resultSet doesn't tell me the answer
    }//end while
    }//end try
    catch(Exception exc) {
    }//end catch
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    Any help is appreciated!!!!!

    This program will work just fine against mysql:
    mport java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    public class Test {
    public static void main(String []args) {
    String url= "jdbc:mysql://localhost/adatabase";
    String query = "select count(*) from foo2";
    String createQuery="create table foo2(f1 int)";
    String dropQuery="drop table foo2";
    String insertQuery="insert into foo2 values(1)";
    Properties props = new Properties();
    props.put("user", "auser");
    props.put("password", "xxxxx");
    try {
    System.out.println("Connecting to the msql server");
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(url, props);
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    try {
    } catch(SQLException e) {}
    PreparedStatement pstmt = con.prepareStatement(query);
    System.out.println("***Executing a select");
    ResultSet rs = pstmt.executeQuery();
    while (rs.next()) {
    System.out.println("RowCount="+ rs.getString(1));
    } catch(Exception e) {

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    Have a look at the following thread:
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    count rows of all rows of all tables urgent

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    Where the results are as in the table below:
    Col1, Col2
    A, 2
    A, 2
    B, 1
    Martin Laukkanen
    Nearbaseline blog - nearbaseline.com/blog
    Bulk Edit and other Apps - nearbaseline.com/apps

    Thanks, that's perfect! 
    I knew it had to be something so simple, but after spending over an hour banging my head against those exact functions I couldn't get anything working!
    Martin Laukkanen
    Nearbaseline blog - nearbaseline.com/blog
    Bulk Edit and other Apps - nearbaseline.com/apps

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    how would you recommand me to do it???
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  • View all rows

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    Hi there,
    Look at Tools-->Options-->Query Governor. The "Limit retrieved date to" is set to 10,000. Change as required or de-select the option.

  • Procudure to count all the rows in a all tables in the schema

    When I run the following store procedure to count all the rows in all the tables I crash my sql Plus editor:
    row_count number;
    cursor get_tab is
    select table_name, num_rows
    from all_tables
    where owner='MAXDEV';
    dbms_output.put_line('Checking Record Counts for schema maxdev ');
    FOR get_tab_rec IN get_tab LOOP
              EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select count(*) from '||get_tab_rec.table_name
              INTO row_count;
                        dbms_output.put_line('Error counting rows for table '
    What am I doing wrong.
    Thanks for any help Tony

    The boss gave me 5 pages of tables and wants to know how many row there are in each table. There is a problem of one DB being out of sync with another.
    But I have managed to work the problem though.
    here is the working code:
    TableOwner IN varchar2)
    row_count number;
    vTable varchar2(30);
    v_sqlstmt varchar2(100);
    cursor get_tab is
    select table_name, num_rows
    from all_tables
    where owner = TableOwner;
    dbms_output.put_line('Checking Record Counts for schema maxdev ');
    FOR get_tab_rec IN get_tab LOOP
    vTable := get_tab_rec.table_name;
    v_sqlstmt := 'SELECT count(*) from '||vTable;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_sqlstmt into row_count;
    dbms_output.put_line('Table '|| get_tab_rec.table_name || ' Row ' || row_count);

  • Query to return ALL rows even those with zero counts

    The following query will return only those rows that have a non zero count value:
    select c.id, a.name, count(*) as XYZ from CON c, CUST a
    where c.help !='1' and (c.id = a.id) group by c.id, a.name order by c.id;
    The results are:
    1 ME 3
    3 YOU 4
    What i want is to return all rows in CUST and the count, XYZ, that correspond to each row in CUST that matches the whare condition above, even if the count is zero.
    1 ME 3
    2 WE 0
    3 YOU 4
    Can this be done?

    You may want to get the counts then do the outer join. If you simply count with an outer join you will get 1 for 'WE' because there is a row in the cust table with 'WE'. This may work for you;
      cust as (
       select 1 id, 'ME' name from dual union all
       select 2 id, 'YOU' name from dual union all
       select 3 id, 'WE' name from dual),
      con as (
       select 1 id, '2' help from dual union all
       select 1 id, '2' help from dual union all
       select 1 id, '2' help from dual union all
       select 2 id, '2' help from dual union all
       select 2 id, '2' help from dual union all
       select 2 id, '2' help from dual union all
       select 2 id, '2' help from dual)
    -- end of test data 
    select a.id, a.name, nvl(c.cnt,0) xyz
    from cust a, 
       (select id, help, count(*) cnt
       from con
       where help !='1'
       group by id, help) c
    where a.id = c.id(+)

  • Need Query to that generate count of rows of all tables

    i need a query which gives the result of no.of rows in talbe and coresponding table name.
    And then i need to compare the same with other DB schema
    Thanks in advance

    Hi User,
    We can also get the count of rows for all the tables associated with a User, we can create a custom function which
    uses the table name to return results.
       TAB_CNT   NUMBER :=0;
       EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'select count(*) from ' || TAB_NAME
          INTO TAB_CNT;
    END;And query,
      FROM USER_TABLES;Which gets us the count of Individual Tables for a user.
    This is an just that we can do in this way also. But, use which is optimal.

  • Query Results: Retrieve All Rows?

    I was looking for a feature that will allow me to choose to return "all records" to the Query Results window. The current behavior is to fetch 50 records at a time (e.g. fetch 50 records as you scroll through the results = s-l-o-w). What I'd like to do is "Retrieve All Rows" then use to the scroll bar to "smoothly" scroll to the last record. For example, the 8.0.6 version of Query Builder had this functionality and in SQL Developer 3.0, if I right-click on the results. I can choose to "Count Rows...", seems like this would be a perfect place to put a "Retrieve All Rows" option.

    My advice: do something only if there is a business case for it; satisfying your curiosity can get surprisingly expensive.
    You have already read about using Run Statement to execute a SQL statement, then Ctrl-End to auto-scroll to the end. You can try the same for Run Script, but first you will probably need to increase the value of Tools|Preferences|Database|Worksheet|Max rows to print in a script. Of course, taking either of these approaches slows things down due to displaying output and scrolling. Same with SQL*Plus. And, as mentioned previously, Java memory management in SQL Developer can cause slow downs and hangs if the result set is large enough.
    Here is a way to minimize that delay, avoid hangs, and get a more repeatable result:
    1) Save some query to, say, C:\Temp\AllCustomers.sql. For example, "select * from customers;" or "select id from customers;".
    2) Run it from a SQL Developer worksheet using Run Script (F5), or from the SQL*Plus command line, with a script like this:
    set timing on
    set termout off
    spool C:\Temp\AllCustomers.lst
    spool offEven then you will see that the timing results will vary. Maybe "select *" runs much slower than "select id" because the logical output lines are long and get wrapped into multiple physical output lines in the file. Minimize that by setting linesize to a longer value (but only in SQL*Plus -- it isn't supported in SQL Developer) and repeat the test to see. Maybe SQL*Plus runs it much faster than SQL Developer because one is a command line environment and the other a GUI tool with more overhead. Or maybe the SQL Developer JVM is near its size limit and lots of Java garbage collection is slowing it down. Simple question, complicated answer.
    SQL Developer Team
    P.S.: And if by chance you are using a version of SQL Developer so old it does not include the output time in the query result tab's toolbar, using Run Script with set timing on is your only recourse.
    Edited by: gggraham on Oct 27, 2011 4:54 PM

  • How to get  all rows of an attribute data from a table?

    Hello.. I´m using Jdev
    I have a table with 5 columns and N rows.
    I need to create a backing bean method to count the value of all rows of a specifc column.
    I use
    JUCtrlValueBindingRef selectedRowData= (JUCtrlValueBindingRef)myTable().getSelectedRowData();
    to get an attribute from a selected row. but How can get from all rows?
    Thank you

    Hi Vandré
    I think this example of Steve Muench will help you.
    "Recalc Sum of Salary at the View Object Level
    This example illustrates a technique where a transient attribute of a view object is updated to reflect the total sum of some attribute of all the rows in the view object's default row set. The code to recalculate the sum of the salary is in the getSumOfSal() method in the EmpViewImpl.java class. The custom EmpViewRowImpl.java class for the view row implements the getter method for the SumOfSal attribute by delegating to this view object method. The EmpViewImpl class extends a base DeclarativeRecalculatingViewObjectImpl class that contains some generic code to enable declaratively indicating that one attribute's change should recalculate one or more other attributes. The EmpView defines the "Recalc_Sal" property to leverage this mechanism to recalculate the "SumOfSal" attribute. If you restrict the VO's results using the BC Tester tool, you'll see the sum of the salaries reflects the subset. If you add a new row or delete an existing row, the sum of sal is updated, too."
    Good Luck

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