Crashes Opening Project

The latest update of Premiere is giving me fits. Just updated Premiere CC last week on my Mac Pro (3.5 Ghz 6-Core Intel Xeon E5).  I am trying to open a project a created yesterday and it keeps getting hung up. I have tried opening open saved versions of the project. No luck. I have a lot time into this and don't want to start over. Ideas?

Please report the exact version of Premiere Pro as shown in the About box. The "latest update of Premiere" could refer to CC7.2.2 or CC2014.1.
Do you get any error message, or does the process just hang?
Have you tried clearing your preferences?
Are you using any third-party effects, and are they up-to-date?
If you can create a new project, please check whether GPU Acceleration is enabled [File>Project Settings>General]. If so, switch Renderer to Software-Only and then try importing the sequences of the problematic project through Media Browser.

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  • Why premiere CS% crashes opening project and in encore

    I have 12gb ram- CPU-I-7, NVIDIA 5000 plus graphics card, asus 58P motherboard.
    I have a 2 hour project on my time line. When I open the project, the system crashes and about 5 minutes later works fine. I now want to export the timeline to Encore to make a dvd menu. Encore imports(dynamic Link) the sequence and at the 50% mark, crashes.but does not want to open. I have no idea why systems are crashing. I have not rendered the sequence in premiere pro as I don't know if I need to when going to encore. Comments would be appreciated.

    The symptoms you decribe, white screen, the beachball, the not-responding message and the media pending message all are indicative of a Windows problem. Probably you will encounter the same problem when for instance you have 5 large (2+ MB) .HTML files open in Dreamweaver and those files have been modified enternally and need to be reloaded, especially in split mode.
    It boils down to the fact that when opening your project, PR needs to get all those files from disk, or at least the indexed and conformed files into memory, as well as the .PEK files and while it is waiting for that to happen, it shows the media pending message. Windows itself is usually in a hurry to show the not-responding message, while it is waiting to finish a requested task, even when it is responding, albeit slowly.
    My guess is that you haven't tuned your system yet, see Adobe Forums: Guide for installing and tuning a Vista... which also applies to Win7 and your disk setup may be lacking the necessary speed. After following the tuning steps, you can try to delete the media cache and then reopen your project. It will index and conform your clips again, so be a little bit patient for that process to finish.
    Also have a look here: Adobe Forums: Generic Guideline for Disk Setup

  • Premiere Pro CC crash on launch, crash opening project, update issues

    iMac 2011 quad i7 3.4 GHz, 20GB RAM, MacOS 10.9.2 and 10.7.5, Premiere CC 7.0.0 & 7.2.1
    I've been having a crazy time with Premiere CC. I started an Africa documentary 2 weeks ago, which forced me to upgrade to CC (on MacOS 10.9.2). Other than some issues with the Creative Cloud installer app (which seems like a great idea but never seems to work as it should, especially with updates), I was happily working away for about 10 days.
    During that time I had to install Premiere CS6 again to open another project -- and continued happily working.
    Then I needed to export some markers... and discovered that the Creative Cloud app wasn't reporting any updates beyond 7.0.0, and I needed 7.2.1 to export markers. That's when my problems started.
    I tried to update to 7.2.1 with the Creative Cloud app -- it wouldn't see the update.
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    Finally I used the Adobe Cleaner tool to uninstall and clean all Adobe apps off my system. Then I was able to use the CC app to download 7.0.0, and my patches to update to 7.2.1.
    I tried to open my project... Premiere crashed as it opened the project (as it was loading the clips).
    I uninstalled all 3rd party effects, checking to ensure nothing was in the MediaCore folder. I deleted all caches and previews. I checked the permissions of the Adobe preferences folder, and trashed the Premiere preferences. I rebuilt permissions.
    Now, not only could I not open the project, but Premiere itself would not launch -- it would freeze to the point of forcing a reboot.
    Cleaned Adobe apps again, went online with Adobe tech support for a full hour. The main thing they did was remove a CUDA extension, but after reinstalling, the problem persisted... at first it crashed while loading the project, and then crashed in the launch itself.
    Luckily, I had a backup of MacOS 10.7.5, which I had been using before starting this documentary project. I went back to that backup, installed Premiere 7.2.1... and now Premiere launches properly but still crashes about halfway through loading my project.
    I can load the project if the clips are offline (temporarily renaming the footage folder), so it seems that somewhere along this zany process, one or more clips got corrupted.
    With 15,000 clips of different formats in this project, finding which clip(s) is corrupted is like finding a needle in a haystack. For now, I am importing my sequences into a new project, and just importing the clips I need to finish my edit at hand. Then I will likely have to build a new project from scratch -- a long process, since Premiere can't import nests of subfolders like After Effects and Final Cut Pro can, and that's how the footage from this project has been organized.
    Arg! At this point I have a workaround (at least in MacOS 10.7.5), so I'm not really asking anything, but if anyone has light to shed I'm all ears.
    P.S. I think when I installed CS6 after installing CC, it confused the CC app. I don't think that caused my Premiere issues, but I think it may have contributed to the issues installing updates, and the CC app getting confused.

    Hello GrayJones,
    This does seem like some pretty unusual behaviour! And I can only imagine the frustration it must be causing (believe me, I've been there!)
    I've seen a lot of crash issues that are related to computer's graphic cards. You may want to try updating your graphics card's driver before proceeding forward. Also, there are a very small number of graphics cards that just don't work well with Premiere. You can also check the settings of your Mercury Playback Engine GPU. This can impact the performance of your software, especially depending on your graphics card. I may have missed it above, but didn't see anything related to Graphics cards in what you tried.
    If you update your graphics card's drivers, and then update your version of Premiere Pro, it may solve the crashing on launch issue that you were having. Moving forward with fully updated PP software would be my first course of action, if it's possible.
    Although I see that you have tried it alreay, you might want to reset your preferences (hold Cmd and Shift on the Mac while opening the program until you hit the splash screen) and resetting your PP cache (Premiere Pro - Preferences - Media - Click on "Clean Media Cache Database"
    Without seeing the errors that caused your updates to not install originally I can't really offer suggestions regarding that. It could be a system conflict somewhere on your computer, but there are dozens of possibilities of what could be causing, especially if you have other plugins, older versions of Adobe or other video softwares, that kind of thing...
    Moving forward from there:
    How are you working? Are your images stored on an external hard drive or locally? How are you connecting the hard drive to your machine? Are you tossing all of the clips with different time code into one sequence and working from there, or editing on separate sequences?
    As for your project: Do you have the ability to test it on a different machine? You can try doing a project manager (File-Project Manager) and putting your entire managed project onto a different machine to see the behaviour, that way you can figure out if the issues are related to the project itself, or to your install of Premiere Pro on your machine. IF the project works fine on another system, then clearly the issue is related to your software/hardware configuration, if you have the same issues with the project on every machine, then it might be something different. Can you test other projects on your current set-up? Is this the only project that is affected?
    If you have one or several corrupted files I know it can be painstaking to try to locate where the damage is at, generally it's a process of elimination, make a sequence with files from one camera and see what happens, if it glitches, try another camera until you can see if it's a general issue to all of your cameras or specific to some. Narrow it down from there, if it's multiple cameras, then the error (again) is software/hardware or transfer related or occurs in your transfer/storage process, or may be related to your uninstalls/re-installs with CC and CS6 (although I don't think I've ever seen that!)
    If it's only clips from one camera (you mention the Canon XF100 has problems) maybe something affected your camera. I once saw standing too close to a radar-dish corrupt 1/4 of the clips from a BBC videographer's camera. I have no explanation why... but it can happen, so if only one camera is affected you should consider the possibility.
    I'll try to assist with this as much as I can! But remember that the forums are not here for Adobe personnel to provide support to clients, but as a community for Adobe-philes to share and help. A lot of Adobe staff who are posting on here are generally doing it because they've got a bit of free time and want to help out. You should consider contacting support again if you can't resolve the problem and getting them to connect you to a video specific team.

  • Encore crashes opening project with 'VideoClip.cpp-275' message. Any fixes?

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    Have tried the following ideas:
       re-installing CS4 (many times)
       deleting Quicktime
       deleting the transcoded material in the project
       deleting the C;\User\susername\  AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Encore\4.0 folder (and various other versions of this suggestion)
       running as an administrator (although I have full admin rights anyway) 
    There was also a suggestion from somebody that it was caused by missing assets in the project, but all these projects have gone to completion in 2.0 with a burnt DVD, and haven't changed since, so that's not the case. 
    Please don't waste my time telling me to get drivers up to date or apply the CS4 patches or anything obvious. Or to upgrade to CS6 - if I switch to Windows 64-bit then I have a whole host of other issues.
    As the original discussions on this error message faded away I presume there must be a solution out there?    

    Bottom line; l there is no guarantee that an Encore project from an earlier version can be opened by a later version. It appears to work sometimes. You may simply have to start over. Or use 2.0.
    hence my comment above on 'missing assets', which I can't see being the problem.
    We don't know whether Encore is seeing the asset in the location it expects. So I think this can be an issue. I was primarily thinking in terms of the possibility of an issue if you were using dynamic link, rather than an imported file. You didn't say; are you using dynamic link?
    as Encore insists (as it opens the project) on immediately transcoding,  it!
    It is probably indexing or the like, not transcoding. This is a possible sign that it is not finding its cache files. This can be a permissions/drive issue.
    Did I update my project to CS4 - no, how can I?
    This was asked in the context of whether you might be using dynamic link. The update would occur in Premiere. It is not relevant if you are not using dynamic link.

  • Crash opening project

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    Create a new event and import a quick time movie file. Create a new project. Does this new project crash the app?

  • Photo app crashing when opening projects

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    Have you tried to repair the Photos library?
    Try to repair your Photos library using the First Aid Tools:
    Make a backup copy of your Photos Library  on an external drive.
    To repair hold down the  alt/option and the command key simultaneously while double clicking thePhotos application in the Applications folder  to launch the First aid tools. Hold down both keys firmly and long enough, until the First Aid panel will appear.
    The select "Repair ...".
    Can you create and open projects, if you create a new test library?  Launch Photos while holding down the alt/options key. Import a few photos and try to create a book or another project. Does that work at all, if you use a different library?

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    What was it that Meatload said, "two out of three ain't bad... ?"
    Glad that two Projects burned properly.
    Before you trash that one Project, I would do this little exercise:
    Move all of your Assets (your Media files) to another folder, so that PrE cannot find them. That part is much easier, if you set up your Project in its own folder structure, with sub-folders containing all media used.
    Then Open that Project. In the loading process, you should get a dialog screen, asking "Where is file ______?" At that point, navigate to the new location, that you Moved the files to. PrE will then re-link to that first file, and then survey the PREL (Project) file, and re-link to every file used in the Project. If the media is in several sub-folders, you will need to repeat that navigation to the respective sub-folder.
    Then, test the Project to see if that re-linking has "fixed" things.
    If not, then the Project is probably corrupt.
    Good luck, and let us know how it goes.

  • Application crashes on project open

    Hi all
    So I've been working on a project for the last two days (on a mac). I had replaced a clip on the timeline with an After Effects comp, no problem. I shut down AE then hit render in PP CS5.5 and it just hung, after a long time I killed PP. Now when I open up the project it crashes when loading (on the status bar crashes on item 481 every time). What's weird is all of my auto saves crash as well at the same spot. I figured the original clip that I had been working on in AE may be damaged, so I moved it out of the folder and hit the Offline button during project load when it looked for the clip, no dice. So then I removed all the preview and files from the encoded folder, still no dice. I've basically now got just my .prproj file and my footage, even an older auto save untouched from earlier and just footage yet it still crashes at the same item. All my other projects open fine.
    Anyone have an idea of what could be causing this?

    Here's some extra info. I should note that it doesn't actually crash on project open. The project opens fine and I'm able to see my timeline but after a few seconds it's pop up with the following error:
    Premiere Pro has encountered an error.
    I can recover my project by exporting to FCP and reimporting but I lose all clip settings and effects which is a major pain to re-do.
    Does anyone have any suggestions as to what to try?

  • Frequent crashing when opening projects

    10.5.8, LP 9.0.2, Mac Pro 8-core 6GB RAM
    Logic frequently stalls/crashes when opening projects. This happens most often with projects that have lots of sampler instruments (primarily VSL), but some of the time with no samplers at all. The loading window generally hangs on Vienna Instruments with projects that have them, and on Space Designer with projects that don't.
    The project this happens most frequently with is an orchestral template I'm creating. It has about 25 instances of Vienna Instruments (totalling 1.34GB worth of samples), a few channel EQs and one instance of Space Designer. Other projects that have caused the crash include about 10 native software instrument plugins, 1 Akoustic Piano and 10-15 native effect plugins. I consulted VSL tech support who said the problem was most likely with Logic. I'm inclined to agree, since the problem happens with and without any Vienna Instruments, and Vienna Ensemble Standalone has no problem loading templates with a lot of samples.
    Does anyone have any suggestions to troubleshoot? Has anyone had similar experiences? Thanks.

    Well, this has happened to me too. To the point where I've lost all the work, because Logic can't open the original project or the "crashed" copy it creates. Happened again with a new project I'm working on, albeit on a much more modest laptop system.
    Annoying. Makes me think about switching DAWs...what else can you do if Logic can't be trusted.

  • Error message" The file may be damaged or corrupted -1610153464/ also unable to open projects in the background 26:: 142

    Hello everyone,
    I hope someone can help me.
    I am using AE CC/Windows 7 on a Dell computer, 32 GB RAM, 64 bit op system, processors: Intel (R) Xeon (R) CPU x5670 @ 2.93 Ghz 2.93 Ghz (2 processors).
    So far I had worked on many projects with no problems and then a few weeks ago the project crashed non stop. The problem was overcome when I got rid of all MP3s and converted them to RAM. Again this was an issue I didn't have in the past and I don't recall changing anything.
    Now it seems it is impossible for me to export/render out a project into a Quick time file or even AVI. If its quick time I get this message: After Effects unable to render error  an output module failed. The file may be damaged or corrupted -1610153464 and if I am trying to export with AVI I get this message: AE unable to open projects in the background 26:: 142)
    This is happening with different projects.
    I read the forums and heard that the problem may be a Bug with quicktime and H.264? I never had a problem with it before but again when I try to export AVI I get this error message:
    AE unable to open projects in the background
    I have a feeling it is quick time related. I have uninstalled and reinstalled QT but still get the problem. It will open old QT files no problem. I tried to download a bug fix update as one post suggested but I think I have the latest which is why it didn't work. 
    This particular project has a couple of quick media H.264 files. Do I need to convert them? Are they the cause for all of this?
    I am sorry I really tried to look for answers in the forums before contacting you here but I cannot find a reason for all this mess, which again only appeared a few weeks ago with no problems for months...if someone can point out an area where I can start looking, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance.

    update: I converted all the H.264 footage which were in the project to WMV. And I was able to test export with AVI and it turne dout fine (like 10 seconds). However I still got the Error message: "After Effects unable to render error an output module failed, a filme may be corrupted or damaged.  Error-1610153464 " when I tried to export H.264 QT..
    I don't know what to do now, how can a problem which did not exist suddenly come up. How can I export a QT file? with AVI it will be massive!
    Many thanks

  • 'Unable to open project File' Please help....

    Help. Since yesterday, Final Cut Pro has been crashing every time I have tried to render something. I have used the FSC Maintenance Pack that has been recommended and ran Crash Analyser and Corrupt Clip Finder. No corrupt clips were found and the Crash Analyser fixed the problem for a while and I was able to work for a couple of hours. (prior to this I also removed some Motion files and that also temporarily stopped the crashing). I began working on my project again today, and the same thing started to happen. I kept having to turn everything off at the source until finally I gave up! Just before I turned it off I started running Autosave Cleaner but it seemed to freeze too so I Force Quit it. I have just turned it all back on again and to my horror, my project is not even opening. My other FCP projects are opening but not the one I am working on. I have no idea what to do. Final Cut opens and the message is 'Unable to open Project File'. I am so upset and really hope that someone out there can help.
    I run 10.5.8, I have 10 GB memory. All my clips are imported as XDCAM EX 720p25 (original format MPEG HD) but I have been working in this project for weeks without a problem.
    Thanks in advance

    I don't know why it is set to the internal disk, but that is the default. That is not project related. It is system related (hence System Settings). So probably you started fcp one without the external disk attached. FCP forces you then to choose another scratch-, waveform-, thumbnail-, autosave location.
    Probably you've set it all to the internal disk then.
    Next time when the external disk was there again you might have only reset the scratch disk, but not your Autosave location... Just a thought.
    That is, IMHO, the disadvantage of system orientated scratch disk settings...

  • Unable to open project file

    I'm in desperate need of a miracle here. I've already read over other solutions to this problem, but perhaps someone can come up with something I haven't. I'm using Final Cut Pro 7.0.3, and I finished a project last month that took a lot of editing work. After the project finished, I cleaned up my folders as usual, copying over all the media and the FCP project file over to my network external hard drive. I then made the horrific mistake of deleting my autosave files. Little did I know I'd want to access the project later, and instead of opening and having to reconnect my media, it just comes up with the error of "unable to open project file".
    I've tried copying the project file I saved in November back to my local computer and opening it. I tried dismounting the network external hard drive and opening my local project file. I tried adding a .fcp to the end of the file's name. And I downloaded Pro Maintenance Tools in a hope that it could fix the corrupted file, it said it was fixed, but I still can't seem to open it. All my other FCP files are opening just fine.
    I'm also interested if anyone knows whether my deleting everything FCP created except for the project file might be why it crashed?
    Thank you in advance to anyone who even reads this hoping they can help.

    Sorry, I'm out of ideas. Perhaps someone else with greater tech skills will chime in on this and be able to suggest a solution. Deleting or changing the location of the files you mentioned earlier in the thread can certainly complicate and add time to  a new  edit but should not have caused the problem you've encountered in getting the project file to open.
    Good luck.

  • Can't Open "Project Info"

    I am unable to access PROJECT INFO (command-I). Whenever I try to open PROJECT INFO, iDVD crashes and dumps me out to the Finder. I was able to access PROJECT INFO until a week ago. All other aspects of iDVD seem to be working properly.
    I have tried creating new projects and have had the same problem.
    I have deleted the iDVD & imovie preferences from the user perference folder AND boot disk Library (I have two physical drives). Rebuilt permissions. Also have erased iDVD & iMovie apps & reinstalled iLife '06 suite from master install disc and performed all of the current software updates.
    I am running iDVD 6.0.3 (791)
    Any suggestions?

    from console.log after idvd quits:
    Nov 28 12:28:39 garry-chuns-computer-2 authexec: executing /sbin/kextload
    2006-11-28 13:26:24.373 iMovie HD[426] Looked for URLs on the pasteboard, but found none.
    2006-11-28 13:26:28.721 iMovie HD[426] Looked for URLs on the pasteboard, but found none.
    2006-11-28 13:28:26.444 iMovie HD[426] Looked for URLs on the pasteboard, but found none.
    2006-11-28 13:39:16.212 iDVD[438] NSExceptionHandler has recorded the following exception:
    NSRangeException -- * -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (2) beyond bounds (2)
    Stack trace: 0x954ee243 0x9264f2cb 0x926ac288 0x925deb2d 0x001a7618 0x001a6070 0x93349d88 0x933f7ce7 0x933f7a29 0x93328e16 0x9325c7fc 0x9325c056 0x93255ddb 0x93249d2f 0x0000ad5d 0x0000ab36 0x0000aa51 0x00000002
    2006-11-28 13:46:40.363 iDVD[449] NSExceptionHandler has recorded the following exception:
    NSRangeException -- * -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (2) beyond bounds (2)
    Stack trace: 0x954ee243 0x9264f2cb 0x926ac288 0x925deb2d 0x001a7618 0x001a6070 0x93349d88 0x933f7ce7 0x933f7a29 0x93328e16 0x9325c7fc 0x9325c056 0x93255ddb 0x93249d2f 0x0000ad5d 0x0000ab36 0x0000aa51 0x00000002
    2006-11-28 13:47:34.537 iDVD[455] NSExceptionHandler has recorded the following exception:
    NSRangeException -- * -[NSCFArray objectAtIndex:]: index (2) beyond bounds (2)
    Stack trace: 0x954ee243 0x9264f2cb 0x926ac288 0x925deb2d 0x001a7618 0x001a6070 0x93349d88 0x933f7ce7 0x933f7a29 0x93328e16 0x9325c7fc 0x9325c056 0x93255ddb 0x93249d2f 0x0000ad5d 0x0000ab36 0x0000aa51 0x00000002
    Dual G4 1.25   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

  • Premiere Pro CC 14 won't quit or open projects

    Here is my situation.  My HD crashed in my iMac last week and it has been replaced by Apple.  I've now reinstalled all of my apps.  Everything seems to be working fine except for Premiere.  I can open Premiere, open a project and it loads fine.  If I try to quit or open another project while Premiere is open, it does nothing.  Literally nothing.. just sits there like nothing had happened.  Even if I can get to the open project window, I'll select the project to open and then it just returns to the current project... with no options to save, cancel, etc.  I can still work in the project after this.. no spinning pinwheel or hang up.
    I did use a Time Machine backup to get a lot of my files back.  I'm not sure if that messed up permissions or what, but I have followed the steps listed by Kevin here to no avail Premiere Pro CC, CC 2014, or 2014.1 freezing on startup or crashing while working (Mac OS X 10.9, and later) .
    One thing I did try was making a new user account with admin privileges and Premiere seemed to work.  The only issue is that many of my other programs don't work because the serial # is associated with my main user account.
    Here are the specs of my machine:
    iMac 27" late-2012
    3.4 GHZ i7
    32 GB DD3 RAM
    OS X 10.9.5
    Any help would be much appreciated since I'm close to a stand still since I can't move from project to project.

    Just to follow up..
    I was able to contact Adobe via their online chat. I had a representative do a screen share to figure out what was going on.  From what I can tell, he went in and repaired permissions for my Applications folder, updated the CUDA driver and deleted all of the "Adobe" folders in the user profile and the system profile.  After that, he re-opened Premiere and everything seems to work now.  It must have been some corrupt file in one of the Adobe folders OR a bad permission.  Either way, I thought I'd report back. 

  • Need to render everytime I re-open project in PP3

    My problem:
    On a particular project, I need to re-render everything everytime I re-open project even after I have saved and closed project.
    I also experience SERIOUS ERROR crashes or simply PP3 freezes while trying to render whole timeline, I need to render in chunks.
    The project file is a single timeline 2:45 minutes long with only the clip on timeline in project; it's CFHD low res clips (not corrupted) and there's quite a lot of CF cross-fades in timeline (it's a trailer) with about 5-6 clip color corrected that need to be rendered.
    My specs are:
    PP3 + AspectHD v5.2 build 105
    dualmonitors with Ultramon 2.6
    AMD ATHLON x2 4600+
    4 GB SDRAM2 733 Mghz (dual channels)
    Sound Blaster X-FI

    Hello Frederic,
    I am having the same issue. I am also using AspectHD v5.2. The timeline which I am having this issue has many effects and also has some imported Photoshop files. Another aspect of this is that when I try and play the timeline the play-head jumps to the end of the timeline. If I render the clip it plays fine. Except when I exit Premiere and then open it again the renders are lost and I'm back at square #1. I have been struggling with this since November and am not sure how to fix it. I know you were hoping for an answer (as am I) but thought I would just chime in to let you know someone else is also having this issue --- for what it's worth...

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