Creative Tactics 3D Alpha Input/Output Mixing

I am running Windows 7 64 bit with Realtek HD Audio, updated to the most current version. I have updated the firmware for the Alpha and the software for the Tactic 3D Control Panel to the most current versions, and this problem is occuring whether or not I am connecting the headset to the compute via the USB attachment or the regular aux plugs. It also does not occur with my previous headset, and I have tried it after installing the Tactic 3D Control Panel.
On to the problem: whether I am on Skype, Mumble, TS3 or any other program, my microphone is transmitting both my voice as well as any other output from my computer at the same time. This happens even when the microphone is muted. Here's an example: if I play music in the background and use the Skype test service, it will pick up both my voice and the music, even though the music is being transmitted through the headset, and not the laptop's speakers. If I mute the mic and try the same test, it still transmits the music.
I have checked to make sure that soundmix is turned off (it is) and that I do not have "listen to this device" connected. I have tried disabling my onboard audio (this shut everything off) and I've also reinstalled the Tactics 3D Control Panel.
Thoughts? Suggestions? Hardware problem or software issue? Thanks.

First, thanks for your help.
Here are the options I have for playback devices:
Headphones (Used when headset is attached via jack -- issue is present)
Digital Audio (S/PDIF)
Digital Audio (HDMI)
Headset (SB Tactic3d Alpha) (Used when headset is attached via USB -- issue is present)
And for recording devices:
Microphone (3.5mm jack) (Used when headset is attached via jack -- issue is present)
Microphone (Internal laptop microphone)
Headset Microphone (SB Tactic3d Alpha) (This setting is used when the headset is attached via USB -- issue is present)
The headset does not act just like a normal headset. It has not been working since I purchased it, unfortunately, and I did try to connect it after a system restore without the USB attachment. The default settings are for the speaker and internal microphone, but in order for sound to play out of the headset I have to set it as the default, either as "headphones" or "headset" regardless of how it is attached to the computer. I did not have to do this with my previous headset, and my old headset did not have this issue.
Also, if I remove the microphone and mute/unmute the headset microphone with the in-line switch, it registers as noise in the sound settings menu. I suspect that there's something wrong with the wiring at the in-line controller.

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    If the track you want isn't available in the Australian iTunes Store, then you will have to look for another source from which to purchase the music; another download store, import CDs, etc. Otherwise, contact the artist and/or the applicable record company and urge them to release the music in the Australian iTunes Store.

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    skyd7 wrote:
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    Paul Rugg

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Do you think that would work better than Drive Genius? I bought Drive Genius 2 and it does not even see the drives when they are plugged in unlike Disc Utility which can see the drives but cannot mount either one.
    Maybe this following post I made to a different questions may help. The data on the drive is other buying another program for if it will work. I think my next step may be to go over to a friends place and try to mount the drives on his computer and transfer stuff off if they connect.
    text below posted to other question relating to external hard drive problem.
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    and #2 Western Digital WD7500AACS WD Caviar GP Green Power drive.
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    I inserted the input animation on one slide and the output
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    Thanks in advance for help or advice!

    Hi there
    Likely you are using Captivate 3 and you have upgraded your
    Flash Player to version 10.
    here to read a thread where I believe one of he Adobe Captivate
    team sheds a bit of light on the issue
    Click here for an Article
    and link for uninstalling Flash Player/Plug In:
    Click here for an Article
    and link for installing and older version of the Flash Player/Plug
    Version 9 should allow things to work okay with Captivate 3
    Cheers... Rick

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    Does anyone know what is going on here ?
    My system looks like it has been totally corrupted . Thanks Andrew

    Could be. The "lock" isn't actually looking for a password.
    WARNING: This will completely erase the ENTIRE hard drive.
    What you would need to do is boot to recovery > disk utility > select the MAIN drive on the left side > partition > change partition layout from CURRENT to 1 PARTITION > ensure on the right side it says Format : Mac OSX Extended (Journaled) then push APPLY.
    Then if it will allow us, close the windows until you see the 4 options popup again and select "Reinstall Mac OS X" select the Mac HD and you should be good to go!

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    When you use an external device for input, GB often automatically selects that same device for output. It's an ease-of-use feature for most external devices. If your device doesn't give you the option to output to speakers/headphones, you don't want GB to do that.
    Within GB, go to GB>Preferences, Select the Audio/Midi tab. In the Drop-down under output, choose "Built-in Output" and connect your external speakers/headphones to the Mac's headphone port (Alternately, you could use system preferences to direct your Mac's audio-output to your speakers and select "System Setting" in GB Prefs. The Mac's own speakers aren't going to be nearly as much fun as running it to your big speakers/headphones).
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    Thank U in advance.

    Use syntax "Centered".
    take one variable push into the field
    write w_variable1 to w_variable2 centered.
    next push the varaible to Destination screen input/output Field .
    Make sure the Field the Character Type.

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    I cant find OID to make this with snmpwalk.
    Or there is no way to check current load by this way? Only polling?
    P.S. Ethernet subinterface, of course.
    With great respect, S.A.

    Try to use: - InBitRate - OutBitRate - ifDescription

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    Could be so many things, Input/Output errors are generally loosing contact with a device for a variety of reasons, do you get any error # with that?
    Open Console in Utilities & watch for more info whn you try to burn, or open the Disk Utility Log if there.

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    While I can make an image of the Install disc to my desktop fine, the Audio Content 1 disc reports an "input/output error".
    This means I'm unable to copy the disc and then successfully install my Logic Studio.
    Any ideas?

    Thanks for your answer.
    Yes, I thought that might be the case - but I'd taken my Mac and Logic disks to a Genius bar, and the 'Genius' had said he'd fixed the issue. I just wish he'd explained what he did and why he didn't replace the faulty disk(s)!
    But is there any way around having the claim a disk, now I'm living abroad and my 'warrantee' has run out? It's going to be a pain in the fundament trying to claim a replacement set.

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    I have a BPEL process that I want to deploy it as an RPC web service. I want to access it from a Java module (via an automatic generated Java stub from the WSDL file exposed by the BPEL process).
    I wrote manually the corresponding WSDL file for my BPEL process, where I stipulated for the operations exposed by my process ( in <soap:binding> tag) the value of the attribute "style" to "rpc". Also, for each <input> and <output> of the operations (inside the <operation> tag), I set manually the attributes "use" to the values "encoded". Something like this:
    <operation name="getCustomers">
    <soap:operation style="rpc" soapAction="getCustomers"/>
    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="Trial"/>
    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="Trial"/>
    The issue is that, when the BPEL process is built and deployed, the WSDL file generated automatically by BPEL (based on the one manually writen) set the values of the "use" attributes to "literal". This is what is generated:
    <operation name="getCustomers">
    <soap:operation style="rpc" soapAction="getCustomers" />
    <soap:body use="literal" namespace="" />
    <soap:body use="literal" namespace="" />
    Is there any chance to keep the original values (written by hand) for the "use attributes?
    Many thanks in advance!

    I am not sure I understand your question. If you want all your BPEL service to be rpc still by default, you can change the templates: C:\eclipse\plugins\bpelz_0.9.XXX\templates.
    The BPEL PM engine support both style of invocation.
    I hope this helps. -Edwin

Maybe you are looking for