Customer Item Open Interface Validation

Hi Folks,
I have to write package for customer item open interface ,
can anyone let me know what are the validation required or if any one have package written ,please share it with me .[email protected]
Waiting for your kind response.
Thanks in advance....

Please find the code below for Customer Item Interface
     ex_not_ok     exception          ;
     Cursor      cur_cust_item  is
     select     b.*,rowid from btl_cust_item b      ;
     rec_cur_cust_item     cur_cust_item%rowtype;
     vc_rowid          varchar2(50);     
     vc_error_desc          varchar2(2000);
     vc_org_code          varchar2(20)     :='F02';
     vc_org_id          varchar2(20)     ;
     vc_inv_item          number          ;
     vc_cust_id          varchar2(50)     ;
     vc_create_by          number;
     vc_last_updated_by     number;
     vc_user_name          varchar2(100);
     vc_login_name          varchar2(30)     := '&1';
     vc_master               number;
     vc_org_id := &2 ;
  vc_master := &3;
          select      user_id          ,last_updated_by      ,user_name 
          into     vc_create_by     ,vc_last_updated_by     , vc_user_name     
          from      fnd_user
          where      user_name = vc_login_name;
     open     cur_cust_item;          -- open cursor
          fetch     cur_cust_item
          INTO     rec_cur_cust_item;
          vc_rowid     := rec_cur_cust_item.rowid;
          exit when cur_cust_item%NOTFOUND;
          -- perform the mandatory validations
          -- 1. Check the validity of the customer
               select      count(*)
               into     vc_cust_id
               from      ra_customers
               where     upper(customer_number) = upper(rec_cur_cust_item.customer_number);
               if      vc_cust_id > 0 then
                    vc_error_desc := rec_cur_cust_item.customer_number||' '|| rec_cur_cust_item.customer_name ||' - Customer Number  Does not Exist in Ra_customers';
                    raise     ex_not_ok;
               end if;                
                    when no_data_found then
                    update      btl_cust_item
                    set     process_flag = 'E',
                         error_message = 'XREF-  Customer Does not exist '||vc_error_desc
                    where     rowid     = vc_rowid;
          end ;
          -- 2. Check that the Customer Item Is not Null
               if     rec_cur_cust_item.customer_item_number is not null then
                    vc_error_desc := rec_cur_cust_item.Customer_Number ||' - '|| rec_cur_cust_item.customer_item_number || ' - Customer Item has no value    ';
                    raise ex_not_ok;
               end if;
          -- 3. Validate the Inventory Item
               select      count(*)
               into     vc_inv_item
               from      mtl_system_items  a, org_organization_definitions b
               where     a.organization_id            = b.organization_id
               and     rec_cur_cust_item.inventory_item = segment1
               and     a.organization_id             = vc_org_id;
               if     vc_inv_item != 0 then
                    vc_error_desc := 'Inventory Item '|| rec_cur_cust_item.inventory_item ||'  is not valid/exist in mtl_system_item ';
                    raise ex_not_ok;
               end if;
    rec_cur_cust_item.commodity_code := 'MISC';
          insert into mtl_ci_interface (               
                    PROCESS_FLAG          ,
                    PROCESS_MODE          ,
                    TRANSACTION_TYPE     ,
                    CUSTOMER_NUMBER          ,
                    CUSTOMER_NAME          ,
                    CUSTOMER_ITEM_NUMBER     ,
                    ITEM_DEFINITION_LEVEL     ,
                    COMMODITY_CODE          ,
                    INACTIVE_FLAG          ,
                    LOCK_FLAG          ,
                    LAST_UPDATE_DATE     ,
                    LAST_UPDATED_BY          ,
                    CREATION_DATE          ,
                    CREATED_BY          ,
                    --LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN     ,
                    ERROR_CODE          ,
                    '1'                                ,     --PROCESS_FLAG
                    '1'                                ,     --PROCESS_MODE
                    'CREATE'                     , -- TRNASACTION_TYPE
                    rec_cur_cust_item.customer_number     ,     --CUSTOMER_NUMBER          
                    rec_cur_cust_item.customer_name           , --CUSTOMER_NAME          
                    rec_cur_cust_item.customer_item_number, --CUSTOMER_ITEM_NUMBER     
                    '1'                          , --ITEM_DEFINATION_LEVEL
                    rec_cur_cust_item.commodity_code      , --COMMODITY_CODE
                    '2'                          , --INACTIVE_FLAG
                    'N'                          ,     --LOCK_FLAG
                    sysdate                      , --LAST_UPDATE_DATE
                    vc_last_updated_by                    , --LAST_UPDATED_BY
                    sysdate                          , --CREATION_DATE
                    vc_create_by                     , --CREATED_BY
                    --'10'                          , --LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
                    'N'                          , --ERROR_CODE
                    ' '                             --ERROR_EXPLANATION
          Insert into mtl_ci_xrefs_interface (
                    PROCESS_FLAG          ,
                    PROCESS_MODE          ,
                    TRANSACTION_TYPE     ,
                    CUSTOMER_NUMBER          ,
                    CUSTOMER_NAME          ,
                    CUSTOMER_ITEM_NUMBER     ,
                    ITEM_DEFINITION_LEVEL     ,
                    INVENTORY_ITEM          ,
                    MASTER_ORGANIzATION_ID     ,
                    PREFERENCE_NUMBER     ,
                    INACTIVE_FLAG          ,
                    LOCK_FLAG          ,
                    LAST_UPDATE_DATE     ,
                    LAST_UPDATED_BY          ,
                    CREATION_DATE          ,
                    CREATED_BY          ,
                    --LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN     ,
                    ERROR_CODE          ,          
                    '1'                    ,      --PROCESS_FLAG          
                    '1'                    ,      --PROCESS_MODE          
                    'CREATE'               ,      --TRNSACTION_TYPE          
                    rec_cur_cust_item.customer_number,     --CUSTOMER_NUMBER          
                    rec_cur_cust_item.customer_name     ,      --CUSTOMER_NAME          
                    rec_cur_cust_item.customer_item_number, --CUSTOMER_ITEM_NUMBER     
                    '1'                    ,     --ITEM_DEFINATION_LEVEL     
                    rec_cur_cust_item.inventory_item,     --INVENTORY_ITEM
                    vc_master               ,      --MASTER_ORGANISATION_ID
                    '1'                    ,     --PREFERENCE_NUMBER
                    '2'                    ,     --INACTIVE_FLAG     
                    'N'                    ,     --LOCK_FLAG     
                    sysdate                    ,     --LAST_UPDATE_DATE     
                    vc_last_updated_by          ,     --LAST_UPDATED_BY          
                    sysdate                    ,     --CREATION_DATE          
                    vc_create_by               ,     --CREATED_BY          
                    --'10'                    ,     --LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN     
                    'N'                    ,     --ERROR_CODE                    
                    ' '                         --ERROR_EXPLANATION     
--dbms_output.put_line( ' Inserting into reference table - done');
               when ex_not_ok then
                    update      btl_cust_item
                    set     process_flag = 'E',
                         error_message = 'XREF-'||vc_error_desc
                    where     rowid     = vc_rowid;                    
          end ;
     end loop;
           dbms_application_info.set_client_info(' ');     
     dbms_output.put_line ( ' End time ' || to_char( sysdate, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'));
          when others then
               dbms_output.put_line( Sqlcode || ' ' || Sqlerrm );
end ;

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    Hi all,
    Please see this document from meta-link,most probably it WILL solve your problem.
    Note: 801354.1 INV_IOI_REV_NO_ITEM Error - The revision entered is for an item that does not exist
    else you can refer following doc from meta-link
    Note: 268968.1 Understanding Item Import and Debugging Problems with Item Import
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    Please see these docs.
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    Please see these docs.
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    Hi Am;
    What is your EBS? Pelase check below note which could be helpful for your issue:
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    Purge Debug Log And System Alerts Performance Issues

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    Run the report from Tcode FBL1N for vendor open item and from FBL5N fron Customer open items.
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    Message was edited by:

    Hi David
    I want to know the procedure for cycle count open interface i.e.
    1> How the data from flat file is uploaded in oracle INV
    How many Tables are needed?
    2>What validations are required ?
    3>How these validations are performed ?
    If you have any document pls send it to me at :
    [email protected]
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    Can anyone please tell me why "Item Category Assignment Open Interface concurrent program" is used for.
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    Pl post details of OS, database and EBS versions.
    Pl see if MOS Doc 1060824.1 (R12: Supplier Open Interface APXSUIMP Errors with REP-0004 Output Does Not Indicate Reason for Rejection) is applicable

  • Interfaces validations

    Hi ,
    As far as i know , Validations are an integral part of interfaces.
    Can anybody send me the basic validations that need to be performed on the following interfaces. I need to prepare a HLD for the same.
    1) Journal Import Interface
    2) Customer Interface
    3) Purchasing Open Interface
    4)PO REceipts interface
    5) Supplier Interface
    It would be great if someone forwards me the necessary information.

    according to my knowledge in customer interface :
    Check if legacy values fetched are valid.
    Check if customer address site is already created.
    Check if customer site use is already created.
    Check is customer header is already created.
    Check whether the ship_to_site has associated bill_to_site
    Check whether associated bill_to_site is created or not.
    Profile amounts validation:
    Validate cust_account_id, validate customer status.
    Check if the location already exists in HZ_LOCATIONS. If does not exist, create new location.
    in Purchasing :
    Check if OU name is valid
    Check if Supplier is valid
    Check if Supplier site is valid
    Check if buyer is valid
    Check if Payment term is valid
    Check if Bill to and ship to are valid
    Check if FOB, freight terms are valid
    Check if Line_type, ship_to_org, item, uom, ship_to_location_id, requestor, charge_account, deliver_to_location are valid
    Check for duplicate records in interface tables
    Check if the record already exists in base tables.
    and in Journl Import :
    Validate SOB, journal source name, journal category name, actual flag
    A – Actual amounts
    B – Budget amounts
    E – Encumbrance amount
    If you enter E in the interface table, then enter appropriate encumbrance ID, if B enter budget id.
    Check if accounting date or GL date based period name is valid (i.e., not closed).
    Check if accounting date falls in open or future open period status.
    Check chart of accounts id based on Sob id.
    Check if code combination is valid and enabled.
    Check if record already exists in GL interface table.
    Check if already journal exists in GL application.
    Dushyant Sethi

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