Customer Master Data Report

    How can i see the report of customer master data..
Like for sale order it is va05...
So how for a customer master data?

there is no standard report for that...
go to SE16... enter table KNA1  -- for all customers please note this gives all customers in your client
                                    KNB1 -- for company code wise list
                                    KNVV -- for sales area wise list..
after entering the table press enter ... give the selection criteria.. and execute.. this will fetch you the list of customers
Edited by: Muthupandiyan on Feb 21, 2008 12:31 PM

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      Why do you want to use a standard routine for this?? If you know the customer number(KUNNR), Company Code(BUKRS) and Dunning Area(MABER) You can get Dunning clerk(BUSAB) from KNB5 and using this BUSAB and BUKRS you can go to table T001S to get the SNAME which is Dunning Clerk's name.

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  • Reporting of unused customer master data

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    I have to fulfil one issue: There should be many unused/redundant customer master data on our system.
    Do anyone knows an report, which shows all unused/unbooked customers?
    I have tried RFDUML00 and set the flag "accounts w/o sales", this would work. But one big issue, it doesn't consider archived bookings.
    Thanks a lot
    best regards

    Thanks for your answer, but there is still a question open...
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  • Query in customer master data upload ....?

    Hi Guru's,
    I am uploading the customer master data from presentaion server to customer tables using functional module SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL.
    while check the Function module separatly and it working properley and i am able to ctere customer...
    and i am using the same function module in the program i am unable to upload ..could please check and let me know where i am doing mistake in the below program logis..and values also moving properly before calling function module..while calling the functinal module the controle comming out of the loop and program went to dump i am able to see the message in dump as like this(it may helpfull for resolve):
    Name of function module...............: "SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL"
    Name of formal parameter..............: "O_KNA1"
    Technical type of actual parameter....: "C"
    Technical length of actual parameter..: 20 bytes
    Technical type of formal parameter....: "u"
    Technical length of formal parameter..: 3634 bytes
    Name of formal parameter at caller....: "O_KNA1"
    REPORT  zerp_customer_create_upload.
    PARAMETERS:p_files        TYPE string.
    *DATA :xkunnr(10)      LIKE kna1-kunnr.  "unique KUNNR
    DATA: gs_i_kna1           TYPE kna1,
          gs_i_knb1             TYPE knb1,
          gs_i_knvv           TYPE knvv,
          gs_return           TYPE bapireturn1,
          gs_i_bapiaddr1      TYPE   bapiaddr1,
          gt_t_xknvi          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF fknvi,
          gwa_t_xknvi         TYPE fknvi,
          gt_t_xknbk          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF fknbk,
          gwa_t_xknbk         TYPE fknbk,
          gt_t_yknvp          TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF fknvp,
          gwa_t_xknvp         TYPE fknvp.
    TYPES:BEGIN OF gty_itab1,
          END OF gty_itab1.
    DATA: gt_itab1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_itab1,
          gwa_itab1 TYPE gty_itab1.
    TYPES :BEGIN OF gty_itab2,
           ktokd(4),        "customer account grp      kna1
           kunnr(10),       "customer                  kna1
           name1(35),       "name1                     kna1
           sortl(10),       "sort filed                kna1
           stras(35),       "house number and adres    kna1
           pstlz(10),       "postal code               kna1
           ort01(35),       "city                      kna1
           land1(3),        "country                   kna1
           telf1(16),       "tele phone no             kna1
           telfx(31),       "fax num                   kna1
           kukla(2),        "cust classificaion        kna1
           bukrs(4),        "company code              knb1
           akont(10),       "reconcilation acct        knb1
           vkorg(4),        "sales org                 knvv
           vtweg(2),        "distr chan                knvv
           spart(2),        "division                  knvv
           zterm(4),        "terms of payment          knvv
           bzirk(6),        "sales district            knvv
           vkbur(4),        "sales office              knvv
           vkgrp(3),        "sales grp                 knvv
           kdgrp(2),        "cust grp                  knvv
           waers(5),        "currency                  knvv
           konda(2),        "price grp                 knvv
           kalks(1),        "pricing procedure assign  knvv
           lprio(2),        "delivery plant            knvv
           vsbed(2),        "shipping conditions       knvv
           vwerk(4),        "delivering plant          knvv
           inco1(3),        "inco1                     knvv
           inco2(28),       "inco2                     knvv
           kkber(4),        "cred control area         knvv
           ktgrd(2),        "acc assgn grp             knvv
           taxkd(1),        "tax classification 4 cust knvi
           bankn(18),       "bank account number       knbk -
           END OF gty_itab2.
    DATA: gt_itab2 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF gty_itab2,
          gwa_itab2 TYPE gty_itab2.
        filename                = p_files
        filetype                = 'ASC'
        data_tab                = gt_itab1
        file_open_error         = 1
        file_read_error         = 2
        no_batch                = 3
        gui_refuse_filetransfer = 4
        invalid_type            = 5
        no_authority            = 6
        unknown_error           = 7
        bad_data_format         = 8
        header_not_allowed      = 9
        separator_not_allowed   = 10
        header_too_long         = 11
        unknown_dp_error        = 12
        access_denied           = 13
        dp_out_of_memory        = 14
        disk_full               = 15
        dp_timeout              = 16
        OTHERS                  = 17.
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    LOOP AT gt_itab1 INTO gwa_itab1.
      gwa_itab2 = gwa_itab1-abc(305).
      APPEND gwa_itab2 TO gt_itab2.
    LOOP AT gt_itab2 INTO gwa_itab2.
      SPLIT gwa_itab2 AT ',' INTO gwa_itab2-ktokd
                                  gwa_itab2-name1 gwa_itab2-sortl
                                  gwa_itab2-stras gwa_itab2-pstlz
                                  gwa_itab2-ort01 gwa_itab2-land1
                                  gwa_itab2-telf1 gwa_itab2-telfx
                                  gwa_itab2-kukla gwa_itab2-bukrs
                                  gwa_itab2-akont gwa_itab2-vkorg
                                  gwa_itab2-vtweg gwa_itab2-spart
                                  gwa_itab2-zterm gwa_itab2-bzirk
                                  gwa_itab2-vkbur gwa_itab2-vkgrp
                                  gwa_itab2-kdgrp gwa_itab2-waers
                                  gwa_itab2-konda gwa_itab2-kalks
                                  gwa_itab2-lprio gwa_itab2-vsbed
                                  gwa_itab2-vwerk gwa_itab2-inco1
                                  gwa_itab2-inco2 gwa_itab2-kkber
    *moving files values from ITAB2 work area to global structure related to FM.
      gs_i_kna1-ktokd   = gwa_itab2-ktokd.
      gs_i_kna1-kunnr   = gwa_itab2-kunnr.
      gs_i_kna1-name1   = gwa_itab2-name1.
      gs_i_kna1-sortl   = gwa_itab2-sortl.
      gs_i_kna1-stras   = gwa_itab2-stras.
      gs_i_kna1-pstlz   = gwa_itab2-pstlz.
      gs_i_kna1-ort01   = gwa_itab2-ort01.
      gs_i_kna1-regio   = gwa_itab2-land1.
      gs_i_kna1-telf1   = gwa_itab2-telf1.
      gs_i_kna1-telfx   = gwa_itab2-telfx.
      gs_i_kna1-kukla   = gwa_itab2-kukla.
      gs_i_knb1-bukrs   = gwa_itab2-bukrs.
      gs_i_knb1-akont   = gwa_itab2-akont.
      gs_i_knb1-zterm   = '0001'.
      gs_i_knvv-vkorg   = gwa_itab2-vkorg.
      gs_i_knvv-vtweg   = gwa_itab2-vtweg.
      gs_i_knvv-spart   = gwa_itab2-spart.
      gs_i_knvv-zterm   = gwa_itab2-zterm.
      gs_i_knvv-bzirk   = gwa_itab2-bzirk.
      gs_i_knvv-vkbur   = gwa_itab2-vkbur.
      gs_i_knvv-vkgrp   = gwa_itab2-vkgrp.
      gs_i_knvv-kdgrp   = gwa_itab2-kdgrp.
      gs_i_knvv-waers   = gwa_itab2-waers.
      gs_i_knvv-konda   = gwa_itab2-konda.
      gs_i_knvv-kalks   = gwa_itab2-kalks.
      gs_i_knvv-lprio   = '02'.             "gwa_itab2-lprio.
      gs_i_knvv-vsbed   = gwa_itab2-vsbed.
      gs_i_knvv-vwerk   = gwa_itab2-vwerk.
      gs_i_knvv-inco1   = gwa_itab2-inco1.
      gs_i_knvv-inco2   = gwa_itab2-inco2.
      gs_i_knvv-kkber   = gwa_itab2-kkber.
      gs_i_knvv-ktgrd   = gwa_itab2-ktgrd.
      gwa_t_xknvi-tatyp  = 'UTXJ'.          "HARD CODE
      gwa_t_xknvi-aland  = 'US'.            "HARD CODED
      gwa_t_xknvi-kz     = '0'.             "HADR CODE
      gwa_t_xknvi-taxkd  = '0'.             "gwa_itab2-taxkd.
      APPEND gwa_t_xknvi TO gt_t_xknvi.
      gwa_t_xknbk-bankn  = gwa_itab2-bankn.
      APPEND gwa_t_xknbk TO gt_t_xknbk.
      gs_i_knb1-lockb          = 'X'.
      gs_i_knvv-kzazu          = 'X'.
      gs_i_knvv-kztlf          = 'X'.
      gs_i_knvv-perfk          = 'X'.
      gs_i_knvv-prfre          = 'X'.
      gs_i_kna1-spras          = 'EN'.
         i_kna1                              = gs_i_kna1
         i_knb1                              = gs_i_knb1
         i_knvv                              = gs_i_knvv
      I_BAPIADDR1                         =
      I_BAPIADDR2                         =
      I_MAINTAIN_ADDRESS_BY_KNA1          = ' '
      I_KNB1_REFERENCE                    = ' '
      I_NO_BANK_MASTER_UPDATE             = ' '
      I_CUSTOMER_IS_CONSUMER              = ' '
      I_RAISE_NO_BTE                      = ' '
      PI_POSTFLAG                         = ' '
      PI_CAM_CHANGED                      = ' '
      PI_ADD_ON_DATA                      =
      I_FROM_CUSTOMERMASTER               = ' '
      e_kunnr                             = xkunnr
      o_kna1                              = xkunnr
      E_SD_CUST_1321_DONE                 =
      T_XKNAS                             =
         t_xknbk                             = gt_t_xknbk
      T_XKNB5                             =
      T_XKNEX                             =
      T_XKNVA                             =
      T_XKNVD                             =
         t_xknvi                             = gt_t_xknvi
      T_XKNVK                             =
      T_XKNVL                             =
      T_XKNVP                             =
      T_XKNZA                             =
      T_YKNAS                             =
      T_YKNBK                             =
      T_YKNB5                             =
      T_YKNEX                             =
      T_YKNVA                             =
      T_YKNVD                             =
      T_YKNVI                             =
      T_YKNVK                             =
      T_YKNVL                             =
       t_yknvp                             = gt_t_yknvp
      T_YKNZA                             =
      T_UPD_TXT                           =
         client_error                        = 1
         kna1_incomplete                     = 2
         knb1_incomplete                     = 3
         knb5_incomplete                     = 4
         knvv_incomplete                     = 5
         kunnr_not_unique                    = 6
         sales_area_not_unique               = 7
         sales_area_not_valid                = 8
         insert_update_conflict              = 9
         number_assignment_error             = 10
         number_not_in_range                 = 11
         number_range_not_extern             = 12
         number_range_not_intern             = 13
         account_group_not_valid             = 14
         parnr_invalid                       = 15
         bank_address_invalid                = 16
         tax_data_not_valid                  = 17
         no_authority                        = 18
         company_code_not_unique             = 19
         dunning_data_not_valid              = 20
         knb1_reference_invalid              = 21
         cam_error                           = 22
         OTHERS                              = 23.
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
        WRITE: / 'Error Message:', 'error in creation'.
        WRITE: / 'costomer', gwa_itab2-kunnr, 'created'.

    please let me know if my qestion is not clear...
    and please cinfirm me ..that can i use the function module (SD_CUSTOMER_MAINTAIN_ALL) instead of BAPI (BAPI_CUSTOMER_CREATEFROMDATA1) for uploading customer master data.
    please respond me ASAP.
    thanks in advance and will give full points

  • Impacts in COPA of changing material and customer master data

    Dear experts,
    In my company we are considering following scenario:
    Currently mySAPerp 6.0 is implemented for all modules for the mother company.
    We have developed a new global template where there are significant changes versus the existing system, especially in the SD processes. Material and customer master also change significantly in terms of content in the tables/fields and/or values in the fields.
    The idea was to build the template from scratch in a new machine and roll-out all group affiliates, but now we are considering the possibility of making an evolutionary of the current system and try to stretch it to the processes defined in the global template.
    The scenario we want to analyze is: Keeping same organizational structure in terms of Company code, CO area and Operating Concern in existing SAP client and make an evolutionary of the existing settings to the global template processes.
    The doubts we are having are the following:
    Changing material & customer master data: Impact in COPA
    Option 1: Material master data and customer master data codes are maintained but content in the tables/fields is changed substantially, both in terms of logical content of specific fields and/or the values in the specific fields. We have following examples of changes.
    Case 1: source field in material master changes logical content. E.g. Material master field MVGR1 is currently used for product series (design line) and the content changes to be the Market Segment. The product series will be moved to a classification field. At least 5 other fields are affected by this. How can data in terms of COPA line items be converted so that they are aligned at time of reporting?
    Case 2: the source field is not changed so that the logical content of the field remains but the values change, i.e. for the same concept there will be different codifications. How can data in terms of COPA line items be converted so that they are aligned at time of reporting?
    Case 3: Characteristics where currently the source material master field is a Z field and the derivation is via table look up and where the Z field changes to a classification field. How can you convert the existing COPA line items to ensure that attributes are aligned? Should new characteristics be created or just change the derivation logic of the characteristic?
    Option 2: Material master data and customer data codes are re-created (codification of records is changed), meaning that new material and customer codes will exist and content in tables/fields is changed (as in option 1)
    Case: material and customer codes are changed. How can data in terms of COPA line items be converted so that they are aligned at time of reporting?
    Iu2019ve never phased a similar scenario and I fear that maintaining operating concern while changing source master data and also SD flows (we have new billing types, item categories, sales doc. Types, order reasons) may lead to inconsistencies and problems in COPA.
    I would like to ask you experts if you have come across a similar scenario and if from your experience, it is something feasible to do or there are many risks involved. What can be the impact of this scenario in existing Operating Concern for both option 1 and 2 and what would be the key activities to perform to adapt the existing operating concern. What will be the impact of the needed conversions on P&L reporting?
    Sorry for the long story. I hope you can help me out.
    Thanks and Regards,

       First i think you will need to test if it works for new COPA documents created via billing.
      If it works fine then the issue is if you wish to apply these changes to the historical data already posted.
      Normally there are transactions like KE4S where you can repost the billing document to COPA
      However this may not be viable for bulk postings
      You can perform realignment (KEND) but this only works at the PA segment level (table CE4XXXX)

  • Change Logs for customer master data in 3.1 H version

    Hello All
    Are they any existing reports or change logs for viewing changes to customer master data in 3.1h version.  I want to be able to report based on changes made to customer master.
    I know there is a good report in 6.0 version for this- S_ALR_87012182.
    If I have to develop a custom program for this in 3.1h. Which table I should use? KNA1 or CDPOS.
    Any ideas will be appreciated.

    Please check the filter settings maintained for the adapter object CUSTOMER in R3AC1. The same filter settings can be referred in tables Table: CRMFILTAB (R/3) and SMOFFILTAB(CRM) as per srinivas's reply.
    Check the sales area of the customer maintained (Sales Area, Division, Distribution Channel etc.) and see if the current filter settings are restricting the customer from getting replicated in CRM. If everything is maintained fine then check for any failure Bdocs in SMW01 or SMW02.

  • Master Data Report

    I want to create a master data report which contains just charactristics no key figures.
    For excample I want to show which client has which type of rate.
    How can I do this?
    Everytime I get an error message that I have to determine a key figure in the report.

    Thanks I understand that I have to use a workaround like this.
    But can I display characterisitc values in the query like a key figure value?
    Customer | Rate
    Client 1    | AAA
    Client 2    | BBB
    Clinet 3    | AAA

  • Need to export customer master data in a batch input file

    Hello all,
    I'm searching for a solution to export customer master data out of a R/3 system (Release 470).
    The challenge is that the file must have the same structure like the file for batch input of customer master data (import file of the program RFBIDE00).
    So, has anybody an idea, if there is a standard tool to get such a file? Or has anybody developed a report creating this structure by his own?
    Thanks for your help,
    kind regards,

              I have also come across the same problem as above. There is a standard program RFBIDET0 which has to be customized to get the file which can be uploaded to RFBIDE00. Do anybody come across this kind of problem before and have  a program already. It will be of great help, if you can forward the program or guide.
    Vishnu Priya

  • Is there any transaction to view the customer master data ...

    is there any transaction to view the customer master data ...i me all the datats so that ui can prepare a report......

    Hi Sunaina Kumar,
    From Funtioanl Point of view
    XD02 or Xd03 - Chane / Display Customer Centrally ( With Company Code Data)
    VD02 or VD03 - Change / Display Customer - Sale and Distribution( With out Company Code Data.
    From Technical Point of View:
    SE11 or SE16
    Table Name : KNA1 or KNB!
    From here you can view all the customer data.
    Please Reward If Really Helpful,
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Outbond interface programme to upload customer master data.

    Hi experts,
              i need to develop an outbound interface programme to upload customer
    master data,which will be received from sap and posted to web methods using
    standard function mudule.can any one help me?

    Primary you should have Message type, Idoc type and Function module or Report to process Outbound interface.
    If your's is an Customized Process, then follow this.
    1. Create Message type in we81.
    2. Create segments in We31
    3. Create Idoc Type in WE30.
    4. Assign Message type to idoc type in WE82.
    5.Create an Partner profile in WE20.
    6.If you are creating an function Module create it in SE37.
    7. Assign it to process code in WE41.
    8. Charactersitics of FM in BD51.
    9. Assign FM and IDoc And Message type in WE57.
    <b>ALE IDOC</b>
    Sending System(Outbound ALE Process)
    Tcode SALE ? for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 ? Create Model View
    Tcode BD82 ? Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD64 ? Distribute the Model view
    Message Type MATMAS
    Tcode BD10 ? Send Material Data
    Tcode WE05 ? Idoc List for watching any Errors
    Receiving System(Inbound ALE )
    Tcode SALE ? for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 ? Check for Model view whether it has distributed or not
    Tcode BD82 -- Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD11 Getting Material Data
    Tcode WE05 ? Idoc List for inbound status codes
    ALE IDOC Steps
    Sending System(Outbound ALE Process)
    Tcode SALE ?3 for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 !V Create Model View
    Tcode BD82 !V Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD64 !V Distribute the Model view
    This is Receiving system Settings
    Receiving System(Inbound ALE )
    Tcode SALE ?3 for
    a) Define Logical System
    b) Assign Client to Logical System
    Tcode SM59-RFC Destination
    Tcode BD64 !V Check for Model view whether it has distributed or not
    Tcode BD82 -- Generate partner Profiles & Create Ports
    Tcode BD11 Getting Material Data
    Tcode WE05 !V Idoc List for inbound status codes
    Message Type MATMAS
    Tcode BD10 !V Send Material Data
    Tcode WE05 !V Idoc List for watching any Errors
    1)a Goto Tcode SALE
    Click on Sending & Receiving Systems-->Select Logical Systems
    Here Define Logical Systems---> Click on Execute Button
    go for new entries
    1) System Name : ERP000
    Description : Sending System
    2) System Name : ERP800
    Description : Receiving System
    press Enter & Save
    it will ask Request
    if you want new request create new Request orpress continue for transfering the objects
    B) goto Tcode SALE
    Select Assign Client to Logical Systems-->Execute
    000--> Double click on this
    Give the following Information
    Client : ERP 000
    City :
    Logical System
    Client role
    Save this Data
    Step 2) For RFC Creation
    Goto Tcode SM59-->Select R/3 Connects
    Click on Create Button
    RFC Destination Name should be same as partner's logical system name and case sensitive to create the ports automatically while generating the partner profiles
    give the information for required fields
    RFC Destination : ERP800
    Connection type: 3
    Target Host : ERP000
    System No:000
    lan : EN
    Client : 800
    User : Login User Name
    save this & Test it & RemortLogin
    Goto Tcode BD64 -- click on Change mode button
    click on create moduleview
    short text : xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Technical Neme : MODEL_ALV
    save this & Press ok
    select your just created modelview Name :'MODEL_ALV'.
    goto add message type
    Model Name : MODEL_ALV
    sender : ERP000
    Receiver : ERP800
    Message type :MATMAS
    save & Press Enter
    4) Goto Tcode BD82
    Give Model View : MODEL_ALV
    Partner system : ERP800
    execute this by press F8 Button
    it will gives you sending system port No :A000000015(Like)
    5) Goto Tcode BD64
    seelct the modelview
    goto >edit>modelview-->distribute
    press ok & Press enter
    6)goto Tcode : BD10 for Material sending
    Material : mat_001
    Message Type : MATMAS
    Logical System : ERP800
    and Execute
    7)goto Tcode : BD11 for Material Receiving
    Material : mat_001
    Message Type : MATMAS
    and Execute --> 1 request idoc created for message type Matmas
    press enter
    Here Master Idoc set for Messge type MATMAS-->press Enter
    1 Communication Idoc generated for Message Type
    this is your IDOC
    Change Pointers
    I know how to change the description of a material using ALE Change Pointers.
    I will give the following few steps
    1) Tcode BD61---> check the change pointers activated check box
    save and goback.
    2) Tcode BD50---> check the MATMAS check box save and comeback.
    3) Tcode BD51---> goto IDOC_INPUT_MATMAS01 select the checkbox save and comeback.
    4) Tcode BD52---> give message type : matmas press ok button.
    select all what ever you want and delete remaining fields.
    save & come back.
    5) 5) go to Tcode MM02 select one material and try to change the description and save it
    it will effects the target systems material desciption will also changes
    6) goto Tcode SE38 give program Name is : RBDMIDOC and Execute
    give Message type : MATMAS and Executte
    ALE/IDOC Status Codes/Messages
    01 Error --> Idoc Added
    30 Error --> Idoc ready for dispatch(ALE Service)
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDMIDOC
    29 Error --> ALE Service Layer
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RSEOUT00
    03 Error --> Data Passed to Port ok
    then goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDMOIND
    12 Error --> Dispatch ok
    Inbound Status Codes
    50 Error --> It will go for ALE Service Layer
    56 Error --> Idoc with Errors added
    51 Error --> Application Document not posted
    65 Error --> Error in ALE Service Layer
    for 51 or 56 Errors do the following steps
    goto WE19 > give the IDOC Number and Execute>
    Press on Inbound function Module
    for 65 Error --> goto SE38 --> Execute the Program RBDAPP01 then your getting 51 Error

  • Customer Master data.. Bank Account No.

    In customer master data ( XD01) > General Data > Payment Transaction > Bank Details 
    we maintain. Bank key , Bank Account and other details.
    my concern is , by maintaining customer bank account number in customer master data, what are the integrated effects to FI > Bank Accounting > House Bank ?  ( On Invoice Creation, Payment Receipt , Credit note, Debit note all FI Transaction ).
    Actually we want to use it just for information & reporting purpose.   NOT  FOR ANY AUTOMATIC RECEIPT \  Integration to FI > BANK Accounting \ House Bank.

    'customer master data, what are the integrated effects to FI > Bank Accounting > House Bank ?' House bank not linked with Customer master data(only if customer affiliated company).
    Bank details in customer could be used eg for invoicing(printing form)

  • Which is the best approach to upload customer master data?

    Hi Everyone,
    I have to load customer master data  which is extracted from ecc by using generic data source(view) when i try to  trigger DTP it is showing error message  as duplicates because the customer has two sales area ,two person number and two consumernumber and four partner functions.
    So i tried to make all these as compounding attributes but the length is exeeding 60 for these attributes so how can i implement this.can i implement hierarchy's?
    Please give me any suggestions.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Yogesh,
    The issue is not resolved yet.If the length is manageable  in compounding attributes.please suggest me the solution.
    yes ,by enhancing two data sources 0customer_attr and 0customer_sales_attr i can meet my client requirement .but i dont know how to join these datasources  based on customer number in bi (i.e customer genral data from 0customer_attr  datasource and sales area data from 0customer_sales_attr  datasource ) and generate a report on these two datasources  data.
    my report should look like this .
    customer_id   firstname      city      country   sales_org  distribution_channel  division  telephone
      100                 mary       newyork    us          1010                     10                    10       +1xxxx456
      100                 mary       newyork    us          1010                     20                    10       +1xxxx457
      100                 mary       newyork    us          1010                     20                    20       +1xxxx433
      101               richard       texas        us          1010                     10                    10       +1xxxx351
    Please provide your valuable suggestions.

  • Search for BAdi for Customer Master Data (XD01)

    Hi experts,
    i am looking for a BAdi for Customer Master data (XD01). Can anyone suggest me which one can i use?
    thanks in advance.

    execute this report
    *& Report  ZNAGBADI
    *report zbadi_find .
    tables : tstc,
    sxs_attrt ,
    data : jtab like tadir occurs 0 with header line.
    data : field1(30).
    data : v_devclass like tadir-devclass.
    parameters : p_tcode like tstc-tcode,
    p_pgmna like tstc-pgmna .
    data wa_tadir type tadir.
    if not p_tcode is initial.
    select single * from tstc where tcode eq p_tcode.
    elseif not p_pgmna is initial.
    tstc-pgmna = p_pgmna.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
    select single * from tadir
    where pgmid = 'R3TR'
    and object = 'PROG'
    and obj_name = tstc-pgmna.
    move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
    if sy-subrc ne 0.
    select single * from trdir
    where name = tstc-pgmna.
    if trdir-subc eq 'F'.
    select single * from tfdir
    where pname = tstc-pgmna.
    select single * from enlfdir
    where funcname = tfdir-funcname.
    select single * from tadir
    where pgmid = 'R3TR'
    and object = 'FUGR'
    and obj_name eq enlfdir-area.
    move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
    select * from tadir into table jtab
    where pgmid = 'R3TR'
    and object in ('SMOD', 'SXSD')
    and devclass = v_devclass.
    select single * from tstct
    where sprsl eq sy-langu
    and tcode eq p_tcode.
    format color col_positive intensified off.
    write:/(19) 'Transaction Code - ',
    20(20) p_tcode,
    45(50) tstct-ttext.
    if not jtab[] is initial.
    write:/(105) sy-uline.
    format color col_heading intensified on.
    Sorting the internal Table
    sort jtab by object.
    data : wf_txt(60) type c,
    wf_smod type i ,
    wf_badi type i ,
    wf_object2(30) type c.
    clear : wf_smod, wf_badi , wf_object2.
    Get the total SMOD.
    loop at jtab into wa_tadir.
    at first.
    format color col_heading intensified on.
    write:/1 sy-vline,
    2 'Enhancement/ Business Add-in',
    41 sy-vline ,
    42 'Description',
    105 sy-vline.
    write:/(105) sy-uline.
    clear wf_txt.
    at new object.
    if wa_tadir-object = 'SMOD'.
    wf_object2 = 'Enhancement' .
    elseif wa_tadir-object = 'SXSD'.
    wf_object2 = ' Business Add-in'.
    format color col_group intensified on.
    write:/1 sy-vline,
    2 wf_object2,
    105 sy-vline.
    case wa_tadir-object.
    when 'SMOD'.
    wf_smod = wf_smod + 1.
    select single modtext into wf_txt
    from modsapt
    where sprsl = sy-langu
    and name = wa_tadir-obj_name.
    format color col_normal intensified off.
    when 'SXSD'.
    For BADis
    wf_badi = wf_badi + 1 .
    select single text into wf_txt
    from sxs_attrt
    where sprsl = sy-langu
    and exit_name = wa_tadir-obj_name.
    format color col_normal intensified on.
    write:/1 sy-vline,
    2 wa_tadir-obj_name hotspot on,
    41 sy-vline ,
    42 wf_txt,
    105 sy-vline.
    at end of object.
    write : /(105) sy-uline.
    write:/(105) sy-uline.
    format color col_total intensified on.
    write:/ 'No.of Exits:' , wf_smod.
    write:/ 'No.of BADis:' , wf_badi.
    format color col_negative intensified on.
    write:/(105) 'No userexits or BADis exist'.
    format color col_negative intensified on.
    write:/(105) 'Transaction does not exist'.
    at line-selection.
    data : wf_object type tadir-object.
    clear wf_object.
    get cursor field field1.
    check field1(8) eq 'WA_TADIR'.
    read table jtab with key obj_name = sy-lisel+1(20).
    move jtab-object to wf_object.
    case wf_object.
    when 'SMOD'.
    set parameter id 'MON' field sy-lisel+1(10).
    call transaction 'SMOD' and skip first screen.
    when 'SXSD'.
    set parameter id 'EXN' field sy-lisel+1(20).
    call transaction 'SE18' and skip first screen.
    reward for useful answers

  • Demo - Extraction of Customer Master Data from SAP R/3 ECC6 to MDM5.5

    I am new to MDM . Would appreciate if someone can give a solution to the below request.
    We are doing a demo project in our Company to extract all the master data related to SALES cycle. We are doing an extraction of Customer Master Data. Currently we have the unlicensed version of MDM and very soon we will get the licensed version.
    We have the Customer Master Repository created in MDM Console. The IDOC type we are using is DEBMDM05.
    Is there a easy way to map the fields of IDOC to the MDM Repository. Right now we are doing a manual process of comparing the IDOC fields and MDM Repo in an excel but this is tedious and time consuming.
    Can anyone suggest an easier way to identify so that we know which fields match correctly.

    Hi Leena,
    First of all you have 2 options to generate IDOCs from SAP R/3 system
    1.mdmgx>one IDoc per record
    2.mdm_clnt_extr>for generating single IDoc having entire set of records.
    Secondly,if you want to get the data mapped automatically,you should use standard maps provided by SAP(Business Content).
    If at all you have created new fields then you should manually map those fields.
    If any other queries pl ask
    Reward points if found useful

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