Data Form showing wrong total after Planning Refresh

Hi. My end users are having an issue in Planning after a refresh.
Existing projects (budgets) display correct information through data forms. However, when opening a data form to input numbers for a new budget, the data form is populated with the sum of all budgets, instead of showing the expected $0 dollar values.
In an attempt to fix the issue, we've run a few data refreshes through the Planning Desktop. They run without error, but do not fix the problem.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
We are using planning version

The data form should show exactly what is in essbase so if you query essbase with the Excel Add-in you should see the same number.
Seems like either your data is not what you expect it to be or the form definition is incorrect.

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  • HBR sequence on data form does not execute when Planning data form is saved

    Has anyone experienced this issue before in Planning? Below I have included the scenario and what has been attempted to correct the situation.
    We are using Hyperion Planning/Essbase 9.3.1, sequence contains 3 business rules - 2 executed on the Workforce Cube and 1 transfers totals from Workforce Cube to Main cube. 2 of the BR's contain run-time prompts - 1st BR in the sequence (calculation in Workforce) and 3rd BR in the sequence (transfer of Workforce totals to Main). We are using Projects to assign access priviledges to the BR's and sequences. All 3 business rules, as well as the sequence itself, validate successfully in the admin services console.
    In Planning the data form contains BR Properties to "Save on Exit", "Use members on data form" and "Hide prompt". Have tried removing BR from data form, then put BR back on data form. Also tried building a new sequence in EAS console and attaching that BR to the existing data form. Neither of these attempts were successful. Tried building an entirely new data form with the newly created sequence, still unsuccessful. Was able to execute the sequence successfully when processed from the Tools -> Business Rules menu. Sequence was once again successful when I tried modifying the data form to remove property "Hide prompt". Problem with leaving the form in that state is, our users would not know which Planning server they were on as they access the Planning application through Workspace and we currently have 2 application servers in this environment - so essentially they have a 50/50 chance of selecting the correct server.
    We have this same setup in another environment where the execution of the sequence on the data form works successfully. We have compared everything that I can think of and it all appears the same in both environments - in fact this used to be successful in this environment, but all of a sudden stopped working earlier this year - we have not applied any patches or upgrades to either environment. Do not know if this is relevant or not, but we do currently utilize Netscaler in both of these environments.
    Any experiences with this type of situation or suggestions at this point would be greatly appreciated.

    I don't have a solution for you but more steps to solve the problem
    You are ultimately on the right track in some ways but break it down into it's components.
    The problem could like in the business rule, the form connection, the variables, even the order of operations could all be in play.
    So I would strip this baby down to its bare bones then build it back up.
    1) Run the business rule. Each one separately and only after the previous ones is complete without variables and without touching the form
    Is it successful: go to 2
    If it isn't successful: trouble shoot the calc and or try running in EAS natively to see if that gives you ideas
    2) Run the calc outside the form but with variables included. Did it prompt you correctly.
    Is it successful: go to 3
    If it isn't. What is wrong with the variable
    3) Now attach it to the form but don't hide the prompts
    Still good go to 4
    4) hide the prompts and run on save
    And if it fails on step four then it's not picking up the right variables in the prompt. And you need to look at why it wouldn't grab the right item.
    This will isolate your problem for you and give you steps to fix it. Ultimately 99% of the time something did change in the structure for example that is impacting the calc. And when you isolate the problem this will reveal itself quite quickly.

  • HT6446 My Health Data is showing my total steps for Daily average....

    Using Apple Health App, with the Withings Health Mate and My Fitness Pal as the only 2 sources.
    Using an iPhone 5s with  26.7 GB capacity 4.2 GB available
    Model Number NE299LL/A
    OS Version 8.1 (12B411)
    I Updated all my Apps. I have gone into the Health Apps "all Data, and cleared all" this reset my dashboard to 0 steps. then after closing and opening both apps. I am right back to where i started. my "Daily Average" is showing my total steps. (or possibly dividing by 1)

    Well, I have just completed a full restore of my iPhone. It was not smooth at first. The restore froze about 10% through and I ended up having to hard reset the phone and start over. The second restore went smoothly but unfortunately, this did not solve anything.  All 3 iPhone measuresble components (flights climbed, steps and walking + running distance) still show "No data". I always had the option to enter manual data points, but I never actually tried to as I have no way of determining these 3 things.
    I will call Apple support back, but their only option will be to replace the phone. I really don't want to do that, not only because I don't want to have to set up the device for a third time, but I dont want some white box device; I want my brand new, immaculate one. Besides, it's clearly a software issue and likely to happen again with a new device. I guess Apple won't look into this as a software issue until enough people call in about it. That said, please take a few minutes and call Apple about this if you're one of the people affected.
    I will report back after speaking with Apple, but as I said, I doubt they're going to have anything other than a device replacement as a solution.

  • BEx report is showing wrong total but individual cell's total gives correct figure

         For a bex report at sales office level, there are about 110 sales offices giving sales figures.  But for some 2 sales offices, it's not giving the correct figure(for Total Volume).  When I bring the Bex report at sales office level and customer level, I could get individual sales figures for some customers present in that sales office.  But if I take the total of all customer's total volume, I'm getting exact figures (i.e., the correct figure for total volume)but it's total displayed by BEx report is wrong. 
    for eg:
    Sales Office     Total Volume
    101                    100
    102                    150
    103                    300
    Let us take the above example.  Here, Sales office 101, 102 are correct wit its total volume.  For sales office 103, for validation if I bring customer as:
    Sales office     Customer     Total Volume
    103                    111               20
                             112               80
                             113             101
                             114               22
                             115               82
    The total of above Total volume is 305 but it's displayed as 300.
    Only for some one or two sales offices.  It's cube is giving the correct data if I take up it's sum.
    Plz help me to resolve the problem.
    with Regards,
    Antony Jerald.

    Hi Sujit,
         Thanks for your reply.  As you said, if it's because of exception aggregation, the same(wrong total)will be displayed for all the sales offices right?
    Could you please let me know what are all the important tabs you want me to show?
    Awaiting for your reply..
    with thanks and regards,
    Antony Jerald.

  • My form showing an alert after prcessin the bill report

    I m sending my code and i want to remove message and run the biill process easly bill is not processing and show msg--: bill already processed
    my code is
    cursor c_agcd is
         select distinct bilagcd,nvl(trde_disc,0),agty,fedn,f_typ from cr_agmast
         where unit=:block3.unit and bilagcd is not null
         and bilagcd in( select distinct oldagcd from cr_dbksup
         where unit=:block3.unit and publ=:block3.ppubl and supdate between :frdt and :todt and rsup<>0
         and BTYP='Y' ---and agty=:block3.agty or :block3.agty is null)
         and (oldagcd =:block3.pagcd or :block3.pagcd is null))
         order by cr_agmast.f_typ desc,cr_agmast.bilagcd;
         sup_rec c_agcd%rowtype;
         v_typ varchar2(5);
         vagty varchar2(5);
         vagcd varchar2(15);
         vtrde_disc number(7,2):=0;
         v_rec_cnt number:=0;
    cursor c_supply is
    select sum(rsup),oldagcd ,supdate,sor,publ,comm from cr_dbksup
         where unit=:block3.unit and publ=:block3.ppubl and oldagcd is not null
         and oldagcd = vagcd and supdate between :frdt and :todt and rsup<>0
         group by oldagcd,supdate,sor,publ,comm
         order by supdate;
         ppubl      varchar2(6);
         vedtn      varchar2(5);
         tot_sup                     number(8)          :=0;
         rate                               number(7,2)     :=0;
         vcomm                          number(7,2)     :=0;
         gross_amt                number(12,2):=0;
         v_gross_amt           number(12,2):=0;
         v_disc_amount      number(12,2):=0;
         net_amt                     number(12,2):=0;
         disc_amount           number(12,2):=0;
         bagcd varchar2(20);
         billno varchar2(20);
         pdate date;
         pcopy number(10):=0;
    /*cursor      c_rate is
         select distinct amtr from cr_rate where edtn =vedtn;*/
    /*     cursor c_rate is
    select distinct sor from cr_dbksup where unit=:block3.unit and
              edtn=sup_rec.fedn and glcode = sup_rec.glcode;
         cn number(5);*/
         cursor c_rate is
         select distinct sor from cr_dbksup
              where unit=:block3.unit and publ=:block3.ppubl and
                             edtn=sup_rec.fedn and oldagcd = sup_rec.bilagcd;
         cn number(5);
    cursor c_dt is
         select distinct fr_date FROM fin.freeze_type
              where divn=:block3.unit AND fr_typ='SCR';
    v_fdt date;
         select count(*) into v_rec_cnt from cr_bill
              where unit=:block3.unit and publ=:block3.ppubl and bldate = :block3.bill_dt;
         if nvl(v_rec_cnt,0)>0 then
              message('Bill Already processed for this Publication '||:block3.ppubl);
              message('Bill Already processed for this Publication '||:block3.ppubl);
              raise form_trigger_failure;
         end if;
         :system.message_level :=25;
         -----check validationfor freeze Voucher
         open c_dt;
         fetch c_dt into v_fdt;
         close c_dt;
         if v_fdt>:block3.bill_dt then
              message('Freeze date '||v_fdt||' Not allowed to Enter/Update/Delete Data of Freeze Date ');
              message('Freeze date '||v_fdt||' Not allowed to Enter/Update/Delete Data of Freeze Date ');
              raise form_trigger_failure;
         end if;
         --message('i m here ');message('i m here ');
         open c_agcd;
              fetch c_agcd into vagcd,vtrde_disc,vagty,vedtn,v_typ;
              exit when c_agcd%notfound;
              pcopy                     :=0;
              v_disc_amount     :=0;
              gross_amt           :=0;
              disc_amount      :=0;
              net_amt                :=0;
              --message('i m here c_supply');message('i m here c_supply');
              open c_supply;
                   fetch c_supply into tot_sup,bagcd,pdate,rate,ppubl,vcomm;
                   exit when c_supply%notfound;
                   v_gross_amt           :=      tot_sup*rate;
                   v_disc_amount      := v_gross_amt*vcomm/100;
                   pcopy                          :=     pcopy                    +     tot_sup;
                   gross_amt                :=      gross_amt      + v_gross_amt;
                   disc_amount               :=     disc_amount     +     v_disc_amount;
                   tot_sup     :=0; rate :=0;vcomm:=0; v_disc_amount     :=0;
              end loop;
              net_amt           := round((gross_amt - disc_amount),0);
              select nvl(count(1),0) into cn from cr_bill
              where unit=:block3.unit and publ=:block3.ppubl
              and agcd =bagcd and bldate = :block3.bill_dt;
              if nvl(cn,0) = 0 then
                   billno := bill();
              end if;
              :block3.dagcd := bagcd ;
              :block3.amount:= net_amt;
              --message('i m here net_amt '||bagcd||' , '||billno);message('i m here net_amt '||bagcd||' , '||billno);
              if net_amt is not null and net_amt >0 then
                        update cr_bill set totblamt = gross_amt , copr =pcopy, amtr = net_amt, comm_per =vtrde_disc, comm_amt = disc_amount,
                                                                     frdt =:block3.frdt , todt = :block3.todt, agty =vagty ,surt =rate,doctyp='SCR'
                        where unit=:block3.unit and publ=:block3.ppubl and agcd = bagcd and bldate = :block3.bill_dt; --and edtn = vedtn;
                   if sql%notfound then
                        insert into cr_bill(unit,bldate,bill,agcd,glcode,totblamt,publ,edtn,copr,amtr,comm_per,comm_amt,frdt,todt,agty,surt,doctyp)
                   end if;
                   update cr_outmast set amount =net_amt,balance = net_amt
                        where unit=:block3.unit and doctyp='BIL' and publ=:block3.ppubl and agcd =bagcd and billdt = :block3.bill_dt;--and edtn =vedtn;
                   if sql%notfound then
                        insert into cr_outmast(unit,agcd,glcode,doctyp,billno,billdt,voucherno,voucherdt,publ,amount,balance,edtn)
                   end if;
              end if; -- for o balance entry
              close c_supply;
         end loop;
         close c_agcd;
         message('Bill has been Processed');
         message('Bill has been Processed');

    The data form should show exactly what is in essbase so if you query essbase with the Excel Add-in you should see the same number.
    Seems like either your data is not what you expect it to be or the form definition is incorrect.

  • Form is not working after table refresh

    I've made a form and have added pre-insert trigger for the block. And the form is working perfectly fine with no issues.
    Two new columns have been added to the table and have to be added to the form now.
    I opened the data block wizard of the form and did a refresh of the table to get the two columns. After I pressed the "refresh" and then tried to run the form(but did not add new columns), the pre-insert trigger fails and starts throwing me an error that value has to be entered.(FRM:40202)
    After further analysis I also found out that there was null value being passed into another item. Actually when I refresh the Datablock wizard I can see this column on the left hand side than being present on the right hand side.
    Kindly if you could help on the same.

    Hi Vidhya
    pre-insert trigger fails and starts throwing me an error that value has to be entered.(FRM:40202)that's FRM-40202 (Field Must be entered)
    pls make sure any new db column that's defined as NOT NULL in the table that u r trying to insert in is pre-insert has an insert statment.; must have a value.
    the main issue here is ur table u r trying to insert in ; it has nothing to do with the form wizard's item on the left or the right hand side.
    Hope this helps...

  • XML Forms show raw xml after transport

    Hallo experts,
    at the moment I am working to set up a SAP Enterprise Portal 7.4. I was able to export KM content from our old 7.0 portal.
    The only problem i am experiencing is that xml forms, that I exported and imported through standard KM export / import, are showing as raw xml.
    The forms are available in forms builder and I also generated a preview (compiled the form) for each form and saved after that.
    There are no errors in the log that point me in a direction, so please help.
    Do you have any ideas what I am missing?
    Best regards,

    Hi Zlatin,
    -> 1
    By Default identic properties queries are connected by an 'OR'.
    Please have a look into the documentation for further info.
    -> Search Options
    So far it's not possible to connect two identic proerties by an 'AND' within the standard.
    You can preset a search filter via the relevant Search Option Set.
    Regards Matthias Röbig-Landau

  • Custom form shows wrong path

    Custom form registered and worked successfully .
    echo $XXTIME2_TOP
    if we removed form from this path "$XXTIME2_TOP/forms/US/FORM_NAME" . then we found that form is not opening from applications and message that there's no form in this path is appear . which means form is detecting proper path .
    only issue related when we open the form and check "Help >> About Oracle Application" it shows form path " $FND_TOP" instead of"$CUSTOM_TOP"
    Any idea ?
    Thanks and Regards

    Current Form
    Form Application : Application Object Library
    Form Path : /u03/PROD/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/forms/US/XXTIMEATTENDANCE.fmx
    Form Version : 11.5.12
    Form Last Modified : $Date: 2003/12/19 11:02 $
    while errors are in :
    1- form path (gives fnd instead of my custom top),
    2- form version ,
    3- last modified
    Regards ,
    Waleed .

  • How to register a students edition to get a licence number, as the respective adobe webpage form shows a error after submit?

    We have all relevant documents and information to show to adobe that this students edition of lightroom for my daughter is valid and that she could get a license number to make it usable after the 30 days test period.
    But when we try to submit the relevant adobe web form including copy of her students license of the University we face an error message indicating that the target page could not be found.
    At least up to now we have found no way to contact adobe fro this topic. Just chat is offered.
    Is there someone who could help us?
    Regards from Germany

    You had probably best tried to use the chat option. I'm wondering if maybe the website you are trying to access is not available in Germany. That's only a guess.

  • Data in aggregates not updated after planning in SEM-BPS cubes

    We are running BW 3.0B SP27 with SEM-BPS. Our database is DB/2. When users modify plan data on planning layouts, the data in the cube and the aggregates can become inconsistent.
    For example, when a user runs a report that uses an aggregate, they get one number, but when they add a drilldown that causes the report to bypass the aggregate and hit the cube directly, the number will be different. The only way to fix this is to deactivate and then reactivate the aggregate that has stale data.
    We've tried opening an OSS message, but that hasn't been helpful, since we aren't able to reliably reproduce the problem. Sometimes the aggregates are fine, other times the data will be stale.
    We roll up aggregates in the SEM cubes at the end of each business day. We include a request ID filter for "most current data" (0S_RQMRC) in all our SEM queries, so the queries should be bringing in data from the latest open request in addition to the data in the relevant aggregate.
    What causes this, and how can we fix it without manually reactivating aggregates?
    Message was edited by: Jason Kraft

    is the request still open. close the request and then probably the aggregates will start..
    Assign points if helpful.

  • GetFormulaText show wrong recordselectionformula after installing SP4

    I have a very strange problem after installing the sp4 of CR2008:
    I am working with the following code to read a recordselection formula of a report:
                    DataDefController dataDefController = _reportClientDocument.DataDefController;
                    FilterController recordFilterController = _reportClientDocument.DataDefController.RecordFilterController;
                    string oldRecordFilter = recordFilterController.GetFormulaText();
                    string newRecordFilter = string.Empty;
    I know that I have many possibilities to get the formula, f.e. the Property freeeditingtext or the filteritems collection. But this method is working fine since month.
    I have a report with this selectionformula:
    {Belegdruck.EBD.SachGrp}= "6460" and
    {Belegdruck.EBD.Esintern} = "0" and
    {t_ZAEHLER.zaehler} <= {Belegdruck.EBD.Menge}
    And this is what the GetformulaText-function shows me in my program after installing SP4:
    (   (  {Belegdruck.EBD.SachGrp} = "6460"  AND  {Belegdruck.EBD.Esintern} = "0"  )   AND   (   NOT  {t_ZAEHLER.zaehler} <= {Belegdruck.EBD.Menge}  )   ) 
    Unbelievable. As you see, the systems put a NOT before the last if-part. I don't know why, but if I change the operand <= to < or = then everything is working fine and the selectionformula is unchanged.
    The cause of problem is definitive SP4 because we did not change the program or the report. I think the reason is the parser. Because if I change the formula to a 'complex' formula which the parser cannot understand, then the formula keeps unchanged. for tests we put Local numberVar dummy := 1; in the beginning of the formula., so that the parser does not pars the formula.
    Does anybody know if there is a chance to disable the formula parser or does anybody knows this problem?
    I have opened a case at the sap-bo-support. I hope that they can help me.
    Thank you.

    This is a known issue. See KB [1584095 - A boolean NOT is added at the beginning of a record selection formula when the report is loaded by the Crystal Reports .NET SDK|].
    The fix is done for this issue and has been added to Fix Pack 4.1 - ETA: October 2011
    Follow us on Twitter
    Got Enhancement ideas? Try the [SAP Idea Place|]

  • Problem between SSMS and Report ! Filter query not showing data or showing wrong data

    Hi all,
    In short: I have a report with multiple values such as name of shop, postal code etc. The parameters have no default value and act as "like". If someone enters "krant" he'll get all the shop names that contain "krant" in their
    name etc. 
    Same goes for postal code, if someone enters 2550 he'll get all data for 2550. The problem although is that if a user start with postal code as parameters and leaves the shop name empty, the shop name is not shown in my report! The other way around it works,
    when I enter shop name i'll get all shops + postal code in my report.
    I know this is because POS name cannot be shown in report because it's left blank, but I want my MDX query to be able to give me the POS names even if I only enter postal code.
    Can someone please please look at my query below? I need to add 4 more parameters this way later on too!
    [Measures].[Sales amount]
                                   [Point of sale].[POS name].AllMembers,
                                                   [Point of sale].[POS name].CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION,
                                   ) > 0
                                   [Point of sale].[POS postal code].AllMembers,
                                                   [Point of sale].[POS postal code].CurrentMember.MEMBER_CAPTION,
                                   ) > 0
    *[Point of sale].[Client id].[Client id]
    *[Point of sale].[POS id].[POS id]
    *[Point of sale].[POS street].[POS street]
    *[Point of sale].[POS town].[POS town]
    *[Point of sale].[POS housenumber].[POS housenumber]
    FROM [mycube]

    You have to use
    StrToMember (MDX) /
    StrToSet (MDX) /
    StrToTuple (MDX) to convert the Parameter; see
    Parameterized Reporting Services Reports with Analysis Services as a Data Source
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • STMS shows wrong release after upgrade

    I've just upgraded our DEV box (also our transport domain controller) from R/3 4.6C to ECC 6.0 and am trying to get STMS to show the new release version on the system overview screen.
    I try to "update configuration" but the release remains the same with value "46C".
    Any ideas?

    Hi All,
    I also upgraded my Development system from 4.6C to ECC6.0. Now i want to reconfigure the stms. can u please let me how to reconfigure that.

  • Not able to see data in Hyperion Planning data forms.

    Hi ,
    I created Hyperion planning EPMA application and loaded data in to it. But I am unable to see data in my data forms? Please give me solution for this?

    Here there are 2 things, once your epma heirarchy is ready did you deploy it against your planning App ? and incase if you haven't deployed your planning application, then old outline would be existing in Essbase and if you load data for old outline it will still take into but when you deploy the database gets restructured and older data gets restructured/removed.
    Before going onto that level first check if your load data to essbase completed successfully. and did you load data for the combinations on dataform ? ? Try manually inputting a number through data form and submit and do a refresh to see if value comes up. ? Check your data form settings , if you have enables suppress missing rows/blocks.

  • Data Form - Logic to calculate "Year Total" Column

    I need some help with the logic for calculating one of the column values in our data form. I am not sure how to do this - should I write a member formula or something else. Please let me know your ideas on this issue and I would greatly appreciate if someone could guide me on how to write the logic for the same.
    I have a column in the data forms called “Year Total” where I need to display a value which will be the sum (combination) of the actual values and forecasted values.
    We have in rows something called “Previous Forecast” and “Current Forecast” for which the Year Total values (in column) needs to be displayed and the user wants to be able to compare these two "Year Total" values and get a difference of the two.
    For example: For the month “Aug”
    1) Previous Forecast (Year Total) = Sum of Actuals (Jan to June) + Sum of Forecast values (July to Dec). (Here July is still a forecast value)
    2) Current Forecast (Year Total) = Sum of Actuals (Jan to July) + Sum of Current Forecast values (Aug to Dec). (Here July became Actual)
    Thank you!
    Edited by: Adella on Aug 17, 2011 2:25 PM

    Hello User626014,
    Thank you so much for looking into my requirement and I appreciate your effort in guiding me with the logic. I will surely try your approach and see if it meets all my requirements.
    I think I understand your logic too. Just for your information the call on whether the data will be in the "Working" or "Final" version still needs to be made. It could possibly happen that the users are given the working version to work with and so we will have the version set to "Working" on our data form.
    There are somethings that are yet to be decided for sure. But for now, having this base idea of the logic from you is really helpful.
    Please don't mind about my questions as I am trying to know things better.
    1) Does the data for sure needs to be in the Final version? The reason I am asking this is since you said that if it's not in Final we can write a script to copy the data from Working to Final version.
    2) Why was it that you asked me to remove "Final" from the FIX and asked me to reference it for getting the Actual and the Forecast data?
    Please let me know!

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  • Check spelling of concatenated words

    Hello, I'm doing a puzzle construction spreadsheet where I've concatenated individual letters to make words. I don't have all the letters for each word in the correct order, so I figured I could correct them through the Spell-checking program. It won

  • Continuously getting "Sync encountered an error while syncing: Unknown error."

    I've been getting this for a while. What can I do to debug this? I'm getting it on both of my PCs that I'm syncing - FF4, latest version on both.

  • Saving breves and macrons in dictionary

    Is there any way to save breves and macrons as English spelling within Pages 2 - I need to use them for Japanese and Korean transliterations, but Pages doesn't seem to recognise them as characters even: the red-line indicating incorrect spellings see