Database at website

Please excuse my ignorance as I stumble thru my question.
I would like to have a website, via Mobile Me or otherwise, that is similar to ones you see at newspapers - where there are selection boxes for users to choose what they want to see (one, several or all) of a category, and then the results can be sorted.
I have the data in a database... I'm just not sure what I do from there.
I looked at many calendar driven applications, but they do not seem to give me the flexibility I need for allowing my viewers to choose what they see.
If someone can just give me a push in the direction of what it is that I'm looking for, I'll be off and running...
Thank you -

Hi Marion,
MobileMe does not support server side scripting or databases by users.
I have a work around to show the HTML published database with an iFrame if your database app. has instant web publishing capabilities. But that may not be what you are looking for as there will be a 'log-in to database(server)' screen first.
If you are looking for a database driven content management platform then you may want to check out [Drupal|>, it works with MySQL databases and PHP.
On their website you can find plenty of hosts for your Drupal website.
With PHP or MySQL over ODBC you can even connect to your database.
Check out [DynDNS|> if you want to use your own Mac as a web/database server behind a consumer router with variable IP nr.
Kind regards,

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    > the term Database-Driven Websites?
    > what is it?
    > and how does this work?
    well the data is stored in a database and based on the user's
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    Hello folks,
    I want to create a website , not super classy but simple one . I want to have the website connected to a oracle database where all the details of products will be stored. Not much into details just enough. Then connect the website with the database so that we can add,delete,update things from the website . Website be a front end and oracle database a back end.
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    I created some simple web pages to display/update details on an oracle database. I used apache web server, and php for the pages. In php it is simple to access an oracle database using oci_connect, oci_parse, oci_execute, etc.

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    Hi Edgard,
    I am afraid that this is not possible in Muse at this stage, I will recommend that you post this on our ideas section over here, Ideas for features in Adobe Muse, and let our devs team know of this requirement.
    In muse you can only design static content. For any dynamic content that you need to render via DB, you will need to write custom code and insert it in Muse via 'object -> insert html' option or 'properties -> metadata -> html for head' option.
    - Abhishek Maurya

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    Ok, first of all you need to understand this entire process from installing the server apps, to writing the code, to laying out the page isnt going to be a simple drag and drop, point and click, upload and go process. Its going to be ALOT more involved than that on any operating system and in any development environment. I dont ever want to discourage, but im going to let you know right now if you have this attitude of "it didnt work in the first 10 minutes" you aint gonna end up creating anything. Period.
    That said, you need to consider where youre going to run this site. Are you going to run it off your home computer? Ok, then youll need a static ip address to bind to your domain name and at the leat a always on broadband connection - preferably a business account if you want to avoid being haslted by your ISP. If youre going to host the site somewhere then you need to lok at what type of server its going to run n and what technlogies are going to be available on that server. The most common are ASP/ASP.Net and PHP4.In combonation with MSSQL, MySQL or Postgre. You cant really run ASP on your mac since its an MS only thing (ALthough ther eis a Java server that will run ASP available from Sun Microsystems). So now youre left with PHP out of those two. Ofcourse, you can find hosts offering hosted Coldfusion and Ruby on Rails. However rails can be tricky to get working on a mac properly so id say youll probably jsut want to stick with PHP. Id reccommend php4 as opposed to php5 since most hosts arent yet offering php5(this is changing daily but for the time being in a learning environment jsut use 4).
    As for MySQL, agian you need to use in your environment the one youre using on your host. So stick with verion 4.x.x as thats what most hosts currently run... Mine still runs 3.x.x although tats set to change to 4.x.x by the end of the year.
    One thing youll learn in web development is that people dont always use the most recent generally available rleas of a product, particularily where opensource stuff is concerned.

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    Ok so here is how i did it!
    Create Mobile Service with a free 20MB database. I used North Europe
    Create an application in Visual Studio (select host in Azure and ensure authentication is selected)
    Publish your site and ask it to create a website in azure for you
    When publishing your site, in the settings section, you can insert a DB connection string there. Ensure the site is created in the same region as the database else your site will be slower and you will be charged for bandwidth (i found this out in
    azure when playing around with creating a mobile service and database)
    Go into azure and select your database then "show connection strings"
    Copy the string, put your password in and paste into visual studio before publishing.
    Test it and it should work. If it doesn't, in Azure, you can add a firewall rule in the same window you copied the db connection string from.
    Publish your site
    In Azure, go to your website then select linked services and ensure ONLY your free database is in there. I found it sometimes creates a GB database. You don't want that in there as it charges you as you populate it.
    Then again in your website area, go to "Configure" and scroll down to connection strings
    Paste your conn string in there as well as a key value. The key being the conn string name in visual studio web.config and the value being the conn string
    Thats all I did and it works.

  • Need help connecting to database on website!!!!

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    con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=CarDealership.accdb");
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    thanks and regards

    OK I apologise and realise I was in a rush. I will try explain more clearly now.
    I am using Netbeans 7 and am having troubles connecting my java program to a Microsoft Access database which is on this website:
    The database name is "CarDealership.accdb".
    When I use the class below to connect to my database locally, it is a success.
    import java.sql.*;
    public class DB {
    Connection con;
    Statement stm;
    ResultSet rs;
    public DB(){
    con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};DBQ=*CarDealership.accdb*");
    } catch(Exception ex){
    System.out.println("Error opening database.");
    System.out.println("Database successfully opened.");
    However, when I change the bold text above (or the text between the asterisks, not sure if it will change) to "" it throws an error signifying that it can't find the file specified.
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    hi sir,
    Thanks for you posting!
    Firstly, please make sure your MySQL database in host on Azure, not in your project.
    Secondly, if your database is create on Azure, I suggest you could try those step:
    1.delete the entire website
    2.create a new website and select add the existing MySQL database as a Linked Resource .
    Also, please see this similar issue post:
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "cmnolen" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:feodk1$edf$[email protected]..
    I have some experience with Dreamweaver, but I don't
    know the
    > first
    > thing about databases. I need to create a website where
    users can search
    > for
    > churches by name, location, etc. out of a list of
    thousands. Can any one
    > tell
    > me where to start????

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    I created some simple web pages to display/update details on an oracle database. I used apache web server, and php for the pages. In php it is simple to access an oracle database using oci_connect, oci_parse, oci_execute, etc.

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    Does anybody know how to solve this problem? Need I confige the port?

    Did you do any changes since it worked?
    I would run "emctl status dbconsole" to see the status. It could be that it's stopped and then you would just execute emctl start dbconsole.

  • Need Help/Advice with Photo Web Gallery coming from SQL Database

    This is my first attempt at a database driven website. I assume what I am trying to accomplish should be fairly easy for more experienced but I am stuck at this point.
    First, let me explain what I am trying to accomplish.
    I want to create a thumbnail photo gallery displayed in columns and rows. I want to be able to hover over or click on the thumbnail image and have a lightbox script display the image over the thumb page. I am developing locally right now with intent to upload to the hosting site upon completion.
    I am developing with ASP vbScript pages. I have an SQL database where the paths to the image thumbnails and pictures are stored in a table. On the gallery page, I have created a div tag to hold my image recordset. Within this div, I have inserted 3 absolute positioned divs to hold the pictureID, the pictureName and the image inserted as a datasource. I then inserted the information from the bindings panel of my recordset. Last, I used a horizontal looper extension from Tom Muck to get the thumbnails to display in columns and rows. Everything works up to this point just fine.
    Now, I want to be able to hover or click on a thumnail image and have it displayed in a lightbox. I downloaded and used a javascript called Lightbox 2 which contains 3 javascript files and a css stylesheet. I inserted the files into the head tag like instructed to but could not get things to work properly. Here is where I need help. Currently, I am clicking on the thumbImage binding within the image Div and creating a link holder. I am then binding the larger pictureImage to it with the a.href selected in the bind to. I am then adding the command to call the lightbox javascript. Now, when I test my page, my thumbnail images do not show up (my alt text does in its place) but the links are in place and you can click on the alt text and it will return the correct larger image, but not in the lightbox, just in a new window with no styles.
    Am I going about this correctly? Can you use lightbox scripts with data-driven galleries? Does anybody have any suggestions of what I may be doing wrong or missing? Are there better ways to go about accomplishing this?
    Any help would be appreciated as this dynamic data thing has my head spinning. Although I know a database is needed to simplify the update and maintenance of the photos while allowing them to be searchable by keywords and tags also set up in the database.

    As I explained, I am developing locally a the moment. I will see about getting the databased moved up to the hosting server and then provide a link for an example.
    In the mean time, can you or anyone else explain a way that you would go about displaying an image thumbnail photo gallery laid out in rows / columns, with any lighbox script that would overlay the larger image over the existing page instead of opening a new browser window?
    I don't have to use the method I tried to describe.
    In all of the lightbox examples I have looked at thus far, they give instructions on how to append that javascript to a single static image or a group of static images, not images from a datasource. That is where I am getting confused.
    Don't know if this will help or not but please see code below:
    Javascript and CSS positioned in head tag
    <!--beginning of lightbox script with css -->
    <link href="CSS/lightbox.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
    <script src="Scripts/protype.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="Scripts/scriptaculous.js?load=effects,builder" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <script src="Scripts/lightbox.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!--end of lightbox script with css -->
    Calling for javascript in the galleryimage div when hovering over thumbnail image
        <!--beginning of gallery div -->
        <div id="gallery">
            <!--beginning of galleryImage div -->
          <table width="400" border="0" align="center" id="galleryNav2">
              <td width="100" align="center"><% If MM_offset <> 0 Then %>
                  <a href="<%=MM_moveFirst%>">First</a>
              <% End If ' end MM_offset <> 0 %></td>
              <td width="100" align="center"><% If MM_offset <> 0 Then %>
                <a href="<%=MM_movePrev%>">Previous</a>
              <% End If ' end MM_offset <> 0 %></td>
              <td width="100" align="center"><% If Not MM_atTotal Then %>
                <a href="<%=MM_moveNext%>">Next</a>
              <% End If ' end Not MM_atTotal %></td>
              <td width="100" align="center"><% If Not MM_atTotal Then %>
                <a href="<%=MM_moveLast%>">Last</a>
              <% End If ' end Not MM_atTotal %></td>
          <p> </p>
          <table align="center" id="HorzLooper">
    startrw = 0
    endrw = HLooper1__index
    numberColumns = 5
    numrows = 5
    while((numrows <> 0) AND (Not rs_ssfGallery.EOF))
    startrw = endrw + 1
    endrw = endrw + numberColumns
            <tr align="center" valign="top">
    While ((startrw <= endrw) AND (Not rs_ssfGallery.EOF))
              <td><div id="galleryImage">
                <div id="galleryThumb"><a href="images/pic/<%=(rs_ssfGallery.Fields.Item("picture_url").Value)%>"rel="lightbox"><img src="images/thumb/<%=(rs_ssfGallery.Fields.Item("thumb_url").Value)%>" alt="<%=(rs_ssfGallery.Fields.Item("alt_url").Value)%>" /></a></div>
                <div id="galleryImageID"><%=(rs_ssfGallery.Fields.Item("picture_ID").Value)%></div>
                <div id="galleryImageFamily"><%=(rs_ssfGallery.Fields.Item("family").Value)%></div>
    startrw = startrw + 1
          <p> </p>
          <table width="400" border="0" align="center" id="galleryNav">
              <td width="100" align="center"><% If MM_offset <> 0 Then %>
                  <a href="<%=MM_moveFirst%>">First</a>
              <% End If ' end MM_offset <> 0 %></td>
              <td width="100" align="center"><% If MM_offset <> 0 Then %>
                  <a href="<%=MM_movePrev%>">Previous</a>
              <% End If ' end MM_offset <> 0 %></td>
              <td width="100" align="center"><% If Not MM_atTotal Then %>
                  <a href="<%=MM_moveNext%>">Next</a>
              <% End If ' end Not MM_atTotal %></td>
              <td width="100" align="center"><% If Not MM_atTotal Then %>
                  <a href="<%=MM_moveLast%>">Last</a>
              <% End If ' end Not MM_atTotal %></td>
    <!--end of galleryImage div -->
        <!--end of gallery div -->
    Thanks for any help or suggestions.

  • Multi database access in 1 component

    At the moment we're creating general components that look
    like the examples in the CF MX Bible book.
    In these components we've defined an application var that
    contains the database name, so the component could be used by
    multiple websites/application.cfc etc.
    These components are also created in a general folder with
    mappings redirecting to it.
    We're working with some webservices options with the same
    cfc, so we created a website with the home directory as our general
    cfc folder.
    This all looks fine and dandy, but let's say website A uses
    database B and website C uses database D, all nicely defined in the
    application.cfc of those websites.
    And let's say that we've created a webservice from the
    general cfc folder which checks addresses and returns the results,
    if website A and C needs them.
    The problem now is that the webservice website doesn't know
    the application var that contains the database name for website A
    or C.
    I know that the address webservice is not really a good
    example, since you usually just have 1 global address database for
    it, but there are certain situations where website A needs to call
    a webservice that checks a different database than website C.
    I've been thinking of a solution, but I just want to know if
    anyone has done this before or that they can share their idea about

    I'm against the idea of having the datasource as an argument.
    Especially when working with webservices.
    My own idea about it at the moment, is creating an
    application.cfc in the webservices directory and creating the logic
    which database it should select and set the application var with
    Altho your idea is workable, just a style preference I

  • Local and Remote Database

    Hi Guys,
    I would like your suggestion on the following situation I
    want to try, currently we have a database on a web-sever to deliver
    content, add members and created pages for the CRM functions for
    our sales staff.
    We have specific requirements for the CRM application part of
    the system that requires me to design a number of forms for CRM
    users plus the database has other fuctionallity for other parts of
    the business.
    Due to these forms and additionaly functionallity
    requirements it is not practical to continue hosting the database
    and need to host this part of our site locally.
    Therefore I am considering if the suggestion below would
    1. Host the database locally on our own server allowing
    internal users full functionallity locally using designed access
    2. Continue hosting the website via hosting providor
    3. Create a connection string from the hosted website to our
    server for the database
    Ultimately the sensible solution is to host both the database
    and website via our own server, but due to setup problems we are
    having currently the site can be flaky, But we need to switch to
    the local database to improve the CRM part of the business in the
    very immediate future.
    If anyone has any suggestions, advise or further information
    related to this I would be grateful for the feedback.
    Regards: Les
    SBS 2003, DW8, ASP, Access 2000 DB

    Are you actually going to drag and drop things from Server Explorer, and or use Sever Explorer to create/edit/debug stored procedures and such? If so, you'll need (32 bit) Oracle Developer Tools installed, and you'll need to install it into a separate home from the Express home.
    If you're just going to "hand code" ODP.NET, you can use the ODP.NET that installs in the Express home. Note though that in VS2010, projects default to compile target of "x86", so to run a 64 bit app with the 64 bit ODP/client (assuming you installed 64 bit db home), you'll need to change it to x64.
    You can connect from ODP.NET without tnsnames via the EZConnect version of the connect string.. ie,"data source=//serverhost:port/db_service_name; user id...etc.."
    You can use 11g client against a 10g database.
    Hope it helps,

  • Connecting Dreamweaver to Access 2007 database

    Hi, I am relatively new to Dreamweaver CS3; I have built a
    database in MS Access 2007; I'm looking to do either of the
    1. Put the database form on the web, so users can enter
    information straight into the database or/
    2. Create a front end form in Dreamweaver and link it to my
    Ideally, I would like to do #1
    This is an internet website, not an intranet website.
    Any help would be appreciated as I am growing frustrated.

    matthew stuart wrote:
    > I guess ASP may be the easiest to learn because all you
    need to do is insert
    > your windows XP disk an install IIS (Internet
    Information Services). This
    > enables you to serve ASP pages locally for testing.
    That makes ASP easy to install, but ease of installation does
    necessarily mean ease of learning.
    > learning it
    > is a different kettle of fish which is why I say get a
    book. The current books
    > seem to be mainly php with MySQL, but the older books
    seem to be ASP with
    > Access or MySQL.
    There's a very good reason for that. Microsoft stopped
    developing ASP in
    2000. Although ASP is widely supported, and will continue to
    be for the
    foreseeable future, it's a technology that's going nowhere.
    Anyone just
    starting out to learn how to build a database-driven website
    would be
    better advised to learn one of the technologies that remain
    in active
    development. That means ASP.NET - which has a steeper
    learning curve
    than ASP - ColdFusion, or PHP.
    Another important consideration is which database to use.
    Access is not
    designed to be used on a website. It works fine for small
    websites that
    don't get many visitors, but it creates bloated files, and
    locks up when
    traffic increases. Although MySQL and Microsoft SQL Server
    are more
    difficult to learn, they are a much better option for a
    I'm biased in favour of PHP and MySQL because I write books
    about them,
    but I would seriously advise Jedi7 to choose anything other
    than Access/ASP.
    David Powers, Adobe Community Expert
    Author, "The Essential Guide to Dreamweaver CS3" (friends of
    Author, "PHP Solutions" (friends of ED)

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