Can someone please help me.. My wife's 17" iMac G5 has crapped out. It won't start up. I can run it as a FireWire drive (Command T on startup) and see the contents of it's HD from my MacBook Pro, but it won't re-start OR start fron the OS X resore/Install disc... It just stays blank (forever) OR the fan screems at full speed an it comes up with the "Hold power button for 5 seconds...shut down" dialog.
Is there a Master Reset or somerthing I can do to force it too boot from the restore disc? I have unplugged and zapped the P-Ram.
OR, can I re-install the system from another computer's optical drive whilt it's in the FireWire mode? thanks.

Hi Shawn,
First thing to do is to run it in FW TD mode while attached to the MacBook and run DiskUtility over it. See if it can "Repair Disk" and "repair permissions" on the iMac.
Just by the way, did you have any peripherals other than the Apple mouse and keyboard attached when attempting to boot from the OS DVD. THis can sometimes prevent boot up from an optical disc. Try with everything disconnected eexcept the keyboard and mouse.
How did you try starting from the DVD? By holding down the c key or using the "option" key to invoke the startup manager? Sometimes the latter approach works when the first does not.
Another VERY SLIGHT possibility is that you have a problem with a defective keyboard preventing proper startup. If you have another USB keyboard available it may be worth trying with it.
The problem with re-installing the OS while in TD mode in this case is that the version of OSX which is needed to start up an Intel Mac like the MBP won't be able to start up the iMac G5, and vice versa. Accordingly you can't use your iMac G5 OS DVD to boot the MacBook, and therefore cannot use it accross the fw link to install the appropriate OS on the iMac. If you have access to another PPC based Mac you could try this approach though.

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    Hugo, I had the same thing happen twice. The first thing I did is run the hardware diagnostics to determine if the disk had totally crapped out. This test passed on both occurrences. I then tried to repair the disk by booting from the install disk (hold down the 'c' key while booting) and using the disk utility. The first time I had the problem this fixed it. Last night it happened for the second time, this time repairing the disk failed. I had to erase the disk, reinstall the OS and upgrades and load user files from backup. One tip, don't call AppleCare unless you really want to be annoyed. I had some useless tech explain to me how the hard drive was analogous to a library, the librarian goes home at night with all the books properly in place and some kids come in and move all the books around. When the librarian comes in the next day she cannot do anything because the location of the books do not match the locations identified in her book catalog. So I asked, who these 'kids' are that messed up my disk. He said this just happens. Well this has just happened to this computer twice in a month and its old 9 months old. I have 3 PCs running that have never had this problem, one is 8 years old. One more thing AppleCare categorizes this problem as a software issue, not hardware, so it is not covered, even though it's Apple's software that failed ! You either have to fix it yourself or pay someone to do it for you. Sorry for the digression (as you can tell I'm a little frustrated with Apple), when I was just about done loading user files from backup, the iMac died, will not power backup, nothing, just dead. This is after I just spent 4 hours erasing the disk and reinstalling software and files. Guess I do have a hardware problem now.
    Good luck

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    Hi Harvard:
    You could try one other thing and reset the PRAM (look for a knowledge base article).
    If that will not work, you have a hardware problem that needs to be diagnosed at either an Apple store or an Apple certified technician.

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    <Personal Information Edited by Host>

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    Peter R

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    Hey Richard.....Thanks for the reply to my question about my wife's dead iMac.....
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    K Shaffer wrote:
    This topic has been well-played here; the replies
    given to several inquiries have been researched.
    I'm not an expert, only having owned, repaired &
    donated to charities, some 140 Macintoshes.
    And I've not been heavily into dissecting my four
    iMac G4 computers with 17" LCD displays. But
    I do know the computer with a failed logicboard
    will not support the display; the graphics or video
    processor is integrated, and the panel has only
    a few of the necessary support circuits with it
    above the chrome arm in the panel's case.
    There are a few ways of integrating a different
    fully self-contained display into the dead iMac
    case and perhaps use the existing LCD or an
    other LCD and put additional circuitry into the
    base of the iMac G4 instead of the dead LB.
    And the earlier reply was essentially spot-on.
    Other discussions on this topic are most likely
    to be found in the proper forum for iMac G4,
    Apple - Support - Discussions - iMac G4 flat panel:
    Later G5 & Intel-based iMac cases could be
    used, empty, to support an entire complete
    display of similar size; and the circuits likely
    would fit if the case had room enough, empty.
    An apology would be in order, if you came in
    to a retail establishment and talked to a tech
    with a determined to fail attitude like that.
    Good luck & happy computing!
    {edited to add correct iMac G4 forum link}
    My attitude was like that because i know what I am talking about. I now it is not a display. That is what bugged me. he talked to me like I had no idea what I am talking about. he also did not provide an answer like you that was well thought out and seemingly well researched, he said "I guess." I will, and have accepted, that this is not really possible. It was not his answer, it was his attitude towards the question. and just a BTW, I am talking about the intel imac. The white one, not the g4.

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    Charge the battery.
    If necessary, restore the iPod >  iTunes: Backing up, updating, and restoring your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch software

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    I rebooted and attempted to reset the PRAM. I only got one chime. I powered down and unplugged the power cord for one minute. Plugged power in and attempted to reset PRAM with no luck.
    I reset the PMU and powered up. The drive spun up, the screen stayed black and the white LED remained dark.
    Anyone got any ideas?
    G4 400, iBook, G5 iMac, Pismo PB, 1G iPod Mac OS X (10.3.9) F87, Crappy Toshiba Laptop, Trek Y66, Ludwig Vistalites, Birth. Drums. Death.
    G4 400, iBook, G5 iMac, Pismo PB, 1G iPod   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   F87, Crappy Toshiba Laptop, Trek Y66, Ludwig Vistalites, Birth. Drums. Death.

    If you have the disks, I'd try installing a fresh copy of OS X. Or running Apple Hardware Test.
    Have you tried booting in verbose mode (cmd-v). You might get more a more specific error that way.

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    I also have a similar issue since upgrading from the 4s to the 5s.
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    Which also consists of the same events in the last message from monicash "So for example, if i get a text while sleeping... i wake up in the morning to check my notifications and there is nothing there because it disappeared (even though there should be a notification there with my current settings that are ON)."

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    Bought Chinese version Lenovo K920 Vibe Z2 4G after 1 hour of use its completely dead - Any help? 
    Many Thanks,

    So is what your saying that nothing can be done about me not being able to update it at all?
    If you're referring to OTA updating....No,you won't be able to OTA update with the current(custom/modified) firmware/ROM.
    Hypothetically speaking if you were to OTA update your phone would revert(not downgrade) to the original stock Chinese firmware(NO Google services/not allowed in CN,only EN&CN ,a lot of Chinese apps... ). update it at all?
    In way or another you'll always be dependent on custom firmwares,root acces,etc....
    If you currently don't have any major bugs/issues I suggest to leave it as it is for the moment and consider flashing(at own risk) a new firmware when a stable Android 5(Lollipop) custom firmware comes out.As far as I know there isn't any stable K920 Android 5 firmware available ....yet.
    Hope this helps.
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as ''ACCEPT AS SOLUTION"! 
    Unsolicited PM's will not be answered! ....Please post your question/s in the appropriate forum board.
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  • IMac HELP... Upgrade memory on a 800 MHz PowerPC G4

    iMac HELP...
    Upgrade memory on a 800 MHz PowerPC G4
    I believe I can add more PC133 SDRAM memory to my mac, but have been advised that not all memory works, how do I know what works and what does not?
    If you can use this link, here is a really good price...
    Please advise, the last thing I want to do is buy the wrong memory and install something that doesn't work. THANKS!

    1. There are two slots as shown in the photos below:
    The left one being the SODIMM "User" slot and the right image showing the DIMM "Factory" slot.
    When Apple published the maximum RAM for the iMac 800MHz it was based on the fact that in both DIMM and SODIMM form 512Mb was the largest capacity on the market hence 2 x 512Mb = 1Gb max. If it is now possible to get a 1Gb PC133 DIMM then theoretically 1.5Gb could be the max but I have heard nothing to confirm that this actually works in an iMac G4.
    Crucial always stick to Apple's specs and hence 1024Mb.
    2. I suspect that you have 1 x 256Mb PC133 168pin DIMM (factory) and 1 x 256Mb PC133 144pin SODIMM (later upgrade). You can check this by looking at the contents of J13/J14 memory slots in  Apple Menu > About This Mac > More Info... > Hardware/Memory

  • Dead Imac (need some help)

    Looking for advice or help.
    My new 233mghz intel 20" iMac has died. It has 2 gigs of memory that was installed by Apple and a 500 gig hard drive. When I verify the disk I get 2 errors, "volume bit map needs minor repair" and "error, underlying task reported the following error, Failure to exit". Yet when I try to repair it, disk utility says "no repair needed".
    When I ran the hardware test I received this error code:
    On the advice of Apple tech support I tried to reinstall the system software. That does not work, the iMac either experiences a kernal panic or the install fails.
    Anyone out there seen these problems before? Are the hardware error codes available somewhere. This is essentially a brand new machine.
    I am hoping this will be something I can fix at home as the nearest Apple repair center is over 100 miles away.
    Thanks for any help with this.

    Intel-based iMac: Installing and replacing memory (RAM)

  • Flashing Question Mark Icon on Start up. DEAD iMAC. HELP

    Well, i think i've hit a break wall...
    It wont even recognize my internal HDD, it just has a flashing question mark (?) icon when i start the machine.....i've used Tech Tool Pro 4 and the Leopard start up disk, both with no luck, they don't even think a HDD is present at all.
    I have pics of what i'm looking at:
    its one dead HDD..... any clues on what to do next?
    Message was edited by: Matt-Beasley

    You must use the original grey system DVD disc that came with your iMac to run the Apple Hardware Test, the one that is marked with instructions for running the test on it. Depending on the version of OS X that shipped with your iMac, this could be either disc 1 or disc 2.
    When you restart with this disc in the optical drive & the D key held down, you should not see a question mark icon or the leopard installer. If you do, it means that either you don't have the correct disc inserted, you waited too long to depress the D key, or you are releasing it too soon.
    You don't say exactly which Core 2 Duo iMac model you have. If it is a Mid 2007 or later model, use the chart at Apple Hardware Test: iMac (Mid 2007) and later models to identify the AHT version you need. That version number should printed on the grey disc you need to use. You can't use the instructions there to start the test from the hidden HD partition if the HD is dead or damaged but the ones for running the test from the Install DVD should work fine.

  • Five dead iMacs, all in a row... help?

    Over the years I have had a dozen iMacs from the revA up. Now I have a collection of five of them that are dead. I would like to cannibalize them to see if I could get a couple back up. My question:
    What three parts are the MOST likely failures? All present with no startup, no nada. And all were running MacOS 9. For example, is the internal battery the same part number on all?
    I'm going to use one of the remaining 233 as the "good parts" bin for now. All

    Miguel V...
    I would say the flyback is the most common expected failure in a iMac (CRT). My guess is about 90-95%. This involves the Analog Board in the Tray Loaders, PAV board in the Slot loaders. Power supplies and other related items seem to be more rare but possible.
    The Mac(s) that use a 3.6v 1/2 AA Lithum, standard tip & base battery, is a common industry standard. My preference has been the Saft LS 14250C mainly because of quality construction and 1.2 Amp/hour capacity. Others are probably ok but I can get them at a wholesale price 3 to 1 of the Radio Shack or Apple price.
    Apple does list their own part numbers of which was given when some specs was drawn up at the time of manufacture. Those are just for ordering purposes and may contain other brands of acceptable quality.

Maybe you are looking for