Deletion customer_rel in CRM caused contact person deleted in ERP

I deleted customer_rel between customers and their contact person in CRM, but found these contact peson are all deleted in ERP system. In middleware I only set filter from ERP to CRM for object CUSTOMER_REL. There is no other settings.

Yes some subscriptions found. Thanks!

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    Hi Experts,
    I want delete the home address of the contact persons in the ERP.
    Which data and where can you found it:
    In Tx xd02 in the general data of customer - register "contact person" and then button "home address".
    There I want delete all fields. When I looked in F1 - technical information I don't get the information in which table the data are included. I know only the structure.
    I think the general data of the contact person I have to look in the table knvk.
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    Or does anybody know how can I delete the home address of the contact persons on another way?
    Thank you in advance.
    Best regards, Jasmin

    I am sorry, I forgot to say I don't want delete only one home address. Yes, you are right, then I could delete it manually.
    But I want to delete all private addresses, so I should have a tool for mass deletion.
    Does anybody know how can I do this?
    Best regards, Jasmin

  • BUPA_REL BDOC's from ECC to CRM  BP  Contact PersonRelationship DATES wrong

    Hello  SDN community,
    BUPA_REL BDOC's - from ECC to CRM  - BP Contact Person Relationship (BUR001)  -  Valid From & Valid To dates are not replicating correctly.
    Within ECC,
    when a Business Partner's Contact Person relationship (BUR001) is modified, such that one relationship is ended
    and the "Valid To" relationship is set to  todays date (ie. 20/01/2012).
    AND  then another Contact Person relationship is created for the BP, with a Valid From date  that is  set  to tomorrow  (ie. 21/01/2012) and
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    ie. The VALID FROM date is set to 01.01.01 and
    the VALID TO date is set  to 31.12.9999.
    Does anyone have any ideas/solution for this or a similar experience?
    Thanks in advance
    Andrew Clarkson

    Hi, Andrew Clarkson
    1630644 - No validity period in standard contact person relationship
    This is SAP standard behaviour
    Due to technical reasons, the partner function assignments are not time-dependent and the validity period of the contact person relationship cannot be considered by the automatic partner determination in the CRM applications. Therefore the maintenance of the start and end for the contact person relationship in CRM is deactivated in the standard system.
    A possible workaround is to use a customer-defined relationship category (copy of standard), which can be customized without any limitations.

  • How to avoid contact person deletion when partner function is assigned

    Hi All.
    I need your help for a contact person issue.
    I'd like to avoid a contact person relationship to be deleted when this contact person is assigned to one or more partner functions for any customer's sales area. In ECC I can't delete a contact person that is been used as a partner function in customer's sales data (KNVP). The system shows message F2 189. But it seems not to be the same in CRM as I'm able to delete this contact person relationship despite he's been used as a customer's partner function. Furthermore, when the contact person is deleted in CRM, no upload to ECC occurs, I mean, the contact person is still "alive" in ECC and linked to the customer.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Thanks, Prasenjit.
    Yes, we're using Web UI, so I'll try to check the partner function assignment as you told me.
    No problem regarding the concepts of contact person deletion and contact person relationship deletion, I know the difference. What I meant was that you can delete a contact person relationship in CRM (not the contact person itself but the relationship) and this relationship is not deleted en ERP due to the fact that this contact person is used as a partner function in the customer sales area. It seems CRM and ERP are working in a different way, using different checks that can lead you to inconsistencies.
    Kind regards,

  • Error Message AM057 while deleting contact person

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    Cl.     Person            Seq. No.      Table      Field           Application table key      pers.addr. Key      Addr. no.            Owner
    300   0200591046          1            KNVK     PRSNR      2000000093060             BP                         0200026699       X
    300   0200591046   45333695     KNVK     PRSNR      3000007093060             BP                         0200026699       X
    Can there be more than one entry with same addr. no. in table ADRVP for the same person number? Can someone share what is wrong with deleting the contact person in customer master?

    Dear Balaji
    You have asked same question In Different places
    Re: Error Message AM057 while deleting contact person in customer master

  • Error Message AM057 while deleting contact person in customer master

    Recently, our company consolidated the SAP platforms for two regions and it is single instance now. The data is migrated to the new system by SLO. After this we are facing an issue while deleting the contact person in customer master. When we select the contact person and delete, we get a message saying "Specify a valid person use (PERSON_REFERENCE)". When we press enter, another entry (above the intended entry) gets deleted.
    The performance assistant shows nothing but message no. AM057.
    Based on the couple of OSS notes I have searched, I checked the table ADRVP entries and found two entries for that contact person. Both entries have the client number appearing in the field APPL_KEY.
    The first record is having old client number and the second record is having the new client number. I presume, we are seeing two records because the data was migrated by SLO. But what is confusing is, both are having same and marked as X for Owner (Flag: Adress owner object reference).
    Data in table ADRVP looks as under.
    Cl.     Person            Seq. No.      Table      Field           Application table key      pers.addr. Key      Addr. no.            Owner
    300   0200591046          1            KNVK     PRSNR      2000000093060             BP                         0200026699       X
    300   0200591046   45333695     KNVK     PRSNR      3000007093060             BP                         0200026699       X
    Can there be more than one entry with same addr. no. in table ADRVP for the same person number? Can someone share what is wrong with deleting the contact person in customer master?

    Balaji Srinivasan wrote:
    Based on the couple of OSS notes I have searched,
    You should share the OSS note which you got from market place.
    Have you checked this note Note 445825 - Error message AM057 when deleting a contact person ?
    It has the reason and solution.

  • Bapi or FM to create,change and delete Contact persons for vendors

    Dear Experts,
    We are replicating the Contact persons details from SUS(SRM) to ECC, When a Contact person is create,changed or deleted the data should be replicated in ECC. We are doing custom development to do this, I need to know is there any function module or Bapi which I can use to create , change or delete the contacts persons for a vendor.
    I tried using BAPI_ADDRESSCONTPART_CHANGE, BAPI_ADDRESSORG_SAVEREPLICA for changing but its doesn't covers few fields like time zone etc. For deletion I tried  WY_KNVK_SINGLE_DEL_FROM_BUFFER its too not helping me .
    Please let me know is there any bapi or fm to do these process or we can go for BDC.
    Thanks & regards,

    Hi Santosh,
    Can you please tell me what Business Scenario is asking you to consider the Time Zones .
    If you know the Customer Number you can very well get the country and there are various FM's to get the time zone based on a country .
    Now Call the FM (as wrote by you ) based on the TIme Zone condition,
    Please enlighten me if i am incorrect.

  • Delete  a contact person n R/3

    Hi ,
    I am using the function module 'ISAI_CONTACT_DELETE' to delete the contact person associated with the customer in R/3.Actually I am calling this function module from a BAPI.But while executing,I get a pop up that "Special character forempty field is \ ".Only on pressing the enter key,the function module is executed.Although the Contact is getting deleted from the KNVK table,I wanted to know whether the Pop up message will block the functionality of the BAPI .Since it is being called from a web service there is no provision of pressing enter key for the complete execution..
    Please reply.
    Thanks & Best Regards,

    Hi Amit,
    Thanks for your reply.It really helped.I am using the function module 'ISAI_CONTACT_DELETE' to delete the contact person.Actually I am calling this function module from a BAPI.But while executing,I get a pop up that "Special character for empty field is \ ".Although the Contact is getting deleted from the KNVK table,I wanted to know whether the Pop up message will block the functionality of the BAPI as it is being called from a web service.
    Please reply.
    Best Regards,

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  • Contact Person Replication (Different IDs CRM vs ERP)

    Hi Gurus
    We have made the connection between ERP and CRM 7.0, we also have already replicated all the master data (products, clients, relations, etc)
    The problem is that the contact persons of the clients have differents IDs in CRM comparing to ERP, this is causing us so many problems. We made no setting in PIDE tx at ERP.
    How can we solve this problem? How can we fix it?
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    Thank you very much!

    My guess is that you will delete those contact persons before you re-run the download. Below points will help you to come to a conclusion.
    1) Are you talking abt this scenario in a live production system?
    2) are these contacts used in any of the transactional data? If yes, deleting will not be a straight forward thing. I recommend you to contact OSS to check if they have any reports or OSS notes to address this problem
    3) if the answer to point 2 is NO, then delete all contacts and re-run inital load of contact persons after making the recommendations made in the earlier note i have pointed.
    Hope this helps.

  • Deactivate replication of contact persons from R/3 to CRM

    i'm replicating customer relationships from ECC6 to CRM2007. All fine, including z-partner functions etc.
    One thing Im baffled by however is the replication of contact persons. Contact persons will be created in CRM only, without any integration/replication with ECC6. Since there are existing contact persons in the ECC6 master, I want to deactivate that replication.
    So I hae deleted the mapping for master data transfer in CRM in the IMG under Basic Functions => Partner Processing => Data Transfer => Distribution of Partner Functions from SAP ECC into CRM
    and Distribution of Partner Functions from CRM into SAP ECC.
    But if I create a contact person in ECC6, it STILL replicates through to CRM!! Any ideas how to de-activate that replication? I don't want to end up with failed BDOCs in the middleware if posible.

    Hi Srikanth,
    thanks a lot for your reply. However the approach needs to be a bit more sophisitcated than that. I do replicate through a number of r?3 partner functions into relationships in CRM, e.g. ship-to and 3 z-functions (promary CSR etc.). That all works fine and needs to stay that way.
    However I do need to deactivate the replication of the R/3 contact persons to CRM.

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    I am currently facing issue with contact persons in CRM orders. There are several partners in the CRM order. Standard ones like ship-to party is replicated to R/3; employee roles are also replicated into R/3 within an order; contact persons (no matter if standard or Z) are not replicated from CRM order to R/3. There is neither no error message in BDOC nor in order.
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    Users do change these contact persons manually sometimes.
    If order changed in ERP - including contact persons adding/changing - all partner roles are transfered to CRM for an order correctly.
    Any ideas??
    Thanks for your help

    there is an important GUID that need to be determine, the contact persons in my case need to selected via partner determination otherwise the partner gets deleted in R/3. The determination is creating the relation to the partner which is transfered to R/3 and can be checked in the BDoc. This has solved the issue

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    Hello Dan
    That is a nice option. You can achieve this requirement using Integration events also, but it require a huge web services development
    1.Create the integration event on create / Update SR
    2.Create a batch process to read that Integration event Queue,(Development)
    3.Use the outcome of Queue to get the changes and IDs (Development)
    4.Send the Automated mail by program (Development)
    5.Delete the Queue.
    Dinesh CRMIT

  • Relationship Between ECC Customers (Contact Persons) and CRM BP

    I am new to middleware and need some help with the relationship between ECC customers/contact persons and CRM business partners.
    We are transferring via bdoc this information from ECC to CRM.
    Which bdoc types are used when transferring customers/contact persons? I believe it is BUPA_MAIN but am not too sure. How is the relationship between customer its contact person transferred? Is this done through BUPA_REL? I looked at the segment fields in SBDM but am not too sure how to understand the relationship...
    Thanks for the help!

    Thanks! With the initial load, how do I check what fields are being passed in the bdocs?
    I tried to look for customer_main, customer_rel in SBDM  and couldn't find it. Instead I used BUPA_MAIN and found some segments but couldn't find all the data that was being transferred (e.g. customer name, address, etc...) Where do I find all the fields contained in the bdoc?
    I see them in SMW01 when I view the bdoc contents but can not find the actual structure (data fields) that are being brought in from ECC.

  • Contact Person Replication (R3 to CRM)

    Hi Gurus!
    I'm new at CRM and I'm facing a problem with Contact Person Replication (R3 to CRM).
    If I take a look at a Customer Master Data (on ECC), General Data, Contact Person Tab, I can see two lines with two different contact persons.
    Then, I go to the CRM, Tcode R3AC1 and update the filters for the Customer_main object (and automatically, the Customer_rel object stays with the same filters), just for that particular customer.
    When i run the tcode R3AS for the Customer_Main Object, I get a green light (at the R3AM1) and if I go to the WebClient UI, That particular account is really there, but with no contact persons on...
    I tried run the R3AS for the customer_rel, and again I had a green light on the R3AM1 but when i take a look at that particular account, once again, no contact person assigned.
    I thought "Maybe, the contact persons got replicated, but they are not correctly assigned to the accounts..." (and then i tryed to assigned contact persons to this particular account but when I search for a contact person at the Webclient UI...Surprise:No Contact Person Existed....
    Can anyone please give me a hint on this? Am I doing something wrong? How can i replicat my contact persons from R3 to CRM?

    Hi Ines
    Take a look at Best Practice Guide C03.
    I believe all of the required steps are in there.

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