Dell Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS - Read T

Dell ships stripped Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS cards with their computers. They stripped the DTS decoder in order to buy them cheaper.
Thank you Dell! :robotmad:

h?h?h?h?h?, and they also modify firmwares in a funny way: I remember when lefting my first IT, the computers administrators were crazy because their brand new Dell PC with an excellent CD 48x writer was tweaked to burn only at 48x.
Simple lesson : NEVER buy a PC from a big manufacturer. Order a PC with original pieces is the only way no to be swindled.

Similar Messages

  • Static/Pop on my Soundblaster Audigy 2 in a Dell 8300 Dimension. Please help

    Ok, granted my computer is 7 years old, but it has been flawless until recently. I don't know if it's my soundcard Soundblaster Audigy 2 (SB0240), my graphics card is the NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200. I have read about some NVIDIA conflicts, but nothing is new on my system since I bought it back in 2003. I have upgraded all the drivers on the SB0240 card and the graphics card and all the windows XP updates.
    So could the static and hizzing mean my SB Audigy 2 card is bad and needs replacement? But before I do anything I wanted to ask the community for some advise on fixing and getting rid of the static/po

    Not that you should feel alone as there seems to be a myriad of people in the same boat as us, but I too have a similar experience. I've performed?everything posted as potential ways to resolve with no success. You mentioned that you were unclear about the PCI Settings component.
    For me that seem rather simple. When the machine boots, hit whatever key needed to go into the bios (it is usually the Delete key on most systems). Look for a PCI settings that matches the latency resolution described. Honestly I never even paid attention to that setting in the BIOS before but after some poking around I found it and adjusted the settings as suggested.
    I suspect that if look at all of the options in your?BIOS you'll find it.
    After reading several posts on the suspect cause of the static and popping I?conceptually understand what lower the PCI latency does. Still?when you start changing things that have unknown implications, well I start to get nervous about things like that.
    I took the risk because the problem is driving me nuts and I'm a bit masochistic and I won't stop until this is solved. In any event, be sure to capture the original setting so you can put it back after you're disappointed.
    I must say that I was one of those that went and purchased an X-FI for another system that I bought. It doesn't crackle, it just refuses to work. I'm so disappointed as I have always used SB cards with zero issue and these latest generation ones are just not working.
    Message Edited by kevvan on 03-2-2008 02:24 PM

  • Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS - static no

    I have a Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS soundcard in my Dell Dimension 4700 computer. Recently I started getting a lot of static - like rice crispies crackling.
    It would go away sometimes after powering down, but come back after a few hours. After reading some of the posts here I tried moving the card further away from the video card. This seems to allow me to run longer without the static - a few days was my last try. But the static did come back and I had to power down to get rid of it. Now I am static free for several hours, but I think it will be back. I can't move the card any further away now - it is in the last slot. I'd appreciate any feedback on ways to fix my problem and what exactly my problem is. I don't really understand what is causing the static. Thanks in advance,Steve

    I have the same card -- and the same problem -- in my Dell XPS Gen 3 system.
    Two weeks ago, I started getting constant static though my speakers. I didn't know what the source of the problem was and, since I have a year left on my warranty, I called Dell tech support. I subsequently embarked on a two-week troubleshooting nightmare which involved all sorts of fun stuff including:
    A system restore (rolling everything back to factory settings and having to reinstall everything)which did not solve the problem
    Determination that I had faulty speakers (which turned out not to be the case after the speakers were replace with brand new ones)
    Complete reformatting of my hard dri've and a full reinstall of the operating system (Windows XP Professional (turns out the XP professional disk I got with my computer actually contained XP Home, so I am looking forward to another round of reinstalling the OS once Dell ships me the proper software). The reinstall did not solve the problem.
    The Dell people finally had me relocate my computer and 6-piece speaker system to another room (to see if an electrical source was causing the static). Static was still there.
    They finally determined that the problem was in the Creative sound card, even though their diagnostics gave it a clean bill of health. My guess is that one of the input jacks developed a bad connection with the card after 2 years of use.
    I have not yet received the replacement sound card. I'm crossing my fingers that when the new one arri'ves, the static problem will disappear.
    So if you work through Dell tech support, do yourself a favor and cite my problem. It may save you hours and hours and hours of frustrating troubleshooting.
    To be fair, I have to say that the various Dell tech reps I worked with were very thorough, polite, and accommodating. They did things by the book, which is really the only way to approach a mystery problem like the one I'm having.
    The downside is, during the past two weeks, I've spent more time trying to get my computer back in shape than I've spent working (I'm self-employed). But it was also a learning experience and I now know a lot more about computers than I did before.
    I hope you get your sound card problem solved quickly with less pain and suffering than I went though.

  • Creative SoundBlaster Audigy Advanced MB software activation probl

    Hello!?I bought?a software named Creative SoundBlaster Audigy Advanced MB, when I ordered my notebook Inspiron 720 from DELL, on the 8th? of September, 2007. They provided a CD for the software, which I installed, and it worked. But then later that day (when I recieved the laptop), I formatted the hard-disk for the following reasons - ) It only had 2 partitions for the entire dri've, one of which was a recovery partition, and I wanted to create more.2) I wanted to remove MediaDirect.3) I wanted to remove bloatware that DELL gave me with it, ie, DELL Quickset, DELL Support, DELL this, DELL that, Norton AntiVirus etc.4) I wanted Vista installed by my way. After I had done everything I wanted, I started to re-install the Creative software, the same way like I did before. But this time, when it took me to the transaction page and asked me for the reason of re-installing this software, it said "The CD Key has expired."?I have tried 2 different browsers,?I have cleared my cache, I have penta-checked my CD-Key before each install and have done anything a Computer Software engineer (me) would do, with the help of the Internet as well. But my every effort went in vain. Then, I did something I didn't want to do, I contact DELL technical support. Their solutions ranged from installing the latest drivers (yes, drivers for a software), to removing and re-installing the latest Internet Explorer (yes, they asked me to REMOVE IE) to put the HARDWARE in some other machine. Quite clearly, the 4 support executi'ves I talked to there at DELL had no clue as to what is going on and what is the problem. Then, after a 2 hours chat with another one of them, I was told that they just provide the software, and it is Creative's duty to handle everything later and asked me to talk to you. The email support page do not have the option of support for this software, so I selected some other product but sent my problem.
    It would be very nice to know if there exists a solution to this problem, and how should I approach it. It has only been 20 days since I bought this software. Thank you!

    Finally, I got a reply from the email team, and they sought some further information, which I duly provided. Then, they provided me with a new CD Key. But here is the thing, they say after 3 times of re-installing the software, I will have to pay for it. What?Why would I pay for something which I bought, again and again? The whole world knows about Windows Vista, how incompatible it is with more than 80% of the software, and it will be the same till SP is released. I have since this Sunday gone have re-installed vista 4 times, once due to the fact that AHCI in the BIOS was not enabled by default, and I had to re-do the installation, then it was SATA drivers not presentonthe Vists disk, then the nVidia drivers had problem with Vista and it crippled it and won't go and then the Windows Media Player , quite clearly still not fully functionable, made my system bust. And I can say that it will happen again, so why do I have to pay some part of the software's price again? I am not using it on any other machine, and that is checked by it's CRC checker anyways, I am not using it for any business project, which shouldn't be a problem even if I did, as I own it. If any of you guys have an answer to this, please let me know.
    Thank you, and have a very nice day all!

  • SoundBlaster Audigy ZS Pro ASIO DRIVER Questions w/ Cubase

    <SPAN>I am using Cubase SX 2.2 and the SoundBlaster Audigy ZS Pro. I need to gain a better understanding of the differences between the three Creative ASIO drivers that Cubase SX 2.2 recognizes. They are as follows:
    <SPAN>Creative ASIO - [Cubase sets default sample rate at 48KHz ]</LI>
    <SPAN>SB Audigy 2 ZS ASIO 24/96 (B800) [ Cubase sets default sample rate at 96KHz]</LI>
    <SPAN>SB Audigy 2 ZS ASIO [Cubase sets default sample rate at 48KHz ]</LI>
    <SPAN>I can understand that the 24/96 ASIO driver supports 24 [email]bit@96KHz]bit@96KHz[/url] recording. I am not sure what the differences are between Creative ASIO & SB Audigy 2 ZS ASIO. I have read other related post on this subject and it was stated that the Creative ASIO is the older 6 bit ASIO driver, but I noticed something interesting in relation to the input devices that Cubase SX 2.2 sees between the three are quite different, but it's opposite of what you might imagine.
    <SPAN>Here are the details:
    <SPAN>For Both Creative ASIO & SB Audigy 2 ZS ASIO, Cubase SX2.2 lists the following inputs:
    <SPAN>Line in / MIC L & R, Line in 2 L & R, Line in 3 L & R, SPDIF IN L & R
    <SPAN>and then the strange...MIX L & R, MIX FL & FR, MIX RL & RR, MIX FC, MIX LFE (?), MIX RC ( twice), MIX SL & SR
    <SPAN>For the SB Audigy 2 ZS ASIO 24/96, Cubase SX2.2 lists the following inputs:
    <SPAN>Line in / MIC L & R, Line in 2 L & R, Line in 3 L & R
    <SPAN>I assume the MIX inputs are for the Dolby Digital Bus Mixers in Cubase to be able to send outputs directly to the Surround Channels?
    <SPAN>I set the Latency all the way down to 2ms for each driver. Currently I am achieving a Input of 3.042ms & Output of 2.00ms w/ the 24/96KHz & w/ the other two I am achieving a Input of 4.083ms & Output of 2.00ms. Not sure why the difference?
    <SPAN>I'd really like to gain an understanding or be directed to some documentation (Audigy Manuals lack in this detail) to help explain these differences and understand why the 24/96 driver wouldn't list the same inputs if it's the same card. Is this just a bug? Any updates to fix?
    <SPAN> Sorry for the long post, but I felt if I should this detail I may get some good insight to from yall experts out there.
    <SPAN>ANY Help will be greatly appreciated!!

    Maggard wrote:
    I just reformatted my XPS Gen 5 and apparently the Audio Driver I need for the aforementioned card is no longer supplied by Dell.
    This specific Audio driver isn't listed for download by Dell and isn't available for download on CreativeLabs anymore. Here's the details:
    Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS SC w/FireWire Multimedia Audio
    SP 0358
    Dell said for me to contact CreativeLabs since they no longer have the driver.
    Where can I get it's
    Thank you.
    As it's an OEM product you have there, you probably need to modify the installer meant for original CT products. I have posted some instructions long ago so if you search here by using "ctcomp.exe" as a searching criteria you might find that thread. You also need drivers from older installer since CT made some changes to the installer so that the old ctcomp won't work with the latest driver installation. IIRC, there were a fix-up for this too available but I'm not sure where it was introduced ... was it @ DHF (link given below)?
    You can download the CD as an ISO image from BadBoys site (
    IIRC, there were some other instructions for this @ Driver Heaven Forums and also you might already heard of YouPAX driver mod ... which can be found @ Driver Heaven too.

  • How to install The Soundblaster Audigy SE in Windows 7 RC?

    :How to install The Soundblaster Audigy SE in Windows 7 RC?Y Two days ago I bought a Soundblaster Audigy SE-retail soundcard. I have a dual boot PC with Windows XP-SP3 and Windows 7 RC. The installation of the soundcard?in Windows XP was easy, no problems, good sound.
    But how to install in Windows 7 RC ?
    I have the installation and applications CD with XP and Vista drivers and I have the driver-download from SB24PCDRV LB 0 - 04 - 0090.
    Windows 7 tells me "No device for audio output is installed". Windows automaticly?installed a driver, but that doesn't work. (code 39). The driver download from?creative does not install new drivers and when I try it manually Windows tells me "The best driver is already installed"
    When I uninstall?the driver that Windows installed and try to install the downloaded?creative driver for Windows 7, the driver will not install, and Windows message is something like "?no audio device is installed on this computer"
    What to do ? A computer without sound is nothing...

    >Re: How to install The Soundblaster Audigy SE in Windows 7 RC?% Meocene is 00% on the money. Dan K.'s pack is the best. I have used the pack on four different systems with AUDIGY LS and SE cards that I bought cheaply (all four on Ebay for $40). The package has worked under XP, Vista, and Windows 7 very well.
    I have friends that play Left4Dead and they have been immensely pleased when playing the games in their flats with or without headphones, as compared to their old "onboard RE--t-k" sound.
    The package also works well on a Gateway or HP machine when disabling onboard audio first then installing the Audigy and installing drivers and apps for the first time. Gi've up on using your old CDs, you will only run into a mountain of trouble trying to "Auto-Update" all that with the newest patches.

  • Connecting Soundblaster Audigy 2zs to Home Theater Amplif

    Can I connect my Soundblaster Audigy 2zs directly to an amplifier and still get 5.,6.,or7. speaker setup? I feel it's kind of redundant to use a reciever when the Audigy has all the capabilities of a Home Theater Reciever. And it outputs sound at 92khz, which currently is only available on more expensi've recievers.
    My goal is to use my pc as a souce and connect it directly to amps and speakers. I would like to put money I save on recievers into a high end speaker system
    I have read in the previous posts that it may be possible to do 5. by getting an mini jack to RCA adapter for each channel. But no details on 6. or 7..

    I am in the same situation as you. As the CL told me --
    You can either use the audigy to decode the sound or your reciever to decode the sound with the SPDIF passthrough. Just whichever has the better specs.
    From my situation I would recommend having speakers with analog hookups to the front/rear/center sub rather then the digital output. The only way to take advantage of the digital output is with a DVD and in that case you can just watch a DVD on your TV rather then your computer. For games the analog 5. hooks is better as well because with games it decodes it and with your reciever it would only have 2. sound.

  • Dual Soundblaster Audigy Inst

    Oddly, this is not going well at all. Some history first.
    I'm sure many would question the why's. I've seen other people post that they want to use two soundcards and everyone says why.
    I play alot of video games, and use voice chat. I'd like to hear game sound from my 5. sound system, and hear voice chat in a headset.
    I used to use two computers to accomplish this, but recently, my spare had a harddri've problem and went down. So i went to a local vendor and got a Soundblaster Audigy SE about 2 days ago. Testing with that and my onboard sound has been abysmal. Usually within a couple minutes, the setup will interact unfavorably with a videogame. With a game (eve-online or FFXI Online) running on one card (doesn't matter which) and Teamspeak/roger wilco/ventrilo running on the other, the game tends to get buggered up (popping sounds, then eventually the graphics either get very messed up, like the game losing track of where my character is). If i only use one app on one card, or both apps on one card, no issues.
    So, last night i went and bought another SB Audigy SE, thinking that perhaps there was a clocking issue with the on board card. Maybe, maybe not, as right now, as soon as windows attempts to bring both cards online during an acti've session of windows, it crashes/reboots immediately. If both cards are started during startup, the machine throws a Kmode exception 0xe bluescreen and hangs. I did disable the onboard card before attempting any of this, and reset the ESCD via bios.
    I attempted to uninstall the drivers and install both cards simultaneously by doing a fresh install, this just results in the Kmode blue screen. In safe mode, with both cards acti've, if i change the settings on one card, the settings on the other card change as well. I had read on the internet (various google results) that sometimes installing two of the exact same card will result in your system thinking both cards are the same card.
    So, i'm looking for a solid "I've seen/done this and you can fix it by:..." sort of answer, but any musings would be helpful too.

    I *think* you have WhatUHear as the record device. Open up the Creative Control Panel (volume) and the far right option with the word Rec as the heading may have WhatUHear under it. You can click a drop down arrow and chose Microphone. Also, in Control Panel go to Sounds and Audio Devices, Audio Tab and click volume for Sound Recording. Make sure the tick is in the Microphone column.

  • PLEASE HELP: installing my Soundblaster Audigy LS-soundcard with the latest hardware(bundle)drive

    I have a Soundblaster Audigy LS Soundcard in one of my PCI slots (I already tried the other slot with the same result). I run Windows XP professional SP2.
    When I install the hardwaredriver-bundle version: Sound Blaster Audigy LS .04.0055, I have no problem, but when I install version .0.4.077 (in this example: or I install version 055 or I install version 077), I have the following problem: (through Control Panel) in system properties/hardware/device manager, I find PCI Device listed in " other devices " with a black exclamationmark in a yellow circle, while the SB Audigy LS is listed in the group " sound, video and game controllers ". The soundcard works, which is great but why is the exclamationmark showing? I already tried a different PCI slot, IRQ assignement in BIOS, but is still shows. The strange thing is, if I install first version 055 and then version 077, the problem is gone. A new problem that occurs if I do so, is that the PC hangs when starting Windows (but I'm not sure if that has to do with the fact that I install version MediaSource 5 Player-Organizer 5.20.23 over version 5.0.38, just to keep the MediaSourceGo! Toolbar (because it's no longer part of the softwarebundle version 20.23 - which has been confirmed by the support of Creative), the same with version of CD Burner Plugin 5.0.44 over 5.0.3 because it's not really clear on the website, if you need the previous version or if it's a full "update"). Please URGENT (with detailed info on every explained problem/issue - so I can try to resolve it) help.
    Message Edited by Alejandrootje on 0-02-2008 09:55 PMMessage Edited by Alejandrootje on 0-02-2008 09:56 PMMessage Edited by Alejandrootje on 0-03-2008 0:38 PMMessage Edited by Alejandrootje on 0-06-2008 02:9 AM

    maybe you should ask Eugene Gavrilov (?) to write his KX-Drivers for MSDOS too.. maybe he'll do so if you donate him an Audigy 4 *lol*

  • Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS - Vista - speaker calibration etc

    I've searched but I can't find an obvious answer to what I suspect is a common question.
    I've got an Audigy 2 ZS Pro which I've just installed using the drivers from the site. It's working ok but there is no applciation for set up of the speakers in a room - as there was in the original CD that I used with XP.
    Can anyone help? Or am I just imagining that a utility did exist when I last installed this on an XP machine?

    JRe: Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum - Speaker issues not covered by FAQs0 I'm afriad that the CMSS3D option did not work? ? I still cannot get any speakers to play out of the rear of the soundcard.
    As I said before, the goal is to try to get sound to play out of both the headset and the speakers attached to the rear of the soundcard simuntaneously.
    The headset is plugged into one of those devices in the front that is in a 5 & /4" bay that has the individual knobs for adjusting volume for the headset and outbound levels for the microphone.
    The speakers are plugged into the back of the soundcard and do not play any sound in any of the sockets, starting from the firewire port and counting 3 over.
    Any suggestions? I? thought it might have something to do with the setting of the speakers from control panel - > Sounds and Audio Devices -> Advanced and picking the right choice there. No luck however. Same for the Creative Speaker Settings as well.
    I'm at wits end and I'd be very thankful to whoever can resolve this for me. =)

  • Creative Soundblaster Audigy 2 Zs help

    Before I start rambling on about my problem here are my specs (BTW I'm not incredibly computer literate; my dad helped me install everything before I left for school):Cpu: Intel Duo Processor 2.66 GhzRAM: .5 GB DDR2Video Card: ATI Radeon 9600 (soon to be one of their newer models)OS: Windows XPSound Card: Creative Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS?Ok so I was reinstalling everything after I had to format my computer. I get through installing my creative sound card and figure everything went great. I was playing my music when I had realized that I forgot to configure my sound card for them, as I was getting mono instead of stereo (was only playing out of left speakers). So I go into speaker setup and click on "calibrate speakers" or something like that. Anyway, the speaker calibrator says that It could not be ran for some reason (i forget). I figure that it wasn't working because I hadn't updated anything yet. I update, and I still get the same message. So I reinstalled the software and updated it again and now when I try to run ANY of my creative software related to the sound card (I.E. EAX console, Speaker Setup) it says that "The Audio device supported by this software is not detected. The Application will now shut down."? Now remember that I'm not great with computers, so my solution now will probably sound stupid. But anyways I figured that I had installed the wrong sound card software (it gives me three choices on the disc). I uninstall everything and choose another setting. I still got the same problem. So I try the third choice and I get the same problem. Any suggestions? I've tried all three choices and I still get the same problem.

    tony8gj wrote:
    I have the SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS sound card installed in my Dell 8400 PC. Does anyone know what the latest SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS driver version is? I currently have driver v and date 8.7.04 I've tried to install this from the Creative site: SBA2_PCWDRV_LB__84_55-R.exe but keep getting a "setup could not detect and sound blaster audigy 2 on your system" error. The driver on the Dell site is: Creative Labs SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS: R92022.exe Thanks! Tony.
    You may first need to patch the driver package by using ctcomp.exe to get std. drivers (eg. not Dell specific) installed to your Dell PC. Search this forum after ctcomp.exe --> there you'll find some instructions too.
    You can also find a link to the latest drivers available (I personally use Audigy 4 drivers from november 2005 --> can be found from creative support pages) by searching this forum (I think the latest WHQL version is .~62 for the original version).

  • Digitally Connecting Soundblaster audigy 2 to sonydav s550 home theatre sys

    Hi, I have a Soundblaster audigy 2 im not sure which model but it has a pink digital out audio socket on the back of it. My sony system has a digital optical in socket on it. I am having problems connecting them. I brought the following
    as it has a miniplug adaptor which i thought I could use on one end to connect to my soundcard digital output and connect the other end to my home theatre system. Did I get the wrong wire? If so what wire will I need to connect them, will miniplug not fit on the soundblaster digital out, what does? I have messed around with the control panels with no luck. Anyone have any ideas, by the way Im new to this. Thanks in advance

    Hello all,
    I am having a similar issue. I would like to connect my Audigy 2ZS to a Sony Reciever (STR DE-898) preferably via the digital out. The sound card and reciever are 25 feet apart.
    I have read that the digital out on the Audigy 2ZS is specifically for creative lab speakers, and that if you connect it to a normal reciever that it may damage the reciever is this true?
    Second, the other option that I have is to buy the 7. adaptor and connect RCA extension cables to the reciever.
    The last option is to connect it to the regular headphone jack out, and use an extension cable to connect to the reciever (This is what I am currently using), but the sound quality is terrible.
    Please help, I read the recent post on digital out ,which helped some, but still the question remains... if you connect the digital out on the Audigy 2ZS to a Sony receiver will this damage the receiver?Message Edited by asharabi98 on 05-27-2006 0:38 AMMessage Edited by asharabi98 on 05-27-2006 0:39 AM

  • Connecting Soundblaster Audigy 2 to 2 speaker syste

    Hi all,
    I am using a Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS. My PC is connected to a 7. Creative THX system.
    That is working pretty fine.
    I also have my LCD TV connected to my PC as secondary display and I've got a Teufel 5. system which I want to connect to the audigy.
    Reason: I want to watch movies played on my PC on my normal television. I could of course connect the audigy to the Teufel system, BUT this would mean switching cables all the time (from PC 7. to TV 5.).
    Is there some kind of high quality switch with which I could save this reconnecting of cables all the time?
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    and kind regards

    Hello all,
    I am having a similar issue. I would like to connect my Audigy 2ZS to a Sony Reciever (STR DE-898) preferably via the digital out. The sound card and reciever are 25 feet apart.
    I have read that the digital out on the Audigy 2ZS is specifically for creative lab speakers, and that if you connect it to a normal reciever that it may damage the reciever is this true?
    Second, the other option that I have is to buy the 7. adaptor and connect RCA extension cables to the reciever.
    The last option is to connect it to the regular headphone jack out, and use an extension cable to connect to the reciever (This is what I am currently using), but the sound quality is terrible.
    Please help, I read the recent post on digital out ,which helped some, but still the question remains... if you connect the digital out on the Audigy 2ZS to a Sony receiver will this damage the receiver?Message Edited by asharabi98 on 05-27-2006 0:38 AMMessage Edited by asharabi98 on 05-27-2006 0:39 AM

  • Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum - Speaker issues not covered by FAQs

    FSoundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum - Speaker issues not covered by FAQs? ?
    Running into a bit of a issue here I can't seem to fix. I've gone through the troubleshooting guides and FAQs already and they aren't resolving the issue.
    My normal setup is a couple of desktop speakers plugged to the rear of the card through the standard ports (non-digital) and a headset with mic plugged to the device in front that includes volume controls for both mic and speakers.
    I've just did a complete reinstall of Windows XP (32 bit) including everything up through SP3 and a reinstall of the drivers and associated software applications for the card as well.
    The problem I am having is that I can no longer make the rear speakers (desktop speakers) play when plugged in. The 2 headset speakers still play just fine that are plugged in the front however.
    What should I do to resolve this issue so that I can have both the desktop speakers and headset speakers both playing? I'm fairly sure I'm just missing a setting somewhere but for the life of me I can't figure where to fix this.
    Thank you,
    Culann HS

    JRe: Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Platinum - Speaker issues not covered by FAQs0 I'm afriad that the CMSS3D option did not work? ? I still cannot get any speakers to play out of the rear of the soundcard.
    As I said before, the goal is to try to get sound to play out of both the headset and the speakers attached to the rear of the soundcard simuntaneously.
    The headset is plugged into one of those devices in the front that is in a 5 & /4" bay that has the individual knobs for adjusting volume for the headset and outbound levels for the microphone.
    The speakers are plugged into the back of the soundcard and do not play any sound in any of the sockets, starting from the firewire port and counting 3 over.
    Any suggestions? I? thought it might have something to do with the setting of the speakers from control panel - > Sounds and Audio Devices -> Advanced and picking the right choice there. No luck however. Same for the Creative Speaker Settings as well.
    I'm at wits end and I'd be very thankful to whoever can resolve this for me. =)

  • SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS With Remote Controller RM-1500

    7SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS With Remote Controller RM-500N Hi, i got a computer here SCALEON X (fujitsu-siemens) and it has a SoundBlaster Audigy 2 ZS in it. So with it i got this RM-500 Remote Control, i cant get this to work. Iv been downloading alot of drivers today but i cant get it work, am getting alot of errors while trying to isntall it sais the drivers aint compibale with the OS (operating system) so can anyone that are more familier with this soundcar help me get correct drivers for my soundcard?
    The information i got about this system are:
    Soundcard: Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS
    Remote Control: CREATIVE RM-500
    Operating System: Windows XP home edition (SP2)
    If you need to know something more, please let me know.
    //A soundless man.

    The result of the last install: Crashed with blue screen, Two lines are in the messages, that are not part of the explanation, on how to fix the problem:
    (I took a photo, but my just missed, so all the text is washed, but readable: The unrecognised letter replaced with ?)
    (Propably IRQA or IRQE)
    Thecnical Information:
    *** STOP: 0x0000000A (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x0000000, 0x82C6870F)
    Source:?? Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting
    D?tum:?? 2009.09.26. :54:43
    Event ID:00
    Tells that the action was the code, that I was wrote above, and the report id is 092609-33992-0.
    Event in XML:
    <Event xmlns="<a rel="nofollow" href=""][/url]">
    ? <System>
    ? rovider Name="Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting" Guid="{ABCE23E7-DE45-4366-863-84FA6C525952}" EventSourceName="BugCheck" />
    ? <EventID Qualifiers="6384">00</EventID>
    ? <Version>0</Version>
    ? <Level>2</Level>
    ? <Task>0</Task>
    ? <Opcode>0</Opcode>
    ? <Keywords>0x80000000000000</Keywords>
    ? <TimeCreated SystemTime="2009-09-26T09:54:43.000000000Z" />
    ? <EventRecordID>6322</EventRecordID>
    ? <Correlation />
    ? <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
    ? <Channel>System</Channel>
    ? <Computer>XXX</Computer>
    ? <Security />
    ? </System>
    ? <EventData>
    ? <Data Name="param">0x0000000a (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x0000000, 0x82c6870f)</Data>
    ? <Data Name="param2">C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP</Data>
    ? <Data Name="param3">092609-33992-0</Data>
    ? </EventData>
    After restart, the bios test freezez in the final frazes, and force shutdown and restart, functions well again. The sound card is in while booting.
    No driver confilcts.
    I've uploaded the dmp file here: <a rel="nofollow" href=""][/url]

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