Détourer parfaitement un objet

Bonjour, je découverte Photoshop CC 2014 acheté ce jour. J'en suis enchanté et je suis très aidé
par le fait que mon bon vieux Photoshop 6 qui a 15 ans avait beaucoup de fonctions similaires et disposées presque de
la même façon. En plus j'ais regardé une grande partie des excellentes vidéos du site.
Par contre je veux incruster un de mes enfant dans un paysage et comme avec Photoshop 6, je trouves la baguette
magique pas assez puissante.Avez vous un lien, ou une piste a me donner pour réaliser un détourage le plus parfait possible ?
Merci d'avance

Try using the quick selection tool and refine edge.
https://www.google.com/search?as_q=French+Photoshop+tutorial+quick+selection+refine+edge&a s_epq=&as_oq=&as_eq=&as_nlo=&a…

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  • [CS5] États d'objet et PDF

    Dans la documentation InDesign on trouve cela
    Le  panneau Etats d’objet permet de créer plusieurs versions d’un objet.  Par exemple, vous pouvez créer un seul objet de page avec 20 états  différents, chacun d’eux étant associé à une photo distincte. Un  utilisateur qui ouvre le fichier PDF ou SWF peut alors parcourir la galerie de photos à l’aide des boutons Suivant et Précédent
    Cela fonctionne parfaitement en export SWF par contre je n'arrive pas a le faire fonctionner en export PDF.
    Quelqu'un pourrait il me venir en aide.
    Merci par avance

    Bob wrote:
    Il convient, mais alors vous êtes confrontés à des fonds souverains ne bug échelle. Si vous allez essayer, puis placez le fichier SWF dans le fichier PDF dans Acrobat au lieu d'InDesign.
    So you could try exporting to a SWF, then adding that file to a PDF in Acrobat.  If you don't have Acrobat try placing the SWF in Indesign but there are known problems with this method.  Hopefully some of this will make sense to you.  If it does congratulations to Google translate!
    Ainsi, vous pouvez essayer d'exporter vers un fichier SWF, puis en ajoutant que le fichier au format PDF dans Acrobat. Si vous n'avez pas Acrobat essayez de placer le fichier SWF dans InDesign, mais il ya des problèmes connus avec cette méthode. J'espère que certains de ce qui fera sens pour vous. Si c'est le cas félicitations à Google de traduire!

  • [MUSE v.7 windows] fixer un objet au bord du navigateur

    En me référant au site http://www.thewildisles.com/zipline-tour.html#topglobal - souvent mis en exemple par l'aide d'Abode -, j'ai volu reproduire sur
    mon propre site la mise en place d'un bouton "TOP". En consultant ce site vous verrez que ce bouton apparait dès que l'on scrolle un peu vers le bas.
    Sur le site The Wild Isles, le bouton TOP est toujours collé au bord gauche du navigateur. Et je n'arrive pas à obtenir ce même résultat.
    Si je place mon objet à l'extrême gauche de ma page, et bien, il apparaitra tout simplement à gauche de la page...mais pas du navigateur.
    Du coup, si vous réduisez la taille de la fenêtre de votre navigateur dans le sens de la largeur, le bouton disparaît bien logiquement. En revanche, en faisant cette
    même manipulation avec le site cité en exemple, le bouton ne bouge pas d'un poil et reste bien collé à gauche du navigateur.
    Auriez-vous une idée pour solutionner mon problème ?
    Merci d'avance pour votre aide

    Merci pour la réponse.
    Objet épingler à gauche + effet d'opacité et ça fonctionne

  • Objets superposés (?)

    Bonjour à tous,
    petite question à 50 cent .. (il en faut )
    2 objets sont superposés:
    Prenons le cas d'une constante booléenne et d'un terminal numérique,
    cela ne pose pas de problèmes, on les voit tous les deux.
    autre cas plus délicat,
    2 terminaux numériques, tous les deux en "vue icone" sont parfaitement superposés,
    un des deux terminal est invisible.
    Labview dispose-t-il d'une commande quelconque pour mettre en évidence ce cas de figure ?
    Dans "Labview for everyone" je lis que LV place une "ombre" autour d'un objet qui en cache un autre (comme le train )
    Cependant je ne remarque pas cette fonctionnalité dans LV 2011.
    As-t-elle été supprimée ? ou remplacée par une autre fonctionnalité ? ou plus rien à ce sujet ?
    merci à tous.

    ouadji a écrit :
    Merci SimonD.
    Oui, je suis d'accord et je comprends cette différence,
    Je pointais simplement ceci:
    Sur la surface reprise par cette boucle For (ne disons même pas "en-dessous")
    se trouvent 9 objets... où sont les 6 manquants ?
    Prenez le snippet et faites juste glisser la boucle, vous verrez les 9 objets
    ici, les 9 objets (les mêmes) avec une structure Event
    (faites glisser la structure, ils sont "en dessous")
    Salut ouadji,
    je te propose la manip suivante :
    Quite LV
    ouvre le fichier LabVIEW.ini qu se trouve à côté de l'exe
    copie la clée suivante : structuresFadeToDiagramBeneath = true 
    Relance LV
    ouvre ton code
    Attention, si ce n'est pas proposée dans les options de LV, c'est qu'il peut-y avoir d'éventuels problèmes liés à cette option. Personnellement, je ne l'active pas.
    Olivier JOURDAN
    SAPHIR | Certified LabVIEW Architect | Topaze on NI Community | LabVIEW add-ons on NI Community | Follow me on Twitter

  • How to load a virtual tour in Flash Catalyst ?

    I want to know if is it possible to load on FC 5.5 a Virtual Tour imported in .swf and created from Autopano Tour Pro.
    example: http://fraize54th.free.fr/jardinAlex.html
    I tried but I don't find any issue possible, if somebody could tell me if I can do this or I I have to give up !

    Hi Alex,
    I wasn't able to make that SWF load from within an FC project, either.  FC does support embedding of SWFs, but there may be some addional logic that sets this SWF up that doesn't function well when called from within another SWF.
    This isn't a perfect solution, but you could have an FC button or action open an URL (where your virtual tour swf resided).
    Good luck!

  • Problems with Verizon Wireless BlackBerry Tour BlackBerry OS update:

    Problems with Verizon Wireless BlackBerry Tour BlackBerry OS update - I was anxious to download the update to see if it addressed the sticky trackball problems and the low volume issue when using a blue tooth device. However, in the process of updating my BB Tour yesterday, the install stopped on the 8th out 12 updates. After a couple of 'retrys', the BB error message on the desktop came up which instructed me to: i) disconnect the device, ii) restart the computer. iii) restart the loading process and, iV) restore my data by loading the loader back-up file using Restore. Unfortunately my Tour was left without any software and the Desktop manager couldn't recognize it. The error message on the Tour was 503. Called Verizon Wireless tech and bottom line, the only fix is a new Tour, which they're sending me. Anyone else having issues with the update? Also, does it address the trackball and blue tooth issues?

    I had issues with the trackball and had to have my Tour replaced.  I was told this model does not have a removable trackball so the entire phone has to be replaced.  My current one is working OK but does stick a bit.  Seems to get worse over time.  My wife's tour is newer and so far she is not experiencing the problem.  Have not experienced a problem with the Blue Tooth volume.
    I have another issue with this upgrade that I am wondering if anyone else has seen.  My wife has the Tour as well.  She was prompted to do the upgrade and went through it.  It appeared to work except it blew out her Contact Alerts.  When we put them back in we can no longer get the sound to play when she receives an SMS message in her holster. Vibration works but doesn't do any good when it is in her purse.  Phones calls, calendar alerts, alarms all work in holster.  As soon as we delete the contact alert the default SMS alert will play in the holster.  If she takes her phone out of the holster the Contact alert will play.  My phone is still running and this function works fine.  I am thinking about trying to put her's back to my version if possible but not sure the best way to go about this 

  • Tour got wet - here's what it does - how can I tell if it is "fried"?

    My Blackberry Tour (from 2009 - Blackberry device manager says I am running BB OS 4.7.1)  got wet in a rainstorm (phone was outside, not submerged, the wetness indicator strip on the battery has not had a line appear on it but a tab inside the phone is all red) approx. 5 days ago - I did some of what I should have done and some of what I probably should not have done as far as patience, lack of patience, letting it dry (in gentle heat (no hair dryer, etc. or rice), giving it a try... Here's what it does - my main questions are - do I have any hope of rescuing my contacts data - unfortunately, never backed-up?  If so, how?:
    - Without the Battery in:  Connected by USB cable to my laptop (plugged-in, USBs powered) (Windows 7; Blackberry Desktop version 5 (installed from the CD that came with the phone)) finds the phone in Windows device manager (Blackberry Smartphone connected via USB), as above, Blackberry device manager shows status as connected, can identify the phone's PIN, Blackberry Desktop Manager can see that the phone is connected (can see it's PIN) but shows that the device is in Disconnected State, the screen on the phone shows the battery with red X through it.
    With a Battery In: 
    - the battery with red X goes away,
    typically starts with a red indicator light, then changes to black screen with hour glass,
    - then to black screen with "BlackBerry" and progress bar (showing boot progress?). 
    - Boot progress bar completes,
    - the screen shows the Verizon logo, then
    - I get a flash (sometimes longer than others) of my desktop picture (it's one of the pre-loaded ones that is not on the micro-SD card, which I have removed). 
    - At this point there is a new progress bar which indicates that the phone is checking security settings (I cannot remember verbatim what it says, but it typically completes and, since I probably shouldn't be powering it on, I will not do that to get an exact quote; suffice to say, that usually completes). 
    - In terms of the desktop, I can also see that, in addition to my selected picture being there , the phone remembers my alarm time at 6:40AM).
    - A couple of times when I restarted it, I held down the escape/back button during the boot and launched the phone in safe mode ("safe mode" appeared at the top of the screen - a dialog appeared that explained safe mode and allowed me to click "ok" that I accepted that I knew what safe mode was. 
    - Whether in safe mode or not, it usually at this point returned to the initial power-up sequence, in a loop, between the red indicator light and the hourglass animation - it does not return to the screen with the "BlackBerry" logo with progress bar, just the aforementioned loop.
    At this point, I have tried two batteries - both Blackberry OEM, but with known/potential issues:  1.) the battery that was in the phone at the time it got wet - is approx. a year old (in terms of use), but was holding a reliable charge for 3-4 hours of talk time and
    2.) an older battery which may have been the one that was replaced by battery 1 or may be older - it almost certainly had diminshed charge holding capacity and had started the bulge that lithium batteries develop as the near death.  These batteries were not obtaining much, if any, in the way of  charge while in the phone plugged in, but did, outwardly (light changed from orange to green on a Blackberry OEM charger form the D-X1 battery; have not done a test with a circuit tester, etc.), accept a charge via the outside the phone method.  When using the inside the phone method - prior to any outside charging - during the boot-up process, at the point at which I could see my desktop, the indicator light flashed with the orange light and/or the indicator that one typically gets when the battery is lacking needs a re-charge).
    I have received and I am currently charging a new D-X1 Blackberry OEM battery, via the aforementioned Blackberry OEM outside the phone charger, for a go-around with the closest thing that I can get to a no problems battery.  
    OK, I am an **bleep**: I tried to re-boot the phone right away, I wasn't doing a back-up (though I thought that it was 1.) the reason that I was buying a Blackberry with an SD card - that this information was going to be portable and 2.) that I thought that the tech from Verizon, way back when I bought it, set the phone up to store the information on the SD card (no such luck, not there) or the SIM card - how could I test that? (which is, perhaps, why I thought that a backup was taking place).  Anyway, as you can tell, I have tried to be as descriptive as possible herein to say what I am seeing, because there are a number of other people with similar problems posting in various places, but, not really the same problems (they are getting stuck on a white screen, not getting all the way through the boot that I describe, had a phone in the pool all day, don't care about the data, just trying to save the phone (I was lax about an upgrade, because I liked my phone and I had a decent outlay of cash in the phone to start-off - was pushing to make it to this fall, hopefully not much longer, to get the newer Blackberry Classic coming out... hopefully with my contact listing being ported over).  That said, I have found plenty of evidence that suggests saving the phone is a real possibility, but the data may be more of a challenge.
    Huge post, looking for thoughts - thanks for any consideration given to my problems.

    if booted up with out all the way dry you might have fried it
    put it in a bag of rice for a few days in a nice warm spot 90-100 F
    then try it again if it still does the same thing then its toast
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  • Screen goes black when playing "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08"

    No need to mention that I am very happy with my new iMac. It replaces my G4 MDD PowerMac. The iMac is huge, quiet and fast on my graphic design jobs. I even won´t want to miss the glossy screen.
    Yesterday I received the brand new "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08". Keen on trying the game I installed and successfully created a player and got first practice shots but as soon as I try to actually start a game scenario, it appears that the scenario just only loads about 90 % and then screen goes black. From there I can only shut down my iMac with the power switch.
    Now I found a support note on the EA Games Site. Title: "Why does "Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08" lock up with a black screen when playing on an iMac 7.1?" Answer: "This is caused by a driver issue with the video card that will be adressed by next system update by apple later this month."
    Question: is this indeed so? Can I expect a system update soon? Anybody there with the same problem?
    P.S.: I checked if I could run the game with a new user. Same problem.
    Thanks for help.

    Thank you for replying. There are more postings in this forum about that issue. I.e. gamers trying to play Unreal Tournament suffer from the same freezing on the new 24" iMac. Have a look as well at the reviews in the US apple store on this game.
    Solution is near. Installing 10.5 Leopard should solve the problem. As I do not want to install Leoprad yet, because some of my graphic apps will not run smoothly on leopard I have to wait for the next update for Tiger 10.4.11
    Obviously EA Games is to blame and failed to test the game good enough before hand.

  • DTM for Mac and Tour OS 5.0

    I've been using a BB for 12 years but most of that time with DTM for Windows (until I saw the Mac light three years ago).  Since the BB DTM, (aside from the fact we Mac folks get very little RIM love), after I updated my Tour to the "official" Verizon OS 5.0.591 I'm having all kinds of Calendar sync problems between iCal and my BB.  None of these problems existed with OS 4.7.x so I have to put the blame on OS 5.0 or else the fact that RIM hasn't updated DTM for Mac to work properly with OS 5.0.
    1.  if I force a sync of all iCal events to the BB everything is fine.  But the first time I do a normal sync without forcing the iCal events to override those on the BB, then I get the notification that a bezillion events will be modified in iCal.  The modifications always have to do with the sound, alarm, or time of the alarm.  I obviously don't let them happen.  Additionally, all the notification reminders are stripped from the events on the BB.  If force a sync and override everything on the device, then immediately do a normal sync, I should not have any changes on either side.
    2.  Not actually off-topic but while I'm at it, why do events that show me as BUSY in iCal show up as FREE on the BB?
    3.  I already know of the issue where I need to have all events reminders in iCal set to "Message" because if I set them to "Message with Sound" the reminder doesn't show up properly on the BB.  But why?  Isn't this rather basic?
    All in all, while the DTM for Mac is at least something, it's still light years behind what Windows has, and these latest problems with the Calendar sync are very frustrating.  People wonder why folks move to the inferior iPhone...it's pretty simple...it's always in sync with the Mac...period!  Thanks for any light that can be shed on this calendar issue.

    The upgraded OS you installed removed the lock icon from the screen, until you set a password on the device, and then the lock icon will return.
    Otherwise, have you tried using the top edge left button on the device?
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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  • Questions on transitioning to the Tour.

    Hi all,
    I wish I were more of a techie...maybe then these changes wouldn't be so painful....
    Yesterday I upgraded from my Curve to a Tour. With a few exceptions I've managed to tweak everything to the way I like them.
    I'm having trouble with the following:
    1. No memopad icon on the Tour. The icon doesn't show up anywhere. I've checked the applications folder, unhidden everything I can see, and I still can't find the Memopad icon. However, when I do a search for a known item in the Memopad, I can find it so I know it's on the device but for the life of me, I can't find the *&^%^ icon!
    2. I have some photos on my Curve that I forgot to e-mail to myself before I pulled the plug on my service to change it to the Tour. I don't have memory card for either device. How can I get those files over the Tour?
    Thanks for any assistance.

    I just got a Tour from Sprint, so I don't know if they are different from provider to provider, however my MemoPad is the first Icon in the Applicatoins folder.  Have you gone into your "Options", "Advanced Options", and "Applications" just to make sure it is installed? 
    If it is not, then you may want to try to update your software through Desktop Manager and see if it puts it on there.
    You should have gotten a memory card with your Tour, are you sure you don't have one?  I would check the port in your tour to make sure you don't have one.  If you do, just put that in your curve, transfer your photos to it, then pull them off via cable.  Your other option is to install desktop manager and use that to get your pictures off your curve.

  • I was told to delete user.js file to stop viewing the "tour" page on start, file does not exist, problem remains

    i updated, i start firefox 2 tabs open one is "take the tour" tab the other is google, done the tour, a few times it opens up again every time, start of the healing process by typing in the question '"i keep seeing thr "take the tour"page on startup,then following the steps of the expertise i go to help,trouble blabla and i end up looking for user.js so i delete it or rename in a folder that contains folders and other data that nothing in there is like user.js file, so in the following question that is formed above there was no answer so i stepped into this case (only i had to create an account that was not my desire in the process) , thats all i know of.

    So, if you do not have the user.js file then you can rename or delete the prefs.js file (pref.js.sav) to see if that helps.<br />
    Windows likely hides the .js and shows them as User and Prefs.
    You can also try to delete the compatibility.ini file to force Firefox to reinitialize some other files.
    You can use this button to go to the currently used Firefox profile folder:
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder (Linux: Open Directory; Mac: Show in Finder)

  • Managing multiple external jpgs for use in virtual tour

    I've posted for help in a few forums now including this one. I have a big delima that I cannot overcome using google alone.
    I'm creating an interactive tour (pretty much a controllable slideshow) and I have multiple pictures now that, if in the correct order, will walk you around my school. You can turn left or right at doors (the picture that you're stopped at will wait for input from either the up, left, or right button and when clicked will take you to the corrisponding picture) and will eventually lead you out another entrance of the school and take you back to the main map.
    My problem lies in the pictures... I have hundreds of pictures each one needing to be referanced. The only thing I have figured out is that I need to use arrays to organize these pictures and make them easier to access. I have considered using XML to organize the lists of pictures but I cannot spend hours typing out all the names of the pictures.
    I need an easy way to access my pictures from outside my flash AS3 project.
    A reply with links to helpful things or even some code I could use would be extremely helpful.
    *pictures organized in folders as such...
    Walkthrough Pictures/
    and so on...

    // this creates the outer elements
    var xml:XML =
    while (xml.image.length() <  688){
    // <image/> is the inner element
        var item:XML = <image />;
        var photoIndex =  xml.image.length() + 1001;
    //  @ refers to attribute
        item.@src = "images/"+  photoIndex.toString().substr(1) + ".jpg";     // substr(1) is starts the string at position 1 rather than 0 this
    removes the leading 1 so that 1001.jpg becomes 001.jpg etc
    the output looks like this:
      <image src="images/001.jpg"/>
      <image src="images/002.jpg"/>
      <image src="images/003.jpg"/>
      <image src="images/687.jpg"/>
      <image src="images/688.jpg"/>
    to access this
             var holder:Sprite = new Sprite();
                xmlLoader = new URLLoader();  
                xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onXMLLoadComplete);
                xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest(strXMLPath));
    function onXMLLoadComplete(e:Event):void {
                     loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, displaySlide);
                     loader.load(new URLRequest(xmlSlideshow..@src[intCurrentSlide]));
                        // intCurrentSlide is is 00n.jpg   an xmllist is an Array
    function displaySlide(e:Event):void {
              loader.contentLoaderInfo.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, displaySlide);
                holder.addChild(loader.content);   // this adds the image to a Sprite
                addChildAt(holder, 0);                // this addh holder to stage at level 0
                if(holder.numChildren > 1){holder.removeChildAt(0);}  // remove bottom image in holder so no more than 1 image
              is displayed at a time

  • How do I sync my Blackberry Tour calendar to my Google calendar?

    I just upgraded my phone from a Blackberry Tour to a Droid Razr M.  (The trackball stopped working so I my alarm clock still sounds and my reminder alerts still work, both in volume and on the screen, but I can't answer the phone or clear the screen.)  I am hoping to sync my Blackberry calendar to my Google calendar with the plans to then sync my Google calendar to my Razr calendar.  I wasn't sure how to do this so I searched verizonwireless.com for some direction.  I found the answers that I was looking for, but my BB was not in service because of the Razr switch-over.  Of course with Murphy('s Law) being my closest friend, my printer doesn't work so I was unable to print the "how-to" instructions I had gotten from the this website.  When I went to a VZW store in Warwick, the CSR disabled the Razr and re-enabled the BB and sunc the calendar to Google.  He thought he had taken care of it, but when i got home and opened my Google cal, there was nothing there and now I can't find the "how to" coversations I had found last night.  Does anyone have the "how-to" instructions (I will copy and paste them into a word doc and email them to myself so when I go to xmas dinner at my mom's, I can print them so I'll have a hard-copy when I go back to VZW...for the 3rd time) or know how I can find that string of conversations I had found yesterday?  Any help would be wonderful.
    Merry Christmas and thank you.

        Cadmanl, I'll be happy to provide options for transferring your calendar from your Blackberry to your RAZR. I checked and Google has suspended the use of Google Calendar. Have you ever synced your Blackberry to your computer? If you haven't already, download Blackberry Desktop Software at http://vzam.net/blackberry/. You can sync your Blackberry to Outlook or Outlook Express. Then transfer to Google Calendar using Google Calendar Sync http://bit.ly/UVIY6S. Google Sync will be going away as of 1/20/13.
    Let me know if you need further assistance.
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

  • Nuked Tour: Reload issue please help

    I'm going to get straight to it my bb is nuked and I'm having an issue with the standard  recovery steps.  I'm going to be as detailed as possible.
    So I've installed my tour's OS already, I got the apploader up
    when I plug it in, instead of the usual "connection unknown" it shows my phones pin <Personal Infromation Removed>
    I hit connect and takes me to the appl selection, it shows my os so I hit next
    It loads JVM and system software
    When it goes to the next step "wait for device initialization"  it disconnects and reconnects and then goes back into it's reboot loop and I get a "reconnecting to device"  and it tells me it cannot connect to the device.
    I was really excited I could get my BB back to life and I get this far just for an error message.
    Is there anything I can do to get it past this step so I can recover my BB? 
    [Edited - Personal Information. Please read your messages]

    Well, I can't help but beg to differ...the instructions in the last FAQ I gave you are decidedly different from the BBSAK and/or normal JL_CMDER instructions. From your reply, I can't tell if you followed those instructions or not.
    Further, you say you tried multiple OS downloads...are all of those from your BB's original carrier? If not, have you been deleting the VENDOR.XML file (I've no idea what an mlx file is).
    You also haven't said if you've been able to perform a WIPE (via BBSAK or JL_CMDER) yet. Doing so results in a two step process...WIPE, which results in a 507 on the device as I recall, followed by the OS load.
    As for those 14 other threads...unless they provide some insight into your specific situation and are current, then they really have no bearing here, do they? Perhaps I'm misunderstanding though...perhaps you think that these forums are some sort of formal support from RIM? For they are decidedly not such.
    Good luck!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup schedule...click here for an article with instructions.
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  • Help syncing new iPad with Outlook 2007 on my PC and Blackberry Tour 9630

    I have searched for answers and am stumped and frustrated...
    I bought an iPad (am trying to become I-friendly) and thought it would be convenient to be able to sync my “stuff” (Contacts, Calendar and notes) to the iPad so we’ll have access to it while traveling.  I use a Blackberry Tour 9630 and a PC with Outlook 2007.  I have synced them effortlessly for years using Desktop manager.  I make changes to my ‘stuff’ on both phone and PC and when I sync - the most current ‘stuff’ gets placed on both.  Voila!  Not anymore.
    When I set up my iPad to work with iCloud things got screwy.  A LOT of my contacts just disappeared - mainly the ones I use frequently.  Now my Outlook 2007 calendar has three calendars on the screen:
    Calendar in iCloud - pink
    Calendar Merge Conflicts in iCloud - green in a tab behind the pink calendar
    Calendar - blue
    I use a cox email account and my blackberry gives me the choice when deleting an email whether to delete on the device or on the server.  I use that feature a lot when we are traveling for a few weeks.  It is nice to come home with no redundant emails on my PC.
    1-How do I combine all the calendars so I have the same thing on each device, Hoping to stay updated on each when I make changes
    2-Can the iPad email give me the option to delete from the server when viewing an email on a cox.net account?
    I am not an expert but fairly tech savvy and usually can get these things done. I need help!  I appreciate any thoughts or suggestions - Thanks in advance

    Make sure all content is transferred and device is backed up before you update.
    Transfer purchases
    How to backup

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