Display user-submitted content by date

Is it possible to display user-submitted content (Using Web Apps Input Form) by date with most recent at top of list, instead of by alphabetical order? https://unihub.worldsecuresystems.com/acctg-101-1/acctg-101 Please create user to view.

You can customize the list view in Admin > Site Manager > Module Templates > Web App Layouts > List Layout to also include {tag_releasedate}.
Then, on a page, from the module toolbox, select Web Apps> List of Web App Items > you can choose the "Latest Items"
Kind Regards,

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    I have a Webapp with a few custom fields which can be filled by logged-in customers. These customers see all their submitted items on a certain webpage with two links: Edit and Delete. The tags {tag_delete} and {tag_edit} are connected to the links. The delete tag just deletes the item, but the edit tag leads to another page, where the customer can edit the webapp by editing form fields.
    Problem: at this certain page, the form just shows the item name and item description, but no other fields to edit. How can I customize this form to show all fields, so the customer can edit them?

    OMG, just found the button "edit template" right beside "list template" and "detail template" which lets me edit exactly the form I was looking for. Sorry for wasting time...

  • Sql Devloper - problems with displaying user data types

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    The problem persist in table view, script output and exported files.
    My type is described as follows:
    create or replace TYPE "DPTY_ADRESA" AS OBJECT
      ID_DPSF_OPCINE                                         NUMBER,
      ID_DPSF_MJESTA                                        NUMBER,
      OPCINA                                            VARCHAR2(100),
      MJESTO                                            VARCHAR2(100),
      ULICA                                 VARCHAR2(200),
      BROJ                                   VARCHAR2(20),
      SPRAT                VARCHAR2(20),
      OSTALO                             VARCHAR2(100),
    add MEMBER FUNCTION dajAdresu RETURN VARCHAR2 cascade;
    when make select column from table that contains this type I get next results:
    CASE 1:
    SQLDeveloper Version; Build MAIN-09.87; JDK 1.6.0_43; Windows 7 64 bit
    select id, adresalokacija
    from dptr_saglasnosti
    where id = 1;
             1 COMP.DPTY_ADRESA(124,4913,'TRAIK','TURBE','BABANA','3452','0',NULL)
    END CASE 1;
    CASE 2:
    SQLDeveloper Version; Build MAIN-13.80; JDK 1.7.0_40; Windows 7 64 bit
    select id, adresalokacija
    from dptr_saglasnosti
    where id = 1;
             1 COMP.DPTY_ADRESA(124,4913,'???','???','???','???','???',NULL)    
    But if I select one element it is displayed normal.
    select id, a.adresalokacija.opcina
    from dptr_saglasnosti a
    where id = 1;
             1 TRAVNIK                  
    END CASE 2;
    I have tried this scenario on three different pc with same output.
    Pleas help me to get rid of the '???' in result.
    Best Regards,

      I tried on SQLDeveloper Version; Build MAIN-13.80; JDK 1.7.0_45; Windows 7 64 bit; NLS setting is default
    all data can show,No ??? in result
    Test step as following:
    create or replace TYPE "DPTY_ADRESA" AS OBJECT
      ID_DPSF_OPCINE                                         NUMBER,
      ID_DPSF_MJESTA                                        NUMBER,
      OPCINA                                            VARCHAR2(100),
      MJESTO                                            VARCHAR2(100),
      ULICA                                 VARCHAR2(200),
      BROJ                                   VARCHAR2(20),
      SPRAT                VARCHAR2(20),
      OSTALO                             VARCHAR2(100),
    CREATE TABLE dptr_saglasnosti (
    adresalokacija        DPTY_ADRESA,
      id    number);
      INSERT INTO dptr_saglasnosti VALUES (
      DPTY_ADRESA (65,225,'Vrinda Mills', '1-800-555-4412','sss','aaaa','eeeee','attta'),1 );
    select id, adresalokacija from dptr_saglasnosti where id = 1;
    1    HRCP.DPTY_ADRESA(65,225,'Vrinda Mills','1-800-555-4412','sss','aaaa','eeeee','attta')

  • File upload sendmail not displaying user input

    Hello ive set up the upload example from     http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/8/htmldocs/help.html?content=Images_01.html
    i added a textarea field and a sendmail function.  all is working well but the email does not contain any of the data from the fields on the form that the user submits. its just white space where that data should be.....Could someone please check this code and see what i am doing wrong ...thanks, kevin
    ---------------------------Here is the form page:---------------------------------
    <cfparam name="FORM.image" default="" />
    <cfparam name="FORM.comments" default="" />
    <!--- Create an empty error string --->
    <cfset strError = "">
    <!--- This code creates a form with one field where the user enters the image file to upload. --->
    <cfform action="makeThumbnail.cfm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <p>Please upload an image:
      <cfinput type="file" name="image" required="yes" id="image" value="#Trim(FORM.image)#" message="Please enter an image!">
      <cftextarea name="Comments" cols="20" rows="4" required="yes" id="Comments" message="Please enter your Comments!" enabled="no" value="#Trim(FORM.comments)#" maxlenght="160" visable="no" />  </p>
      <cfinput type="submit" value="Send Image" name="Submit">
    <cfif IsDefined( "FORM.image" )>
    <cfif IsDefined( "FORM.comments" )>
    from="[email protected]"
    to="[email protected]"
    subject="Visitor Email."
    server="outgoing server"
                    File uploaded.
       <cfoutput> image: #Trim(FORM.image)#, comments: #Trim(FORM.comments)#, #Now()#</cfoutput>
    -----------this is the makethumbnail.cfm which i made no changes ---------------------
    <cfset thisDir = expandPath(".")>
    <!--- Determine whether the form is uploaded with the image. --->
    <cfif structKeyExists(form,"image") and len(trim(form.image))>
        <!--- Use the cffile tag to upload the image file. --->
        <cffile action="upload" fileField="image" destination="#thisDir#" result="fileUpload"
        <!--- Determine whether the image file is saved. --->
        <cfif fileUpload.fileWasSaved>
        <!--- Determine whether the saved file is a valid image file. --->
            <cfif IsImageFile("#fileUpload.serverfile#")>
        <!--- Read the image file into a variable called myImage. --->
                <cfimage action="read" source="#fileUpload.serverfile#" name="myImage">
                <!--- Determine whether the image file exceeds the size limits. --->
                <cfif ImageGetHeight(myImage) gt 480 or ImageGetWidth(myImage) gt 360>
                    <!--- If the file is too large, delete it from the server. --->
                    <cffile action="delete"
                    The image you uploaded was too large. It must be less than 480 pixels wide
                        and 360 pixels high. Your image was #imageGetWidth(myImage)# pixels wide
                        and #imageGetHeight(myImage)# pixels high.
                    <!--- If the image is valid and does not exceed the size limits,
                        create a thumbnail image from the source file that is 75-pixels
                        square, while maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image.
                        Use the bilinear interpolation method to improve performance.
        <cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,100,100,"bilinear")>
                    <!--- Specify the new filename as the source filename with
                        "_thumbnail" appended to it. --->
                    <cfset newImageName = fileUpload.serverDirectory & "/" &
                        fileUpload.serverFilename & "_thumbnail." &
                    <!--- Save the thumbnail image to a file with the new filename. --->
                    <cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write"
                        destination="#newImageName#" overwrite="yes">
                    Thank you for uploading the image. We have created a thumbnail for
                        your picture.
                    <!--- Display the thumbnail image. --->
                    <img src="#getFileFromPath(newImageName)#">
            <!--- If it is not a valid image file, delete it from the server. --->
                <cffile action="delete"
                The file you uploaded, #fileUpload.clientFile#, was not a valid image.

    Hello ive set up the upload example from     http://livedocs.adobe.com/coldfusion/8/htmldocs/help.html?content=Images_01.html
    i added a textarea field and a sendmail function.  all is working well but the email does not contain any of the data from the fields on the form that the user submits. its just white space where that data should be.....Could someone please check this code and see what i am doing wrong ...thanks, kevin
    ---------------------------Here is the form page:---------------------------------
    <cfparam name="FORM.image" default="" />
    <cfparam name="FORM.comments" default="" />
    <!--- Create an empty error string --->
    <cfset strError = "">
    <!--- This code creates a form with one field where the user enters the image file to upload. --->
    <cfform action="makeThumbnail.cfm" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    <p>Please upload an image:
      <cfinput type="file" name="image" required="yes" id="image" value="#Trim(FORM.image)#" message="Please enter an image!">
      <cftextarea name="Comments" cols="20" rows="4" required="yes" id="Comments" message="Please enter your Comments!" enabled="no" value="#Trim(FORM.comments)#" maxlenght="160" visable="no" />  </p>
      <cfinput type="submit" value="Send Image" name="Submit">
    <cfif IsDefined( "FORM.image" )>
    <cfif IsDefined( "FORM.comments" )>
    from="[email protected]"
    to="[email protected]"
    subject="Visitor Email."
    server="outgoing server"
                    File uploaded.
       <cfoutput> image: #Trim(FORM.image)#, comments: #Trim(FORM.comments)#, #Now()#</cfoutput>
    -----------this is the makethumbnail.cfm which i made no changes ---------------------
    <cfset thisDir = expandPath(".")>
    <!--- Determine whether the form is uploaded with the image. --->
    <cfif structKeyExists(form,"image") and len(trim(form.image))>
        <!--- Use the cffile tag to upload the image file. --->
        <cffile action="upload" fileField="image" destination="#thisDir#" result="fileUpload"
        <!--- Determine whether the image file is saved. --->
        <cfif fileUpload.fileWasSaved>
        <!--- Determine whether the saved file is a valid image file. --->
            <cfif IsImageFile("#fileUpload.serverfile#")>
        <!--- Read the image file into a variable called myImage. --->
                <cfimage action="read" source="#fileUpload.serverfile#" name="myImage">
                <!--- Determine whether the image file exceeds the size limits. --->
                <cfif ImageGetHeight(myImage) gt 480 or ImageGetWidth(myImage) gt 360>
                    <!--- If the file is too large, delete it from the server. --->
                    <cffile action="delete"
                    The image you uploaded was too large. It must be less than 480 pixels wide
                        and 360 pixels high. Your image was #imageGetWidth(myImage)# pixels wide
                        and #imageGetHeight(myImage)# pixels high.
                    <!--- If the image is valid and does not exceed the size limits,
                        create a thumbnail image from the source file that is 75-pixels
                        square, while maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image.
                        Use the bilinear interpolation method to improve performance.
        <cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,100,100,"bilinear")>
                    <!--- Specify the new filename as the source filename with
                        "_thumbnail" appended to it. --->
                    <cfset newImageName = fileUpload.serverDirectory & "/" &
                        fileUpload.serverFilename & "_thumbnail." &
                    <!--- Save the thumbnail image to a file with the new filename. --->
                    <cfimage source="#myImage#" action="write"
                        destination="#newImageName#" overwrite="yes">
                    Thank you for uploading the image. We have created a thumbnail for
                        your picture.
                    <!--- Display the thumbnail image. --->
                    <img src="#getFileFromPath(newImageName)#">
            <!--- If it is not a valid image file, delete it from the server. --->
                <cffile action="delete"
                The file you uploaded, #fileUpload.clientFile#, was not a valid image.

  • How to catch and display a link content in another portlet page?

    Can you tell me how to display a URL content into next page after an user click s on this link? I am developing a JSR 168 portlet under a Portal. I have 3 pages so far in my portlet. view.jsp, view2.jsp and IpByHourPage.jsp. view2.jsp displays a lis of IP address. When an user clicks on an IP in view2.jsp, it goes to IpByHourPage.jsp. How to catch the IP address such as that an user just click displayed in IpByHourPage.jsp. I don't know why I got null value returned.
    Also, I don't know how to do a "go back to previous page". I want to go back to view2.jsp from IpbyHourPage.jsp
    Here is my code
    in view2.jsp
    <portlet:renderURL var="aURL">
    <portlet:param name="goto" value="IpByHourPage"/>
    <a href="<%=aURL.toString() %> "><%=MyIP%></a>
    in IpByHourPage.jsp
    String MyIPHour = request.getParameter("goto");
    <h1>IP Report by Hour ( <%=MyIPHour%> )</h1>
    <portlet:renderURL var="Ret_IPByHour">
    <portlet:param name="Ret_IPHourPage" value="Ret_IPByHourPage"/>
    <center> <a href="<%=Ret_IPByHour.toString() %> "><b>Choose Another IP</b></a></center>
    in my .java file
    protected void doView(RenderRequest request, RenderResponse response)
    throws PortletException, IOException, UnavailableException {
    String MyBegDate = request.getParameter("BegDate");
    String MyEndDate = request.getParameter("EndDate");
    String MyNetworks = request.getParameter("networks");
    String MyYourName = request.getParameter("yourname");
    PortletURL renderURL = response.createRenderURL();
    request.setAttribute("renderURL", renderURL.toString() )
    String GotoRenderAction = request.getParameter("goto");
    String MyIPHourAction = request.getParameter("Ret_IPHourPage");
    if ( (MyIPHourAction!=null) && MyIPHourAction.equals("Ret_IPByHourPage") )
    PortletRequestDispatcher kk = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/view2.jsp");
    kk.include(request, response);
    if (MyIPHourAction != null && MyIPHourAction.equals("Ret_IPByHourPage"))
    PortletRequestDispatcher mm = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/view2.jsp");
    mm.include(request, response);
    if (GotoRenderAction != null && GotoRenderAction.equals("IpByHourPage"))
    request.setAttribute("BegDate", "MyBegDate");
    request.setAttribute("EndDate", "MyEndDate");
    System.out.println("BegDate" + MyBegDate);
    System.out.println("Endate" + MyEndDate);
    PortletRequestDispatcher mm = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/IpByHourPage.jsp");
    mm.include(request, response);
    if(MyEndDate!= null )
    PortletRequestDispatcher prd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/view2.jsp");
    prd.include(request, response);
    else if (MyEndDate==null && GotoRenderAction == null)
    PortletRequestDispatcher prd = getPortletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/view.jsp");
    prd.include(request, response);
    The problem for above code is the clicked single IP can not be displayed in IpByHourPage.jsp. and I cannot go back to view2.jsp from IpByHourPage.jsp. when I click "Choose Another IP"
    I find out that the MyBegDate and MyEndDate values are all null when I click Choose Another IP link. I got the following error message
    Caused by: javax.servlet.ServletException: Unparseable date: "null null"
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.doHandlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:858)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.PageContextImpl.handlePageException(PageContextImpl.java:791)
         at org.apache.jsp.view2_jsp._jspService(view2_jsp.java:651)
         at org.apache.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(HttpJspBase.java:97)
    How to fix above problems. Thanks

    I think the problems are related to portletsession. But I don't know how to use it. How to put portletsession into doview method or my jsp pages. Can anyone tell me in my code? Thanks a lot.

  • Data in the table changes when multiple users try to submit data

    I have a dynamic table. The table is created in the wdDoModifyView. The user can load data into the table from an excel file. So I have a "Load" button that loads the data from the selected excel file to the table. I also have a "Submit" button. This "Submit" button converts the data to an xml file and make a call to an oracle stored procedure for validation check. If there's an error it will be returned and displayed to the user. If none, a summary of data for posting will be displayed to the user. If the data is correct and the user hit the ok button, the same data will be return to oracle sp for loading in the table.
    The problem we encountered is when multiple users are loading and submitting at the same time, the data displayed in the dynamic tables changes after clicking the ok button. It is as if, the table displays the data being loaded by other user.
    This is an error that is difficult to recreate. This doesn't happen all the time. I hope you somebody could enlighten me why this is happening. I'm not sure if it has something to do with multithreading or session.
    Edited by: Marlyn Agco on Apr 14, 2009 3:57 PM

    Hi Armin,
    Did you mean storing view instances in static references and accessing them outside the wdDoModifyView is not a good idea? In wdDoInit the nodes are dynamically created according to the xml file being returned by the database. This node is stored in a static variable which is also used in wdDoModifyView to create the dynamic table.
    What do you suggest? We're still encountering same issue when multiple users are uploading data.

  • User submitted photo in a lightbox

    I am absolutly perplexed. I'm trying to create a user submitted classifieds site, so users can sell items.  I would just like for the user to be able to submit photos and then have them display in a lightbox.
    I downloaded a simple lightbox gallery into dreamweaver then uploaded the site to BC.  It came with demo images and worked fine (code below):
    <div id="gallery1" class="lbGallery">
        <li> <a href="images/lightboxdemo1.jpg" title=""> <img src="images/lightboxdemo_thumb1.jpg" width="72" height="72" alt="" /> </a> </li>
        <li> <a href="images/lightboxdemo2.jpg" title=""> <img src="images/lightboxdemo_thumb2.jpg" width="72" height="72" alt="" /> </a> </li>
        <li> <a href="images/lightboxdemo3.jpg" title=""> <img src="images/lightboxdemo_thumb3.jpg" width="72" height="72" alt="" /> </a> </li>
        <li> <a href="images/lightboxdemo4.jpg" title=""> <img src="images/lightboxdemo_thumb4.jpg" width="72" height="72" alt="" /> </a> </li>
        <li> <a href="images/lightboxdemo5.jpg" title=""> <img src="images/lightboxdemo_thumb5.jpg" width="72" height="72" alt="" /> </a> </li>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // BeginWebWidget lightbox_gallery
                        $(function() {
            $('#gallery1 a').lightBox();
      // EndWebWidget lightbox_gallery
    The tags for my photos are {tag_main photo}, {tag_photo#2} and so on to photo#5.  I had hoped that I could just delete the current image source and input my tags and the lightbox would function however it does not.  When I examine the code on the displayed page it shows that the tag does something like this...... <img src="src=........in other words the tag element supplies the command "src=" and messes things up.  If I remove the original src= command BC automatically alters the code and everything gets messed up.
    Does anyone have any ideas, or even idiot proof code I could use (I'm still figuring this out and probably can't handle intense coding)

    First, thank you both very much. I realize this question is probably very elemenatry but I'm still getting the feel for these features (such as lightbox) and as you can tell, having some difficulty.  I updated the code as you both suggested and it brought me one step closer, the pictures now display in the web app as desired (here's the page http://yourboatconnection.businesscatalyst.com/boat-classifieds-1/324553425 ).  I'm still having as issue though.  When I click on them instead of opening up into the lightbox, as they do in the Live View in Dreamweaver, they now just open up full size in a new tab.  Maybe I don't fully understand how to implement the code supplied with the widget but I added the below code into the CSS.  Below that is the current, updated web app code.  Maybe there is something obvious that one of you can see.  I just want a simple thing to present the expanded pictures, I really didn't think this was going to be that difficult -silly me! Thanks again.
    Plug-in Code:
    * jQuery lightBox plugin
    * This jQuery plugin was inspired and based on Lightbox 2 by Lokesh Dhakar (http://www.huddletogether.com/projects/lightbox2/)
    * and adapted to me for use like a plugin from jQuery.
    * @name jquery-lightbox-0.5.css
    * @author Leandro Vieira Pinho - http://leandrovieira.com
    * @version 0.5
    * @date April 11, 2008
    * @category jQuery plugin
    * @copyright (c) 2008 Leandro Vieira Pinho (leandrovieira.com)
    * @license CC Attribution-No Derivative Works 2.5 Brazil - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.5/br/deed.en_US
    * @example Visit http://leandrovieira.com/projects/jquery/lightbox/ for more informations about this jQuery plugin
    #jquery-overlay {
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              left: 0;
              z-index: 90;
              width: 100%;
              height: 500px;
    #jquery-lightbox {
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              left: 0;
              width: 100%;
              z-index: 100;
              text-align: center;
              line-height: 0;
    #jquery-lightbox a img { border: none; }
    #lightbox-container-image-box {
              position: relative;
              background-color: #fff;
              width: 250px;
              height: 250px;
              margin: 0 auto;
    #lightbox-container-image { padding: 10px; }
    #lightbox-loading {
              position: absolute;
              top: 40%;
              left: 0%;
              height: 25%;
              width: 100%;
              text-align: center;
              line-height: 0;
    #lightbox-nav {
              position: absolute;
              top: 0;
              left: 0;
              height: 100%;
              width: 100%;
              z-index: 10;
    #lightbox-container-image-box > #lightbox-nav { left: 0; }
    #lightbox-nav a { outline: none;}
    #lightbox-nav-btnPrev, #lightbox-nav-btnNext {
              width: 49%;
              height: 100%;
              zoom: 1;
              display: block;
    #lightbox-nav-btnPrev {
              left: 0;
              float: left;
    #lightbox-nav-btnNext {
              right: 0;
              float: right;
    #lightbox-container-image-data-box {
              font: 10px Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;
              background-color: #fff;
              margin: 0 auto;
              line-height: 1.4em;
              overflow: auto;
              width: 100%;
              padding: 0 10px 0;
    #lightbox-container-image-data {
              padding: 0 10px;
              color: #666;
    #lightbox-container-image-data #lightbox-image-details {
              width: 70%;
              float: left;
              text-align: left;
    #lightbox-image-details-caption { font-weight: bold; }
    #lightbox-image-details-currentNumber {
              display: block;
              clear: left;
              padding-bottom: 1.0em;
    #lightbox-secNav-btnClose {
              width: 66px;
              float: right;
              padding-bottom: 0.7em;
    }#gallery1 {
    Web App Code (for the photos):
        <div id="gallery1" class="lbGallery">
                    <li><a href="{tag_main photo_value}"><img alt="" src="{tag_main photo_value}?Action=thumbnail&amp;Width=250&amp;Height=250" /></a></li>
                    <li><a href="{tag_photo#2_value}"><img alt="" src="{tag_photo#2_value}?Action=thumbnail&amp;Width=250&amp;Height=250" /></a></li>
                    <li> <a href="{tag_photo#3_value}"><img alt="" src="{tag_photo#3_value}?Action=thumbnail&amp;Width=250&amp;Height=250" /></a>  </li>
                    <li> <a href="{tag_photo#4_value}"><img alt="" src="{tag_photo#4_value}?Action=thumbnail&amp;Width=250&amp;Height=250" /></a> </li>
                    <li> <a href="{tag_photo#5_value}"><img alt="" src="{tag_photo#5_value}?Action=thumbnail&amp;Width=250&amp;Height=250" /></a> </li>
                <script type="text/javascript">
    // BeginWebWidget lightbox_gallery
                        $(function() {
            $('#gallery1 a').lightBox();
    // EndWebWidget lightbox_gallery

  • Forwarded successfully the workitem for BO-BUS2000220(complaint) in the worklist of other user: Problem in "Sent date"  not reflecting correctly in SAP CRM 7.0 Web UI

    I am working with SAP CRM 7.0. We have a workflow in the system which is triggered at the creation of complaint(BO:BUS2000220) and then assign the complaint workitem
    in the woklist of specified agent. I have created a report and scheduled it daily to forward the complaint into the worklist of user B from worklist of user A after 7 days
    from creation date of complaint. But the problem is that the forwarded complaint is showing in the worklist of user B with sent date(the creation date of complaint, not the
    forwarded date).
    Relevant code:
    IF gw_complain-PROCESS_TYPE = 'ZCMS' AND age_complaint = 8.
    objtype         = 'BUS2000120'
    objkey          = obj_guid_key
    top_level_items = ' '
    return_code     = return_code
    worklist        = it_worklist[].
    READ TABLE it_worklist INTO wa_worklist WITH KEY wi_type = 'W'.
    workitem_id    = wa_worklist-wi_id
                  USER_ID        = wa_worklist_esc-ESC_USER
    DO_COMMIT      = 'X'
    CURRENT_USER   = wa_worklist_esc-CURRENT_USER
    RETURN_CODE    = lv_return_code
    MESSAGE_LINES  = lv_mesg
    * USER_IDS       =
    Can someone help me how to change the sent date to actual forwarded date of complaint.

    Hi Kavita,
    There is a standard column in UWL with name 'Sent Date'. Other functionalities in UWL for example deadline monitoring (Due date column) are based on this sent date. This shows an employee what was the date workitem was created (sent date) and when it will get escalated (due date). Displaying forwarding date in Sent date will not give clear picture to employee as the deadline will be calculated based on sent date only not based on forwarding date. this was just an example.
    even though if your client is insisting, i dont think it can be done without any enhancement in UWL web dynpro com sort of thing. you can check with your portal consultant too.

  • Can the individual form response be sent via e-mail to us in the PDF form format (not the raw output we see currently when using e-mail notifcation) each time a user submits a reponse?

    Hi, we basically have an on-line job application that we need to be sent to us via e-mail notification every time a user submits a response, not with the raw data output from the form fields like the current e-mail notification setting allows, but as an actual PDF attachment that mirrors the format of the on-line form, with the user response data in it. We need this to be automated and sent to a central HR e-mail to distro to others. It would be essentially the same thing as a user downloading a PDF form, filling it out, then e-mailing it back to us, but using the submit options via the Form Central server instead. Is this even possible and, if so, is there any documentation on it? I have not found anything clear in searching for this same topic.

    No this is not possible within Formscentral. You could export a PDF without a submit button (an option when saving your form as PDF) and then in Acrobat add a submit button to your form and have it automatically sent to the email of your choice. This kind of workflow falls outside the scope of Formscentral.

  • Safari will not display some media content despite Flip4mac loaded

    As the subject indicates, Safari will no longer display some media content after installing Flip4mac. Where that media content would normally display all I see is a square with the Quicktime logo in the middle and a question mark in the middle. For example see the Dakar Rally site http://www.raid-live.com/dakar/en/index.shtml#. In my case Safari does not display the Flash content relating to "Premium Offers".
    Mozilla displays everything fine though I don't particularly want to move between browsers depending on the on-line content. I'd rather not use Mozilla as in some cases the page appearances aren't as neat as those displayed by Safari.
    Is there a way of restoring Safari back to its default settings in order get it to play ball.

    Also a possible explanation is Safari cache files. Safari can be quite stubborn about holding on to these and refusing to let go of a cache file for a page, not showing up-dated content. Since the new user account didn't have any cache files Safari displayed the file correctly there, and used a "bad" cache file in your original account. Even clicking reload doesn't necessarily force Safari to take a new look at the page code. Drives me batty sometimes. If that is the problem you can go to the Safari menu item, choose Empty Cache and try again. I'v had instances though where I had to empty the caches and quit and relaunch Safari to get it to display a page properly.
    Another thing to do, to make sure something is a Safari specific problem rather than a system problem, is to download Firefox and try it with a funky page. If the page works in Firefox, but not Safari, you know it is Safari being funny and not your system.
    My truck was running rough the other day when I moved it to wash it. Was not looking forward to using it to haul stuff the next day, but when I started it then it worked just fine....

  • How to display the variable content in message?

    Hi anybody
    please let me know How to display the variable content in message?
    please send few lines of sample code to understand that
    thanks in advance

    Check out the link
    REPORT Y9020027 LINE-SIZE 130.    "Release 3.1G, 4.5A                  
    MOVE: 'TESTREPORT for    "ASSIGN  FFeld+o(l)  TO  "        '     
            TO SY-TITLE.
          Declaration of variables    **********************
    DATA: FFELD8(8)   TYPE F VALUE '1022333'.   "Unusual: Explicit 8 bytes
    *DATA: ZFELD1(2)    TYPE N.            "Here slack bytes are (DW border)
                  "If you like computing error, please uncomment the above
    DATA: FFELDX(8)   TYPE F VALUE '7777777'.
    DATA: FFELDA(8)   TYPE F VALUE '7333213'.
                  Main Section             *******************
        WRITE: /5  'Example 1   **** inadmissible ASSIGN ***' COLOR 6.
        WRITE: /10 'Inadmissible ASSIGN: ''ASSIGN FFELD4+1(3) TO <FS1>'' '.
      ASSIGN FFELD4+1(3) TO <FS1>.
        SKIP 2.
    ASSIGN FFELD8+8(8) TO <FS1>.     "<-- Assigning of variable  FFELDX  !!
        WRITE: / 'ASSIGN command with FFELD8, but FFELDX will be assigned'
                  COLOR 3.
        WRITE: /5 'Example 2'.
        WRITE: /10 'Content of   FFELDX      :', FFELDX.
        ULINE. SKIP 2.
    ASSIGN FFELD8+16(8) TO <FS1>.    "<-- Assiging a few FFELDA to <FS1>  
        WRITE: / 'ASSIGN with FFELD8, but instead FFELDA is assigned'
                  COLOR 3.
        WRITE: /5 'Example 3'.
        WRITE: /10 'Content of   FFELDA      :', FFELDA.
        WRITE: /10 'Content of   FFELDA      :', FFELDA.
        ULINE. SKIP 2.
       DO 4 TIMES.
         ASSIGN FFELD8+OFFX(LENX) TO <FS1>.     "Zuordnung auf OFFX zu <FS1>
            WRITE: / 'ASSIGN command with FFELD8, es wird NFELDX zugeordnet'
                      COLOR 5.
             WRITE: /5 'Example 4', 'DO-Schleife Nr.:', SY-INDEX.
             WRITE: /10 'Content of NFELDX145(40)  :', NFELDX145(40).
             ULINE. SKIP 2.
             ADD 8 TO OFFX.
                   Subroutines             *******************
               Display of data fields and field symbols                  *
    WRITE: /10 'Content of', FNAME, ':', FFELD.
    WRITE: /10 'Content of <FS1> :', <FS1>.
    ADD   111    TO <FS1>.               "<-- Das Feldsybmol wird verwendet
    WRITE: /10 'ADD 111 TO <FS1>'.
    WRITE: /10 'Content of', FNAME, 35 ':', FFELD.
    WRITE: /10 'Content of <FS1>',  35 ':', <FS1>.
       Determination of field properties (only for information)          *
      WRITE: /10 'Field length  :', FLAENGE.
      WRITE: /10 'Field type    :', FTYP.
      WRITE: /10 'Output length :', FOUT.
      WRITE: /10 'Decimals      :', FDEZ.
      SKIP 1.
    END OF PROGRAM *************************************

  • User exit for actual dates in CJ20N

    I have a req,  When i start any activity i enter date in user field in actual dates as displayed in below pic
    Now when i enter date in user field it should be copied to actual  start date field in dates tab as shown in below pic
    Kindly suggest the user exit needed for it
    Best Regards,
    Nitesh H Panchal

    Hi Nilesh,
    Try this with Substitution & Validation rule.
    You want AFVGD-ISDD should have same detail as of AFVGD-USR08.
    However with the help ABAPer you can achieve this easily.

  • Displaying user input

    Hi all,
    Does anyone know how to display user input on a different panel, acitivated by a button press.
    For example in panel a, a textfield is declared to collect user input
    addForenametf = new JTextField(20);
              //postion button on grid bag
              c.gridx = 1;
              c.gridy = 1;
              addScreen.add(addForenametf, c);..then a button is pressed to take in the data (there are numerous textfields). When this happens the next screen, panel b appears and displays the values of the text field. Thus in the actionlistener...
    ...     else if(c.equals(confirmButton))
                               String forenameS = myContactMel6.getForename();
             }..then in the panel confirmScreen i try to display the string forenameS
         JLabel displayForename = new JLabel("");
              //position button on grid bag
              c.gridx = 0;
              c.gridy = 2;
              confirmScreen.add(displayForename , c);     ...have also tried instead directly accessing the textfield as below but still doesn't print anything
         JLabel displayForename = new JLabel("");
              //position button on grid bag
              c.gridx = 0;
              c.gridy = 2;
              confirmScreen.add(displayForename , c);Thank you ver much in advance!

    You need to pass in the information to your confirmation panel. One option would be to create a new instance of the confirmation panel each time the user selected the button. In this case you should pass in each value to be displayed to the constructor. Otherwise, you could have a method that accepts all the data needed and it fills the correct text fields. I am assuming that panel a has access to an instance of panel b so that it can pass the data in.

  • Dynamically load content by date using xml

    i would like to load content by date using xml. meaning if i
    have 5 upcoming social events listed, i want them to dynamically
    drop off from my webpage as the event date passes. i would like to
    use the built in spry xml dataset functionality, but don't have to.
    i can't seem to find a way to get the server date and then compare
    it to a date in a xml node. this seems simple, but i can't seem to
    find a tutorial that does not get crazy with all kinds of

    Have the column headings (which the user clicks to sort by
    that column) as
    links back to the main page, with the sort as a url parameter
    Then in your recordset, change the code from
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM table ";
    case "date":
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY date DESC";
    case "name":
    $sql = "SELECT * FROM table ORDER BY name DESC";
    You`ll need to change the above to suit your needs obviously,
    but the above
    shows the principles that you need to use.
    So you use the same page for each sort, but the SQL to
    retrieve the records
    in the order you want changes dynamically.
    PHP Login Suite V2 - 34 Server Behaviors to build a complete
    Login system.

  • Display of 2 rows of data for 2 different date range selection

    Hi Folks,
    I have a requirement as follows,
    User has an option of selecting 2 Date Ranges
    From and To Date and again From and To Date
    The result should display 2 different rows of data with From and To Date range selection.
    12/09/20008 to 03/09/2009           10 20 30 40
    23/10/2009 to  18/12/2010           40 20 10 30
    Difference                                   30 0  20 10
    % Change                                   x  y  z   q
    Thanks for your input.

    You will need to use union report, and you would have fours union's in this report.
    Union - 1: Data from 1st Date Range
    Union - 2: Data from 2nd Date Range
    Union - 3: Variance Calculation
    Union - 4: Percentage Variance Calculation.
    If the date's are coming from the same field, use cast function to use the same column twice in your prompts. Apply filters on each union as needed.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Sony VRD-VC20 Disc Compatibility

    Hi, My father has been using a VRD-VC20 for years to archive his television shows and has recently run into problems with disc compatibility.  He has always purchased DVD+R discs, either Sony or Memorex, without issue until recently when he tried a s

  • Inserted HTML and Images

    Is it possible when inserting html in Muse, to have images within the html text? If we will be using Adobe Catalyst, what will I need to do to properly code the images into the text?

  • 12 hours and counting to convert a file to pdf?

    the file is a .doc word 1997 and has lots of images that are either .tiff or .jpgs it's 103.8 MB, I uploaded the file yesterday - at least I think i did, the site just spun and spun until I finally clicked off of it and then when I went back to my ac

  • Security.Pls read

    Good Day All, Please I will appreciate a quick response to this questions. (1) I want to ensure a tight security on our network.what are the things we need to put in place(Both logical and Physical).You can specify the devices and software to purchas

  • 10.4.6 (again) but this time its about sound.......

    Hi, I blithely installed 10.4.6 yesterday and went on with my work. I didn't notice anything until I tried to look at some online media and noticed that I can't get any sound from any Flash or Windows media files. Its rather wierd, I tried re install