Does PE12 support Pinnacle 710-USB for Capture source?

When I try to capture video via Pinnacle 710-USB I get the capture window listing the device with "No Device Control."  What do I need to do to get it working?
Using Premiere Elements 12 (20130921.main.567661) on Win 7 Professional SP1.

Firewire connection.
Classically Premiere Elements works with firewire, not USB connections, as far as I have ever heard. html
Please review and consider.
Thank you.

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    Initiator IP:
    Responder IP:
    Initiator: No
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    This document tell you that you can attach a weblogic webservice configuration using weblogic admin console.
    After creating this configuration you need to updated this configuration as per the steps given under :
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    868310 wrote:
    I assume that it's a JMF cons. and IMHO, multilingual support for video paths/names should be added in it.Several things...
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    (Just about every thing is explained in help - just keep looking and searching help until you find it).
    1. Adding a "shadow/highlight" over a particular person in a moving clip
    This requires the creation of a white circle that you slightly superimpose over the picture simply by putting it on an above track and setting the level of it to very low - just enough to see the faint circle.
    It can be a graphic (same pixels as movie) quickly made in Paint or Photoshop or a camera shot of a white card.
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    Zoom and move it about as for your point 4
    Trying to follow movement is a bit trickier as you would have to shift it at least 2 frames at a time.
    Alternately you can use the chroma key effect except you insert the same picture in the hole as the background then reduce the level of the background picture to make it darker.(see help)
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    Whats wrong with an old fashioned simple notebook and pencil and note the time, changing it if you change it's position.  I use one all the time - much quicker.
    3. Repeating a clip in slow motion. Requires making a copy and slowing it down.
    Set a break point at the beginning or end of the section to be repeated
    Select and Copy the section
    Paste insert it into the point where you want the section be repeated.
    Select the new copied bit
    Change it's speed
    If you want normal speed audience noise instead of strangly slowed down or hollow sound you can first unlink the audio & video and place enough of a third copy of the original audio again in the audio gap that would otherwise appear.
    (Note Many function are found by right clicking on various areas of the screen)
    4. Zooming in on a particular portion of a clip.
    Click on the preview screen and drag the markers to zoom or reposition to suit

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    Since updating to 5.0 numerous people have had an issue with optical out. . Try Restart your ATV & computer. Also cycle the power on the ATV and TV (unplug it for 30sec). You should also submit a bug report directly to Apple since they DO NOT read these forums

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    Is that camera on this list? pZC9hZVNjTXlkaw%3D%3D
    I also found these instructions:
    Message was edited by: DaddyPaycheck

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    Hi u_os,
    This forum is to discuss problems of Windows Forms. Your question is not related to the topic of this forum.
    I suggest you posting it in the OneDrive Forum  for supports, where you can contact OneDrive experts.
    Best regards,
    Youjun Tang
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    For the best experience, please use a supported web browser.
    - Safari 2.x
    - Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.2 or later
    - Firefox 1.0 or later.
    - Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 or later
    - Firefox 1.0 or later.

    When you see this path:   /Library   That is your root Library.
    Open a Finder window.
    Select MacintoshHD in the Sidebar on the left then open the LIbrary folder then the Application Support folder, then InputManagers folder, the Receipts folder.
    For this path:  ~/Library/Application Support  (your Home library)
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    From that same Finder window select your Home folder in the Sidebar. It has a small house icon. Open the Library folder then the Application Support folder.
    Move all the Conduit/CT associated files you posted above to the Trash.
    Try Safari.
    I've yet to find the launchAgents.plist file in any Safari crash report in years. I don't think that's a problem.
    Another way to find files on your hard drive is to go to your Finder.
    From the menu bar at the top of your screen click Go / Go to Folder.
    Example. Type in:  /Library/ApplicationSupport   click Go
    Or type in:  ~/Library/Application Support   click Go

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