Downgrade to iMovie HD 6?

i heard somewhere that you were able to download the previous version of imovie if you didn't like this version ('08). if this is true where can i finds this download and do i need anything special to download it (eg. SN)
Message was edited by: Caza-da-cooL

Don't worry, found it myself
Sorry of the Inconvenience

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    How do I downgrade to iMovie '06?  I have '11 but would like the effects from '06?  I cannot download it from any of the available links.

    I am not sure if it is will still work but if you have an original disk you can try loading it. It should load to a different folder.

  • Downgrading to iMovie from Final Cut Express - exporting?

    My husband and I used to be into video editing before the kids were born. We have two 6 year old macbooks and one is dead and one is dying so we are forced to make a decision here on how to procede. My husband does one or two hobby type movies a year, but we mostly use our video editing software for home movies of the kids now. We don't have the money to spend on these things we used to, or the time to really be trying to tinker around with Final Cut anymore. So we decided to buy the $600.00 Mac Mini instead of a new laptop. We are thinking about switching back to iMovie as well, since buying the newer version of Final Cut will be pretty spendy, and iMovie seems to have come a long way since we last used it. We have a really old version of Final Cut right now, so I think upgrading would be necessary if we stick with Final Cut.
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    But then I started looking at the new iMovie and I have no idea how to export a final movie into a file that won't lose any quality. In final cut there is the 'self contained movie' setting which is a full quality version of the final movie. But in iMovie, I can't find an equivilent. How are you exporting your final movies in iMovie and where are you storing them? And if we downgrade to iMovie, will there be a loss in quality? I saw another thread that says that iMovie 11 is exporting movies that lose a lot of quality. Has Apple fixed this yet? When we started using iMovie years ago we were told that it imports and exports the exact same quality since it is all digital there would be no degradation. But now that I read that there is a loss of quality in the new iMovie I am nervous to downgrade to iMovie. Can anyone shed some light on these issues for me? Should we stick with Final Cut, or can we make iMovie work?

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    Time Machine is not set up on my computer, so that is not a possibility.
    Any ideas?

    Do you have Time Machine running? If so, you can select the iMovie App, the Movies/iMovie Projects folder, and the Movies/iMovie Events folder (Plus any iMovie folders on external drives) and go back in time to a time before the upgrade.
    Unfortunately, this would cause you to lose any project work done after the upgrade, because it would not exist in the earlier time. You might try saving it in a diffferent location so you could retrieve it when you upgrade at a future time (presumably after Apple provides a fix.)
    If going back in time would cause you to lose Events, then rather than reverting to a pre-upgrade state, just delete the cache, thumbnails, and stabilization folders within the events and let iMovie regenerate them the next time you open it.
    This is a bit like brain surgery so do so at your own risk (better yet, make a complete backup before you start so if anything goes wrong, you still have your important video!)

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    Downgrade iTunes 11 for Windows

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    Here are the various builds of iMovie.  There is no 9.0.0, but 9.0.1 looks like the most recent stable build.
    As for your projects, they should stay in the same directory even when you change application versions.
    You can navigate to them manually by going to *yourhomefolder*/movies.  You should see iMovie Events and iMovie Projects folders.
    You can back them up if you're nervous about losing them.
    Happy moviemaking!
    An Apple a Day...
    Doctah Wilson

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    Hi bubbalou - Jon's link won't work for you because it is available only to those with iMovie 08 already installed - and you couldn't install it.
    Also, 6.0.4 isn't a "downgrade". It is an 'as-well-as'. It is saying that some people may prefer to continue using the HD version for some editing purposes.
    Did you not have an HD version already on your computer? If not, probably your only recourse is Ebay, as it is no longer available in stores.

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    Do you mean iMovie 10 ('13) to imovie 9 ('11) ?
    If you had iMovie 9 when you  updated to Mavericks it should still be in your Applications folder in its own folder called iMovie 9.0.9.  It was part of iLife '11.  You can buy it from Amazon:

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    I have been told that the only way to fix this is to revert back to 9.0.0, can someone tell me how to do this while not losing my projects? Thanks

    Here are the various builds of iMovie.  There is no 9.0.0, but 9.0.1 looks like the most recent stable build.
    As for your projects, they should stay in the same directory even when you change application versions.
    You can navigate to them manually by going to *yourhomefolder*/movies.  You should see iMovie Events and iMovie Projects folders.
    You can back them up if you're nervous about losing them.
    Happy moviemaking!
    An Apple a Day...
    Doctah Wilson

  • Downgrading to iMovie 6

    iMovie 09 is probably the worst product Apple's put out there. Why are you going backwards, Apple? Not everyone just moronically wants to make YouTube movies of their kids' soccer games. Jesus. I have a PowerBook with Panther and also an iMac with Tiger. Is there any way I can just install the GOOD iMovie from one of those computers? I have the install discs but I have no idea how to do it. I tried installing bundled software from the Tiger disc but it wouldn't work. I don't have an actual iLife disc.
    I'm furious at Apple for this. This is a bloody new computer and the video program is USELESS.

    Why are you going backwards, Apple
    First, the tone of your post is not going to promote getting the answers you want.
    Second, you are not talking to Apple here. You are simply talking to other users.
    Is there any way I can just install the GOOD iMovie from one of those computers?
    I have the install discs but I have no idea how to do it. I tried installing bundled software from the Tiger disc but it wouldn't work.
    Pacifist is an application for Mac OS X that opens up .pkg installer packages, .dmg disk images, .zip, .tar, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2, .pax, and .xar archives, and more, and lets you install individual files out of them. This is useful if you need to install just one file out of a package instead of the entire package.
    I'm furious at Apple for this. This is a bloody new computer and the video program is USELESS.
    I use both iMovie 06 and iMovie 09 (iMovie 06 about 80%, iMovie 09 about 20%).
    I find iMovie 09 to be a wonderful program assuming that you're using it for what it was designed to do, assemble simple videos to share on the Internet.
    Apple had found that many iLife users were not using iMovie, some would argue that iMovie 06 became "too good". Others will say that many of the features of iMovie 06 made it hard for beginners to learn (not to me), so iMovie 09 is usually easier for the absolute beginner.
    If you like iMovie 06 better, as many do, you can continue to use it. I find that it works perfectly with my Mac Pro, iDVD 09 and the latest Mac OS.
    Pass on your concerns to Apple, be nice, be polite, be HONEST.
    Apple does listen to it's customers and respond.

  • IMovie 4 to iMovie HD and back again

    I have read countless threads on issues related to choppy video in iMovieHD, but I haven't yet discovered a solution to my situation. I'm also dizzy with all the options, iMovie 4 vs iMovie HD, QT 7 vs QT 6.5.2, QT Cache Size, etc...
    In years past, I have used iMovie 4 successfully on a number of big projects. These movies were usually from 60 to 90 minutes, with tons of video clips, audio clips, stills, transitions and effects. I never had a problem. This is work repeating. I never had a problem.
    Then enter stage iMovie HD, and Quicktime 7. Neither seemed to have new features that I needed, but I figured, what the heck, maybe it improves performance. This is where my nightmare begins. I honestly do not know which software it the culprit, but I was in the middle of one of the most important video projects yet (and one of the biggest). Perhaps I deserve my fate since I didn't save the iMovie 4 project file, but I'm hoping some of you will be forgiving. Yes, I converted my iMovie 4 project to iMovie HD, and did not save the old project file. I didn't notice (or don't remember noticing) at first, so maybe the problem didn't start until I upgraded to QT 7. But at some point in time, I noticed a big problem in my project. I would start playing the movie to see how things were coming together, and my video would just freeze at arbitrary points (after a minute or so of playing okay). It starts getting choppy first, then the frame just freezes. The playhead continues to movie, and choppy audio is heard, but the video just seems to die.
    I wiped the drive, and reinstalled iLife 04. I'm running OS X 10.3.9, and software update updated me to Quicktime 7 again. So I have a number of questions, all hopefully leading to resolution of this issue. I've lost weeks of time on this project, and I need to get it back on track.
    1. I have the iMovie HD project, but I want to work on it in iMovie 4 instead (had better luck with iMovie 4). Is there any way to mod the iMovie HD project file, or any utility, so that I can open it with iMovie 4 (and have all my clips and transitions, etc., restored)?
    2. Was downgrading from iMovie HD to iMovie 4 the wrong solution completely? Is the culprit really Quicktime 7?
    3. Does the latest Quicktime resolve this issue? I'm trying to decide whether I should upgrade to iMovie HD again. I really don't know what to do at this point. There's so much at stake, but lately my productivity has been zero, so something has to happen.
    I guess I'm looking for a direction to go, and I currently feel very lost. Reading the past threads made me dizzy. I just want things to be the way they were: working. Can someone push me in the right direction?

    Now I know how you equated donmerlin with Bill... I got so flustered with this problem, I ended up forgetting which Apple ID I posted under. Here is an update to the problem.
    I really wanted to stay with QT 7.0.3 because the latest DVD Studio Pro requires it (as does iTunes for video playing). I tried to stay with QT 7 and revert back to iMovie 4, but because the old iMovie 4 project file was converted to iMovie HD (and there's not way to go back), I basically had to recreate the iMovie project from scratch. I started to do this, by first creating a new iMovie 4 project, then copying all of the 100's of media files from the other project into this one. Once I realized the magnitude of work involved, figuring out what's what, and which clips are transitions and effects, I knew this was a bad way to go. And chances are, it would have still been a problem, since most of what I've read has to do with QT 7 being the problem. So I changed directions.
    I am fortunate enough to have two G4's, so I left QT 7.0.3 on this one, and decided to downgrade QT on my other G4. First I ran the QT 7.0.1 Reinstaller (had to use Pacifist, since the Apple installer refused to let it run). Then I ran the QT 6.5.2 Reinstaller. After that, I opened up the iMovie HD project, and lo and behold, the freezing and staggering playback issues were gone! Words cannot express the feeling of relief I had. In retrospect, I am still quite disappointed that Apple introduced an upgrade to QT that caused this horrible problem, and appears to have done nothing to resolve it. The good news is that I found my way around the problem via the QT downgrade path, and I'll never upgrade QT on this other G4 again. Thanks to everyone in sharing in my grief and posting suggestions (both in response to my post and others).

  • How to achieve smaller file size in iMovie after cutting or cropping

    iMovie saves unused material, so that even if I remove (crop or cut) unwanted footage, I am left with the same large file size for the project.
    The same seems to be true if I split a clip, and delete the unwanted portion and empty the trash.
    I have saved selected portions to Quicktime and then set up another iMovie project using the smaller trimmed file. Is there a better way to do this - entirely within the iMovie environment?
    K. Allen
    G-5, dual 2.0 PowerPC   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   iLife6, 2.5 G of RAM, 40 G of free disk space

    saved selected portions to Quicktime and then set up another iMovie project using the smaller trimmed file
    You should export as .dv (not .mov) and import it back.
    Or export to tape and import it back.
    Or downgrade to iMovie 4 and make very good backups (emptying the trash while trimming the clips sometimes corrupts the project in iMovie 1-4!!).

  • Is iMovie 6 compatible with 10.4.11?

    I have imovie 08 and want to downgrade to imovie 6 in order to use the plug ins and other features that 8 does not have for some reason. is it (imovie 6) compatible with 10.4.11? The lowest i can downgrade my Tiger to is 10.4.10, that is the version that came with my computer and what is on my reinstall disk.

    Yes you can use iMovie 06 in 10.4.11:
    Merry Christmas

  • IMovie Compatibility

    I am looking to buy a Panasonic GS-90 Mini DV tape camcorder which lists in its manual that a Mac Operating Environment on iMovie HD is a Power PC G5, Intel core and 10.4 Tiger.
    I am currently running 10.4 on a Power PC G4 with a much older version iMovie 2.1 with no interest in high definition. Can I presume that this panasonic (while requiring the G5 Intel for high definition support) will still work for standard definition on my G4 with iMovie 2.1 for importing and editing?
    Thanks for any help with these iMovie Compatibility issues.

    After these conversations, I might just go ahead and buy iLife 08 and downgrade to iMovie 06 and just forget about my old iMovie 2.1 which has really served my purposes well up to now. That way, I'll also get iPhoto and garageband which seems like it might be a little fun to work with. And the whole package takes up only 3 GB whereas iLife 06, I believe, takes up more space.
    I'll also gain the ability to work with iDVD and burn to my external burner (not previously allowed prior to iLife 06) instead of through Toast which has also also served me well.
    And when I do get my new Panasonic camcorder, it should import into iMovie 6 with no problem.
    It seems like a big bang for the buck!
    Thank you, gentlemen, for your responses and great insights.

  • Does iMovie 11 work with iDVD 6? - sharing issue

    I recently upgraded from iMovie HD to iMovie 11 instead of purchasing the entire iLife 11 bundle in order to import AVCHD files from my Panasonic TM90. However, once I finished creating a project on iMovie 11 and shared it to my iDVD 6, the project would not show up in iDVD. iDVD does start up, but my project doesn't appear. iMovie 11, however, says that the import completes successfully and I can see it loading during the sharing process.
    So I'm wondering if my iMovie 11 is incompatible with iDVD 6. I've thought about using my imported video files from iMovie 11 in iMovie HD instead, and attempting to share it to iDVD from there, but I'm wondering if there are better solutions.

    It should work fine.
    I use iMovie 06 with iDVD 11 all the time. I also have iMovie 11 but I don't use it very often.
    There was a quality upgrade from iDVD 06 to iDVD 08 - 11, (and a quality downgrade from iMovie 06 to iMovie 08 - 11).   I like to use iMovie 11 when sharing movies on the web but for making DVDs I get better quality with iMovie 06 and iDVD 11.
    Starting with iDVD 08 an option called “professional quality” was added.  If you're making DVDs I would purchase iDVD 11.
    If you purchase on iLife 11 on disc, you will have the option of selling it in the future.  Presently, iLife 06 sells for about double the price it cost new.

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