Draw Layer Tool...Nothing

So, I've been using Dreamweaver for about 3 years and have
never run into this problem before.
When I am in 'Design' mode, I click 'Layout' and then choose
the 'Draw Layer' tool. When I go to draw the layer on a blank
page...nothing. I mean...nothing. It won't draw a layer. It worked
great on Friday, but I get to work today and nothing.
Anybody know what could have caused this? More importantly,
anyone know how to fix this?
Thanks in advance!!

What DW and what OS?
Murray --- ICQ 71997575
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"baldtrainer" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:e61dd7$fkc$[email protected]..
> So, I've been using Dreamweaver for about 3 years and
have never run into
> this
> problem before.
> When I am in 'Design' mode, I click 'Layout' and then
choose the 'Draw
> Layer'
> tool. When I go to draw the layer on a blank
page...nothing. I
> mean...nothing. It won't draw a layer. It worked great
on Friday, but I
> get
> to work today and nothing.
> Anybody know what could have caused this? More
importantly, anyone know
> how
> to fix this?
> Thanks in advance!!

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    Ok, and how do you envision drawing an ellipse, a rectangle, a rounded rectangle, or any other shape with the current brush?
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    Feature Request: Rename Layers

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