Drill into data in an essbase cube.

Hey all, I have a problem I need some help/advice with.
I have an Essbase cube which has a date style hierachy of year, year & quarter, year and month, year month and day.
I have a chart showing the current values, monthly, over the last 12 months. When you select one of the monthsit drills into the data to show the daily values for the month selected. All works OK.
The only problem I have, and it os only cosmetic, is that the time access along the bottom changes to show values for every level in the hierachy, and I only want it to show the next level down.
Example - desired:
2010/08 -> 01/08/2010.........02/08/2010..... etc.....
Example - current:
2010/08 -> 2010, 2010/Q3, 2010/08, 01/08/2010.........2010, 2010/Q3, 2010/08, 02/08/2010........etc....
The only solution I have at present is to change the interaction to naviagte rather than drill and the navigated report is the correct format.
Can anyone else suggest anything?
Thanks in advance

11.1.1 DBAG:
Methods for Clearing Data from Specific Regions of Aggregate Storage Databases:
Within an aggregate storage database, you can clear data from a specific region and retain the data located in other regions. This feature is useful when you want to delete volatile data (such as data corresponding to the last month) but retain historical data. You must have Database Manager or Administrator permission to clear data.
Methods for clearing data from a region:
(1) Physical, in which the input cells in the region are physically removed from the database
(2) Logical, in which the input cells in the region are written to a new data slice and negative, compensating values are used, thus resulting in a value of zero for the cells that are cleared
To clear data from a specified region, you can use the alter database MaxL statement with the clear data in region grammar. The syntax for the statement is as follows:
*alter database appname.dbname clear data in region {MDX set expression} [physical];*
todd rebner

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  • Exception while drilling into data object values

    Hi everyone,
    I get the following exception : String was not recognized as a valid DateTime, when drilling into data values. This occurs specifically when drilling into reports that have datetime series or groups on the non-data axis. More specifically, the error doesnt occur when I drill into the report to show all values. It occurs when I drill into the report to show values for a particular time period (say, all sales in the month of Jan) instead of drilling to show details of all sales.
    The following is the relevant stack trace obtained from WebApps.txt.
    2007-08-08 16:43:56,272 [AsyncPageThreadPool (static 10)] DEBUG - ReportEngine WebPage.ReportException. oException.Message=String was not recognized as a valid DateTime., oException.StackTrace= at System.DateTimeParse.ParseISO8601(DateTimeRawInfo raw, __DTString str, DateTimeStyles styles)
    at System.DateTimeParse.Parse(String s, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles styles)
    at System.DateTime.Parse(String s, IFormatProvider provider, DateTimeStyles styles)
    at System.DateTime.Parse(String s, IFormatProvider provider)
    at System.Convert.ToDateTime(String value, IFormatProvider provider)
    at Oracle.BAM.Middleware.ActiveDataCache.ModifierFactory.ConvertValueFromTypeAndString(DataTypes eDataType, String strValue)
    at Oracle.BAM.Middleware.ActiveDataCache.ModifierFactory.BuildTwoEntryFilter(XmlNode xnExpression, ComparisonOperator eComparisonOperator, String strXmlSchema)
    at Oracle.BAM.Middleware.ActiveDataCache.ModifierFactory.GetFilterEntryComparisonExpression(XmlNode xnExpression, String strXmlSchema)
    at Oracle.BAM.Middleware.ActiveDataCache.ModifierFactory.GetFilterExpression(XmlNode xnExpression, String strXmlSchema)
    at Oracle.BAM.Middleware.ActiveDataCache.ModifierFactory.GetFilterExpression(XmlNode xnExpression, String strXmlSchema)
    at Oracle.BAM.Middleware.ActiveDataCache.ModifierFactory.GetFilterExpression(XmlNode xnExpression, String strXmlSchema)
    at Oracle.BAM.Middleware.ActiveDataCache.ModifierFactory.AddFilters(XmlDocument oXmlModifier, Modifier oAdcModifier, String strXmlSchema)
    at Oracle.BAM.Middleware.ActiveDataCache.ModifierFactory.GetAdcModifier(String strXmlModifier, String strXmlSchema, Boolean bIgnoreRecordFields, Boolean bGroupsInOneLevel, XmlDocument oXmlProperties)
    at Oracle.BAM.Middleware.ActiveDataCache.ModifierFactory.GetAdcModifier(String strXmlModifier, String strXmlSchema, Boolean bIgnoreRecordFields, Boolean bGroupsInOneLevel)
    at Oracle.BAM.ReportServer.Chart.GetChartAdcModifier(ViewSet oViewSet)
    at Oracle.BAM.ReportServer.Chart.RenderChart(String strXmlModifier, String strXmlProperties, String strActive, String strClientWidth, String strClientHeight, String strBrowserTimezoneOffset, Boolean bEMail, String strUserName)
    The following data might be useful for reproducing the exception by any BAM developer.
    The modifier xml is:
    <Modifier dataset="_ImportLCIssuanceDataObject" id="0" bAggregate="false"><FieldRefs></FieldRefs><Filter><Branch type="ALL"><Branch type="ALL"><Entry type="EQ"><Node type="COLUMN">ContractCurrency</Node><Node type="STRING">USD</Node></Entry></Branch><Branch type="ALL"><Entry type="GE"><Node type="COLUMN" bDrilling="true">IssueDate</Node><Node type="DATETIME">2000-07-01T00:00:00.0000000+05:30</Node></Entry><Entry type="LE"><Node type="COLUMN" bDrilling="true">IssueDate</Node><Node type="DATETIME">2000-07-31T23:59:59.0000000+05:30</Node></Entry></Branch></Branch></Filter><Groups><Group level="0"/><Group eTimeUnit="DAYOFMONTH" iQuantity="1" zeroFill="true" isTimeline="true" level="1" datasetField="IssueDate"><Aggregate operandDatasetField="_ContractAmount" operation="SUM"/></Group></Groups></Modifier>
    The relevant properties are:
    <Properties ContentType="ThreeDBarChart" datasetId="_ImportLCIssuanceDataObject"><Title display="true" color="#ffffff" font-family="Tahoma" font-weight="Bold" font-size="11" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false" background-color="#7B97C0" text-align="left"><Text bUseViewName="false">Total%20value%20of%20LCs%20issued</Text></Title><ChartTitle display="false" font-family="tahoma" font-weight="Bold" font-size="11" color="#000000" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false" bCheckField="true" ModifierID="0"></ChartTitle><DataAxis auto="true" min="" max="" major="" minor="" font-family="tahoma" font-size="11" color="#ffffff" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false" bShowGridlines="true"/><NonDataAxis font-family="tahoma" font-size="11" color="#ffffff" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false" bAllowDiagonal="true" bShowGroupLabels="true"/><Legend display="false" font-family="tahoma" font-size="11" color="#000000" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false" location="bottom"/><ColorPalette selected="101"/><ActiveData showColor="true" newColor="#FFE299" newTimeSeconds="1000"/><Groups bynumber="false"/><SeriesValues font-family="tahoma" font-size="11" color="#ffffff" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false"/><ErrorMessage font-family="tahoma" font-size="11" color="#ffffff" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false"/><HorizontalAxisLabel showlabel="false" labelpos="onside" font-family="tahoma" font-size="11" color="#ffffff" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false" bCheckField="true" ModifierID="0"></HorizontalAxisLabel><VerticalAxisLabel showlabel="false" labelpos="atend" font-family="tahoma" font-size="11" color="#ffffff" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false" bCheckField="true" ModifierID="0">LC%20Amount</VerticalAxisLabel><Target bUseTarget="false" fTargetValue="" bShowValue="true" strTargetLabel="" eDashStyle="solid" strTargetColor="" iDashThickness="1" font-family="tahoma" font-size="11" color="#000000" underline="false" overline="false" line-through="false" capitalize="false" uppercase="false" lowercase="false"/><Empty display="true" text="No%20Values"/><ThreeDOptions fBackDepth="25"/><Body background-color="transparent"><Border color="#000000" width="1px" style="solid"/><Margin><top width="0"/><left width="0"/><bottom width="0"/><right width="0"/></Margin></Body><Series datasetField="_ContractAmount" dataType="FLOAT" bShowValue="true" bShowPercent="false" bShowSeriesName="false" bShowAggFunction="true" ModifierID="0" aggregate="SUM" include="true" chartType="ThreeDBarChart" order="0" color="#E2CBFF" marker="none" borderColor=""><Format category="Number" decimals="2" color="red" use_thous_separator="true" negative_style="2" bRound="true" strRoundSeperator="," strRoundSuffix="K">#,0,.00K;[Red]#,0,.00K</Format></Series><Drilling ModifierID="0" bAllowDrillThrough="true" strDrillThroughViewType="UpdatingOrderedList"><DrillThroughField ID="_ContractReferenceNo"/><DrillThroughField ID="_ProductType"/><DrillThroughField ID="_Applicant"/><DrillThroughField ID="_Beneficiary"/><DrillThroughField ID="_ContractAmount"/><DrillThroughField ID="_ContractCurrency"/></Drilling><TopN active="false" quantity="1"/><SurfacePrompts><GoButton background-color="#E7E7E7" color="#000000" font-size="11px" font-family="Tahoma" display="DisplayInViewTitle" text="Refresh"><Border color="#4C4C4C" width="1px" style="solid"/></GoButton><ViewSurfacePrompt id="7" display="DisplayInViewTitle"><Input background-color="#FFFFFF" color="#000000" font-size="11px" font-family="Tahoma"><Border color="#000000" width="1px" style="solid"/></Input><DropDownSelectedLine background-color="#4A598C" color="#ffffff" font-size="11px" font-family="Tahoma"/><PromptTitle color="#ffffff" font-size="11px" font-family="Tahoma" font-weight="Bold"/></ViewSurfacePrompt><ViewSurfacePrompt id="8" display="DisplayInReportLevel"><Input background-color="#FFFFFF" color="#000000" font-size="11px" font-family="Tahoma"><Border color="#000000" width="1px" style="solid"/></Input><DropDownSelectedLine background-color="#4A598C" color="#ffffff" font-size="11px" font-family="Tahoma"/><PromptTitle color="#ffffff" font-size="11px" font-family="Tahoma" font-weight="Bold"/></ViewSurfacePrompt></SurfacePrompts><DrillPath><Hierarchy ModifierID="0" ID="320873a2918f48ddb2925519dfd8cfd0"><Field ID="_IssueDate" number="0" type="Year" name="Year"/><Field ID="_IssueDate" number="0" type="Quarter" name="Quarter"/><Field ID="_IssueDate" number="0" type="MonthNumber" name="Month"/><Field ID="_IssueDate" number="0" type="DayoftheMonth" name="Day of the Month"/><Field ID="_IssueDate" number="0" type="WeekdayNumber" name="Day of the Week"/></Hierarchy></DrillPath><GroupLevel datasetField="_IssueDate" dataType="DATETIME" eTimeUnit="DAYOFMONTH" iQuantity="1" isTimeline="true" zeroFill="true" fieldID="DAYOFMONTH__IssueDate"/></Properties>

    Fixed!! The timezone on the BAM server was changed to GMT, and that somehow solved the problem. Seems like the GMT offset should be zero while executing a drill down query.
    FYI, the modifier XML now sent is :
    <Modifier dataset="_ImportLCIssuanceDataObject" id="0" bAggregate="false"><FieldRefs></FieldRefs><Filter><Branch type="ALL"><Branch type="ALL"><Branch type="ALL"><Entry type="EQ"><Node type="COLUMN"><![CDATA[_ContractCurrency]]></Node><Node type="STRING">USD</Node></Entry></Branch><Branch type="ALL"/></Branch><Branch type="ALL"><Entry type="GE"><Node type="COLUMN" bDrilling="true"><![CDATA[_IssueDate]]></Node><Node type="DATETIME"><![CDATA[2000-07-01T00:00:00.0000000-00:00]]></Node></Entry><Entry type="LE"><Node type="COLUMN" bDrilling="true"><![CDATA[_IssueDate]]></Node><Node type="DATETIME"><![CDATA[2000-09-30T23:59:59.0000000-00:00]]></Node></Entry></Branch></Branch></Filter><Groups><Group level="0"/><Group eTimeUnit="MONTH" iQuantity="1" zeroFill="true" isTimeline="true" level="1" datasetField="_IssueDate"><Aggregate operandDatasetField="_ContractAmount" operation="SUM"/></Group></Groups></Modifier>

  • Cannot Lock and Send data to an Essbase cube

    Hi all,
    One of our customer is executing a Macro script to lock and send data to the essbase cube from an excel sheet.
    They reported that in several cases where users will submit their data, and later discover that their changes are not in Essbase.
    The calls to EssVRetrieve (to lock the blocks) and EssVSendData are both returning successfully and there is no error message received while executing the above macros.
    I reviewed the application log file and found the following message:
    [Mon Nov 24 18:59:43 2008]Local/Applicn///Warning(1080014)
    Transaction [ 0xd801e0( 0x492b4bb0.0x45560 ) ] aborted due to status [1014031].
    I analysed the above message and found the user is trying to lock the database when already a lock has been applied to it and some operation is being performed on it. Because of that the transaction has been aborted. But customer says no concurrent operation is being performed at that time.
    Can anyone help me in this regard.

    The error message for error 1014031 is 'Essbase could not get a lock in the specified time.' The first thought I have is that perhaps some user/s have the 'Update Mode' option set in their Essbase Options and thus, when they are retrieving data, they are inadvertantly locking the data blocks. If that is the case, you will probably see this issue sporadically as the locks are automatically released when the user disconnects from Essbase.
    To make it stop, you will have to go to every user's desktop and make sure they have that Essbase Option turned off. Further, you will have to look at any worksheets they may use that may have an Essbase Option name stored on it. The range name is stored as a string and includes a setting for update mode. Here is a sample that I created for this post where I first turned 'on' update mode and then turned 'off' update mode:
    Note the 11th character in the first string is '1' which indicates that Update Mode is 'on'; in the second string, it is 'off'.
    This behavior, particularly with update mode, is the only one of the behaviors that I disliked in Excel and pushed me to design our Dodeca product. In Dodeca, the administrator controls all Essbase options and can either set individual options to the value they want or they can allow the user to choose their own options. Most of our customers do not allow the user to set update mode.
    Tim Tow
    Applied OLAP, Inc

  • Sort in date order from Essbase cube source

    Hi everyone,
    I have an Essbase cube which I'm displaying the data from in OBIEE. Within the cube one of the dimensions is a date ( set as a time dimension ).
    It has several generations:
    Gen2 - Year, 2010
    Gen3 - Year/Quarter, 2010/Q1
    Gen4 - Year/Month, 2010/01
    Gen5 - Day/Month/Year, 26/01/2010
    If I produce a report filtered on the Year, say 2009, and display the full date, it puts all twelve 1st's of the month first, then the 2nds, and so on. I can resolve this by putting the Year/Month field into the report and sort on that, then the full date, but I really only want the date in chronological order.
    Can anyone advise on the best way to achieve this?
    Thanks to all in advance.
    Edited by: Bagpuss1969 on Jan 26, 2010 12:46 PM
    Generation 5 is DD/MM/YYYY

    And this is one of the reasons why OBIEE/Essbase integration is still #1 on the [Dont Try This At Home Kids|http://majendi.blogspot.com/2009/06/dont-try-this-at-home-kids.html] list.
    One of the most basic facts about the current integration - which is often disregarded - is that dimension levels and hence their contained members come across as pure VARCHARs. Sort order-wise this gives you a standard alpha-numeric sort order by default.
    However there's a workaround which we discussed just last week: Oracle BI import Essbase cube (problem on the months)
    Essbase defines the sort order. Otherwise it's alpha-numeric.

  • Combining relation facts with dimensions from an Essbase cube

    I am having trouble combining relational measures (from EBS) with dimensions from an Essbase cube. The dimensions that we want to use for reporting (drilling etc) are in an Essbase cube and the facts are in EBS.
    I have managed to import both the EBS tables and the cube into OBIEE (11.1.15) and I have created a business model on the cube. For the cube I converted the accounts dimension to a value based dimension, other than that it was basically just drag and drop.
    In this business model I created a new logical table with an LTS consisting of three tables from the relational database.
    The relational data has an account key that conforms to the member key of the accounts dimension in the Essbase cube. So in the accounts dimension (in the BMM layer) I mapped the relational column to correct column (that is already mapped to the cube) - this column now has two sources; the relational table and the cube. This account key is also available in the LTS of my fact table.
    The content levels for the LTS in the fact table have all been set to detail level for the accounts dimension.
    So far I am able to report on the data from the fact table (only relational data) and I can combine this report with account key from the account dimension (because this column is mapped to the relational source as well as the cube). But if expand the report with a column (from the accounts dimension) that is mapped only to the cube (the alias column that contains the description of the accounts key), I get an error (NQSError 14025 - see below).
    Seeing as how I have modeled that the facts are connected to the dimension through the common accounts key, I cannot understand why OBIEE doesn't seem to understand which other columns - from the same dimension - to fetch.
    If this had been in a relational database I could have done this very easily with SQL; something along the lines of select * from relational_fact, dim_accounts where relational_fact.account_key=dim_accounts.account_key.
    Error message:
    [nQSError: 14025] No fact table exists at the requested level of detail
    Edited by: user13050224 on Jun 19, 2012 6:40 AM

    Avneet gave you the beginnings of one way, but left out that a couple of things. First, you would want to do the export of level zero only. Second, the export needs to be in column format and third, you need to make sure the load rule you use is set to be additive otherwise the last row will overwrite the previouse values.
    A couple of other wats I can think of doing this
    Create a replicated partition that maps the 3 non used dimensiosn to null (Pick the member at the top of the dimension in your mapping area)
    Create a report script to extract the data putting the three dimensions in the page so they don't show up.
    Use the custom defined function jexport in a calc script to get what you want

  • Update member  count error for essbase cube

    Whenever i import a cube from essabse into obiee. i get the following error when i click on "update member count" on any member in the Physical layer of the obiee administration.
    this problem comes even if i import a different cube, meaning this is not due to essbase error.
    [NQODBC][SQL_STATE:HY0000][nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred.
    [nQSError:43093] An error occured while processing the EXECUTE PHYSICAL statement.
    Essbase Error: Unknown Member Measures.xxxyyyxxxCount used in query
    kindly help!!

    i am using version
    i have created an holap cube in Essbase integration services. i have created olap model using rdbms source in the EIS. however i am unable to access the rdbms level(hybrid analysis enabled) data of the essbase cube in obiee.

  • Data Extract from Essbase

    We are trying to extract data from one Essbase cube and load into another. But couple of dimensions have spaces in the name (Ex. Time Dimension, Business Unit).
    Because of this ODI is failing at time of creating C$ temp tables. Any one knows how to handle this issue.

    What method are you using to extract, what version are you on including patch

  • Error while loading data on to the cube : Incompatible rule file.

    I am trying to load data on to essbase cube from a data file. I have a rule file on the cube already, and I am getting the following error while loading the data. Is there any problem with the rules file?
    SEVERE: Cannot begin data load. Essbase Error(1019058): Incompatible rule file. Duplicate member name rule file is used against unique name database.
    com.essbase.api.base.EssException: Cannot begin data load. Essbase Error(1019058): Incompatible rule file. Duplicate member name rule file is used against unique name database.
         at com.essbase.server.framework.EssOrbPluginDirect.ex_olap(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.server.framework.EssOrbPluginDirect.essMainBeginDataload(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin._invokeMainMethod(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin._invokeMethod2(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin._invokeMethod(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.server.framework.EssOrbPluginDirect._invokeProtected(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPluginEmbedded.invokeMethod(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPluginEmbedded.invokeMethod(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin.essMainBeginDataload(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.datasource.EssCube.beginDataload(Unknown Source)
         at grid.BudgetDataLoad.main(BudgetDataLoad.java:85)
    Error: Cannot begin data load. Essbase Error(1019058): Incompatible rule file. Duplicate member name rule file is used against unique name database.
    Feb 7, 2012 3:13:37 PM com.hyperion.dsf.server.framework.BaseLogger writeException
    SEVERE: Cannot Load buffer term. Essbase Error(1270040): Data load buffer [3] does not exist
    com.essbase.api.base.EssException: Cannot Load buffer term. Essbase Error(1270040): Data load buffer [3] does not exist
         at com.essbase.server.framework.EssOrbPluginDirect.ex_olap(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.server.framework.EssOrbPluginDirect.essMainLoadBufferTerm(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin._invokeMainMethod(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin._invokeMethod2(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin._invokeMethod(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.server.framework.EssOrbPluginDirect._invokeProtected(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPluginEmbedded.invokeMethod(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPluginEmbedded.invokeMethod(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.session.EssOrbPlugin.essMainLoadBufferTerm(Unknown Source)
         at com.essbase.api.datasource.EssCube.loadBufferTerm(Unknown Source)
         at grid.BudgetDataLoad.main(BudgetDataLoad.java:114)
    Error: Cannot Load buffer term. Essbase Error(1270040): Data load buffer [3] does not exist

    " Incompatible rule file. Duplicate member name rule file is used against unique name database."
    I am just guessing here as I have never used the duplicate name functionality in Essbase, nor do I remember which versions it was in. However with that said I think your answer is in your error message.
    Just guessing again.... It appears that your rule file is set to allow duplicate member names while your database is not. With that information in hand (given to you in the error message) I would start to explore that.

  • Drill into a Dataset from a url

    I have a page which makes use of the tabbed panel spry
    widget. Within that I have a tab that uses a spry master detail
    widget with its content generated using xmldata. The first
    recordset fills this page. Now I want to get to this page and this
    tab but to a record that I specify on a url which is on a different
    page - to drill into the xml data and return recordset 2.
    My pseudo code for the url would be as follows;
    Is this a tall order that is not possible to achieve ?

    Hello Don,
    After much head scratching I have succeeded in drilling into
    the data contained on a page, from a tabbed panel and returning
    specific data from an xml datasource !! You can see it at work
    Click on a page link in paragraph 2 to cardiology for
    example, or alternatively click on the main navigation,
    'Prospective Students'. All of the tabbed content is one page
    (stu1.htm) and you can see in the undergraduate section how I
    needed that extra ability to navigate and drill into data.
    NOTE: It seemed important to ensure that the hash reference
    was stated at the end of the url string as in
    Many thanks for your pointers :)

  • Accessing Essbase cubes within a HP application using Essbase add-in

    Hi All,
    I've been told in the past by Oracle Support personnel that accessing the Essbase cubes within a Planning application using the MS Excel Essbase add-in is "a very bad idea" and that such an approach "is not supported\recommended by Oracle due to potential issues" (which the support person could not tell me about).
    Unfortunately, I have not found any information in the Planning documentation which supports or not this recommendation.
    As such:
    1. Could anyone point me in the right direction in terms of finding out whether it is recommended\supported (or not) for users to access Essbase cubes within a Planning application using the Essbase add-in?
    2. Has anyone ever experienced issues accessing Essbase cubes within a Planning application using the MS Excel Essbase add-in? If yes, what were these issues??
    PS: We are on v9.3.1.x of Essbase\Planning and will be moving over to v11.1.2.x in the next 6-8 months.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Rob,
    Thank you for your prompt & informative response.
    On the topic of metadata, I am aware of what happens when changes are made directly to an Essbase outline which falls under a Planning application without going following the proper method ... and I agree that it ain't pretty! :-)
    On the topic of locking\sending data to the Essbase cubes within a Planning application, I also understand that it works quite well in as much as the data is saved in the appropriate intersections within the Essbase cube, as permitted by the security assigned to the user.
    I was more interested in whether such a practice of locking\sending data directly to Essbase cubes within a Planning application was actually encouraged or discouraged by Oracle.
    And please correct me if I am wrong but from what you are saying, it seems to me that it is neither as:
    - on one hand, the "Essbase Write" HSS feature allows administrators to create security groups and assign this type of provisioning to security groups in question;
    - on the other hand, Oracle Support seems to be verbally discouraging such a practice for no real reasons related to technological limitations;
    The problem that I have is that because some users at our site know that they can lock\send data to Essbase cubes within a Planning application and as a result, not only want to get us to grant similar lock\send access to other users but are now more reticent than ever to move away from the Essbase add-in as a means to load\submit data to a Planning application. And that's why I was after some formal recommendation from Oracle as to whether it is a recommended practice or not.
    Anyway, any suggestions would be much appreciated.

  • Unable to load data into Essbase cube using Essbase Studio

    We are creating an essbase cube using Essbase Studio using flat files as data sources.
    We have taken different hierarchies into different flat files and created one fact file having dimension intersection along with data.
    We are able to create the cube and the hierarchy but not able to load any data.
    We are getting the following error
    Failed to deploy Essbase cube.
    Caused by: Unable to perform dataload from more than one flat file.
    Could anyone please help on this?

    Oh this was killing me, so I did this test in
    1) Excel 2007 format -- no go, Essbase didn't see it
    2) Excel 2003 format, three sheets -- only the first sheet was read into an empty rule
    3) Excel 2003 format, one sheet -- the first sheet was read into an empty rule
    4) Excel 95 format, one sheet -- the first sheet was read into an empty rule
    The lesson?
    1) Excel 2007/2010 sheets don't work (no surprise there as the .xlsx format isn't supported).
    2) Excel 2003 and lower (hey, if you have Excel 4, I'll bet that works as well) work, but only the first sheet is recognized.
    Cameron Lackpour

  • How to make data in Essbase cube equal to data in DW when drilling through

    Is there standard ways in Oracle BI + Essbase to make data in Essbase cube and DW equal (corresponding)?
    For example when we are drilling down from cube to DW in this moment in DW may be loaded additional data (new data) which are not loaded in the cube yet.
    So we have situation where data in the cube not correspond to data in the DW.

    I think rebuilding the cube on a more frequent basis not solves the problem – there will be significant time between the moment when data loaded in DW and when data updated in the cube.
    I thought of creating 2 tables in DW (“new” and “old”) and 2 cubes (“new” and “old”).
    So the process of loading data will look like this:
    1. We have corresponding data in table “old” and cube “old”. User always works with “old” objects.
    2. Load data to table “new”.
    3. Load data to cube “new” from table “new”.
    4. Rename tables and cubes: “old” to “new”, “new” to “old”. Here users starting to work with updated cube and table.
    5. Add new changes go cube and table “new” (there will be old data).
    6. Go to step 2.
    But this way is too expensive (storage amount doubles).
    And maybe easier way can be found?...

  • Error encountered while loading data into an Essbase cube from oracle DB

    Hi All,
    I am trying to load data into an Essbase cube from Oracle db. Essbase is installed in an 64 bit HP-UX machine and oracle database on HP -UX 11.23 B server. While performing the above I am getting the below error messages:
    K/INFO - 1021013 - ODBC Layer Error: [08001] ==> [[DataDirect][ODBC Oracle Wire Protocol driver][Oracle]ORA-01034: ORACLE not available
    ORA-27101: shared memory realm does not exist
    HP-UX Error: 2: No such file or directory].
    OK/INFO - 1021014 - ODBC Layer Error: Native Error code [1034] .
    ERROR - 1021001 - Failed to Establish Connection With SQL Database Server. See log for more information.
    Can you please help me out in identifying the issue, as why it could have occured , because of network problem or is there anything related to databse?

    The error is related to Oracle, I would check that it is all up and running
    ORA-01034: ORACLE not available

  • Error regarding data load into Essbase cube for Measures using ODI

    Hi Experts,
    I am able to load metadata for dimensions into Essbase cube using ODI but when we are trying same for loading data for Measures encountring following errrors:
    '07_JAN_97','0011500100','0000001001~1000~12~00','20','12200','Cannot end dataload. Essbase Error(1003014): Unknown Member [0011500100] in Data Load, [1] Records Completed'
    '28_JAN_97','0011500100','0000001300~1000~12~00','30','667700','Cannot end dataload. Essbase Error(1003014): Unknown Member [0011500100] in Data Load, [1] Records Completed'
    '28_JAN_97','0011500100','0000001300~1000~12~00','500','667700','Cannot end dataload. Essbase Error(1003014): Unknown Member [0011500100] in Data Load, [1] Records Completed'
    Can anyone look into this and reply quickly as it's urgent requiremet.

    We are having a similar problem. We're using the IKM SQL to Hyperion Essbase (DATA) knowledge module. We are mapping the actual data to the field called 'Data' in the model. But it kicks everything out saying 'Unknown Member [Data] in Data Load', as if it's trying to read that field as a dimension member. We can't see what we missed in building the interface. I would think the knowledge module would just know that the Data field is, um, data; not a dimension member. Has anyone else encountered this?

  • Enabling drill through from Essbase cube to drill through report

    The requirement is that I keep summary level information in the Essbase cube and detailed granular information (order level) in a relational table.I would like to enable drill through between the cube and the report.
    Please advise what would be the best approach considering the current system architecture that is outlined below.( Hyperion suite
    Would also like to know drill thru vs hybrid analysis options.
    1) ASO/BSO cube is populated through Oracle Data Integrator
    2) The relational transactional table is also poulated through ODI.
    3) The cube would hold summary level info while thr drill through report should provide the order level details in the same context as chosen in the cube.
    Would appreciate guidance on the best way forward.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Incidentally we had been trying to use Essbase studio as an option.But there are 2 oints that we are trying to investigate.
    1) Can we bypass deployment of data and metadata everytime through Essbase studio after the initial outline is delpoyed? In the system architecture the relational tables are populated using ODI. We would like to load the data and metadata through ODI into the cube. Eeven then can we implement drill thru bypassing deployment through Essbase Studio?
    2) If Essbase studio is imperative for drill through then what are the batch automation options for deployment through Essbase studio? Ideally the option should be after the relational tables are populated through ODI then the Essbase deployment should be invoked and batch script should load the data and metadata through Essbase Studio.
    Please advise.

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