Drive bay stuck

My drive bay is stuck. I think there is a screw come loose and jamming it up. It will only protrude a cmetre or so then stops dead. The push button is making a scratching noise when pushed. 
Any alternative ways to remove the bay/ I removed the keyboard but couldnt find the screw or another way to push it out. 
This happened before and eventually it just came out after i fiddled with it but this time it just isnt going anywhere... 
I need to remove the drive as i have  a new ssd and it wont be as fast as i need it through usb 3 run in an external enclosure. I cant use my main C ssd for this work as i requires more spance than I have. 
Help!! Thanks! 
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its ok i got my dad to fix it. needed to unscrew the main bottom part of the laptop to get a bit more clearance and it came out eventually. 
thanks ayway, 

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    Pulling the thing out for the first time was a hassle for me too, eventually I jiggled with it from side to side moving out some millimeters at a time until it was out.
    The Good news is that the whole thing is pretty robust so you can use reasonable force and after its out for the first time it looses a-bit and then slides in a more expectable way.
    Have Fun,

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    I suggest you download either CCC or SuperDuper.
    Then clone the current system disk to the new system disk.
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    When you depress the option (alt) key and launch iPhoto you should get a window showing all of your iPhoto libraries so you can select one - are you not getting this window or does it contain only one library?
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    Your 2010 model has SATA wiring in that bay, so the SSD plugs right in.
    Macs can boot from the drive specified in System preferences > Startup Disk.
    You would need an adapter from 2.5 size of the drive to the 5.25 (CD drive) size expected, but since there are no moving parts, most folks just dump the drive in there without a bracket.
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    according to the Lenovo website, yes it is the right model for the T61.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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    Hey HughZ, 
    I'm sorry you're running into this BIOS issue. 
    If I understand correctly, you've currently got a previous BIOS version loaded by the computer shop. Is that correct?
    If so,
    1. Download and install BIOS version 5.23. You may already know but, it will restart on its own during the installation. Allow it to restart and get back to the Windows login screen or desktop.
    2. Then go to Start and Shutdown. Boot into the BIOS by tapping F10 repeatedly at power on. 
    3. Once you're in BIOS press F5 to Set the BIOS to Default Settings. You won't get a message or any feedback but just press F9 once and then press F10 to Save and Exit. Yes to confirm and Windows should load normally. 
    4. Once Windows has loaded, Shutdown again and test the power on sequence to see if your issue remains. 
    If it does, you can also go into BIOS and arrow over to Boot. Change Boot-time Diagnostic Screen to Enabled if it is Disabled. Also, let me know what the other tabs' (Advanced, Power and other settings in Boot) settings are set to. You can take pictures and post them with your reply, if you'd like. Let me know the results when you get a chance

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    This question was solved.
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    It has a single 2.5 inch bay and then an M.2 mSATA port. 
    Pages 63 and 70.
    It is also one of the ones where access to the hard drive(s) or memory is major surgery. 
    If this is "the Answer" please click "Accept as Solution" to help others find it. 

  • Add a 2nd HDD using the CD/DVD Optical Drive Bay

    Hi HP,I,m going to add a 2nd HDD for my laptop bu using CD/DVD optical drive bay,so,i don't know if optical drive connection support SATA 2 or SATA3? And where i can buy a bay for 2nd HDD( good quality)? Tks a lot!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Dảkwarrior1912 wrote:
    Why hard drive conection support SATA 3 but optical drive support SATA2??As i know the other notebook like asus or dell support SATA 3 both conection(hard drive and optical drive)
    It appears that you did not understand the post that I made.
    If you purchase a high end notebook that has a chipset with sata controllers that support SATA3 then SATA3 devices will run at SATA3 bandwidth. Your notebook is not one that does.
    It would not matter which brand you chose.
    If you decided to economize and purchase a mainstream notebook, then the issue would still be the same.
    Notebooks are not created equally. It is the same with desktop PCs.
    That is why each manufacturer has a tiered structure to accomodate the economic means of the target market.
    1) Entry level (basic chipset and CPU)  $
    2) Mainstream (mid level chipset and mainstream CPU)  $$
    3) High end.  (high end chipset and high performance CPU, wifi adapter and even SSD hard disks)  $$$
    ****Please click on Accept As Solution if a suggestion solves your problem. It helps others facing the same problem to find a solution easily****
    2015 Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience Consumer

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    Dear readers and admins
    I need to know which drive bay does correspond to which disk number in the diskutil list command. I need that, as I made a software raid1 and if I get an error message after executing the command "diskutil appleRaid list" I need to know which physical drive bay (Upper/Lower) is disk0 or disk1.
    Maybe someone can tell me this answer for a Mac Pro as well?
    Thank you in advance for your feedback.
    Kind regards

    In my Mini Server Disk0 is in the lower bay. Here is the attached "system Profile".
    Capacity: 500.11 GB (500,107,862,016 bytes)
    Model: Hitachi HTS725050A9A362
    Revision: PC4ACB1E
    Native Command Queuing: Yes
    Queue Depth: 32
    Removable Media: No
    Detachable Drive: No
    BSD Name: disk0
    Rotational Rate: 7200
    Medium Type: Rotational
    Bay Name: Lower
    Partition Map Type: GPT (GUID Partition Table)
    S.M.A.R.T. status: Verified
    Capacity: 209.7 MB (209,715,200 bytes)
    Writable: Yes
    BSD Name: disk0s1
    Macintosh HD2:
    Capacity: 499.76 GB (499,763,888,128 bytes)
    Available: 441.4 GB (441,396,764,672 bytes)
    Writable: Yes
    File System: Journaled HFS+
    BSD Name: disk0s2
    Mount Point: /
    Hope that Helps.
    <Edited by Host>

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    Hi all,
    I bought 2nd Hard Drive Bay Caddy for my T430s but it does not seem to work.
    The HDDs I placed in it do not even start to spin, and they are not recognized by the laptop BIOS as also by my OSes, Windows and Linux.
    The label on the caddy says it is P/N 26r9247, but at this stage I'm not sure is a compatible part or if I got just a faulty item.
    Any feedback?
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    That part number (26R9247) is for the older T60/61 Thinkpads.  You need the Ultrabay III adapter.  Look at 43N3412.

  • Ejecting problem on my 2nd SATA Hard Drive Bay Caddy

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    How can windows 7 avoid to eject it? Do you know a best practice to configure properly the 2nd SATA Hard Drive Bay Caddy??
    Thanks in advance!
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    Really sorry, I didn't explain properly: I was talking about Ejecting OS side (windows 7 eject my secondary HD when I close my laptop, consequence is that I don't see it anymore in Computer).
    ejecting is when you press here
    anyway Thanks!!

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