Dropping Out?

Two times within the last 20 minutes my AirPort Express has simply "dropped out" or acted like it has been unplugged when in reality it hasn't been and the green light is staying on. I then try to connect back to the AirPort Express and it says that this device does not accept this type of encryption. I click "Try Again" several times and it finally re-connected. I'm using WPA Personal for my security settings and only allowing certain MAC addressed to connect to my AirPort Express. Could this be an issue with 10.4.7 or something else? I just noticed this problem and it could get to be quite annoying if it continues.
Ti PowerBook G4 1Ghz, 15.2   Mac OS X (10.4.7)   SuperDrive, 1GB RAM, 40GB iPod (4th Generation)

I have the same issue on a 15' Titanium 800mhz Powerbook. I use an Airport Extreme. My Powerbook has the "B" card installed. I have the same issue with the connection dropping out. I think it is more of a 10.4.7 issue cause it started happening after I installed it. Also I have PowerMac 3 feet from the base on an Extreme Card and it doesn't get the drop outs. I keep my laptop in the dining room and never seen a connection drop. I saw there was a fix on MacFixit but I don't have an account. Hopefully someone with an account or knows what to do will have a response.

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    Please help me out here. I'm a freelance camera operator w/ a Canon XL2 and several times now I've gotten calls from the editors saying they're having problems logging my footage, mainly the audio drops out quite a bit, and I'm not talking bout one second for every 2 or 3 minutes. No. It's like every 10 seconds the audio drops in and out.
    What's the deal? Two times the guy was using a Panasonic DVX-100A to capture, another time it was a SONY DSR mini-DV deck. With each incident I had to go over with my XL2 and use it as the capture device, which is a pain.
    The program they're using is FCP HD or 5. But I think even when they just play the tape in their Sony or Pany cameras, the audio may still suck.
    Help me out here, I can't be the only one with this problem.

    Well Robert Swanson, I hope my post wasn't taken offensively, it certainly wasn't meant as such. The only Canon camcorder I owned was the GL1. After switching to Sony's I can honestly say it would take something significant to go back. And, I was merely relating my experiences in trying to capture from other Canon camcorders so that I know where you are coming from. However, I am interested in the HVX being the "noisest" camera on the market. I am seriously considering this camera and would be interested in a review that points this out. I would be using the hard drive recorder instead of P2 cards.

  • SCCM remote control keeps dropping out when another network adaptor loses connection

    Hey guys,
    Hopefully someone will be able to help me out
    at work, we are running SCCM 2012, and I use SCCM 2012 config manager to manage the clients etc
    We have a particularly annoying issue with SCCM remote control; it constantly drops out when a network connection on the client machine disconnects or changes state, even if its not interface I'm remote controlling through
    Here's an example for you:
    a laptop with a wired, and wireless connection:
    I remote control the machine through the wired network address (lets say, but if the wireless connection drops out (someone turns it off or it breaks) the remote control client will kick me off, lock the screen, and I have to wait 20-30 seconds
    before it will accept my connection again
    This happens with any network adaptor that's installed on the client
    Here is a copy of the logs re-creating this issue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/nu4w28d44xky3rg/CmRcService.log
    (I've edited it to take out usernames and IP addresses as they are publicly accessible)
    So my question, does any one know how to fix this issue? I see it uses WMI, is there anyway to get WMI to ignore an interface?
    Thanks heaps,

    This is going to be done by design for security reasons. If the network connect for whatever reason is down the pc will automatically be locked.
    Garth Jones | My blogs: Enhansoft and
    Old Blog site | Twitter:

  • Remote app wifi drops out constantly

    Just a quick question - When I use the Remote app on my iPhone the wifi drops out all the time. I'll open up the application, it works fine, I change a song, then after 2 or 3 minutes I'll go back to put on a different song and get the Cannot connect to iTunes screen. Also the wifi icon up the top of my iPhone isn't on. I can fix this by going in to Settings > Wifi and it finds the network, then I can go back in to the remote app but obviously this is annoying to do every time I want to change a song.
    I'm not using a router, just created a wireless network for my phone through Aiport on my mac. What turns the wifi connection off after a while if it's not constant in use, is it the computer or iPhone?
    What settings can I change so that this connection is constant? And yes the stay connected setting in the remote app is turned on.
    Thanks for any help : )

    I'm experiencing the same problem. I recently got the latest gen Apple TV. I couldn't believe the instability of the Remote app's connection to the Apple TV.
    Prior to the new ATV, I used a Mini and Front Row and the previous version of the Remote app worked flawlessly. Once connected, I could lock my phone and come back to it periodically and it was always connected in would respond near instantly.
    Now unfortunately, every time I lock the phone the remote app loses the connection and I have to wait for it to find the ATV, restore the connection, load the library. It's maddening. I mean the AirPlay stuff is great but a stable consistent connection is the foundation to everything.

  • Audio dropping out during playback in timeline

    Hey everyone,
    I've dug through these forums and unless I just completely overlooked it I have not found a solution to this issue. I've listed my setup below and then have stated the issue I'm experiencing.
    27-inch, Mid 2011 iMac
    3.4 GHz Intel Core i7
    16GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    AMD Radeon HD 6970 1024MB
    Running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.5 (11G63)
    Currently working off of a portable 1TB G-Technology G-DRIVE via FW800.
    Working in Premiere Pro CS6 Version 6.0.2
    Editing in a sequence with settings:
    1920 x 1080 23.976fps (also tried in a 29.97fps timeline with same issue)
    Working with footage that is 23.98fps
    Working with a combination of ProRes 422 (LT) and native H.264 Quicktime files strait from a 5D Mark 3.
    The issue I'm having is during playback the audio will competely drop out. The video will continue playing on just fine but the audio drops completely out. All audio levels drop as well in the audio mixer meters so it truly is losing all communication with my audio layers in the timeline.
    I read in other forums to go into Finder and delete out the .caf files, re open Premiere Pro, wait for them to be recreated then carry on. I tried this approach with no luck. Deleting the .caf did not change anything. Audio is still dropping out as I try to play through my timeline. The only way to get the audio back is to pause then press play again. I have 5 total channels of audio with only 2 of those channel active.
    Any ideas on what is happening would be greatly appreciated. This is incredibly frustrating have to export out a video just to be able to watch it through.

    Having this annoying problem also.  Using the Space Bar to play timeline it takes pressing and holding to a count of three or trying press play three time in a row using the space bar to get ungarbled audio, or any audio at all in a normal uncomplicated sequence on the timeline.
    Really annoying.  Audio used to be so simple and untaxing to a sequence.
    Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014.1 release
    8.1.0(81) Build
    OSX 10.8.4
    40 GB RAM
    G Raid G Speed Q w/ ESATA connection
    1920x1080 29.97 Progressive Scan Sequence
    Apple PRoRes 422
    12 channels of audio/ only 2 of 12 monitored.
    1/2 resolution on Program monitor

  • Internet Connection Sporadically Drops Out

    This problem has been ongoing for several months now.  Usually one or more times a day the internet connection will drop out, usually for a few minutes at a time.  Sometimes I get the yellow triangle in the taskbar, other times I don't.  I've gone back and forth with customer service several times.  Earlier this week they replaced my router to no avail.  They now tell me there are no connection drops or errors in the event logs and have tried to blame my computer/NIC.  I explained to them that it's not the connection between my NIC and the router that is breaking, but rather the connection between the router and the internet, or the connection between the router and the FiOS box.  Either way it's on the other side of the router.  I don't know why it doesn't show up in the event logs, but it is just about a daily occurrence.  So far the haven't even offered to sent a tech out.  I've gone back and forth like four or five times now, and I know the customer service reps are just trying to help, but so far it hasn't done any good.  The issue obviously needs to be escalated, so I figured I'd try here first.  Does anyone have any ideas on what the problem might be?  Has anyone else ever experienced this problem and been told there's no flags or errors in the event logs?  Thank you for your help.

    Hi Munich2013,
    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you. Please go to your profile page for the forum and look at the top of the middle column where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under "My Support Cases" you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis, as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe". Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

  • As Requested New Thread DSL low speeds and drop outs ref: Anthorny Verizon.

    Please see post by Jerrold concerning the form for information requested, I have never been able to fill this out. Note also I had to sign in three times just to access your private letter to me today.
    Here is a summary of problem:
    When my line was first installed line speed was always between 9 to 12 Mps, which is fine for a 15 Mps line, sometimes would even go higher, so line was ok.
    In October 2012 my line speed dropped to about 5 to 7 Mps, I contacted support and repairs were attemped, but did not correct the problem in fact problem became worst.  My line speed dropped to about 2 to 3 Mps.
    Now from October to end of November, all repairs did not correct problem.  I was told by chat tech support that the problem was being worked on and there was an open ticket.
    In December my line speed returned to normal speed was between 9 to about 13 Mps.  No one had contacted me about this so I again contacted chat tech support who said my line had been fixed and there were no open tickets so have a nice day.  I accepted this at face value and accepted that my line was now ok.
    In January 2013, My line speed dropped again to 2 to 3 Mps.  I contacted chat tech support who tested line and put in a repair request.  No one had responded back to me and a week later my line started to drop in and out losing the connection completely.  I again contacted tech support who told me they had no open tickets on my account, they tested line and while we were talking on voice connection my phone started to have heavy static, both my DSL and Phone dropped out at that point.  Tech support called me back and said he was putting a repair request and that my line had problems. That night Tuesday January 29 my Phone and DSL both died, no dial tone on phone and DSL showed only power light on.  Contacted tech support by a friends cell phone and informed them of this, was told ok it would be fixed by open ticket for next day.
    Repair was to be made on Wednesday January 30, no one showed up, called tech support and told repair would be made on Thursday.  Thursday late repair person showed up around 4:30 or 5:00pm, landlord gave access to building.  I did not know they were here at all, when he told me( my landlord) I tested my DSL and found it running at 1.7 Mps or below that.  When I attempted to call tech support found my phone was still dead, no dial tone at all.  Contacted chat tech support who told me ticket was still open and would be fixed by Friday, or Monday.
    On Monday, phone still dead, DSL running at 1.7 Mps contacted chat support who had me take a phone to the junction box outside of building, plugged in two phones to this no dial tone at junction box (both phones work ok checked using a neighbors phone jack)  should note that on the outside of building there are two junction boxes, but one has lock on it so could not use that one.  Anyway told that DSL could not be fixed until phone is repaired.  Tried contacting phone repair and all I get is auto wait then line drops using a neighbors phone and pay phone my is dead.
    Tuesday again contacted chat support now told to bad, until phone is fixed cannot help me ( was'nt that suppose to be done in first repair, fix phone and DSL given both were reported dead).
    So why am I upset well look at history I now sit with No Phone service, DSL running way below what I pay for and a tech support who has said to bad not our problem.  I also do not want to hear that my line does not and cannot support the speed I pay for ( it has shown to support that speed at beginning of install up to October and again in December).
    Well anyway your letter did not say where to start new thread should I do that here, or in open forum?
    Oh, auto phone repair has given me a date for phone service as this Friday, I hope that at least gets done I cannot contact them any other way it seems.
    You may also ref: my thread on ping rates over 600 on long distants calls for any other history, but as per your request here is new thread.  Please note as of today I have No Phone so can only be contacted by email or here.  Untill phone is repaired that's all there is.

    Please go to your profile page for the forum by clicking on your name, and look in the middle towards the bottom where you will find an area titled "My Private Support Cases".
    There you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer that solved your issue as the accepted solution.

  • Airport Extreme dropping out and can't connect PC anymore

    Suddenly, a couple of weeks ago, my internet connection dropped in the middle of surfing. I couldn't reconnect, Airport was only seeing the base station spasmodically and when I did try to connect I was being asked for a password which wasn't recognised. Hours later I called the support line and was advised to do a hard reset which I did, new name, same password. Now I'm reconnected most of the time, but it has dropped out a few times and the signal seems generally weaker. Something's not right.
    I had not at that point done the July 1st update so it's not to do with that. I haven't a clue why it suddenly started playing up so strangely. (Though I have noticed a new unsecured wireless network in range and wondered if someone was 'hacking')
    My main problem is that my business partner, who connects through a pc here (who remained connected incidentally when I first lost the connection) and continued to be able to connect until I did the hard reset. Now I can't connect that pc to the airport extreme. It sees it but gives an error message saying it's out of range and refresh the list when I try to connect. I fiddled about for hours. I've forgotten how the pc was set up in the first place and I'm going nuts. Can anyone help.

    Disappointed not to see any help on this one.
    If it helps anyone out there to help me, I just uploaded the Airport Utility Software to the pc, typed in base station ID and password. Error message, check network connections. No help.
    Try to connect the pc again the usual way from the list of available networks, it asks for password, I use it, then it says it needs to be 5 or 10 ASCII characters or 20 hexadecimal.
    What I don't understand is that everything was working fine on both machines until two weeks ago when my base station went into spasm, dropped me but happy with pc, when I did the hard reset, keeps me, won't allow pc to connect.
    I just don't know what to do now. Of course I suppose I could always make a call and pay £35 to have an apple technician tell me why their hardware suddenly screwed up for no apparent reason.
    Seriously frustrated

  • BT Infinity Hub 3 slow to load pages and drops out...

    Hi can anyone help, I have had Infinity option2 for less than a month and it has not work properly since it was installed,
    done all the around the houses with help from India and they have thanked me for my patience and acknowledge there
    is a fault which they say they have fixed, but it's getting worse.
    When I do a speed test I get 36Mb down and 8Mb up, great but when I am loading websites they usually take a long time to load and frequently drop out, when I hit the diagnose connection they usually load. I also cannot send or sometimes receive email from my accounts, with server error fault messages also my webcam does not work I can here them but they cannot here me, never had these problems with my previous ISP on only 8Mb.
    Thank you, getting desperate now!

    Mate, I feel your pity as, although I've only had Infinity for 4 days, I'm having the exact same problem and NEVER had this issue in the 4 years I was on BT Total Broadband.  To summarise:
    Day 1 - Everything worked perfectly
    Day 2 - Internet would not load one single page
    Day 3 - Working perfectly again
    Day 4 - Most pages load, albeit VERY slow
    BT India have told me that I have a fault in my line and an engineer will call me back in the next 24/48 hours.  Apparently I was the first person on my cabinet to have Infinity installed so I'm guessing I'm the guinea pig!!!
    You won't get to ride the racehorse...until you've ridden the mule.... - RogerB 13/04/2010

  • I bought a WRT320N Linksys router and keeps dropping out

    I bought a Linksys WRT320N Router about 2 weeks ago. I am very upset that I did not take time to do my home work before I got screwed. I brought the router home and connected it. I am pretty familiar with networking these routers, I had the thing connected for about an hour, everything going good and then my wireless dropped out, my son started complaining he could not get his playstation 3 to work over the net, and then I did a speed test for the internet speed. I got 1 MB/s (Normally I am pegging around 30 MB/s, which is like flying, at least for me.) I was waiting for about 40-60 seconds for my homepage to come up. Disconnected my router from the computer and plugged direct into the modem and found I was still pegging 30 MB/s. Plugged back into the router and sure enough I was at 1 MB/s.I reset the router and charged on. The next day, same thing. So I called Linksys and told them what was going on. Well for one, the person on the other end of the line did not know about routers, I do not think she could even pronounce router if she tried. I spent 1.5 hours on the phone with her. After it was all done and over with her reply was " When it happens again, call us" . Oh yea, I want to spend another hour on the phone going through reset this, reset that. I already have done that.
              Anyway, I got on this post and looked up my router thinking you guys may have better ideas than linksys, and of course you did. I read that these routers are overheating. So I connected a fan to the bottom of the router and I have air being sucked through the router cooling it down. So far it works okay. I went 1 week and 2 days before I had to reset. I connected a themometer to the case of the router and what did you know without the fan the router was running around 100 degrees F, the router was hanging in the air so it had plenty of ventilation. If the case is 100 deg. F, the insides must be frying. When I have the fan running the temperature of the case stays at room temperature or just a degree above. It must work some because I was going from resetting everyday to resetting every 1.5 weeks. I will keep you apprised of how the router is doing. I just have to say, Never again will I buy a linksys product. I will buy another brand until the engineers at linksys can figure out how to correct the router they have out there.
    (Mod note: Edited for guideline compliance. Thank you.)
    Message Edited by Vince_02 on 04-24-2009 12:18 PM

    It is not possible that all WRT320N Wireless router's would act same, maybe the router you bought went bad, you should replace the router with the same model and that should resolve all your issues...

  • My Apple TV drops out when my iMac isn't connected to wifi yet my TV is connected to wifi.  Also having issues with losing settings on Home Sharing as well.  How do I fix these issues?

    Whether I'm watching a movie purchased via my Apple TV or a movie stored on my iTunes app on my iMac I'm having constant issues with Apple TV either cutting out (randomly - not related to wifi) or not being able to access the 'My Computer' files when my iMac drops out the wifi connection because its in power saving mode.  I also have issues with 'Home Sharing' settings having to be reset and sometimes having to unplug the Apple TV power cord and plugging it back in to be able to successfully reset these settings so I can get back to watching whatever it was I was viewing on Apple TV.  My TV is connected to wifi as well so I'm wondering if there are any changes I can make in the settings of both my Apple TV and iMac or TV so that I can just select whatever it is I want to watch and be able to watch the entire movie or episode without it dropping out or having to keep flicking the mouse on the iMac to keep the computer connected to wifi?  I love Apple products generally but Apple TV is proving to be a pain in the a**e lately.  Hopefully someone can help me sort these issues out

    Intermittent issues will point to a local network/wifi issue.
    Reboot ATV and router, make sure both are up to date
    Try ethernet
    The home sharing connection will cut out if the iMac goes to sleep.

  • I have copied my iTunes library onto a new computer, but when I play back the songs there seems to be random "miss" or "drop out".  No probs with old computer, just the new one.  I'm onto my third new computer - same problem.  Any suggestions please?

    I have copied my iTunes library onto a new computer, but when I play back the songs using the new computer, there seems to be random "miss" or "drop out" during play back, similar to a small scratch on a vinyl record.  Although when I play the same song over again, the "miss" occurs in a different location during the song.  No probs with old computer, just the new one.  I'm onto my third new computer - same problem.  Any suggestions please?

    You don't say which version of iTunes you are using, but the symptoms you describe have been encountered by some users with the 64-bit version of iTunes 12.1.
    There is an alternative version for 64-bit editions of Windows here:
    iTunes 12.1 for Windows (64-bit — for older video cards)
    that seems to address the most of the playback issues that some users have been reporting with the full 64-bit version of - including problems with Bluetooth speakers where either sound is degraded or completely absent.  The alternative installer here is the same architecture as most previous "64-bit" versions of iTunes, i.e., a 32-bit application with a 64-bit installer.  The "for older video cards" label appears to be something of a misnomer as some people have reported that this corrects problems found on current / high-spec systems.
    Some users have reported that after installing this alternative version it is necessary to adjust the "Play audio using" selection (normally to "Direct Sound" rather than "Windows Audio Session", though this may vary based on your audio hardware/drivers) in Edit > Preferences > Playback to restore glitch-free audio (one part of the reported symptoms is that the "Direct Sound" choice isn't available, usually in Windows 8).  It may also be necessary to ensure that your Bluetooth speakers are active and selected as the default audio device before you run iTunes.
    If this doesn't address the issue, you may want to think about reverting to iTunes 12.0 - see Turingtest2's notes on Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for steps needed to completely remove all installed iTunes components, and for links to the 12.0 installers.

  • Single letters dropping out in PDFs exported from Indesign CS

    We are having font issues in some of our magazine's advertisements which proved very costly last month. First let me describe the work flow.
    We designed an ad in Indesign CS then exported it using the press setting in Indesign's PDF export option. Here the ad looked and printed fine. The ad was then placed in another Indesign file which was for the layout of one of our magazines. Here the ad still looked fine on screen and when printed out from Indesign. This next step is where the font issue occurs.
    When we export the the final magazine's press ready Indesign file, through the PDF press setting in Indesign again, single letters in these problem ads drop out. For example all of the Ds' in the entire ad will be missing. So a sentence in the ad that read "Dirt is Dark" will read " irt is  ark." 
    I am wondering if anyone else has had this problem occur and if they have a solution. The only thing I can think of is in the compression settings there is an option to compress text and line art. We are going to try to uncheck that box to see if it fixes the problem.
    Thank you for you help,

    I realized, of course, that it does make a difference. If you don't have the fonts on your system, a frequent issue with incoming ads, you couldn't embed the full font at all. You need to be sure that ads generated in CS have fully embedded fonts, not subsets, or risk dropouts. It will only happen when more than one ad uses the same font, but different glyphs.

  • Airport Express dropping out constantly so I can't print wirelessly

    I have an iMacG5 running OSX 10.3.9. I have a DLink wireless router which creates my wireless network that the iMac connects to. Also, as my printer as at the other end of the room, I have an airport express connected via USB to the printer so I can print wirelessly. Everything worked like a dream for about 12 months. Until recently I had no security on this network and although I was aware this was risky, I was reluctant to change anything because it all worked so well. But my paranoia got the better of me and I changed the DLink to WPA security. Ever since then, the airport express has acted very strangely. The connection dropped and I was required to do a hard reset. I did that and everything worked. I felt so smug that I had worked out a computer issue! Little did I know that as soon as I shut down the system the airport express dropped out again. I have since discovered that I don't actually need to shut down for the thing to drop out. It just does it of its own accord.
    I have contacted AppleCare 3 times and spent a total of about 4 hours on this to date. No luck. They suggested interference. However my airport icon usually shows either 3 or 4 bars and there is no difference when the thing drops out.
    The only thing I have learned is that Airport Express does not have to be reset all the time. In my situation, it is best to just unplug it, let it rest for about 30 seconds and then you should be able to see the thing in the airport admin utility. It does take a while and several rescans in the utility, but eventually it does show up. This at least means I don't have to constantly set it up to join the network.
    In fact, really it is a doddle to print! I don't know why people like to just go File-Print when you can go through the delight of getting out of your chair, unplugging Airport Express, waiting 30 seconds, looking at the dust under the cupboard thinking I really must get that, plugging the airport express back in, watching the light change from green to amber, to flashing amber, wait for it...wait for it...it's not happening....waiting...finally - green!. Back to the computer, go to Finder - Applications - Utilities - Airport Admin Utility, not showing up, rescan, not there, rescan, rescan, rescan, still not there, rescan, oh good, airport express is showing up. Now, go to Printer setup utility, delete the printer that is there, then add printer, select rendezvous, add my hp, OK......now I can hit File - Print.
    Has anyone got any ideas on how I can join the boring legions of people who are oblivious to the joys of printing my way?

    I am currently replying to this as it shows in the iChat Community.
    I have asked the Hosts to move it to Snow Leopard  (you should not lose contact with it through any email links you get)
    I also don't do Wirelss printing so I can't actaully help either.
    10:01 PM      Friday; July 29, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • I have a band video that I want to edit. In iMove 09, I could clip to crop or add a transition or both without altering the audio. In iMovie 11, the audio lower or drops out when I clip for and use a transtion. Is there a setting to preven this?

    I have a band video that I want to edit. In iMove 09, I could clip to crop or add a transition or both without altering the audio. In iMovie 11, the audio lower or drops out when I clip for and use a transtion. Is there a setting to preven this?

    Thanks for that info! Even in my time answering questions on iMovie Discussion Group, I never had a good understanding of when and how Optimize Movie came into play. I always would import as Optimized and Large Size and figured that was good enough. But knowing you got much, much more flexibility doing it the way you describe gives me a much better understanding of the different routes you can take into the Event Library.

  • Internet drop outs on my G5 since I use a wired router instead of wireless

    Hi guys!
    I used to have wireless internet at home (1 x G5 & 2 x windows laptops). Internet worked fine and fast. Although I couldn't get all computers into a internal network (for easy sharing files...), but that's not the issue now.
    Anyway, I have a new roommate in the house that doesn't have wireless on his windows pc. So, I connected all computers to a 4 ports router. I ditched the whole wireless thing because I couldn't get it working together with the wired router thing. So all computers are linked to the router by cable.
    Now, at first everything worked fine. All computers had internet and I even had my long awaited network so that I could share files at high speed between computers (mac - windows). Suddenly, I guess after a couple of hours, my mac started having difficulties finding the network. At times I have no internet, or it takes looooooooooooooong to load up webpages and sharing files with my windows laptop takes like 6hours for 3giga (which normally is done in a couple of minutes). My windows laptop has no problem with internet, no drop out no nothing, everything works fine (except sending files to my mac which also takes hours...).
    Anybody knows what to do?
    Also anyone knows if the following is possible:
    - cable comes in my house (WAN)
    - goes to wired 4port router
    - from the router 1 wire goes directly to a pc
    - from the router another wire goes to my wireless accesspoint which then would be used to connect 1 or more wireless pc's.
    - with all that, I'd like to have internet on all computers AND have a fully working network between all computers (mac and windows)
    Anyone knows if this is possible?
    Thanks for your time!

    The wireless access point is a D Link Airplus G+ 2.4Ghz. It has no extra ethernet ports.
    I also thought of having a wireless router with extra ethernet ports. But of course this would mean another cost... I was hoping that I could fix it with the things I allready own.
    But, nevertheless, there might be a little change in things as I just tried connecting with the second ethernet port on my mac. Haven't had any problems yet (+/- 10minutes). Am gonna try to send big files to my laptop in order to test the speed between them.
    Will get back with the results.
    Thanks for your help!

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