Dv import rewinds before end of tape

Everything imports fine and iMovie creates new clips for each day based on time stamp, but the import stops before the end of the tape - pretty sure its because of time code "breaks" (where the camera was fast forwarded past the end of a time code stamped / recorded region before shooting was resumed).
Is there any way to "force" iMovie to import until the physical end of tape is reached?

OK - update, with surprising result.
Setting to manual, clicking import made the capture go to end of tape, even getting past time code blanks; AND the clips were broken up by day. So it looks to like the only thing different between manual and auto is that auto rewinds to start and rewinds when end is detected, manual doesn't. Very strange.
Sidenote - to tell how long a bunch of events are in aggregate, you can select the events (shift-click for multiple), click on blank area in the clip library viewer, command-a to select all clips and drag into project window. Total time of all the clips will be under the window. Then just delee the clips from the project window..

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    You are missing two closing curly braces at the bottom of the package declaration. You need to close the package itself and the class declaration inside.
    package {
         import flash.display.Sprite;
         import flash.events.Event;
         public class bullet extends Sprite {
              private var sw:Number;
              private var sh:Number;
              private const _SPEED:int=-10;
              private const _OFFSTAGE:int=-10;
              public function bullet():void {
              private function onadd(e:Event):void {
              private function loop(e:Event):void {
                   if (y<_OFFSTAGE) {
              public function removeListeners():void {

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                    avatar.y = mouseY;
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                avatar.y = mouseY;
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    thank you for replying, but I probably didn't describe the problem properly ...
    You suggest dragging a clip from the event into the project and then creating a Still Frame from it.
    I cannot do this because iMovie will not import these clips *at all* - i.e., they are not physically present on the Mac although they show up on screen during import.
    Here is what happens:
    - Let's say I have three clips on my Digital Video Tape:
    - the first is a short, "real" scene,
    - the second was generated by pausing the source camcorder and recording this paused frame on the master camcorder for a few seconds
    - the third is another "real" scene.
    The resulting DV master tape (which I am working with) plays back properly on the camcorder: scene 1, scene 2 (a paused frame), scene 3.
    When importing this into iMovie, I end up with these files in iMovie's event folder:
    "clip-2009-07-02 01;55;37.dv" 34 MB
    "clip-2009-07-02 01;56;10.dv" 0KB <-
    "clip-2009-07-02 05;51;26.dv" 21 MB
    I.e, iMovie discards these clips upon import - so there is nothing to generate a still frame from.
    So I need to get around the import problem.
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    *The Tape:*
    Vis.TC, Keycode, and Audio TC.
    *Batch Capture settings:*
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    *The Device Control Presets:*
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    Message was edited by: JasonWeber

    Just to get you started, the DSR-11 firewire control protocol should be Firewire NTSC not Firewire NTSC Basic.
    Also, are you sure the tape is NDF timecode?

  • Premature end of tape?

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    If you turn the camera playback off whilst capturing, FCE thinks it has reached the end of the tape and gives you that message.
    Are you sure nothing is causing the camera to stop playing back?
    What Easy Setup are you using?
    You could try deleting the User Preferences as described here:-

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    I am unable to find any Easy Setup configuration that will allow me to record live. Any suggestions?

    Play your tape forward to a position where there is continuous Timecode and try again.
    As Ian suggests the correct _AIC Easy Setup_ is the only way to get HDV in to your Mac via FCE.
    Note: Your camera must be set to output HDV assuming it recorded HDV.

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