DV7-3165 battery won't charge

Hi my HP Laptop Windows XP DV7-3165 model won't charge when I plug in my power chord.  It hovers at 18% charged and has the message (plugged in, not charging). This never happened before and I tried looking at the power options menu in the control panel but nothing can get the computer to recognize the power chord anymore.  Any thoughts?

It may be worth trying the following.
First of all, shutdown the notebook, unplug the AC Adapter, remove the battery, and then hold down the Power button for a full minute.
Now, plug in the AC Adapter without the battery inserted, start the notebook, open windows Control Panel, open Device Manager, expand the entry for Batteries, right click on and the Microsoft ACPI Compliant Control Method Battery and select Uninstall - do not uninstall anything else here.  When the uninstall is complete, shut the notebook down, unplug the AC Adapter, insert the battery, plug in the AC Adapter and then start the notebook.  Windows will automatically reinstall the driver - see if this has helped the issue at all.
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Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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    Because it says invalid. Apparently, they forgot to put a "it must start with 6N"
    The website should say (according to the apple tech):
    Identifying your battery
    The affected batteries have model number A1175 and a 12-digit serial number that begins with 6N and ends with U7SA, U7SB or U7SC. To view the model and serial numbers located on the bottom of the battery, you must remove the battery from the computer. The battery serial number is located above the barcode. See photos below. Only batteries within the noted serial number ranges need to be exchanged.
    Edit, it says:
    One or more of your serial numbers didn't validate.
    Please check the serial number and try again. Or, in the United States, call 800-275-2273 between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. PST for further assistance. For other countries, please use our contact page to find the appropriate support number.
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    Reset SMC.     http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3964
    Choose the method for:
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    Battery Information:
      Model Information:
      Serial Number:          W00315PVCD3BA
      Manufacturer:          SMP
      Device Name:          bq20z451
      Pack Lot Code:          0
      PCB Lot Code:          0
      Firmware Version:          201
      Hardware Revision:          000a
      Cell Revision:          158
      Charge Information:
      Charge Remaining (mAh):          0
      Fully Charged:          Yes
      Charging:          No
      Full Charge Capacity (mAh):          0
      Health Information:
      Cycle Count:          1241
      Condition:          Replace Now
      Battery Installed:          Yes
      Amperage (mA):          0
      Voltage (mV):          12376
    System Power Settings:
      AC Power:
      System Sleep Timer (Minutes):          0
      Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Wake on AC Change:          No
      Wake on Clamshell Open:          Yes
      Wake on LAN:          Yes
      Current Power Source:          Yes
      Display Sleep Uses Dim:          Yes
      PrioritizeNetworkReachabilityOverSleep:          0
      Battery Power:
      System Sleep Timer (Minutes):          0
      Disk Sleep Timer (Minutes):          10
      Display Sleep Timer (Minutes):          0
      Wake on AC Change:          No
      Wake on Clamshell Open:          Yes
      Display Sleep Uses Dim:          Yes
      Reduce Brightness:          Yes
    Hardware Configuration:
      UPS Installed:          No
    AC Charger Information:
      Connected:          Yes
      ID:          0x0100
      Wattage (W):          60
      Revision:          0x0000
      Family:          0x00ba
      Serial Number:          0x00b61285
      Charging:          No

    Your battery has as much life in it as Ossama Binladen.  You need a new one which can be installed at an Apple store.  1241 cycles is more than one can reasonably expect.  Though you may operate your MBP with the power adapter, the performance will be slowed down by the OS until a new battery is installed.

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    You need to take it to an Apple store or AASP and have them run a diagnostic on your battery and power adapter. If either is bad they will replace them, and if it's not the battery or power adapter, then it's probably the logic board.

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    Elizabeth English, "G3 laptop battery won't charge up", 07:01pm Oct 27, 2005 CDT
    charge card
    PMU board
    power supply card
    logic board
    Has anyone replaced any of these (except the logic board)? I am curious as to ball park prices. I don’t think the logic board replacement price could be justified. But if the other cards are reasonable maybe.
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    Hi JPL,
    Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
    The machine does recognize that there is a battery(in both bays). I have tried a few battery measurement apps(x-charge and capacity meter) and they both see the battery. But they both say that the battery is not charging. Also no X in the menu bar.
    It had a tiny bit of charge when I bought it. (as indicated by the lights on the side). Butt wont run the Lombard not even for a second.
    I should clarify "storage" situation. I had been using the Lombard every so often but on AC only. Because the other 2 batteries had died and I assumed they just died because of the natural life that all batteries have. It is possible that the charging issue has was there before. I wasn't sure that I wanted to invest anything more into the Lombard so I had waited to buy a new battery.
    It is possible that it is defective. It is an Apple M7318 battery. I had been told by a few other dealers that these batteries were no longer available and they could order in a 3rd party battery. So when I found a dealer with an Apple battery I went right down and bought it. They are a reputable dealer.
    I even asked the guy a few times. Is it new? And he said yes.
    Unfortunately I don't know anyone with a Lombard or Pismo any more.
    One final note.
    Capacity Meter "tells" me that the battery condition is very poor. And that capcity is 0/4600. I assume that means milliAmps. Does that mean the battry is dead?

  • Battery won't charge at all

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    It lists the AC adapter is plugged in but says that the battery is NOT currently charging. So if it has 68% of its life left, why won't it charge at all? I have read many other posts and whenever someone says the battery won't charge, the advice is to condition the battery. But, I can't condition it if it won't charge. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

    There are several reasons that a battery that won't charge. You can isolate the defective module be swapping modules:
    - external power adapter
    - battery
    If replacing those don't work, it's probably the internal power supply.

  • Battery won't charge - no battery i

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    If the player hasn't been used for a long time, and the battery was flat, the battery voltage may have dropped below the point it can be charged. There are a couple of things you can try listed here in the Zen FAQ at?Nomadness.net. Jump starting the battery is dangerous so you do this at your OWN RISK. Lithium Ion batteries can explode or catch fire in certain circumstances.

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    This is turning out to be an epidemic. I have an ibook G4 800 and it started doing the same thing a couple days ago. I have another ibook that I charge the battery in, then put it in the G4. But the thing wont start up off just the power cord, and it wont charge the battery. I've reset the PMU and the PRAM, and this hasn't helped anything. 299 for Apple to repair it. But I do get free overnight shipping both ways. That was nice of them.

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